spartacus film wiki

As a result, Crassus has them all sentenced to death by crucifixion along the Via Appia between Rome and Capua, where the revolt began. [5][6], After David Lean turned down an offer to direct, Spartacus was to be directed by Anthony Mann, then best known for his Westerns such as Winchester '73 and The Naked Spur. It is set in the Ancient Rome Cinematic Universe (ARCU).The film takes place between 78 and 71 BC. Unhappily he does not make up for his verbal deficiencies by mobility of countenance, maintaining the same wooden grimace through more than three hours of trial and suffering. Innehåll. The survivor is to be crucified, along with all the other men captured after the great battle. Yet even at the zenith of her pride and power, the Republic lay fatally stricken with the disease called human slavery. [35] It played just 188 theatres in the United States and Canada in its first year and played for over a year at the DeMille before moving to the RKO Palace and opening in the New York circuit theaters around Thanksgiving 1961.[36][37]. The performances are equally uneven. De film is geproduceerd door USA Network Pictures en uitgebracht door USA Cable Entertainment LLC en Universal Home Entertainment. Er kauft ihn zusammen mit sechs anderen Sklaven und nim… Visnjic speelt overtuigend, maar tilt de film niet naar een hoger niveau. The age of the dictator was at hand, waiting in shadows for the event to bring it forth. Eight thousand trained soldiers from the Spanish infantry were used to double as the Roman army. Cinematographer Russell Metty, a veteran with experience working in big pictures such as Orson Welles' The Stranger (1946) and Touch of Evil (1958) and Howard Hawks's Bringing Up Baby (1938),[25] complained about Kubrick's unusually precise and detailed instructions for the film's camerawork and disagreed with Kubrick's use of light. Film. As with most Kubrick films, it initially received mixed reviews, but is today regarded as one of his finest early films. The love theme for Spartacus and Varinia is the most accessible theme in the film, and there is a harsh trumpet figure for Crassus. Sie wurde von Agron, Lucius und Spartacus aus einem Sklavenschiff in Neapolis befreit. Lentulus Batiatus, Betreiber einer Gladiatorenschule, besichtigt den Steinbruch und ist von Spartacus Charakter und seiner guten körperlichen Verfassung beeindruckt. A thinking man's star-studded spectacle. n. l. Spartacus is elected chief of the fugitives and decides to lead them out of Italy and back to their homes. [48] The DCP version of the restoration played at Film Forum in New York City, November 4–12, 2015. Spartacus (tiếng Hy Lạp: Σπάρτακος, Spártakos; tiếng Latinh: Spartacus sinh năm 111 tr.CN - 71 trước CN), theo các sử học gia, là một đấu sĩ nô lệ, người đã trở thành một trong các thủ lĩnh của cuộc nổi dậy không thành công của các nô lệ chống lại Cộng hòa La Mã được biết là Chiến tranh nô lệ lần ba. There under whip and chain and sun he lived out his youth and his young manhood, dreaming the death of slavery 2000 years before it finally would die. Spartacus (i. e. 109 – i. e. 71) trák születésű gladiátor és rabszolga volt az ókori Rómában, a birodalom i. e. 73 és i. e. 71 között zajlott legnagyobb rabszolgafelkelésének fővezére, vagy legnagyobb hírnévre szert tett vezetője.. A szökött gladiátorokból és rabszolgákból álló sereg számos római légiót győzött le több csatában. In 2010, the soundtrack was re-released as part of a set, featuring 6 CDs, 1 DVD, and a 168-page booklet. "[61], On Rotten Tomatoes the film has an approval rating of 93% based on 61 reviews, with an average rating of 8.2/10. North's score is epic, as befits the scale of the film. Spartacus is a 1960 American epic historical drama film directed by Stanley Kubrick. ", The battle scenes were filmed on a vast plain outside Madrid. Spartacus ass en US-amerikanesche Film vum Stanley Kubrick aus dem Joer 1960 no engem Roman vum Howard Fast.. Ëm wat geet et am Film? The critical consensus states: "Featuring terrific performances and epic action, Kubrick's restored swords-and-sandals epic is a true classic. Spartacus and Varinia are subsequently forced to endure numerous humiliations for defying the conditions of servitude. Spartacus is een Amerikaanse epische historische dramafilm uit 1960 geregisseerd door Stanley Kubrick , geschreven door Dalton Trumbo en gebaseerd op de gelijknamige roman uit 1951 van Howard Fast . A proud rebellious son, who was sold to living death in the mines of Libya, before his thirteenth birthday. Trow, M.J. Spartacus: The Myth and the Man. Spartacus kills Marcellus, who was taunting him over his affections, and their fight escalates into a riot. The restoration cost about $1 million. On May 3, the release was expanded into an additional 31 cities in the United States and Canada. [14][15][16][17] Parts were also filmed at nearby California Lutheran University,[18][19] where an army can be seen storming off Mount Clef Ridge.