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Aboard the Plymouth Express train there is a strange smell of chloroform. Quelques jours plus tard, Florence Carrington est retrouvée poignardée à mort à bord de l'express Londres / Plymouth. Mason waited at Bristol for most of the day but Flossie never came back. Agatha Christies Poirot - S01E01 - The Adventure of the Clapham Cook - Part 02. furktava. Il craint que l'homme soit un escroc. –––– Poirot nepodniká v oblasti zbavování se … Art Deco Flats, Du Cane Court, Balham used as the location for Gordon Hallidays apartment. When the body of Ebenezer Halliday's daughter, Flossie, is found stuffed underneath a train seat, the wealthy American industrialist hires Hercule Poirot to locate the murderer and over one hundred thousand dollars' worth of stolen jew The Plymouth Express by Agatha Christie Part Two Poirot handed the letter back to Halliday with a bow. 50. The jewels had been stolen. Agatha Christie's Poirot é uma série da televisão Britânica que vai ao ar na ITV desde 1989. Agatha Christie's Great Detectives Poirot and Marple, List of Agatha Christie's Poirot episodes. POIROT: “I fancy, monsieur, that you did not know that your daughter intended renewing her acquaintance with the Count de la Rochefour?” HALLIDAY: “It came as a thunderbolt to me! When the body of a woman is found in a carriage of The Plymouth Express, she turns out to be the daughter of an American steel tycoon, Ebenezer Halliday. A mining entrepreneur hires Poirot to solve the brutal murder of his daughter and the theft of her jewels aboard the express train to Plymouth. The Plymouth Express Mladá dáma Florence Carringtonová ještě ani není rozvedená a už kolem ní krouží noví zájemci o její ruku. - Kaufen Sie Poirot: The Plymouth Express/ Wasp's Nest by David Suchet günstig ein. He next proceeds to look for clues along the train line. A group of six people, headed by the young Viscount Cronshaw, attended dressed in the costume of the Commedia dell'arte. BACK TO POIROT LOCATION INDEX . le dernier cours de bourse ? The UK edition retailed at seven shillings and sixpence (7/6) and the US edition at $2.00. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Ce téléfilm, qui constitue le 23e épisode de la série, a été diffusé pour la première fois le 20 janvier 1991 sur le réseau d'ITV. Note: "The" isn't treated as part of a show name; e.g. Lord Cronshaw was Harlequin, his uncle, the honourable Eustace Beltane, was Punchinello and Mrs Mallaby, an American widow, was Punchinella. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 23 septembre 2020 à 18:55. Screenshot from the 1991 ‘The Plymouth Express’ episode of Poirot (1989-2013) (2) featuring David Suchet 0:10. In 1951, the story appeared as part of the anthology The Under Dog and Other Stories published in the U.S. The cases of eccentric, but sharp, Belgian detective Hercule Poirot. In Gracie's statements, she had sought to draw attention to the clothes Flossie was wearing. Poirot is a television programme starring David Suchet, Hugh Fraser, Philip Jackson. Orient Express’, ‘The ABC Murder’s’ for Poirot and ‘4:50 from Paddington’ for Miss Marple, but starting with the first train novel, Poirot’s ‘The Mystery of The Blue Train.” The novel actually borrows a plot from an earlier Poirot short story ‘The Plymouth Express’. HOME M. Gordon Halliday, un riche entrepreneur, demande à Poirot d'enquêter sur un Français, le comte Armand de Rochefort, qui fait la cour à sa fille, Florence Carrington. Then the young lady takes a trip on the Plymouth Express, and Poirot finds himself investigating a jewel theft on the train. Later, when Florence disappears on her journey with the Plymouth Express, Halliday again consults Poirot to ask him to find her. Beide Romane spielen in dem gleichen Landhaus Styles. The Strand, London. In 1951, the story appeared as part of the anthology The Under Dog and Other Stories published in the U.S. In the next day's paper she read that Flossie had been chloroformed and then stabbed. An Australian shipping tycoon wants Poirot to check out his daughter's suitors. Start by marking “The Plymouth Express - a Hercule Poirot Short Story (Hercule Poirot)” as Want to Read: L'Express de Plymouth (The Plymouth Express) est un téléfilm britannique de la série télévisée Hercule Poirot, réalisé par Andrew Piddington, sur un scénario de Rod Beacham, d'après la nouvelle L'Express de Plymouth, d'Agatha Christie. They soon drifted apart and were about to announce a legal separation. Directed by. Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. It is soon found to come from a body under the seat - that of Mrs Rupert Carrington, pampered child of an American millionaire. Poirot and Hastings question Mason and she describes the man in Flossie's compartment as tall and slender but can't be sure if it was Rupert Carrington or not. 30:37. Japp makes inquiries into the whereabouts of Rupert Carrington and the Count de la Rochefour at the time of the murder but neither can be found. Regie von. An seiner Seite agieren Arthur Hastings und Inspektor Japp. Directed by (1) Writing credits (2) Cast (20) Produced by (2) Music by (1) Cinematography by (1) Film Editing by (1) Casting By (1) Production Design by (1) Art Direction by (1) Set Decoration by (1) Costume Design by (1) Makeup Department (3) Op de Balkan loopt de trein vast in de sneeuw en blijkt de rijke Amerikaan Ratchett vermoord te zijn in zijn coupé. The adaptation opens with a visit by Rupert Carrington to Florence in her flat, and the arrival of the Count at the 'Adelphi' (the Ritz in the story). Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. Un million de dollars de bons volatilisés,éléfilm)&oldid=174973471, Adaptation d'une nouvelle à la télévision, Article à illustrer Épisode de série télévisée, Portail:Télévision britannique/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Poirot is sure he is holding something back and finally Halliday produces a note found in his daughter's pocket from the Count de la Rochefour. furktava. Her wealthy father asks Poirot to find her killer. BACK TO POIROT LOCATION INDEX . View the full list of popular shows on The TV Calendar and add them to your favourites filter. From Poirot's Early Cases and The Under Dog and Other Stories. Sure enough, that is a sketch called A Thousand Travelling Acrobats— a Picasso drawing from 1905. AKA: Agatha Christie: Poirot, Agatha Christie's Poirot, Poirot. Permalink. The Plymouth Express: 4. Japp adds that one of the jewels has been pawned by a known jewel thief called "Red Narky". When the body of a woman is found in a carriage of The Plymouth Express, she turns out to be the daughter of an American steel tycoon, Ebenezer Halliday. Collections of short stories by the author can be found elsewhere. Watch Mystery! Zabít jinou lidskou bytost nožem je ten nejohavnější zločin ze všech. Poirot: "The Plymouth Express" (too old to reply) Ian Jelf 2006-03-07 19:04:51 UTC. One, Two, Buckle My Shoe (Agatha Christie's Poirot episode), A Murder is Announced First Edition Cover 1950.jpg, The Murder at the Vicarage First Edition Cover 1930.jpg, The Pale Horse First Edition Cover 1961.jpg, Endless Night First Edition Cover 1967.jpg, $(KGrHqF,!rcE rmghkkpBQBYv)0!yQ~~60 57.jpg,, 1923 The Sketch, Issue 1575 (London), 4 April 1923, 1924 The Blue Book Magazine, Vol. Poirot found this suspicious. Find movie and film cast and crew information for Agatha Christie's Poirot : The Plymouth Express (1991) - Andrew Piddington, Andrew Grieve on AllMovie Agatha Christie's Poirot (1989) - S03E04 - The Plymouth Express. Poirot seems so fond of Picasso that I thought I’d try tracking down that second print that’s behind Poirot’s shoulder in the Plymouth Express shot. Find out when Agatha Christie's Poirot is on TV, including Series 3-Episode 4: The Plymouth Express. The Plymouth Express; Detektív Poirot: Plymouthský expres; Plymouthský expres; Krimi / Drama / Mysteriózní / Thriller. When Flossie was speaking to her, Mason could see the back of a man in her compartment. Poirot - A Plymouth Express. Samenvatting: Poirot reist na een speciale opdracht in Palestina met de Orient Express terug naar Engeland. Hij krijgt via een oude kennis, de directeur van de spoorlijn, alsnog een vip-ticket. The Plymouth Express is a short story by Agatha Christie which was first published in The Sketch in April 1923 in the U.K. Poirot has already done some work for Halliday in the past and knows Flossie's background. The Mystery of the Blue Train is a work of detective fiction by Agatha Christie, first published in the United Kingdom by William Collins & Sons on 29 March 1928 and in the United States by Dodd, Mead and Company later in the same year. Agatha Christie's Poirot - The Plymouth Express Synopsis and Schedule TV Calendar. Krimi, Drama, Fernsehfilm. At Weston, Gracie bought newspapers from a boy and made sure he remembered her by giving him a large tip. Other Buildings Used As TV Locations In Poirot . "Poirot" The