triangle movie explained

(Or did she? The Jess-3 shoots the masked shooter on top and causes a flesh wound on the head. And give. And she washes up on shore just quick run, in the shoes, from her house? She’s not accepting the fact that she killed her son and attempts to run away from the truth. Jess-3 feels like she is having a déjà vu and that she already been on this liner. Not sure if it means anything but it can’t think of an explanation for that. An amusing bit to think about is what Jesse #2 was doing when our Jesse was still the freshly arrived #1. We’d need some sort of clutch or something so we don’t grind the temporal gears! I agree with your final theory. Makes sense. For example, the death of Tommy, and this recurring horror of this haunted boat? You get the idea. She then gets a ride back to the harbor and the ferryman tells her he is going to keep his meter on, and asks her if she will be back. That is if there is a loop at all. I don’t think anyone has EVER agreed with me before! Meeno Paloma is a sailor, the sole survivor of a Triangle event that killed the crews of a Japanesewhaling shipand a Greenpeace raft. Blam! hahahaha. Try and recollect the conversation about Aeolus, the name of the liner. Where this will get really messy will be when we have offshoots, or variants of Jess2 or offshoots of Jess3… but maybe we’ll call those Jess2a, Jess2b or what have you. I mean, all her alternative reality selves that are killing everyone? Or maybe a movie map? When she goes to dump the bird she notices that there is a huge pile of them. This is when she realizes that in order to stop the tormenting is to get rid of everyone that boards the ship that is a constant resemblance reminder that she has killed her son. …Which gets back to the film ending. She can only alter the way by which she reaches the end. She says, “I promise”. Hey there. Can’t wait to hear your theories. HOWEVER, the scene of the accident itself, and trust me you have to actually be looking for this but it’s there…At the end, after the accident as the Taxi driver stands over Jess’s shoulder we see a shot of Tommy lying dead on the ground with a passerby kneeling beside him trying to help. I want to know at what point she decided or learned that if she killed the others their boat would come back around, which I’m not sure is even completely necessary because she didn’t have to kill the other version of herself for the sailboat to come back starting another loop. Okay, the loop has a start, right? There on the ship was several seperate loops that all feed into Jess wanting to go home to see/save her son. I saw a chart somewhere else, but someone had mapped it out and speculated that the Jess getting back on the boat at the end becomes the versions of Jess we did not see the first time through. Any preceding Jess’s will kill Jess the dress before she has a chance to change. This is another lovely mindf*ck movie that dares the audience to make sense of it all. And out comes a massive liner to their rescue. Jess has fears about her son Tommy. He was screaming mommy before the truck ever came into view. so much goodness in this one comment. Actually, it’s not fair at all, because The Invisible Guest is right up an Agatha Christie lover’s alley. Jess-2 kills Downey-4 with a knife and fatally wounds Sally-4, and she makes a run for it. It is also at this moment the driver says to Jess” There’s nothing anybody can do for him now…” This moment also provides the only chance for Jess to actually escape the loop (which is an infinity loop), if she can accept Tommy’s death (and responsibility for it), but she never will instead forever enticed to go back through the loop again in hopes of “saving’ Tommy, which she can’t). I’ve had this happen in a dream before. Look. Here is what I think of escaping the loop: At the end of the movie Jess knows what the loop is playing with her. I think not. Triangle is an extraordinarily complex setup, with a complex set of inner-locking rules that you think you are constantly breaking, but you actually aren’t. Jess-5 escapes, and Jess-3 (the masked person) chases. Then later her want to get home (“to her son” supposedly) outweighs the fact that she’s murdering the others; in her mind it’s a necessity and they’re expendable. Tackling the Bermuda Triangle and especially the fringe science myth that has surrounded it, is a challengingly big idea. When she “breaks” the loop the first time by saving Victor from herself she had the opportunity to kill the new version of herself but couldn’t. Yeah, I personally think that JessN  killed Tommy, and herself, in a car accident. And yes, 100%, it totally was a movie with a glorious pay off. Abduction revenge? The movie just shows us the never-ending loop in which Jess is stuck seemingly forever. This is her Sisyphean struggle. I mean, I was dead wrong about how the ending worked. Directed by Christopher Smith, Triangle is a British-Australian