References. Web. His inaugural speech was much anticipated, because this was going to set the tone for his presidency. Obama’s Inauguration Speech Relies on the Rhetoric of Responsibility By: ... 2009. His election as the first African American President of the United States is profound and signifies a changing America. Persuasive speech acts in Barack Obama’s inaugural speeches (2009, 2013) A Rhetorical Analysis Of Barack Obama's Inaugural Speech 978 Words | 4 Pages. Barack Obama’s win for President in 2009 was a historical moment for the United States. Walker, Danielle. This article is the latest in a series of video speech critiques which help you analyze and learn from excellent speeches. I was not overly impressed with Obama’s first inaugural address four years ago. Rhetorical analysis in Obama’s inaugural address Presiden’s inaugural address,besides aiming to elucidate his politics and position, mainly aims to insipre and educate the public. Here is an overview of the main ideas we will share in our analysis of Barack Obama’s inaugural address from 2009. And I thought both his acceptance speech at last year’s Democratic National Convention and his election night acceptance speech were somewhat weak. Lehmann 1The following rhetorical analysis focuses on the speech delivered by U.S. President Barack Obama about his vision of a disarmed world given on April 5, 2009 in Prague. He was able to achieve this in the most stylistic, convincing and relaxed way. Altikriti, S. (2016). Nonetheless, studying the speech provides five key speechwriting lessons that can help us all be better communicators.. Rhetoric in Politics: Barack Obama’s Inauguration Speech 1016 Words | 5 Pages. Both presidents have used different styles and rhetoric in delivering their speeches, which have had a direct and indirect impact on the audiences. “Presidential Inaugral Address.” 2009. As a result of this analysis, this paper will argue that President Obama’s presidential rhetoric in his inaugural addresses differs from past presidents in that his rhetoric is more secular based and more inclusive of immigrants and minorities. Rhetorical Analysis The 2008 presidential campaign was controversial, emotional, historical and also amidst an economic crisis.Barack Obama’s victory marked a change in American society regarding race and politics. It is, therefore, no doubt that Obama was able to maintain his credibility in his arguments during his inauguration speech. In this analysis I will show what techniques Barack Obama uses to attain his intendedgoal. Works Cited. President Obama’s 2009 and 2013 inaugural addresses. Obama, Hussein. Obama Inaugural Address Rhetorical Analysis - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Obama’s inaugural address” Renewing American’s Promise” once again displayed his incomparable eloquence and fluency. Some will argue that Barack Obama’s Inauguration speech was not his most electric speech, or that it failed to deliver on unreasonably high expectations.. Free for the use of any student or researcher. Barack Obama's Inspiring Inaugural Address Chandni Patel, June Walter & Samantha Lewis Historical Context election day- November 4, 2008 inauguration- January 20, 2009 first African American President 2 million people attended people were losing faith in Bush's leadership and Notably, most of the speeches have spurred positive and negative emotions from both sides. Obama gave his inaugural address on January 20, 2009 … So I lowered my expectations for his second inaugural address. But I was pleasantly surprised. Rhetorical analysis of Barack Obama's 2013 Inaugural address.
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