at or on time

There are 2 activities in which students are asked to complete the sentences with the correct preposition: at, in or on and write the words or phrases given in the correct box, paying attention to the preposition. Specific Time : Days & Dates : Period Of Time - years, months, seasons: at 2:00: on my birthday: in 2001: at lunchtime: on the first day of the school year: in a couple of months: at sunset: on 11/10/90: in the summer: at bedtime: on Tuesday: in the 1940's Example: I started working at 10 AM. This means at the starting time, not later. • There are spotlights on the wall. English speakers use in to refer to a general, longer period of time, such as months, years, decades, or centuries. • You are standing on his foot. ; The author's name is on the cover of the book. Prepositions of place and time (at, in, on) • Susan works in an office. – Choose the correct preposition from the drop down menu and form correct time phases. are the most common. Look at these examples: Jane is waiting for you at the bus stop. ; Jupiter is in the Solar System. Notice the use of at, in and on in these standard expressions: Prepositions in expressions of time. at, in, on – Prepositions in expressions of time – Exercise. AT, ON, IN AT: At always indicates an exact and specific time.. Click here to log in New account 4 million accounts created! ; My plane stopped at Dubai and Hanoi and arrived in Bangkok two hours late. This means that you weren't late or you arrived just before the event started. Task No. FREE Download. Days and Dates in October at 6 o'clock on Monday in winter at 10.45 am on Sundays in the summer at noon on October 23 in 1969 at lunchtime on January 3, 2001 in the 1800s at bedtime on Halloween in this century at dawn on Mother's Day in the Jurassic Period at night on your birthday English: At, in, on in time. ; I have a meeting in New York. Prepositions and Time. ; The shop is at the end of the street. JOIN our free club and learn English now! Log in! Luckily, we arrived just in time. Don't confuse this with “on time” which is another fixed expression. ACTIVITY SUGGESTION If your classroom has Internet capabilities, have your learners listen to the audio file below. ; The movie starts at 6 PM. • The church is at the end of the street on the right. We have just created another chart showing when to use the Prepositions of Time AT, ON and IN. If you're told to arrive on time, don't be late! Prepositions of time show the relationship of time between the nouns to the other parts of a sentence.. Common preposition of time: On, at, in, from, to, for, since, ago, before, till/until, by, etc. This is a worksheet for teaching prepositions of time at elementary level. ; Do you live in Japan? Prepositions and Time. Let’s start by looking at how we talk about time. ; Do you work in an office? ; When will you arrive at the office? Right Click Here to Download Audio - Save as MP3 File. Precise Time. Time: Approx 10 minutes. • When will you arrive at the hotel? 3021. at, in or on? • The Earth is in the Solar System. I hope you find it useful… UPDATE: This is the new version created February 2017… (for our video) You may also be interested in our chart about AT ON IN with Parts of the Day. Let’s start by looking at how we talk about time. • The title is on the cover of the book. ; The shop closes at 30 AM. ON TIME 'ON TIME' is a 6 letter phrase starting with O and ending with E Crossword clues for 'ON TIME' Clue Answer; Not too late (6) ON TIME: Arriving when due (6) Not delayed, as a plane (6) "Get Me to the Church ___" (6) Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for ON TIME The teacher told them to arrive on time. English speakers use in to refer to a general, longer period of time, such as months, years, decades, or centuries. Do you need help? Please arrive on time.

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