film that follows a group of friends on a boat trip that goes horribly awry. The Triangle makes the odd stylistic choice of occasionally using a split screen. What one has missed may be obvious to another, thus reading my or someone else’s comment may cover up any gaps or questions that others comments raise. Great stuff, keep it up! There should be no other dead seagulls! But for now we are going to keep the Jesses sorted and in an orderly fashion in this way: Jess1 = Jess-Prime = Sweater JessJess2 = Jess-Secunde = T-shirt JessJess3 = Jess-Tertie = Bag JessJessN = Jess-Quarte = Dress Jess. ~Why would dead jess be randomly wearing a different outfit to the one she wore ‘as’ she died..? Recap – Jess-2 is the shooter with a flesh wound to the head, and Jess-4 is the one who Jess-3 spares while trying to save Victor-4. However, I don’t think Jess intentionally killed Victor with the nail. 3 years ago. This is the nature of the loops. Also, love the Room 237 ref from The Shining in this movie wasn’t a simple Easter Egg but strong foreshadowing. Downey-3 and Sally-3 are blaming Jess-3 for this. First, Jess-3 intercepts Jess-4 and Victor-4’s meeting. “. This Jess is mired in the chaos of life and taking care of an autistic son alone. As such, she eventually becomes the masked version she watched get killed (as well as being the Jess who kills her). 63% Upvoted. The only way for one to reach an absolute conclusion about the movies plot is to read everybody’s take on the movie. hahah. She did drop the key and did (accidentally?) In the case of the seagull however, the seagull cannot be hit by her car a week ago because all this happened on the same day! And hears them yelling up to boat, “help us!”. Group-5 sees Jess-4 as the ‘someone’ on-board. Her quest to save her son keeps her existing cause it gives her a reason to go on – but not in a positive way. What I would like to point out here is that there are two loops of events: The story continues following Jess-3, who falls off the liner alive. Somehow the copies all have to die while the main trapped version cycles around and around…. This will only end if Jess accepts her death and that her son was killed because of her annoyance. Like Aeolus, Jess breaks her promise too. Or is the information from another Jess.) She cleans paint off the floor, messes her dress up. Sally-4’s signal is now being received by Greg-5, off-screen, who’s not yet hit the storm. With Melissa George, Joshua McIvor, Jack Taylor, Michael Dorman. shot him (we’ll get to who this Jess is later on). But whatever. She’s perfect. And always, feel free to point on the million things I missed in this way too long movie review! From outside, she sees the events of the morning in her house. Reff: Triangle Movie Explained. It is safe to assume that if you clicked the link, you have watched the film. Jess-3 is the ‘someone’ group-4 now witnesses on the liner. And Jess 3 Actually saving her son is also a part of the same loop which again, is a futile attempt from her side ( the nunber of dead sea gulls prove that). Jess-3 removes Downey-4’s body and writes “Go To Theatre” with his blood on the mirror. i understand most of it and thought it was a really great film and all but i have a few things that confused me. She says she would never…. Any surviving characters including seagulls are sent back to same day in one or a very small set of parallel dimensions. But early on Heather tells Greg, yeah, I’m not interested either. Again, the events of the even-Jess differ from the odd-Jess. Excuse my repetitive or incorrect use of some words but I’m not a native English speaker. I’d read your walkthrough some time ago and it was only recently I was able to make the time to sit down and watch it — don’t know what I would have made of it cold, but this is one to watch again and again. The taxi driver is death. My body falls to the ground and as it does my perspective shifts to another me looking on. Yeah, I personally think that JessN  killed Tommy, and herself, in a car accident. She is desperate to go back to her son. Jess-3 freaks out about the blood and wants off the liner, but Greg-3 intends to head to the theatre, and they separate. So I let him off the hook and told him he needed to read Everything is Illuminated. And theoretically, this happens in the Bermuda Triangle. Theory #4 is the correct one, and the time 8:17 has significance in explaining this theory. To be honest, I feel like nothing made sense to me in this movie because it was written and directed not to. Directed by Christopher Smith. Closed boxes. The existential perspective on Sisyphus (by “Albert Camus”) is arguing that Sisyphus is “a happy man” because he has a never ending purpose in his live. Greg-4 is dead, however. I think she loses her memory in the taxi and starts all over again. But pretty quickly after a storm comes up. Her selfishness is for sure at the very core of this film and explains