He spent much of his childhood moving around due to his father serving as an Officer with the Royal Air Force. A genuine British scifi classic figure. Running on Talking Pictures TV this month, I understand. Piers Haggard’s direction is solid enough but hamstrung by TV production budgets, and the acting is remarkably bad – Mills is too good an actor not to be decent in anything, though he’s rather miscast, but everyone else is either thoroughly wooden or struck down with that terrible British disease of not understanding that they are not on stage and so don’t need to project to the back seats. He wrote the (frankly awful) dialogue after all – at a time when the hippy movement was still a thing – and it is clearly the sort of airy-fairy loved up hippy talk that an old man would imagine. Quatermass (1979) Œuvres mixtes (1) Les dents de la mer 3 (2013) avec Simon MacCorkindale (1952-2010) comme Acteur Church of Satan Quatermass (Box Set): John Mills, Barbara Kellerman, Simon MacCorkindale, Margaret Tyzack, Brewster Mason, Piers Haggard, Ted Childs, Nigel Kneale: Amazon.nl Movies and Mania 2. Sex and Censorship Also appearing throughout the four the episodes is Ralph Arliss as Kickalong, the most prominent of the youthful Planet People and who becomes a way of measuring the decent of society into chaos. Perhaps it is because so many characters are thinly written. Find the perfect simon maccorkindale stock photo. And the ending, presumably supposed to be an emotional finale, feels weak and disappointing – much like the alien force, which is too nebulous and unimpressive to really seem at all scary. But even his hippies turn violent – again perhaps the fears of the older generation writ large – as the leader of the Planet People, Kickalong (Ralph Arliss) gets hold of a machine gun from a dead cop and becomes a trigger happy maniac. LOVELY LIGHTNING Unsettling in its vision of a crumbling society coming under alien attack, Quatermass is directed with characteristic style by BAFTA winner Piers Haggard and features the high production values associated with Euston Films. Simon Charles Pendered MacCorkindale (12 February 1952 – 14 October 2010) was a British actor, film director, writer and producer. 4.6 out of 5 stars. Attori: John Mills: Prof. Bernard Quatermass Simon MacCorkindale: Joe Kapp Barbara Kellerman: Clare Kapp Margaret Tyzack: Annie Morgan Brewster Mason: Gurov Ralph Arliss: Kickalong Paul Rosebury: Caraway Jane Bertish: Bee Rebecca Saire: Hettie Carlson An. Something very strange is happening though. Retrouvez infos & avis sur une large sélection de DVD & Blu-ray neufs ou d'occasion. Professor Quatermass (Sir John Mills), seeking his granddaughter, teams up with Joe Kapp (Simon MacCorkindale), who is trying to analyze strange signals from space using the last working pieces of electronic equipment. Simon MacCorkindale est un acteur, réalisateur, scénariste et producteur britannique, né le 12 février 1952 à Cambridge (Royaume-Uni) et mort le 14 octobre 2010 dans les bras de son épouse Susan George, dans une clinique en Harley Street à Londres, des suites d'un cancer des intestins diagnostiqué 4 ans et demi auparavant. Meanwhile, a group of militant ecologists The Planet People, guided … IMDb: 7.4. It was, in fact, on-air as we posted the piece. Mills’s Quatermass is an older man, retired from the British Experimental Rocket Group and searching for his missing grand-daughter in a Britain of the near future that is beset by civil unrest and clearly on its last legs. Shot on 35mm, the original negatives have been used for this stunning, brand-new restoration – a new 5.1 mix from original triple-track audio elements is also presented here alongside … 87. RINGSTONE ROUND in one fell swoop. AN ENDANGERED SPECIES, Martin & Roman's Weekend Best: Episode 2 (S1EP2 ITV Sun 18 Apr 2021), Tipping Point: Lucky Stars: Fern Britton, Iain Stirling, Mark-Francis Vandelli (S7EP3 ITV Sun 18 Apr 2021), The Jonathan Ross Show: Anthony Joshua, Emily Blunt, Alan Carr, AJ Tracey (S17EP2 ITV Sat 17 Apr 2021), Martin & Roman's Weekend Best: Series Premiere (S1EP1 ITV Sat 17 Apr 2021), In for a Penny: Sheffield (S3EP1 ITV Sat 17 Apr 2021), Game of Talents: Episode 2 (S1EP2 ITV Sat 17 Apr 2021). Professor Quatermass (Sir John Mills), seeking his granddaughter, teams up with Joe Kapp (Simon MacCorkindale), who is trying to analyze strange signals from space using the last working pieces of electronic equipment. Any sense of gritty realism that the show presumably aims for is immediately destroyed as soon as these chaps open their mouths and start musing about the condition of the Prof’s teeth. … After a gap of 20 years, Professor Bernard Quatermass, a legendary figure in the annals of British TV returned to our screens once more. Giff Hoyt, a cafe owner in Cabo Blanco, Peru after World War II is caught between refuge-seeking Nazis and their enemies. After the murder of a sea explorer is passed… Genre: Adventure, Drama, Romance. 