I sat at my desk, stared into the garden and thought ’42 will do.’ I typed it out. The element molybdenum, atomic number 42, is the 42nd most common element in the universe. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. 42, split up, is 'shi' (Chinese version) and 'ni' in Japanese. The fact is, everything ever created, theorized, or conceptualized by this race, from general relativity, string theory, laws of physics, math, physics, science, religion, heaven, hell, nirvana, the known, the unknown, God, kardachev scale, black holes, dimensions, including everything fictional (comic book characters, … You could reply with 'everything's going good' or 'everything is good'. The Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein gets credit for pointing out that many classic philosophical conundrums are unsolvable not because they are so profound, but because they are incoherent. The computer gave the answer: 42. Buzz Lightyear’s spaceship in Toy Story is named 42. I've always gone with '42' | The Meaning of Life Is a Ham Sandwich by @IAmMarkManson, In the ASCII Language (computer language), 42 is an * or "Wildcard" Billy Joel tried to commit suicide. 86400). It was once popular among young Chinese to send '42' as a short message which stands for 'yes'. It had to be a number, an ordinary, smallish number, and I chose that one. This appeared first in the radio play and later in the novelization of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. She asked them to go back in 7.5 million years, and they did, and a huge crowd was waiting for the answer. Viking Penguin, 2003, p. 147, Okrent, Daniel. 42 is the number of ways to arrange the numbers 1 to 9 in a 3x3 matrix such that the numbers in each row and column are in ascending order. The book 42: Douglas Adams' Amazingly Accurate Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything (2011)[27] examines Adams' choice of the number 42, and contains a compendium of some instances of the number in science, popular culture, and humour. End of story.”. The proverb mentions feasting, wine, and merry-making as well as money. (Jan Luyken,1700 Amsterdam Museum cc 1.0, public domain) “The ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything is… 42!”. Suicide Is Never the answer. A helpful note before continuing on: Our visual perception reveals fifty percent or less of anythings existence. )", "42 is the answer to the question 'what is (-80538738812075974), "Ancient astronomy and the naked-eye planets", "In A Beginning...Quantum Cosmology and Kabbalah", "SCROLL OF THE LAW (Hebrew, "Sefer Torah")", "Mathematical Fiction: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979)", "42: Douglas Adams' Amazingly Accurate Answer to Life the Universe and Everything", "Lewis Carroll and Douglas Adams – Word Ways – Find Articles". Though fans are tempted to look for the meaning in the realm of science, perhaps its [sic] easiest (and most satisfying) to think of 42 as exactly what it is: a symbol of life’s inscrutability. written by bob hilliard and burt bacharach. ... Apr 15, 2021 [Answer] 10. In Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy we learn that the answer to everything is 42. Riddle is “The Letter G.” Explanation: In this riddle, the one who is trying to solve must read between the lines carefully. The number 42 is especially significant to fans of science fiction novelist Douglas Adams’ “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” because that number is the answer given by a supercomputer to “the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.” Booker also wanted to … Many writers on popular science, such as Fred Alan Wolf, Paul Davies, and Michio Kaku, have used quotations in their books to illustrate facts about cosmology or philosophy. When a decision seems urgent, we want God to provide an answer immediately. |You could say "everything's good" Put together 'shini' can be written in kanji as 死 … A feast is made for laughter, wine makes life merry, and money is the answer for everything. Ps: it doesn't have to be good it can great, bad, ok etc.|It means how are you/are things going good? What is the name used to describe a man who is given to "furtively" observing women undressing, etc.? The Earth was destroyed by the Vogons five minutes before its ten-million year program was due to be completed. (audio only) 1 Jun 2017. “The Answer to the Great Question... Of Life, the Universe and Everything... Is... Forty-two,' said Deep … Adams’s joke suggests the quest for any once-and-for-all explanation for existence is absurd and arbitrary. "REVIEW: Music, not problems, is focus this year at Disco Biscuits' Camp Bisco at Pavilion at Montage", "Watson Jeopardy! @ms0022105 if they're asking that in a coffee shop it either means 'how is everything going' or 'how is everything' referring to what ordered. No minimum threshold! As another example, Senator Ted Cruz started off his questions to Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch during his March, 2017 hearings with a reference to Adams’s “ultimate question.” Gorsuch answered “42.”. 