many puzzles within puzzles in this enigmatic movie. I think they probably left the harbor right before 9. Nobody knew this but her and for this she is eternally punished. I believe alot of what you said actually I’m about to watch triangle again for the second time I really loved it I think The Sisyphean Gambit is right on the money honestly because she is in a endless loop I believe when they sip wrecked they either all died and was left in like a burmuda triangle type deal to constantly live something over and over again because it happens to all the other characters as well but another theory is she dies in the car accident to begin with and that starts the loop when she still goes to the harbor and what we see when she is standing there by the car accident is another loop of herself still not being able to change the outcome. We don’t know how many, but perhaps a couple of dozen. There for creating and causing her unending hell. These are all the actions Jess-1 would have done. The movie is his first full-length feature film, and he’s done a great job with …, Hi, this is Barry, and welcome to my site. I’m going to separate them into groups to help understand what in the blazes is going on. Once the ferryman (cab driver) came to take her to the afterlife, she could not accept her fate/death after killing her son, she asked him to take her to the harbor. The aim was to create a story where what has happened and what will happen is not clear so that the viewers will turn to theorizing and making what they want out of the movie (like in Mullholland Drive, Jacobs Ladder, etc..) However, they did a bad job at it, leaving a lot of things unnecessarily hanging and having a lot of inconsistencies in the plot. When she thought she’d escaped and saw the pile of gulls on the beach….her despair was palpable. hahah. If she avoids the car riding with her son, there might be a possibility to escape the loop. Explain one thing to me….why a red sweater when boarding the sail boat but blue when she’s on Aeolus? Great question. The taxi driver to the harbor is death. Jess-2 kills Downey-4 with a knife and fatally wounds Sally-4, and she makes a run for it. Like the movie Predistination… the sum total of that movie is that question you just asked. I love it and I loved reading all the comments here. Triangle is a reference to the Bermuda Triangle. Remember she gets ink over it just as the door bell goes? And then at the end of the first iteration when Jess (the one who survives) comes back to her house (also back in time) there would be “Dress” Jess and Tommy in the house. The room number with the sign, “Go to the Theater”, was the same number as her address, 237. you are really good at this. Also instead of counting every revolution ( in Ur case) as a seperate look, I think the three of them come together to form one big loop. As the two lead characters perform the autopsy, …, Produced by J. J. Abrams, Cloverfield Paradox is the third film in the Cloverfield Film Series. It is very very compelling. I get the ideal of not letting the new set of the 4 of them come on the ship but she doesn’t really try to figure out another way…. Whether it is pride, or having no one to turn to, she needs help she cannot get. The fight between Jess-2 and Jess-4 (the even ones) is different from the fight between Jess-1 and Jess-3 (the odd ones). Jess – Our protagonist and mentally unstable hero.Greg – The boat owner and individual that invited Jess.Heather – Blind date introduction for Greg.Victor – Down on his luck hired boathand.Downey – A childhood friend of Greg’s.Sally – Downey’s wife, but dated Greg in the 8th grade. I love this movie so much! The story is told from the …, The Lie is a 2018 crime thriller directed by Veena Sud. Could the Bermuda Triangle be another theory? Sally-4 dies from bleeding, Jess-3 and Jess-4 are alive, watching a new group of themselves come to the liner. but I agree with the comments that she is selfish and I actually ultimately didn’t like the movie because I felt like there wasn’t a real explanation and I’m not a fan of that. Awful. Nothing like that happens here. One was that there is a double loop (and there was a decent effort at an illustration of it too), A and B loops if you will. Other than this, the rest of the movie can be explained. She hears a doorbell, and no one is there. When she heads home, I personally feel like she rang the doorbell to distract her original self from killing Tommy. Also, one way Sisyphus is said to have tricked Death is by ordering his wife not to bury him properly, including not placing a coin for the ferryman to take him across the river, from one world to the other, and so Persephone is persuaded to return him to the River Styx. Click to see spoiler. Who is Jess-1 then? :( Which book did you read, by the way? Maybe it’s just a symbol for Jess working out the fact that she is dying and needs to let go. Or maybe the movie just wanted to