3. on. This proved to be a breakthrough role and allowed him to move to the United States, where he appeared in a variety of films and TV series including Quatermass, The Riddle of the Sands, The Sword and the Sorcerer, and Jaws 3-D. 4. And then there is the awkward electronic soundtrack and horrible title sequence – both presumably supposed to be futuristic and dark, but actually uncannily like Doctor Who rejects – that also date the series badly. He is most remembered for Falcon Crest. Let’s leave aside the fact that a TV station would still be broadcasting in such an apocalyptic world… that’s possible I suppose. But it’s mainly the youth that he hates, and boy does he hate them – be they frightfully posh bovver boys or peaceful hippies who, in this story, quickly turn violent; Kneale clearly had no truck with that peace and love nonsense. Poor eyesight prevented him following a similar career in the RAF, so he instead planned to become a theatre director. He spent much of his childhood moving around due to his father serving as an Officer with the Royal Air Force. As news of these events spreads, more and more Planet People – including a young Toyah Wilcox – are drawn to ancient sites, as well as Wembley Stadium (which Kneale justifies with some guff about ‘sacred turf’) to be taken away, drawing more young people with them. MacCorkindale started his acting career in theatre, touring the United Kingdom with a repertory theatre group. In 1958 Andre Morrell had lasted played Quatermass on TV, now in 1979 it was the turn of the stately John Mills. Poor eyesight prevented him following a similar career in the RAF, so he instead planned to become a theatre director. Mills, whose only previous television credit at the time was The Zoo Gang(1974), was reluctant to take the part but was persuaded by his wife, who liked t… I might seem to be bashing at the sacred cow that is Nigel Kneale here – and I am, don’t get me wrong. Poor eyesight prevented him following a similar career in … After a gap of 20 years, Professor Bernard Quatermass, a legendary figure in the annals of British TV returned to our screens once more. This was back in the days when there was but a single TV channel broadcasting in the UK and The Quatermass Experiment was a major sensation, two more serials followed, each hugely popular and all three were made into movies by the Hammer studios. Poor eyesight prevented him following a similar career in the RAF, so he instead planned to become a theatre director. It’s left to the sensible oldies, led by Quatermass, to try to defeat this alien force. Cabo Blanco. Choisissez parmi des contenus premium Simon Maccorkindale de la plus haute qualité. No, the major problem is that Quatermass is mugged in these opening scenes by the most frightfully middle-class street thugs you will ever see. Add to this awful stage school style performances from supporting characters and it becomes hard to take the damn thing seriously. Simon MacCorkindale est un acteur, réalisateur, scénariste et producteur de cinéma britannique, né le 12 février 1952 à Ely en Angleterre et mort le 14 octobre 2010 [1] dans une clinique de Harley Street à Londres.Il est principalement connu pour son rôle de Simon Doyle dans le film Mort sur le Nil en 1978 et pour son rôle du D r Jonathan Chase dans la série Manimal. Search results for "Simon MacCorkindale" Cabo Blanco. It’s essentially a polemic again young people and everything else that Kneale doesn’t like very much – the masses who are easily distracted by trashy TV shows, for instance, as he includes a rehash of his Year of the Sex Olympics dig at mindless media and the audiences that consume it (which always feels a bit ripe, given that his own career was built on mass audience-pleasing serials that many highbrow types probably dismissed as juvenile sci-fi). Cast: John Mills as Professor Bernard Quatermass; Simon MacCorkindale as Doctor Joe Kapp; Ralph Arliss as Kickalong; Jane Bertish as Bee; Paul Rosebury as Caraway; Rebecca Saire as Hettie; Barbara Kellerman as Clare Kapp; Bruce Purchase as Roach; David Yip as Chen; Brenda Fricker as Alison; Tony Sibbald as Marshall; Neil Stacy as Toby Gough; Toyah Wilcox as Sal; Margaret Tyzack as Annie Morgan; Annabelle Lanyon as Isabel; Tony Sibbald as Marshall; Elsie Randolph as Woman Minister; Larry Noble as Jack; Gretchen Franklin as Edna; James Ottaway as Arthur; Claire Ruane as Jane; Donald Eccles as Chisholm, Writer: Nigel Kneale / Story Editor: Linda Agran / Music: Marc Wilkinson and Nic Rowley / Executive Producer: Verity Lambert / Producer: Ted Childs / Director: Piers Haggard, UK / ITV – Thames – Euston / 4×60 minute