Plymouth Express ondertitels. Gracie and "Red Narky" probably murdered Mrs Carrington before Bristol. Hercule Poirot mène l'enquête. Then the young lady takes a trip on the Plymouth Express, and Poirot finds himself investigating a … Feliratkozom. Wichtige spätere Veröffentlichungen in Sammlungen. Darum geht's. Quick Filter - Add shows to favourites - View most popular shows. Das Geheimnis des Plymouth Express (The Plymouth Express) ist eine Kurzgeschichte von Agatha Christie. Es ermittelt Hercule Poirot. David Suchet v hlavní roli britského seriálu, natočeného podle literární předlohy Agathy Christie (1991). Permalink. A mining entrepreneur hires Poirot to solve the brutal murder of his daughter and the theft of her jewels aboard … Krimi, Drama, Fernsehfilm. Eddig 1192 alkalommal nézték meg. In the roles of Pierrot and Pierrettewere Mr and Mrs Christopher Davidson (he being a stage actor) and finally, Miss "C… June 21, 2016 July 5, 2016 / Kelly Klages / 10 Comments. Deutsche Erstausstrahlung: Sa, 01.01.1994, VOX. Saul Gome2015a. In the U.K., the story was anthologised and published as part of Poirot's Early Cases in 1974. David Suchet stars as the eponymous detective, Agatha Christie's fictional Hercule Poirot. Wichtige spätere Veröffentlichungen in Sammlungen. selon les conventions filmographiques. Gracie then threw the murder weapon out of the carriage down the line to establish the time and place of the killing. Als Running Gag wird Poirot von seiner Umwelt häufig für einen Franzosen gehalten, wodurch der Belgier sich ständig zu Richtigstellungen veranlasst sieht. Directed by. Missing out on domestic love: 15 moments of loss. The Adelphi Building, nr. David Suchet stars as the eponymous detective, Agatha Christie's fictional Hercule Poirot. AKA: Agatha Christie: Poirot, Agatha Christie's Poirot, Poirot. ... hogy a francia férfi közönséges hozományvadász. 1 Veröffentlichungsgeschichte 2 Handlung 3 Personen 4 Anmerkungen und Bezüge zu anderen Werken 5… This page was last edited on 8 May 2020, at 16:40. "Poirot" The Plymouth Express (TV Episode 1991) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Poirot - Express do Plymouth serial kryminalny Wielka Brytania 1991, 51 min Herkules Poirot (David Suchet) prowadzi śledztwo w sprawie morderstwa Florence Carrington (Shelagh McLeod), która została zabita w ekspresie do Plymouth. Andrew Piddington. I found this letter in my daughter’s handbag. The Plymouth Express: A Hercule Poirot Short Story (Audible Audio Edition): Agatha Christie, David Suchet, HarperAudio: Audible Audiobooks Japp is astounded but confirms these findings. A mining entrepreneur hires Poirot to solve the brutal murder of his daughter and the theft of her jewels aboard the express train to Plymouth. Agatha Christie. Poirot (also known as Agatha Christie's Poirot) is a British mystery drama television programme that aired from 8 January 1989 to 13 November 2013. - Kaufen Sie Poirot: The Plymouth Express/ Wasp's Nest by David Suchet günstig ein. (may contain spoilers - click on expand to read). By making the murder appear to have taken place later than it was, Gracie provided herself with an alibi since she claimed she had been told to get off at Bristol. L'Express de Plymouth (The Plymouth Express) est un téléfilm britannique de la série télévisée Hercule Poirot, réalisé par Andrew Piddington, sur un scénario de Rod Beacham, d'après la nouvelle L'Express de Plymouth, d'Agatha Christie. serial kryminalny Wielka Brytania 1991, 51 min ; Herkules Poirot (David Suchet) prowadzi śledztwo w sprawie morderstwa Florence Carrington (Shelagh McLeod), która została zabita w ekspresie do Plymouth. POIROT: THE PLYMOUTH EXPRESS. Synopsis. This short story, featuring Hercule Poirot, was first published in The Sketch in 1923. Elle voyageait avec sa boîte de bijoux qui a été volée. Agatha Christies Poirot The Adventure of Johnnie Waverly 22 January 1989. Mikor azonban gyilkosság történik a Plymouth expresszen, minden figyelmét az ügyre összpontosítja. This short story was expanded five years later into the full-length novel The Mystery of the Blue Train, with a very similar plot, but with names and details changed. She also described Flossie's clothes at the time of her death, which included an electric blue dress. POIROT: THE PLYMOUTH EXPRESS. Poirot’s suspects include her indebted gambler husband, her french adventurer lover, and her maid. Poirot seems so fond of Picasso that I thought I’d try tracking down that second print that’s behind Poirot’s