Как бы мне хотелось иметь одного, двух, After the movie Never on Sunday and its hit song Ta Pedia Tou Pirea became popular, many musicians recorded their own versions of it. Speel volledige nummers van Ta Paidia Tou Peiraia door Various Artists op je telefoon, computer en geluidsinstallatie thuis met Napster. что его увижу я во сне. そして おしゃれなビーズをつける que pueda volverme loca και τις πενιές του αλλάζει, γεμίζει από παιδιά, Aπό την πόρτα μου σαν βγω Check out Ta Paidia Tou Peiraia by Anastasia & Manos Hadjidakis on Amazon Music. Nothing makes me as crazy as does, Piraeus Be the first to contribute! Ne postoji netko Iako sam proputovala cijeli svijet There’s no one that exists with whom I won’t make love All contents are subject to copyright, provided for educational and personal noncommercial use only. y una pe- y una pe- то нет никого на улицах, Volví de nuevo junto a ti, © Lyrics-ON. y tres y cuatro hijos τρελή να με 'χει κάνει, όσο τον Πειραιά Who when grown up would become stalwart lads for the joy of Piraeus, No matter how much I would search, I'd never find another such port Listen to Ta Paidia Tou Peiraia (1960-1963 USA Recordings) by Betty Daskalaki on Apple Music. 4min | Animation, Short | 28 September 1975 (Greece) Add a Plot » Director: Kyros Rossidis. Sakis Rouvas is singing Oscar winning songsOnline Store:https://www.zazzle.co.uk/store/mdella Get access to your full featured ChordU account. моя любовь бездонная, y tres y cuatro besos Guitar Duel: Marcos Kaiser vs Robson Miguel (Malagueña), Amazing 7-Year-Old girl Guitarist - Konstantina Andritsou performs @ Megaro (Athens) HD, 2009 BRAZILIAN MUSIC INSTITUTE - TICO TICO (Guitar Four-Hand Exchanging), Steve Vai vs Ralph Macchio Epic Guitar Battle, Chopin Waltz Op.69 no 2 played by Thu Le, Classical Guitar. Zemljo u kojoj se rodih Where some stranger I'll find, S mog prozora šaljem jedan, dva, nadam se da ću pronaći nekog stranca, Kako bih voljela imati jedno, dvoje, I kad navečer legnem чтобы прилетели в порт одна, две, гордостью и честью Пирея. чтобы хоть одна, хоть одна, Ta paidia tou Peiraia (1975) Plot. Znam da, znam da Koga ne volim troje, četvero djece Страна моя родная, Porque las noches espero And as the Port’s (Bouzouki) plectrums strum, it fills up with the lads, Ahh (sigh) from the moment I step outside my door Tierra en que nací An English version with lyrics by Billy Towne became popular, and was sung by Connie Francis, Eartha Kitt, Petula Clark, and others. auch von Melina Mercouri gesungen. dika i čast Pireja, Koliko god da tražim και σαν το βράδυ κοιμηθώ, ξέρω πως που σαν θα μεγαλώσουν όλα That reach the Port’s one and two and three and four birds Moja beznadna ljubavi встретить там иностранца. Nunca te he negado А когда выхожу я из дома, который бы меня с ума так сводил, полон весь детьми. ένα δύο και τρία και τέσσερα φιλιά жемчужина меня хранила. cuánto me gustaría tener un y dos Ta pedia tou Pirea (griechisch Τα παιδιά του Πειραιά, englischer Titel Never on Sunday) ist ein Schlager von Manos Hadjidakis. И вечером, ложась спать, 見知らぬ人を待つから. [E A D Abm B Dm] Chords for Never on Sunday - Greek traditional (guitar cover with TAB) Ta Paidia tou Peiraia with song key, BPM, capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. no hay ninguno 夜に港に行って трёх, четырёх детей. Aπ' το παράθυρό μου στέλνω ένα δύο και τρία και τέσσερα φιλιά που φτάνουν στο λιμάνι ένα και δύο και τρία και τέσσερα πουλιά This is the version by Connie Francis. I jedan bi, jedan bi- κάποιον άγνωστο να βρω, From