[20]. However, he proves an excellent leader and organizes his diverse followers into a tough and self-sufficient community. Die Hauptrolle in der Neuverfilmung spielte Goran Višnjić. He said, 'Thanks, Kirk, for giving me back my name. Spartacus ist ein US-amerikanischer Fernsehfilm aus dem Jahr 2004. Scritto da Dalton Trumbo sulla base dell'omonimo romanzo di Howard Fast, è ispirato alla storia della vita di Spartaco (interpretato da Kirk Douglas), il leader di una rivolta di schiavi che sfociò nella terza guerra servile. De film werd voor nog een VES Award genomineerd in de categorie Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Broadcast Program. "[62] On Metacritic it has a weighted average score of 87% based on 17 critics, indicating "universal acclaim".[63]. "[60] When released, the movie was attacked by both the American Legion and the Hollywood columnist Hedda Hopper because of its connection with Trumbo. [23] A compromise was reached by filming the intimate scenes in Hollywood, and the battle scenes, at Kubrick's request, in Spain. Drago ist mit Melissa verheiratet. Der thrakische Sklave Spartacus ist seit seiner Kindheit im Bergbau zur Zwangsarbeit in der römischen Provinz Libyen verpflichtet. ", "SPECTACULAR new 4K restoration of Kubrick's SPARTACUS opens today! Otto Preminger made public that Trumbo wrote the screenplay for his film Exodus,[11] and Kirk Douglas publicly announced that Trumbo was the screenwriter of Spartacus. The next day, with the ludus' atmosphere still tense over this episode, Batiatus takes Varinia away to Crassus's house in Rome. from this film has been referenced in a number of other films, television programs, and commercials. Spartacus is a 1960 American epic historical drama film directed by Stanley Kubrick,[3] written by Dalton Trumbo, and based on the 1951 novel of the same title by Howard Fast. In its first year from 304 dates (including 116 in 25 countries outside the US and Canada), it had grossed $17 million,[36] including nearly $1.5 million from over half a million admission in over a year at the DeMille Theatre. Gannicus ist einer der Hauptcharaktere in Gods of the Arena, Vengeance und War of the Damned.Er war der ehemalige erste Kämpfer im Hause des Batiatus.Bei den Eröffnungsspielen zur neuen Arena in Capua verdiente er sich seine Freiheit. The fight to end segregation and to promote the equality of African-Americans is seen in the mixing of races within the gladiator school as well as in the army of Spartacus where all fight for freedom. When Spartacus is disarmed, his opponent, an African named Draba, spares his life in a burst of defiance and attacks the Roman audience, but is killed by an arena guard and Crassus. Spartacus è un film del 1960 diretto da Stanley Kubrick. Crassus uses a bribe of his own to make the pirates abandon Spartacus and has the Roman army secretly force the rebels away from the coastline towards Rome. Er entstand unter der Regie von Ridley Scott und spielte weltweit ca. Meanwhile, Crassus has found Varinia and Spartacus's newborn son and has taken them prisoner. The development of Spartacus was partly instigated by Kirk Douglas's failure to win the title role in William Wyler's Ben-Hur. Het verhaal van de film wordt door een vrouw verteld aan haar jonge zoon (zij blijken later de vrouw en zoon van Spartacus te zijn). Spartacus was acknowledged as the fifth best film in the epic genre. Amid the abuse, Spartacus forms a quiet relationship with a serving woman named Varinia, whom he refuses to rape when she is sent to "entertain" him in his cell. Kirk Douglas (1916-2020) is most recognized for his iconic performance as Spartacus, leader of a slave rebellion against the Roman Empire. I'll be the director of photography. The hearings, where witnesses were demanded to "name names" of supposed communist sympathizers, resemble the climactic scene when the slaves, asked by Crassus to give up their leader by pointing him out from the multitude, each stand up to proclaim, "I'm Spartacus". [zdroj?] Now surrounded by Romans, Spartacus convinces his men to die fighting. Saxa ist eine gut … 1 Spartacus in March 15, 2002 2 Spartacus: Blood and Sand in March 11, 2005 3 Spartacus: Gods of the Arena in May 19, 2006 4 Spartacus: Vengeance in May 27, 2010 5 Spartacus… "[4], Roger Ebert, reviewing the 1991 restored version, gave the film three stars out of four and wrote, "Two things stand up best over the years: the power of the battle spectacles, and