episodes / Broadcast 24 October – 14 November 1979, THE EPISODES View reprobatepress’s profile on Instagram, View reprobatepress’s profile on Pinterest, View UCXEA1Zps6uenXtvYIA6cLXQ’s profile on YouTube. Eventually, in 1978, Euston Films – makers of shows like The Sweeney – agreed to produce the four-part series in 1978, but even this was struck with disaster – the high profile series fell victim to a strike that took the ITV channels off-air for almost three months – the first episode was eventually broadcast on 24th October 1979, the night the strikes finished. Fast forward to 1979 and it was with some expectation that the new series was shown, especially as the first episode was broadcast the day after a mammoth 75 day strike by ITV technicians ended – a strike that had blacked out the airwaves for much of that time too. Quatermass (TV serial) British television science fiction serial produced by Euston Films for Thames Television and broadcast on the ITV network in October and November 1979. This character shift makes no real sense, but then Quatermass is unfortunately full of plotholes, as if huge chunks of the story had been cut out with no effort to replace them. N/A. Born in Ely, Cambridgeshire, Simon MacCorkindale first planned to follow in his father’s footsteps and pursue a career in the Air Force. Wikipedia. Nine Banded Books It immediately dated the story, and this, ultimately, lay at the feet of Kneale, who could have updated his storyline from a decade earlier but instead seems to have left it fairly intact, possibly because the enmity that drove it to begin with was as strong as ever. Flashbak However, he took drama classes when he left college and was drawn to the theatre, acting and directing plays when only a small boy. This content isn't available right now When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted. Trapart Cult Never Dies All Rights Reserved. 1980. Quatermass (ITV Scifi, John Mills, Simon MacCorkindale) Published. 2005. It was shot on film stock rather than video by Euston, and with a bigger budget which is why there are so many exteriors. His first professional stage performance was in a 1973 run of A Bequest to the Nation at the Belgrade Theatre in Coventry. He spent much of his childhood moving around due to his father serving as an Officer with the Royal Air Force. WHAT LIES BENEATH The Satanic Temple Simon Charles Pendered MacCorkindale was a British actor, film director, writer and producer. And so we have a story that literally says that young minds are soft and easily led, and it’s up to the more sensible older generation to save the world. In dystopian Britain, Professor Quatermass realises that alien intelligence lies … Watch Movie. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Kneale certainly doesn’t bother to make much of his female characters, who are mostly overly emotive women prone to inexplicable fits of hysterics and easily sucked in by the lure of the Planet People. Perhaps how an old man saw women, who knows? Nigel Kneale’s final outing for Professor Quatermass is a bitterly misanthropic attack on youth and society by a man who felt himself above it all. Quatermass is mugged by a gang of thugs but saved by Professor Joe Kapp (Simon MacCorkindale). When huge beams from space begin wiping out these Planet People in large numbers at famous locations (Stonehenge, Wembley Stadium etc) it becomes clear to Quatermass that an alien race is “harvesting” the human race as a food source, the race is on to reach his grand-daughter (played by a young Toyah Wilcox) before she too is “harvested”. The … Copyright © 2021 Memorable TV. The BBC, though initially commissioning the series, was ultimately not interested in the project, and a possible collaboration with Hammer fizzled out, much like most of their post-1974 projects. But much of the problem with Quatermass is not Kneale’s fault. MacCorkindale played astronomer Joe Kapp in Nigel Kneale's TV serial Quatermass (1979), starring alongside John Mills. And so we have a show that is written by an old man who hates young people, complaining about a youth movement that had long since ceased to be a thing. The nursery rhyme ‘huffity puffity Ringstone Round’ is repeated so often that it starts to feel like water torture after a while, and becomes increasingly nonsensical – a throwaway plot point at one point, apparently more well known than the national anthem at others. Underworld Amusements Quillette Good Night, and Good Luck. August 19, 2020. This being science fiction, the Planet People turn out to be oddly correct – an interstellar force does indeed beam down to ancient stone circles and other sacred ground, swooping them up – or more likely, destroying them in an alien feeding frenzy. It’s here, in these introductory scenes, that the show starts to fall apart. 