'You and 42: The Hitchhiker's Guide to #DouglasAdams' Can't wait to dig in to this book of fan essays (plus one from me) on the work of the great man, with all proceeds to @savetherhino @WhoDaresPublish pic.twitter.com/2qUbrci5oU, — Ian McArdell (@IanMcArdell) May 17, 2018. The Answer to Everything, in fact, follows the growth of a modern cult-like group centered on a guru-like leader who spouts rather standard self-help-book "wisdom" and, initially at least, had no intentions of being followed by others. It was computed by Deep Thought, the second greatest computer ever. Step 1 : Introduction to the question "10. The owner of it will not be notified. Unfortunately, no one knows what the question is ♂️ pic.twitter.com/GJvmXyIGVk, — ESPN NOLA 100.3 FM (@ESPNRadioNOLA) October 21, 2018. When you "disagree" with an answer. When I am waiting with my arms open wide. Unfortunately, no one knows what the question is. Japanese American history: an A-to-Z reference from 1868 to the present. The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is a memorable phrase found in Douglas Adams' comic science fiction novel series The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, in which the number 42 is revealed as the metanarrative that holds the key to the meaning of life. The story is told from multiple points of … The answer, of course, is 42. Google also has a calculator easter egg when you search "The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything." that will help our users expand their word mastery. Phrases from it are widely recognised and often used in reference to, but outside the context of, the source material. Christ, the answer to all of the world’s problems has come into the world bringing salvation, peace, and goodwill. According to the novel Mostly Harmless, 42 is the street address of Stavromula Beta. 42 is the last natural number below 100 that can be expressed as a. Put together 'shini' can be written in kanji as 死に, which means 'to die'.hhgttg is telling us the answer to everything is to die pic.twitter.com/B9n4Cs3u6d, — Gary "鯨理" Illyes (@methode) August 13, 2018, Why Adams chose 42 has been the subject of much speculation, but in 2007, on a fan-based Usenet newsgroup, Adams put the many conjectures to rest: “The answer to this is very simple. Viking Penguin, 2003, p. 162, Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, an enormous supercomputer named Deep Thought, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends, "Sequence A002378 (Oblong (or promic, pronic, or heteromecic) numbers)", On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, "Sequence A054377 (Primary pseudoperfect numbers)", "Sequence A051867 (15-gonal (or pentadecagonal) numbers)", "Sequence A019283 (Let sigma_m (n) be result of applying sum-of-divisors function m times to n; ... (m,k)-perfect if ...; sequence gives the (2,6)-perfect numbers. Biblical Translations of Ecclesiastes 10:19. Bread is made for laughter, and wine gladdens life, and money answers everything. There are many ways we can employ the Light in our lives, and the darker life gets on the outside, the more we need to embrace the Light on the inside. The Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything? Unfortunately, no one knows what the question is. Here, What is the end of everything? [29], Media related to 42 (number) at Wikimedia Commons, Niiya, Brian. OK. Read more comments. The world's first book printed with movable type is the Gutenberg Bible which has 42 lines per page. [Instead of repairing the breaches, the officials] make a feast for laughter, serve wine to cheer life, and [depend on tax] money to answer for all of it. It’s 43. Due to its strong affiliation with online science fiction fan communities, the concept has been parodied and referenced online since the days of Usenet. Answers. In Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a couple people ask a supercomputer what the answer to life, the universe, and everything is. It's the answer to everything if you do. The hypothetical efficiency of converting mass to energy, as per E=mc², by having a given mass orbit a rotating black hole is 42%, the highest efficiency yet known to modern physics. The Answer to Life. Beware of impatience. In 1994 Adams created the 42 Puzzle, a game based on the number 42. Most likely, “money is the answer for everything” is simply an expression of folly. Imagine if he had succeeded no one would ever know of the "piano man". 42 is the sum of the first 6 positive even numbers. On Monday, I published Dark Days Ahead, and of course, the answer to darkness is Light. Justin Andress, “Towel Day, Douglas Adams, and the Real Meaning of ‘42’,”. The answer for What is the end of everything? Which Asian country has introduced a ‘sustainable development fee’ […] Its sickening that 77% of people think is ok. You dont know if things will … 42 is the sum of the numbers on a pair of dice. The descendants of Deep Thought's creators are upset by the numeric nature of the answer, not understanding what to do with it or what to tell the people who had commissioned the 7.5-million year … Thus, to calculate the Ultimate Question, a special computer the size of a small planet was built from organic components and named "Earth". The angle rounded to whole degrees for which a, In 1966, mathematician Paul Cooper theorized that the fastest, most efficient way to travel across continents would be to bore a straight hollow tube directly through the. It appears that it was not given to Douglas Adams to understand why the number came through him. What Lewis Carroll Taught Us: Alice's creator knew all about role-playing. Adams’s mysterious number even inspired a 2011 book, 42: Douglas Adams’ Amazingly Accurate Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything, by Peter Gill. r). "Yes, everything is fine" "No, it's not" "Everything is … computer: Ken Jennings describes what it's like to play against a machine", https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/New_York_Barrier_City, "Why the number 42 was hidden in plain sight throughout 