my window I send one and two and three and four kisses Translation of 'Ta paidia tou Peiraia' by Manos Hatzidakis (Μάνος Χατζιδάκης) from Greek to English troje, četvero djece Koja me izluđuje και μια χά-, και μια χάντρα φυλακτό Kako bih voljela imati jedno, dvoje, cuando salgo al puerto Beads I’ll place around my neck like rosaries; like protecting rosaries When twilight falls, songs fill the air No puedo encontrar otro puerto θα γίνουν λεβέντες για χάρη του Πειραιά, Όσο κι αν ψάξω, δεν βρίσκω άλλο λιμάνι И когда стемнеет Napuni pjesmom Chords for Never on Sunday - Greek traditional (guitar cover with TAB) Ta Paidia tou Peiraia. Jer navečer kad izađem Spanish Guitar Strumming Techniques, get your book now! три и четыре воздушных поцелуя, Vertaling van 'Ta paidia tou Peiraia' door Manos Hatzidakis (Μάνος Χατζιδάκης) van Grieks naar Engels Listen to Ta Paidia Tou Peiraia by Elsa Lampo, 133 Shazams. Stavljam na vrat nakit Listen to Ta Paidia Tou Peiraia by Melina Merkouri, 371 Shazams. View production, box office, & company info Sundance 2021 Stars in Unforgettable Early Roles. Added to Watchlist. I would have wanted to have had one and two and three and four children (boys) mi incurable amor I mijenja svoj oblik Ta paidia tou Peiraia (1975) Release Info. и меняет свой облик, Malaguena guitar lesson - pulgar, ayudado, triplets exercise, Ana Vidovic plays Asturias by Isaac Albéniz on a Jim Redgate classical guitar, Robert Miles - Children - Fingerstyle guitar (+TABS), Spanish Guitar Strumming Techniques got FUNDED on KickStarter, How to play mariachi or Mexican strumming - guitar lesson ✔, How to play a very common flamenco scale - phrygian mode on guitar ✔, Show the world what you are playing with ChordU. y tres y cuatro hijos y cambia la manera que toce ένα και δύο και τρία και τέσσερα πουλιά, Πώς ήθελα να είχα ένα και δύο Nikad te nisam zanijekala, Kućo moja, kućice It looks like we don't have any Plot Summaries for this title yet. Aunque he viajado por todo el mundo que no ame Showing all 1 items Jump to: Release Dates (1) Also Known As (AKA) (0) Release Dates Greece 28 September 1975 (Thessaloniki International Film Festival) Also Known As (AKA) It looks like we don't have any AKAs for this title yet. Pa kad narastu da postanu γιατί τα βράδια καρτερώ, στο λιμάνι σαν βγω к тебе вернулась я. και τρία και τέσσερα παιδιά Ta paidia tou Peiraia (1975) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. y tres y cuatro pájaros Listen to Ta Paidia Tou Peiraia by Various Artists. Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Plot Summary submission guide. encontrar a un extraño, cuánto me gustaría tener un y dos Из своего окна посылаю я один, два, Потому что вечером выходя Listen to Ta Paidia Tou Peiraia from Melina Mercouri's Pote Tin Kyriaki (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. 人でいっぱいになると歌を変える, 私は首に宝石をつける объехав весь белый свет, Как бы мне хотелось иметь одного, двух, Y cuando dormiré por la noche Listen to Ta Paidia Tou Piraia on the English music album Chronicle of Greek Popular Song 1960, Vol. Me pongo gemas en el cuello u luku три и четыре птицы. Learn & organize effectively with our new improved features. Template thanks to FREEHTML5.co, Melina Merkouri "Ta pedia tou Pirea | Τα Παιδιά Του Πειραιά" lyrics, Ta pedia tou Pirea | Τα Παιδιά Του Πειραιά, Ti échei kai klaíei to paidí (Τι έχει και κλαίει το παιδί ), Égine parexígisi (I prodosía ) - (Έγινε παρεξήγηση - Η προδοσία), Na me thimasai kai na m'agapas | Να με θυμάσαι και να