258 ratings. Another Porky Prime Cut. In 1958 Andre Morrell had lasted played Quatermass on TV, now in 1979 it was the turn of the stately John Mills. Now, this might have been a sensible idea in 1970 – and you might argue that it predicts cults like Heaven’s Gate later – but in 1979, the idea of wandering tribes of hippies was, frankly, laughable. This is a fantastic story, resolutely downbeat in the best UK scifi tradition, besides Mills the other main roles are taken by Simon MacCorkindale’s reliable scientist Joe Kapp and his wife Clare (played by Barbara Kellerman), if the hippy look of the Planet People seems a bit out of step for the late seventies that’s probably down to the fact that Kneale first sounded the BBC out about the script back in 1972 they eventually passed on the idea but it was taken up to be one of the first products for newly formed Euston Productions in association with Thames. Already ropey dialogue is made ten times worse by the cast. The video here features footage from 1979's 'Quatermass Conclusion', written by the great Nigel Kneale and starring starring John Mills and Simon MacCorkindale. Simon MacCorkindale, Actor: Jaws 3-D. Born in Ely, Cambridgeshire, England, the light-haired, aristocratically handsome Simon MacCorkindale's first career choice was to follow in his Air Force pilot father Peter's bootsteps by joining the Air Training Corps., but his deteriorating eyesight forced him to choose an alternative vocation. His zodiac sign is Pisces. Kapp recognises the famous Quatermass and invites him to his home in the country where he has built a radio telescope and lives a simple life with his family. They find the "Planet People" at a nearby stone circle, a light appears, the signal appears, and the hippy children are gone. This ‘near future’ world is a place of chaos and violence, the streets ruled by warring gangs and society essentially in a state of collapse. Quatermass had been created by Nigel Kneale in the early 1950’s and in 1953 the first story The Quatermass Experiment had used up the BBC’s entire drama budget (all three thousand pounds of it!) Ratings were disappointing, despite this being the first night that ITV had broadcast for eleven weeks, and the big-budget, flagship show seemed rather too dour for audiences. In 1983, MacCorkindale starred in the short-lived series Manimal as the lead character, Dr. Jonathan Chase, before taking up the longer-running role of lawyer Greg Reardon in … Nigel Kneale’s Quatermass serials were huge hits in the early days of mass-market television, with three stories – The Quatermass Experiment, Quatermass 2 and Quatermass and the Pit – being huge ratings hits, and each one subsequently being impressively adapted for the cinema by Hammer Films, albeit rather late in the day (1968) for the final story. Sara Cane Quatermass: Simon with Barbara Kellerman and Sir John Mills. No need to register, buy now! Like what we do? Written by Nigel Kneale. Oddly though, Kneale did not return to the character until the early 1970s, and this final story – simply titled Quatermass – seemed to be a cursed project. When the spacecraft are torn apart by unseen forces, and Quatermass’ curmudgeonly comments in the TV studios about the state of society are mistaken for a real threat, the Professor is whisked away to safety by astronomer Joe Kapp (Simon MacCorkindale), who takes him to his observatory in the countryside – the rural world inevitably shown as more civilised than the cities. In 1973, the series Hawkeye, The Pathfinder had given MacCorkindale his first TV credit. Warped Perspective. Kneale has been on record as saying that he didn’t want the Planet People to be hippies but rather aggressive punks, but this seems rather like revisionist thinking. Livraison gratuite (voir cond.). When the spacecraft are torn apart by unseen forces, and Quatermass’ curmudgeonly comments in the TV studios about the state of society are mistaken for a real threat, the Professor is whisked away to safety by astronomer Joe Kapp (Simon MacCorkindale), who takes him to his observatory in the countryside – the rural world inevitably shown as more civilised than the cities. Simon MacCorkindale Celebrity Profile - Check out the latest Simon MacCorkindale photo gallery, biography, pics, pictures, interviews, news, forums and blogs at Rotten Tomatoes! Simon Charles Pendered MacCorkindale was a British actor, film director, writer and producer. British actor, film director, writer and producer. The supporting cast includes Simon MacCorkindale as Joe Kapp, a radio astronomer who takes the elder Quatermass under his wing in this not so brave new world and becomes a much needed ally. Définitions de quatermass tv serial, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de quatermass tv