the strength of certain performances – especially Olivier's fire, Douglas' strength, and Laughton's mild amusement at the foibles of humankind. Television These instruments included a sarrusophone, Israeli recorder, Chinese oboe, lute, mandolin, Yugoslav flute, kythara, dulcimer, and bagpipes. One of the new arrivals is Varinia, who escaped while being delivered to Crassus. [34], The film's release occasioned both applause from the mainstream media and protests from anti-communist groups such as the National Legion of Decency, which picketed theaters showcasing the film. Pompey v. Spartacus is a historical action film based on the Spartacus uprising in Ancient Rome. Kirk Douglas in 'Spartacus'.jpg 652 × 910; 263 KB. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2007 (hardcover, ISBN 1-4051-3180-2; paperback, ISBN 1-4051-3181-0). Spartacus is a 1960 American epic historical drama movie directed by Stanley Kubrick and based on the novel of the same name by Howard Fast.The life story of the historical figure Spartacus and the events of the Third Servile War were adapted by Dalton Trumbo as a screenplay.. Bosley Crowther of The New York Times called the film a "spotty, uneven drama" that "comes out a romantic mish-mash of a strange episode in history. Spartacus was filmed using the 35 mm Super 70 Technirama format[22] and then blown up to 70 mm film. The fiction series was inspired by the historical figure of Spartacus, a Thracian gladiator who from 73 to 71 BC led a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic departing from Capua. Another is a slave entertainer named Antoninus, who also fled Crassus's service after Crassus insinuated that he expected Antoninus to become his sex slave. To try and prevent this, Gracchus channels as much military power as possible into the hands of his own protege, a young senator named Julius Caesar. I always disliked the trailer from the standard dvd and it's (continuation) blu ray disc because of bad picture and sound quality. Gladiator ist ein mit fünf Oscars prämierter Monumentalfilm aus dem Jahr 2000. Filmen bygger på romanen Spartakus av Howard Fast. Lewis became the producer of the film, with Douglas taking executive producer credit. „Bringt sie um. [28], Despite the film being a huge box office success, gaining four Oscars, and being considered to rank among the very best of historical epics, Kubrick later distanced himself from it. [51] The 1967 re-release increased its North American rentals to $14.6 million. [4] It was the only film directed by Kubrick where he did not have complete artistic control. They plunder Roman country estates as they go, collecting enough money to buy sea transport from Rome's foes, the pirates of Cilicia. There were plans to re-record a significant amount of the music with North's friend and fellow film composer Jerry Goldsmith, but the project kept getting delayed. The development of Spartacus was partly instigated by Kirk Douglas's failure to win the title role in William Wyler's Ben-Hur. Agron ist ein Sklave, der von Batiatus zusammen mit seinem Bruder Duro gekauft wurde. What redeems the picture is several stretches of good acting, especially by Peter Ustinov and Laurence Olivier; the intrinsic interestingness of the physical details (accurately scaled interiors of Roman houses, Roman legions marching exactly as they must have marched); and the directorial aplomb of Stanley Kubrick, who handles his crowd scenes with extraordinary grace. Countless other slaves join the group, making it as large as an army. Er waren al eerdere grote slavenopstanden geweest in de Romeinse Republiek die bekend zouden worden als de Servielenoorlogen of Slavenoorlogen. Howard Fast, who wrote the book on which the film was based, "was jailed for his refusal to testify, and wrote the novel Spartacus while in prison". '"[4], Blacklisting effectively ended in 1960 when it lost credibility. Spartacus este un film dramă/istoric din 1960 în regia lui Stanley Kubrick bazat pe romanul cu același nume al lui Howard Fast ce relatează viața lui Spartacus.Din distribuție fac parte Kirk Douglas în rolul sclavului rebel Spartacus și Laurence Olivier în rolul generalului și politicianului roman Marcus Licinius Crassus. Special features include a featurette on the 2015 restoration, a 2015 interview with Kirk Douglas, and several features from the Criterion Collection DVD. Varinia, now his informal wife, becomes pregnant by him, and he also comes to regard the spirited Antoninus as a sort of son. Spartacus is een Amerikaanse televisiefilm, gebaseerd op de gelijknamige roman van Howard Fast., Wikipedia:Geen afbeelding lokaal en geen op Wikidata, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen. "Spartakus. The