μ΄ αγαπάς. Autumn Leaves - Yenne Lee plays 2004 Pepe Romero Jr. Hans Zimmer - INTERSTELLAR⎪12 STRING FINGERSTYLE GUITAR, Never on Sunday - Percy Faith and his Orchestra, Pirates of Caribbean theme (movie soundtrack) with TAB Guitar duo version, Never on Sunday solo bouzouki Greek Music ΣΟΛΟ ΜΠΟΥΖΟΥΚΙ. And in the evening when I sleep, I know that, I know that I’ll dream about him And in the evenings I’ll wait at the Port Add to Watchlist. De mi ventana te envio un y dos никогда от тебя не отрекалась я. Дом мой, маленький домик, The film score to the movie was first released on 1 October 1960 by United Artists Records. που φτάνουν στο λιμάνι Download Ta paidia tou Peiraia song on Gaana.com and listen Great Greek Melodies [Instrumental] Ta paidia tou Peiraia song offline. Neben einer orchestralen Version wurde das Lied im Film Sonntags… nie! kao luka Pireja Чтобы они, когда вырастут, стали ピレウスほど私を熱狂させる港はない Tasos Sofopoulos)" and more. sé que, sé que Puna djece, Kad izađem van canciones me esparce Hers includes a few lines of chorus from the original Greek, then moves into Billy Towne's English lyrics: The song won the Academy Award for Best Original Song in 1960, a first for a foreign-language picture. Lyrics and translation of the song Ta pedia tou Pirea | Τα Παιδιά Του Πειραιά musician Melina Merkouri | Lyrics-on Сколько бы я не искала, Vratila sam se tebi, 探せる限りの 他の港には jedan biser da me čuva Upload & analyse complex chords easily. Join Napster and play your favorite music offline. Da ću ga sanjati "Never on Sunday", also known by its original Greek title "Ta Pediá tou Pireá" ("Τα Παιδιά του Πειραιά", The Children of Piraeus), is a popular song written by Manos Hatzidakis and first sung by Melina Mercouri in the film of same name, directed by Jules Dassin and starring Mercouri. tri pa četiri poljupca 9 by Poli Panou, only on JioSaavn. Koja se kad se smrači Stream songs including "Ta Paidia Tou Peiraia", "Aspres Kordeles (feat. Ta paidia tou Peiraia . Που όταν βραδιάζει, τραγούδια μ' αραδιάζει mi casa, mi casita кого не любила бы я. All Rights Reserved. Ta paidia tou Peiraia MP3 Song by Giorgos Zabetas from the album Great Greek Melodies [Instrumental]. Aπ' το παράθυρό μου στέλνω Ta paidia tou Peiraia, Sakis Rouvas : Τα παιδιά του Πειραιά . Das Lied gewann 1961 den Oscar als bester Filmsong und war damit das erste fremdsprachliche Lied, das je einen Oscar gewann. Y cuando oscurece в порт, я надеюсь tri, četiri ptice Ne pronalazim drugu luku как этот порт Пирей. Надеваю я на шею ожерелье, llena a niños, Cuando yo salgo de mi puerta трёх, четырёх детей. que voy a soñarte я знаю, знаю, 夜になると歌があふれ Synopsis. y una perla de amuleto Showing all 0 items Jump to: Summaries. он наполняется песней Play online or download to listen offline free - … Ta paidia tou Peiraia (Frans vertaling) Artiest: Manos Hatzidakis (Μάνος Χατζιδάκης) Ook uitgevoerd door: Melina Mercouri Nummer: Ta paidia tou Peiraia 5 vertalingen 9 translations of covers Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon.com. más que el Pireo не найду другого порта, ξέρω πως, πως θα τον ονειρευτώ, Πετράδια βάζω στο λαιμό, και μια χά- Traduction de « Ta paidia tou Peiraia » par Manos Hatzidakis (Μάνος Χατζιδάκης), grec → français que llegan al puerto un y dos da stignu u luku jedna, dvije, The song has since been recorded by numerous … cuando crecen, todos serán valientes para el Pireo, Aunque buscaría mucho δεν υπάρχει κανείς που να μην τον αγαπώ
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