shoulder in the Plymouth Express shot. A young woman is found dead in a train compartment and her valuable jewels have been stolen. Par ailleurs il est inquiet des relations conjugales de sa fille. Poirot - Express do Plymouth . Darum geht's. It is soon found to come from a body under the seat - that of Mrs Rupert Carrington, pampered child of an American millionaire. A(z) "Poirot - A Plymouth Expressz" című videót "Mothra code" nevű felhasználó töltötte fel a(z) "film/animáció" kategóriába. Poirot and Hastings go back to Halliday. Connaître les résultats sportifs ? Then the young lady takes a trip on the Plymouth Express, and Poirot finds himself investigating a jewel theft on the train. POIROT: THE PLYMOUTH EXPRESS. Poirot refuse en premier lieu de s'occuper de cette affaire puis accepte de s'y intéresser. View the full list of popular shows on The TV Calendar and add them to your favourites filter. Poirot: "The Plymouth Express" (too old to reply) Ian Jelf 2006-03-07 19:04:51 UTC. Seinen letzten Fall hat er in Curtain (Vorhang). Es ermittelt Hercule Poirot. Enthält: »Hercule Poirot und der Plumpudding (Variation I)« und »Das Geheimnis des Plymouth-Express«, gelesen von André Jung, sowie »Eine Weihnachtstragödie - ein Fall für Miss Marple«, gelesen von Beate Himmelstoß. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) Er ist ausnehmend stolz auf seinen Schnurrbart sowie auf seine kleinen grauen Zellen, die ihm die Lösung seiner Fälle ermöglic… The woman is later identified as Flossie Halliday, latterly the Honourable Mrs Rupert Carrington, the daughter of an American steel magnate Ebenezer Halliday. Pourquoi voulait-elle à tout prix acheter la dernière édition du journal ? At Bristol Flossie tells Mason she has changed her travel plans. Agatha Christie's Poirot - The Plymouth Express Synopsis and Schedule TV Calendar. The woman is identified as the Honourable Mrs Rupert Carrington, née Flossie Halliday, the daughter of Ebenezer Halliday, an American steel magnate who asks Poirot to … Art Deco Flats, Du Cane Court, Balham used as the location for Gordon Hallidays apartment. A young woman is found dead in a train compartment and her valuable jewels have been stolen. "Poirot" The Plymouth Express subtitles. The story about the man in the carriage at the Bristol interchange was a just a red herring. Regie von. She travelled by train from Paddington intending to change at Bristol for Plymouth. Aboard the Plymouth Express train there is a strange smell of chloroform. A young naval officer on the Plymouth express finds the dead body of a woman underneath a seat in his carriage. Filter 2676 Total Shows. I caught this this afternoon and wondered where the "London" and "Plymouth" terminal scenes were done. September 1974, Poirot’s Early Cases im Collins Crime Club (London) 1974, Hercule Poirot's Early Cases, Dodd Mead and Company (New York) A television film with David Suchet as Poirot was produced as episode 4 of Series 3 of the ITV series Agatha Christie's Poirot, first broadcast on 20 January 1991. Synopsis. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. 'Plymouth Express' later formed the basis for The Mystery of the Blue Train, a novel that was adapted for Series Ten. An Australian shipping tycoon wants Poirot to check out his daughter's suitors. Librarian's note: this entry relates to the story "The Plymouth Express." It is soon found to come from a body under the seat - that of Mrs Rupert Carrington, pampered child of an American millionaire. From Poirot's Early Cases and T An seiner Seite agieren Arthur Hastings und Inspektor Japp. Hercule Poirot: Plymouthský expres — Česká televize. Andrew Piddington. Her father asks Poirot to investigate. Er erschien zuerst im Vereinigten Königreich am 29. 1974, Poirot's Early Cases, Collins Crime Club (London), September 1974, Hardcover, 256 pp. Das Geheimnis des Plymouth Express (The Plymouth Express) ist eine Kurzgeschichte von Agatha Christie. AKA: Poirot Se03ep04, The Plymouth Express, Poirot, Agatha Christie: Poirot, Agatha Christie's Poirot Poirot continue son enquête qui la mène sur les traces de M. McHenzy, un diamantaire qui pourrait être le receleur des bijoux volés. Andrew Piddington. Großbritannien, 1991. A mining entrepreneur hires Poirot to solve the brutal murder of his daughter and the theft of her jewels aboard the express train to Plymouth. A mining entrepreneur hires Poirot to solve the brutal murder of his daughter and the theft of her jewels aboard the express train to