sartorius annual report 2019

Due to strong net cash flow from operating activities and despite the intensive investment activity and successful acquisition, the company's ratio of net debt to underlying EBITDA1) was 2.0 and thus below the prior-year figure of 2.4. 2019: SARTORIUS STEDIM BIOTECH SA: Information on Document Availability: EQ. HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning), Machine Tools, Metalworking and Metallurgy, Aboriginal, First Nations & Native American,, Ultimately, this has led to a somewhat extended balance sheet and thus to a slightly lower equity ratio. In Asia | Pacific, Sartorius earned sales of 463.7 million euros (+17.4%), which equates to a share of around 25% of Group revenue. 2020(E) 4.262. Sartorius Group 2019 Annual Report 9. The Bioprocess Solutions Division with its broad product portfolio focusing on single-use solutions helps customers to manufacture biotech medications and vaccines safely and efficiently. As of the reporting period ended September 30, 2020, Sartorius Stedim Biotech employed 6,979 people worldwide. The corresponding margin was positively affected by IFRS 162) and stood at 19.6%, up from the previous year's level of 18.5%. "The once again very positive development of the Group shows that we have laid a strong foundation for sustained profitable growth by concentrating in both divisions on the dynamic biopharma sector," commented CEO Dr. Joachim Kreuzburg on the past fiscal year. Further, this has resulted in reporting longer-term lease payments as depreciation and, accordingly, in a somewhat higher EBITDA, but does not entail any material changes concerning the Group's relevant net profit or earnings per share. Q4 2020 Sartorius AG Annual Report. The Sartorius group is an international pharmaceutical and laboratory equipment supplier, covering the segments of Bioprocess Solutions and Lab Products & Services.. In 2019, the technology group earned sales revenue of 1827.0 million euros (2018: 1566.0 | 2017: 1404.6). Annual Report 2019/20 Download – PDF 9 MB . 0,61 Euro je Stammaktie auszuschütten. SARTORIUS Werkzeuge GmbH & Co. KG. Underlying EBITDA1) rose overproportionately again relative to sales, as in the prior year, by 22.4% to 495.8 million euros in 2019; the respective margin was 27.1% (previous year: 25.9%) in line with our guidance. 2) IFRS 16 required to be applied as of 2019 regulates accounting of lease contracts. The division's order intake1) increased by 5.7% (reported: +7.3%) to 460.3 million euros. 76.4% of retail CFD accounts lose money, Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Dow, S&P 500 close at records amid strong global economic data », Regulators urge safety recall of $4,295 Peloton treadmill after child dies », Resolutions of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting of Sartorius AG, Resolutions of the Supervisory Board of Sartorius AG, Sartorius Aktiengesellschaft reports FY results, Sartorius closes 2020 with strong growth to well over 2 billion euros and a further increase in profitability, Sartorius earnings: here's what to expect, RoosterBio : RoosterBio Partners with Sartorius to Advance Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing, Sartorius to acquire Novasep's chromatography process equipment division, Sartorius acquires filtration expert WaterSep BioSeparations, Order intake: all customer orders contractually concluded during the respective reporting period, Underlying EBITDA: earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization and adjusted for extraordinary items, Relevant net profit: profit for the period after non-controlling interest, adjusted for extraordinary items and non-cash amortization, as well as based on the normalized financial result and corresponding tax effects, CAPEX ratio: investment payments in relation to sales revenue for the same period. Based on the company's positive business performance, the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board will submit a proposal to the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting on March 26, 2020, to pay dividends of 0.71 euros per preference share and 0.70 euros per ordinary share. If you wish to get hold of older issues of our publications, please go to our archive. Follow Sartorius on Twitter @Sartorius_Group and on LinkedIn. - Group sales revenue up 14.8%; order intake up 14.8%; underlying EBITDA margin 27.1%, - Dividend proposal: 0.71 euros per preference share; 0.70 euros per ordinary share, - Positive outlook for 2020: Sales growth of 10% to 13% with a further increase in earnings margin projected. elt sich . At year-end 2019, the Group employed 9,016 staff members. Lala Andriamampianina, We are providing you with comprehensive information on MTU Aero Engines by publishing our financial reports and IR presentations for capital-market stakeholders. Sartorius, a leading international partner of biopharmaceutical research and the industry, confirmed its preliminary figures with the publication of its 2018 Annual Report. +49 210 244 00 24. Latest Developments More. Beyond operating business development and the integration of acquisitions, additional topics are on the 2020 agenda at Sartorius. Regarding profitability, Sartorius forecasts that its underlying EBITDA margin1) will increase year over year from 27.1% to about 27.5%. Sartorius, a leading international partner of life science research and the biopharmaceutical industry, confirmed its preliminary figures upon publication of its 2019 Annual Report today. ... SARTORIUS STEDIM BIOTECH SA: Annual report of the liquidity contract with the s.. EQ. Commerce Policy | Follow Sartorius on Twitter @Sartorius_Group and on LinkedIn. 1) Sartorius publishes alternative performance measures that are not defined by international accounting standards. Rapport semestriel. nnal Report 2019 The Afnic General Assembly and annual dinner were the occasion for its members and teams to thank Emmanuel Sartorius for his efforts at the head of our association these past six years and to welcome Godefroy Beauvallet, our new Chair. Resolutions of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting of Sartorius AG... Sartorius is a corporate partner of the Healthcare... Order intake: all customer orders contractually concluded during the respective reporting period, Underlying EBITDA: earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization and adjusted for extraordinary items, Relevant net profit: profit for the period after non-controlling interest, adjusted for extraordinary items and non-cash amortization, as well as based on the normalized financial result and corresponding tax effects, CAPEX ratio: investment payments in relation to sales revenue for the same period. At a glance. Contact: Petra Kirchhoff Head of Corporate Communications and Investor Relations +49-(0), View original content to download multimedia:, Plus500. : 1 Founded in 1870, the Göttingen-based company currently employs over 9,000 persons.

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