serial, dictionnaire analogique de quatermass tv serial (anglais) You can probably see the main problem with this idea straight away. You can understand their reluctance – when a TV channel returns to air (and remember, this was back when there were only three channels to choose from) you might want something more cheery than a show that suggests that the whole world has gone to pot. You may have heard of a TV Movie called The Quatermass Conclusion but this was the four parter amalgamated to feature length put together for over seas markets, this 100 minute version has a couple of scenes that are not in the four part serial but in essence is a less coherent telling of the story. He is given refuge in the house of scientist Joseph Kapp(Simon MacCorkindale), who is getting strange readings at his space observatory. Good Night, and Good Luck. After an embarrasing appearance on a television programme to celebrate a joint American and Russian Space station, an elderly, emotionally drained Bernard Quatermass( Sir John Mills) is vilified by the media. Quatermass [Blu-ray] [1979] John Mills (Actor), Simon MacCorkindale (Actor), Piers Haggard (Director) & 0 more. They find the "Planet People" at a nearby stone circle, a light appears, the signal appears, and the hippy children are gone. He made his West End theatre debut in a production of Pygmalion in 1974, appearing alongside Alec McCowen and Diana Riggin the role of "Sarcastic Bystander". Here, the main youth threat comes from hippy cult The Planet People, who wander the hillsides believing that they will be taken off to another planet by a travelling spaceship. Trouvez les Simon Maccorkindale images et les photos d’actualités parfaites sur Getty Images. Kapp is an astronomer due to appear on the same show. Support us on Patreon so that we can do more! Quatermass was financed by Euston Films for ITV apparently. He spent much of his childhood moving around due to his father serving as an Officer with the Royal Air Force. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Amazon.fr - Achetez Quatermass Conclusion-La Terra esplode à petit prix. IMDb: 5.5. Kneale began writing the script for the Beeb in the early 70s, which might explain the hippies. As it is, this feels very much like a tired addition to the Quatermass legacy that probably should have been left in the early 1970s, where it would have already felt dated. Simon MacCorkindale. He had previously starred in an episode of Kneale's series Beasts and enjoyed appearing in the role of Kapp, finding it a change from the typecast romantic roles that he had become accustomed to playing, [12] while noting that it was "challenging" conveying the character's strong … The story sees an old, tired and almost forgotten Professor Quatermass (John Mills) travelling into London to appear on a TV show celebrating a USA-USSR space link up, though his real motives are more personal – he is desperate to find his runaway granddaughter. Information page about 'Quatermass' (starring John Mills, Simon Maccorkindale, Barbara Kellermann and more) on BritBox UK :: from MaFt's NewOnBritBoxUK Britain struggles with the collapse of civilisation, and a monstrous power in space threatens the youth of the world. All this is a pity, as there are the germs of a good idea here, and with a thorough rewrite and a less misanthropic viewpoint, this could have been a pretty good show. The BBC decided they couldn’t afford it and that it was ‘too depressing’, but sat on the script for years. Melon Farmers Censorship Watch Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The two things may not be coincidental. About. Chosen to play Quatermass (the fourth different actor to play the role in four serials on television) was the distinguished actor John Mills, who had appeared in significant roles in many high-profile British films, including The Way to the Stars (1945), Great Expectations (1946) and Ice Cold in Alex (1958), and had won an Academy Award for his role in Ryan's Daughter (1970). 1. Quatermass is a television programme starring John Mills, Simon MacCorkindale, Barbara Kellerman. A major new religion has been taken up by most of the young people around the world, calling themselves Planet People they believe they are about to be transported away from the evils of the Earth to a new world Elsewhere. Rated: Suitable for 15 years and over Format: Blu-ray. Simon MacCorkindale films de grande valeur - Simon Charles Pendered MacCorkindale was a British actor, film director, writer and producer. British Actor Simon MacCorkindale was born Simon Charles Pendered MacCorkindale on 23rd February, 1952 in Ely, Cambridgeshire, England, UK and passed away on 14th Oct 2010 London, England, UK aged 58. He went on to appear in a numbe… 7 months ago.
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