“We can’t save the action history from Telegram, and you don’t keep it. By the way, you can choose to make your group stats public or private, a feature that we really liked a lot. These channels are not interactive. It will send a link to your group’s statistics. Username change reservation (time before username will be available for everyone, not just the original owner) about 15-30 minutes. Limited functionality of the service is available from @TGStat_Bot. Telegram est sans doute l'outil de communication incontournable pour partager et trouver des groupes telegram et de l’information. The messages (pictures, video files, Download links, software, etc.) no, there is no official support from Telegram to do that. Telegram-stats-bot is a simple bot that lives in your Telegram group, logging messages to a Postgresql database and serving statistical tables and plots to users as Telegram messages. at least 50. timelapse. Home. Telegram: Contact @xprazeres. Telegram Bots are AI-inspired apps that can serve various useful functions. You can add more groups to the list below! Although the @PollBot bot slightly limits Telegram poll opportunities, setup rate and user friendly algorithm have made it quite popular among messenger users. Advanced statistics are available for channels with more than 500 subscribers. But there is a popular way to make money in Telegram, i.e. Views statistics, subscribers growth, forwards and mentions of channel Statistics. . This data of important metrics greatly simplifies the analysis in Telegram. Cependant, dénicher les groupes Telegram français où l'on traite de crypto-monnaies, de rencontres, de filles sexy, de torrent, streaming et autres n'est pas toujours simple. It is increasingly moving away from the classic concept of a messenger and is turning into a multidisciplinary application. List of Reasons Why You Should Consider Telegram for Your Business Telegram for Marketing. You can view beautifully-detailed graphs about its growth and the performance of its posts. Telegram: Contact @xpornovip. 1.6 million. Closed Telegram groups, as opposed to open ones, cannot be found in a search within the app or the Telegram dedicated search engine. Hindi HD Movies is the most popular channel on Telegram with 4.2 million subscribers. With the new “statistics” point, the problem will only get worse. We took a comment from Fedor Skuratov, creator of the popular Combot service for analytics and moderation of chats: According to him, BotAPI still does not have access to the list of chat participants and other things that are important for the analytical services, for example, Recent Actions, which greatly complicates the work of community managers and chat administrators, and makes them rush between Recent Actions and Combot logs , since the bot with all desire cannot make a single log. They have their metrics and analyzing capabilities. This is confirmed by the simultaneous appearance in the release of tabs for different types of chats. Average reach of a post (only channel’s own posts are considered, without shares); Average daily number of views (also without considering shares); Number of shares: how many times other channels participating in the rating shared channel’s posts; Number of mentions: how many times other public channels from the rating mentioned the channel under consideration; Number of messages (all-time, daily average, hourly average); Users’ activity (number of active users over selected period, daily average number of active users); Chat activity: the diagram is plotted based on message number and length; Relative activity by text length and content type; There are different platform types in Telegram: channels and groups/chats. Picture 3 : Using Telegram statistics before filtering in Iran and Russia, 2018 . Fedor Skuratov also spoke about the unnecessaryness of some data. Views statistics, subscribers growth, forwards and mentions of channel This allows comparing different channels with each other: e.g., to study competitors’ activity or choose channels for ad placement. Add a New Telegram Group. There are third party analytics like botan, you can get navigate via bot to your bots stats: Botan.io (seems to be abandoned) You can see an example here: analytics tool for your telegram Bot. So it’s a perfect [highlight]tool for admins and users[/highlight], because could be used in private or public. 3. ”. Telegram is an instant messaging system that emphasizes privacy. Telegram has few metrics to assess. message. Use Combot to analyze a chat. How to make money in Telegram. 4. You can sort groups by newest, rating or members. Telegram polls is easy to create with the help of a bot @PollBot . Bot will send a notification about poll creation while attaching a link and offering to choose a group for placing. It shows Telegram statistics: views, subscribers, shares and channel mentions. Number of subscribers to see statistics. This small but focused Telegram group focuses on the sale and purchase of illicit drugs and conversations related to narcotics. To browse through Telegram Group shared media, navigate to Info> Shared Media. It is a non-profit project gathering statistics for more than 14,000 Telegram channels. Telegram Channel Statistics. Moreover, when using the “Add members” function, the user who was invited to the top has a message box to report spam, which scares people who don’t want to sit in the “spam bath” because of people who accidentally clicked on a button instead of clicking on “cross”. I believe that bots will never have access to them again” – added Skuratov.
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