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, "42: Neues KI-Start-up von Jajah-Gründer Daniel Mattes", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=42_(number)&oldid=1017727021, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2011, Articles lacking reliable references from October 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2018, Articles containing Afrikaans-language text, Articles containing Albanian-language text, Articles containing Bengali-language text, Articles containing Belarusian-language text, Articles containing Bosnian-language text, Articles containing Bulgarian-language text, Articles containing Catalan-language text, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Articles containing Croatian-language text, Articles containing Esperanto-language text, Articles containing Estonian-language text, Articles containing Finnish-language text, Articles containing Filipino-language text, Articles containing West Frisian-language text, Articles containing Galician-language text, Articles containing Georgian-language text, Articles containing Hungarian-language text, Articles containing Icelandic-language text, Articles containing Indonesian-language text, Articles containing Italian-language text, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Articles containing Kannada-language text, Articles containing Latvian-language text, Articles containing Livonian-language text, Articles containing Lithuanian-language text, Articles containing Luxembourgish-language text, Articles containing Macedonian-language text, Articles containing Malayalam-language text, Articles containing Maltese-language text, Articles containing Mongolian-language text, Articles containing Norwegian-language text, Articles containing Punjabi-language text, Articles containing Persian-language text, Articles containing Portuguese-language text, Articles containing Romanian-language text, Articles containing Russian-language text, Articles containing Serbian-language text, Articles containing Sinhala-language text, Articles containing Slovene-language text, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles containing Swedish-language text, Articles containing Tagalog-language text, Articles containing Turkish-language text, Articles containing Ukrainian-language text, Articles containing Vietnamese-language text, Articles containing Volapük-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Given 27 same-size cubes whose nominal values progress from 1 to 27, a 3 × 3 × 3, 42 is the only known value that is the number of sets of four distinct positive integers, 42 is the resulting number of the original. 42 is also ten factorial divided by the number of seconds in a day (i.e. Riddle is really a funny question. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. In Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy we learn that the answer to everything is 42. The fact that Adams named the episodes of the radio play "fits", the same archaic title for a chapter or section used by Lewis Carroll in The Hunting of the Snark, suggests that Adams was influenced by Carroll's fascination with and frequent use of the number. The order of the Israelite camp in the wilderness. Adams is widely known for penning the incredibly funny science fiction novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, as well as the impeccably named five-part Hitchhiker's Trilogy, but he is perhaps best known for answering, in the Hitchhiker's Guide, the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. Some minds tune themselves only onto darkness, and we have to be careful about … With this in mind verse 19 shows us the attitude of the drunken ruler. One of the only two humans who had survived the destruction of Earth, namely Arthur Dent, pulls random Scrabble tiles from a bag, so to reveal information in his unconscious (Marvin announced that Arthur had the Question imprinted in his brainwaves). The game of cricket features 42 laws. 42 in Chinese reads sì èr which is very close to shì a (是啊) and that means 'yes'. After calculating for 7.5-million years, Deep Thought determined the answer was the number 42. The greatest computer ever built was asked what the meaning of life is and it literally told everyone in ITS language that "Life is what you make it". The Ultimate Question "What do you get when you multiply six by nine"[26] was found by Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect in the second book of the series, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Look what happened after that. According to the supercomputer Deep Thought the answer to the question of life, the universe and everything was 42 (in Douglas Adam’s Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy). 98 likes. Deep Thought, however, doesn’t know the exact question it was asked to answer, rendering 42 a completely meaningless response. Great Fortune: the Epic of the Rockefeller Centre. To the foolish, “it is money that is the answer to everything” (Eaton, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, 16:138). In Genesis chapter 3, the sin problem entered into the world bringing with it a host of other problems and issues. For instance, if users search for “the answer to the life the universe and everything” on Google, it provides: =42. Yet, there is a really important reason and methodology at work, which caused the number 42 to come through him. Everyone always wonders whats out there and what makes everything. The answer to life, the universe and everything. It is just given in simple words and can find the answer for this riddle