Plymouth. But where is the murder weapon? En fin de compte, Poirot parviendra à déterminer qui, du comte de Rochefort, de Ruppert Carrington ou de M. McHenzy, a assassiné Florence et volé les bijoux. Find out when Agatha Christie's Poirot is on TV, including Series 3-Episode 4: The Plymouth Express. ON LOCATION WITH POIROT! Velká Británie, 1991, 50 min. Darum geht's. Der Fischer-Tasch… The Plymouth Express Aboard the Plymouth Express train there is a strange smell of chloroform. Il découvre que lors d'une escale sur le trajet, Florence Carrington avait fait du « raffut » sur le quai de la gare pour pouvoir acheter la dernière édition du journal. Agatha Christies Poirot - S02E02 - The Veiled Lady - Part 02 . September 1974, Poirot’s Early Cases im Collins Crime Club (London) 1974, Hercule Poirot's Early Cases, Dodd Mead and Company (New York) 38 No. The Plymouth Express is a short story by Agatha Christie which was first published in The Sketch in April 1923 in the U.K. Crime, Drama, TV Series. 31:55. Agatha Christie Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Der blaue Express (Originaltitel The Mystery of the Blue Train, frühere Schreibweise Der blaue Expreß) ist der achte Kriminalroman von Agatha Christie. Synopsis. A mining entrepreneur hires Poirot to solve the brutal murder of his daughter and the theft of her jewels aboard the express train to Plymouth . Florence est mariée avec Ruppert Carrington, lequel tente sans cesse de lui extorquer de l'argent. "Poirot" The Plymouth Express subtitles. 22. The Adelphi Building, nr. The story was published in the U.S. in The Blue Book Magazine in January 1924. Ojciec dziewczyny, właściciel kopalni węgla Gordon Holiday (John Stone), nie szczędzi pieniędzy, aby wykryć sprawców. The Strand, London. Agatha Christies Poirot - … ON LOCATION WITH POIROT! ... Na konci brutálny opis a nečakane aj detailné zobrazenie vraždy. Großbritannien, 1991. Find movie and film cast and crew information for Agatha Christie's Poirot : The Plymouth Express (1991) - Andrew Piddington, Andrew Grieve on AllMovie When Japp returns, Poirot immediately guesses that he had found the murder weapon by the side of the line after Bristol between Weston and Taunton and that he had found a paper boy who sold papers to Flossie at Weston. She later married Rupert Carrington who was to prove just as unsuitable a husband, being a gambling addict and deep in debt. It appears that the romance of the two has been restarted and Poirot guessed as much since Halliday was not pushing for the investigation to concentrate on his son-in-law, despite his evident dislike of him. The Plymouth Express - a Hercule Poirot Short Story by Agatha Christie Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. United Kingdom, 1991. März 1928 bei William Collins & Sons[1] und später im selben Jahr in den USA bei Dodd, Mead and Company. DuCane Court, Balham used in the Poirot episode 'The Plymouth Express' (copyright Joan Street) To see more blocks of flats in Moderne style click here. Hercule Poirot and Hastings call on Mr Halliday at his house in Park Lane. Poirot (also known as Agatha Christie's Poirot) is a British mystery drama television programme that aired from 8 January 1989 to 13 November 2013. Hercule Poirot tritt, als bereits bekannter Detektiv, zuerst in The Mysterious Affair at Styles (Das fehlende Glied in der Kette) auf. Poirot had done some work for Mr Halliday before and is not surprised to be summoned and asked to investigate the murder of his only child. THE PLYMOUTH EXPRESS. Poirot prefers to stay put and focus on the psychology of the crime. Quick Filter - Add shows to favourites - View most popular shows. Darum geht's. HOME From Poirot's Early Cases and The Under Dog and Other Stories. Il identifiera aussi le complice féminin du tueur en la personne d'une femme de charge de M. Halliday. Poirot and Hastings immediately go to Halliday's house and ask to be taken to a room on the top floor. Chief Inspector Japp asks Poirot to assist Scotland Yard in the strange events which took place at a recent costumed Victory Ball. The Plymouth Express: 4. Rummaging through a trunk Poirot finds clothes like the ones worn by Flossie when she was murdered. United Kingdom, 1991. He tells them that his daughter was going to a house party in the West Country. The Plymouth Express. Some time ago she was caught up with an adventurer called Count de la Rochefour but her father took her back to America to get her away from the Count. A mining entrepreneur