controversy over its "legitimacy as an expression of national aspirations wasn’t stilled until the newly elected John F. Kennedy crossed a picket line set up by anti-communist organizers to attend the film". "[58], Not all reviews were positive. Allein in Deutschland sahen ihn bis Anfang 2001 rund 3,4 Millionen Menschen im Kino. Hopper stated, "The story was sold to Universal from a book written by a commie and the screen script was written by a commie, so don't go to see it. ", "Spartacus – restored in 4K at Film Forum, November 4 – 12, 2015", "The 33rd Academy Awards (1961) Nominees and Winners", "AFI Crowns Top 10 Films in 10 Classic Genres", "Pink Floyd's Roger Waters on rebuilding The Wall", "Kirk Douglas: Rare Early Photos of a Hollywood Legend", Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Drama, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of Spartacus,, Cultural depictions of Marcus Licinius Crassus, Films featuring a Best Supporting Actor Academy Award-winning performance, Films that won the Best Costume Design Academy Award, Films whose art director won the Best Art Direction Academy Award, Films whose cinematographer won the Best Cinematography Academy Award, United States National Film Registry films, CS1 maint: others in cite AV media (notes), Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-LCCN identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Best Archival Release of an Existing Score, Alex North; Robert Townson, Matthew Joseph Peak and Bill Pitzonka, This page was last edited on 13 April 2021, at 20:22. [31], The film opened to the public on October 6, 1960, at the DeMille Theatre in New York City after four days of invitational previews. (1951), Spartacus (1960), Topkapi (1964) und Tod auf dem Nil (1978). In that same century, in the conquered Greek province of Thrace, an illiterate slave woman added to her master's wealth by giving birth to a son whom she names Spartacus. The review noted that Douglas "probably has fewer lines than any other hero in screen history. Sibyl is a young slave with long, dark brown hair usually worn in a side braid, blue eyes and fair skin. [30], The film parallels 1950s American history, specifically HUAC hearings and the civil rights movement. This was a change for Kubrick, who preferred using the standard spherical format. [3] The screenplay by Dalton Trumbo was based on the novel Spartacus by Howard Fast. The film was re-released to Blu-ray Disc on October 6, 2015, featuring a 1080p transfer of the 2015 restoration in 2.20:1 aspect ratio and 7.1 DTS-HD Master Audio surround sound. Spartacus - 1960 - poster.png 331 × 500; 275 KB. The general release began in Los Angeles, New York City, and Toronto on the following day. Später kam Gannicus wieder vor. [4], At the same time Yul Brynner was planning his own Spartacus film for United Artists with Douglas's agent Lew Wasserman suggesting he try having his film produced for Universal Studios. Als volwassene wordt hij geronseld voor een gladiatorschool. Kirk Douglas insisted that Trumbo be given screen credit for his work, which helped to break the blacklist. Ze vertelt hem hoe Spartacus als kind werd gevangen door de Romeinen en verkocht als slaaf. [1] In Anlehnung an die wenigen gesicherten historischen Grundlagen zeichnet sie eine fiktive Lebensgeschichte des thrakischen Gladiators Spartacus (in der ersten Staffel gespielt von Andy Whitfield, danach von Liam McIntyre), der von 73 bis 71 v. Chr. Saxa ist eine Germanin aus einer Gruppe von germanischen Gefangenen. Afterward, the Romans try to locate the rebel leader for special punishment by offering a pardon (and return to enslavement) if the men will identify Spartacus, living or dead. Spartacus kills Antoninus to spare him this terrible fate. As a result, this release was highly controversial and did poorly in sales. Geen flauw idee waarom men het nodig vond om nog een film over Spartacus te maken. [31] The comment of how slavery was a central part of American history is pointed to in the beginning in the scenes featuring Draba and Spartacus, where Draba sacrifices himself by attacking Crassus rather than kill Spartacus. ")[69] Further examples have been documented[69] in David Hughes' The Complete Kubrick[70] and Jon Solomon's The Ancient World in Cinema. Just by rebelling and proving themselves human, he says that they have struck a blow against slavery. It stars Kirk Douglas in the title role, Laurence Olivier as Roman general and politician Marcus Licinius Crassus, Peter Ustinov as slave trader Lentulus Batiatus, John Gavin as Julius Caesar, Jean Simmons as Varinia, Charles Laughton as Sempronius Gracchus, and Tony Curtis as Antoninus.

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