easily. This page was last edited on 14 April 2021, at 08:50. If there is someone else. 42, in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, is the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything", calculated by a supercomputer named Deep Thought over a period of 7.5M years. This is not meant to be a formal definition of 42 like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is They're here! Still, many fans of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy hunt high and low for coincidental occurrences of the number 42. In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, advanced alien beings create a supercomputer, called Deep Thought, to figure out the answer to the so-called Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. Deleted user. 42 pops up as a clever allusion—and tribute—to Douglas Adams’s book in popular culture. The number 42 is the sum of the first two nonzero integer powers of six—that is, 6 1 + 6 2 = 42. Binary representations, base 13, Tibetan monks are all complete nonsense. Hint: It’s 42 Answer – Click on the 42nd “42” Read More: The ‘Kala Ghoda Arts Festival’ is organised annually in which Indian city? The fourth book in the series, the novel So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, contains 42 chapters. 42 is the answer to the “ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything,” a joke in Douglas Adams’s 1979 novel, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Once typed (all in lowercase), the calculator answers with the number 42. The more you let go, the weaker its hold will become, until you once again desire what God wants. 42 is the inspiration for the name of the 42 Center of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence, based in Vienna, Austria. For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/FN1Zd. He told everyone it was a joke. Deep Thought does know, though, that another supercomputer, known as Earth, was to be designed (by Deep Thought himself) to come up with the question in 10-million years. 42 is the number with which God creates the Universe in, The number 42 appears in various contexts in, In Japanese culture, the number 42 is considered unlucky because the numerals when pronounced separately—, Alice's attempts at multiplication (chapter two of, The White Queen announces her age as "one hundred and one, five months and a day", which—if the best possible date is assumed for the action of, "42" is a song from Mumford and Sons′ 2018 album, "42" is a song written and produced by hip-hop and record production trio, +42 is the historical Select Country for the former country of. The officials make a feast for enjoyment [instead of repairing what is broken], and serve wine to make life merry, and money is the answer to everything. 42, split up, is 'shi' (Chinese version) and 'ni' in Japanese. The solution is to bring that desire to a point of neutrality by surrendering it to the Lord. Do you love me, really love me as I love you. The number 42 is, in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything", calculated by an enormous supercomputer named Deep Thought over a period of 7.5 million years. When his friend, Ford Prefect, lines up the tiles, they spell, 'What do you get when you multiply six by nine?' The Answer To Everything. The Answer to Everything Lyrics: Don't ask me a mountain of questions / When there is only one answer to it all! Facts on File, Inc., 1993, p. 352, Okrent, Daniel. del shannon singingthe answer to everything. What is the name used to describe a man who is given to "furtively" observing women undressing, etc.?" 2:02pm on November 19th, 2020 2:02pm on November 19th, 2020. Everything will always get better. rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of 42 Throughout traditional media, on social media, in casual conversation, and other areas of culture, 42 enjoys use as a light-hearted allusion and in-joke among fans of Douglas Adams and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a comic science fiction series created by Douglas Adams that has become popular among fans of the genre and members of the scientific community. A feast is made for laughter, and wine makes merry; but money answers everything.” The contrast in verses 16-18 is clear; a country with a noble king who rules with sobriety and strength is blessed, but the country with a lazy and drunken ruler will come to ruin. 42 is the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything" in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books. Additional properties of the number 42 include: The number 42 is, in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything", calculated by an enormous supercomputer named Deep Thought over a period of 7.5 million years. *Everything counts! As determined by the Babylonians, in 79 years Mars orbits the Sun almost exactly 42 times. Lewis Carroll, who was a mathematician,[28] made repeated use of this number in his writings. When Christ came into the world, He came as the answer … The Answer to Everything. Great Fortune: the Epic of the Rockefeller Centre. A party gives laughter, wine gives happiness, and money gives everything! 'b' side to so long baby (1961). As noted in a review of the book on The Independent, there are 42 lines per page in the Gutenberg Bible, the first book printed with movable type. The Impossible Quiz Question 42 “What is the question to answer 42?”: What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? It was a joke. Redefine your inbox with Dictionary.com updates.
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