show us how bad a lot of single mothers are. In the process, Jess-3 drops her keys. It is not an actual loop, and she does bend the rules, however the outcome is never changing. Let us away… and find out. This is something that possibly happened. Tommy sees Jess-3 outside the window and causes the paint to spill. Cheers mate, I tend to agree with your view as well, that the original Jess N killed her son and herself at 8.17am in the car crash, spawning a Sisyphean style death loop of Jess 1 etc which exists in another dimension. Aghast at what has just happened to the other me, and I run. She then drove to the harbor and got into an accident and died at 8:17 (hence why her watch and the ships clock were the same). Pull off the perfect day, kill the attacking aliens, and survive another day (Edge of Tomorrow). After this, Jess-3 sees Jess-2 being hacked to death by Jess-4. Maybe? I want to know why she believes killing is the answer, and why does she even want the sailboat to come back? This movie is brain cancer. I feel in that storm all of them except Heather die and that’s why Heather is missing from this never ending purgatory because she survives. It’s horribleness? The film has well executed time-loops and solid reasoning behind the nature of the loops. The number of bodies of dead sallies and gulls shows the real meaning of this movie…the Buddha once said if we count the number of times we were born and died this whole earth will be a burial ground..and all the people that we meet on a regular basis could have been someone’s we are all related to one the real mother and father in this birth is really not our own mother and are all alone in this world. That’s a pretty good observation. Just watched the movie yestetday and it blew me away. So let’s do this… Oh my good lord how I love this movie. – Jess kills her son and hides his body in the trunk of her car, which she uses to get to the harbor. And then she dies, almost immediately. Group-5 sees Jess-4 as the ‘someone’ on-board. Pointless toiling, over and over again. Also, is the movie you’re referring to called “The Invisible Guest?” I can’t seem to find “The Invisible Guest in the Room.”, But what does Sisyphus have to do with this movie? His love for movies and production has led him to write his well-received film explanation and analysis articles to help everyone appreciate the films better. So yeah… I’m a little angry about Mrs. Christie (Miss? She picks up a gun and heads to save the people from group-4. Yeah, that? I love it. Could it be that real Jess is actually JessN? Is that how it works, because if it does then in every subsequent iteration, we’ll get a pair of Jess and Tommy out of the loop (provided the “Time Travelled” Jess chooses not to kill the “Dress” Jess). okay, this is not ‘my’ theory but stumbled upon it online. I have seen Triangle three times now. The only time we are shown what happens at 8:17 is at the end of the movie, when we see “evil Jess” or JessN beating Tommy and treating him horribly. The actors from the future sometimes encounter the ones coming from the past just like what happened with Jess when she saw her past versions. Coincidence? I just watched the triangle and it leaves me confused so I searched for the triangle explained.Thanks to your theories at least I’m not so confused anymore right now.haha! The best part is when she makes it home and instead of telling herself not to go on the yacht she starts hiding and sneaking around again then kills herself too (?!). Is this the first journey of our protagonist? She thought everything before the reset was just a bad dream. The camerawork is appropriately composed and choreographed considering that a team of professional filmmakers with professional grade equipment is filming. Room 237 is from the movie The Shining … what’s that about? There is so much else going on here to discuss. The events of the loop are all analogous to the act of “. Again, the events of the even-Jess differ from the odd-Jess. Murder of Roger Akroyd. The Triangle is a ship that collects 5 characters and apparently seagulls from different extremely similar dimensions. Here, THE BOAT FLIPS.) This only means that other Jess(s) (the odd ones who survive on the liner) have been around doing the same actions. Jess wearing shorts, stands by and watches the accident, is actually dead, and is taken away by the Taxi driver who is calm and composed even after seeing the accident and the two Jess(s). Um, yeah, she never does work through the flaws of her life. The events of the loop are all analogous to the act of “rolling an immense boulder up a hill“. One of the things that bothered me about this movie is the character Heather. Once she wrecks into the truck, the scene becomes dark (indicating death). Jess-3 now goes ahead and cleans up all the bodies. You watch The Invisible Guest in the Room, and comment on my post, and I will watch your three part thingy. Hence, like