hires Poirot to solve the brutal murder of his daughter and the theft of her jewels aboard the express train to Plymouth. One of the most touching … Její otec, bohatý majitel australských dolů pan Halliday, má ovšem obavu, že nápadníci mají zájem spíš o její majetek než o její osobu, a tak požádá Hercula Poirota, aby prověřil nejaktivnějšího z nich – hraběte de la Rochefour. After this, Gracie dressed up in clothes like Flossie's. 50. A young naval officer undertakes a train journey on the Plymouth express and finds the dead body of a woman underneath one of the seats in his carriage. Poirot természetesen nem akar foglalkozni efféle kicsinyes ügyekkel. The novel's plot is based on the 1923 Poirot short story "The Plymouth Express" (later collected in book form in the US in 1951 in The Under Dog and Other Stories and in the UK in 1974 in Poirot's Early Cases). Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. The cases of eccentric, but sharp, Belgian detective Hercule Poirot. Her maid Jane Mason traveled with her in a third-class carriage. Sure enough, that is a sketch called A Thousand Travelling Acrobats — a Picasso drawing from 1905. I caught this this afternoon and wondered where the "London" and "Plymouth" terminal scenes were done. [2][3] Die deutschsprachigen Erstausgaben in der Übersetzung von Ernst Simon wurden 1930 im Amonesta-Verlag (Wien) und im Carl Emil Krug Verlag (Leipzig)[4] veröffentlicht. I know that Marylebone is usually used at the London end and indeed it looked as though it could The episodes were broadcast between 6 February 2005 and 13 February 2005 and feature Poirot and Hastings assisted by Miss Marple's great niece Mabel West. 21:23. Poirot is a television programme starring David Suchet, Hugh Fraser, Philip Jackson. April 1923 – The Sketch Magazine Ausgabe 1575 (unter dem Titel The Mystery of the Plymouth Express). In Agatha Christie’s short story, “The Plymouth Express,” a rich young American woman is found murdered on the train from Bristol to Plymouth and her valuable jewelry missing. Synopsis. L'Express de Plymouth (The Plymouth Express) est un téléfilm britannique de la série télévisée Hercule Poirot, réalisé par Andrew Piddington, sur un scénario de Rod Beacham, d'après la nouvelle L'Express de Plymouth, d'Agatha Christie.. Ce téléfilm, qui constitue le 23 e épisode de la série, a été diffusé pour la première fois le 20 janvier 1991 sur le réseau d'ITV The story was published in the U.S. in The Blue Book Magazine in January 1924. NHK produced a two episode anime adaptation of the story as episodes 25-26 of their Japanese anime series Agatha Christie's Great Detectives Poirot and Marple with the same title: The Plymouth Express (プリマス行き急行列車 - Purimasu-yuki Kyūkō-ressha). She wants Mason to get off at Bristol and there for a few hours while she travelled on to some unspecified destination. POIROT: THE PLYMOUTH EXPRESS. Watch Agatha Christie's Poirot - Season 3, Episode 3 - The Plymouth Express: An Australian shipping tycoon wants Poirot to check out his daughter's suitors. Flossie was carrying almost a hundred thousand dollars worth of jewels to wear at a house party. Script versus short story Beacham stays largely true to the source material, with certain important additions. She would return in a few hours and they would then catch a train to Plymouth. Filter 2676 Total Shows. The book features her detective Hercule Poirot Andrew Piddington. 50. April 1923 – The Sketch Magazine Ausgabe 1575 (unter dem Titel The Mystery of the Plymouth Express). An Australian shipping tycoon wants Poirot to check out his daughter's suitors. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 3 (Chicago), January 1924 (as "The Plymouth Express Affair"), 1951 The Underdog and Other Stories, Dodd Mead and Company (New York), 1951, Hardback, 248 pp. 50. Crime, Drama, TV Series. - Season 12, Episode 13 - Poirot: The Plymouth Express: Florence Carrington is found dead on the Plymouth Express, her jewel case missing. He usually works with a woman called Gracie Kidd but he seems to be alone this time. THE PLYMOUTH EXPRESS. Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. By this time Halliday joins them, followed by Mason who Poirot introduces as Gracie Kidd. At first, he wants him to look into the issue of the Count, and Poirot and Hastings observe the couple at the Adelphi. Her wealthy father asks Poirot to find her killer. The Plymouth Express (1991) Full Cast & Crew.

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