everything on the ship, they keep accumulating (e.g., multiple lockets, multiple notes, multiple dead Sallys). No? Hanging back and watching? As I was researching for this I saw the deltas in the various stories and the complexities and just punted. In the case of the boat, we can see that the same loop could have been going on for a week, so that is possible. Jess-3 makes Jess-1 fall off the liner. She replies with “yes, I promise”, however she does not keep that promise. “Greg told me to tell you we should all meet in the theater.” She gets ammo, and dresses up like bag Jess. But Jess2 totally changes the loop! After she kills the reminders, she must go straight to the source and kill herself. All The shock of her son dying makes her imagine that her son is in school, and she’s come for a sailing trip without him. The most logical death would be while out on the sea. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Jess-3 sees someone running away and informs the group. So there you have it! spoiler. best. There she fell asleep and the loop reset, and wiped her memory. Come to think of it, where did this Jess come from? I may watch it again just to see if I can figure it out but from your review and readers comments it looks like this has been done by persons much more qualified than myself with no success. The Triangle is a ship that collects 5 characters and apparently seagulls from different extremely similar dimensions. Well, remember when our favorite cast walk onto the boat and begin discussing the name of the boat, The Aeolus? Jess replies with “I promise” We learn that Victor doesn’t like Jess because she seemed to not remember where her boy was. I’m not sure how this scenario went exactly when speaking of timelines, but I do notice that everyone is missing what I felt was an important clue… At the end before the car accident, Tommy actually seems to know the truck is coming before it’s actually seen…hence his crying. Thanks for the review, and thanks for this awesome blog, there are so many film here l have never heard of that am looking forward to seeing! I will number them group-3. This theory really isn’t a stretch. I first saw it maybe 5 years or so ago when I rented it from Redbox with my sister. Greg-3 and Jess-3 go around further looking for someone from the ship. The nightmare loop is still progressing. You can also subscribe without commenting. For example, if you want to shoot a video with a shallow depth of field, opening up to a f/1.4 may be enough to properly expose your shot. The insanity. If this isn’t your first time here, you know that we totally dig diving into cleverly complex films that get us to think… cause our brains to turn inside out, and Triangle is a perfect example of a fantastic Head-job of a movie that will take us a while to unpack and decipher. It’s rare you get a film like this that pays off its premise in a satisfactory manner, but this one really manages it. She admits during the movie that her life with her deeply autistic son was the same struggle day in and day out with no change if I remember correctly. Goodnight Mommy Explained – What Happened? Jess-2 tricks Downey-4 and Sally-4 to follow her into the room with the bloody mirror. She’s punishing herself – the only way to escape would be, to accept herself for what she did and stop trying to fix it by all means necessary. A knave, and swindler, that lived his life cheating everyone he ran across. Basically, I think it's about the Bermuda Triangle... Once they get caught in the storm it starts a cycle of madness that can only be stopped once everyone (including her) is killed. But I see it from your perspective too. But first, if you didn’t even know there was a movie called Triangle, I’ll be nice and let you watch the trailer, and then we are off to the races. Well, normally, I try to keep the suspense of the movie and reveal the inner locking tricks at the end in the theories section… but with this one, we open with an extraordinarily important line. Awful. Once she hits the seagull, it’s foreshadowing. She puts the dead Jess into a bag and packs it with other clothes (so there was a dead body in the bag in the first scene). I had no idea what to expect from The Triangle.. It was only after I chatted with Byrkit, the writer and director of Coherence, that I got a clue. This part of the movie is all about the punishment she is receiving … Now, if she wants to save her son from death, she needs to repeat the loop, complete the loop again till she comes back again to her home and kill the recreated Jess (who slaps the son, doesn’t have any idea of what’s going on with the time loop) carefully so that her son doesn’t notice the killing. Jess-3 spots Sally-4 and runs behind her to help. It also reveals a specific communication structure. Thanks from Kiwi land. Utterly. The 3 Components Of The Exposure Triangle Explained.

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