purcell fairy queen text

nachtstraum“, 1692), der Purcell den Titel „The Fairy Queen“ gab (nach der Feenkönigin Titania), gehören zu den frühesten musikdramatischen Aneignungen Shakespeare’scher Dramen. Evidently Purcell's; but the text has been arranged (whatever that may mean) by Imogen Holst and the music by Britten. Let the Fifes, and the Clarions, and shrill Trumpets sound, Not will I admit of another Reply. While Echo shall in sounds remote, Trip it, trip it in a Ring; Coridon: To favour your Design; Listen to Purcell: The Fairy Queen (Pinchgut Opera) by Alison Morgan, Antony Walker, Belinda Montgomery, Brett Weymark, Corin Bone, Jamie Allen, Jenny Duck-Chong, Miriam Allan, Paul McMahon, Sally-Anne Russell, Sara Macliver, Simon Lobelson, Stephen Bennett, Cantillation, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Henry Purcell. You must not, you cannot, you shall not deny, Check out Purcell: The Fairy Queen, 1692 by Gabrieli & Paul McCreesh on Amazon Music. And all her Peaceful Train is near, Secresie: Soft as feather'd Snow does fall! O fie, fie, fie! song lyrics / Henry Purcell / The Fairy Queen, Act II: "Come all ye songsters" lyrics | en Français. Turn then thine Eyes upon those Glories there, Benumb'd with hard Forsts, and with Snow covere'd o'ver, I am come to lock all fast, drunken Poet: Enough, enough, we must play at blind man’s buff. Or grieve at my Fate, when I know 'tis in vain? Following the huge success of his opera Dido and Aeneas, Purcell composed The Fairy-Queenin 1692. Smiling, Wanton, Fresh and Fair; Smiling, Wanton, Fresh and Fair; Let the Fifes, and the Clarions, and shrill Trumpets sound, We h've left the dull Fools, and are stolen away. 4,16 € The fairy queen Text (Libretto) Purcell Henry Text … Stream songs including "The Fairy Queen: Overture", "The Fairy Queen: Act I - Duet" and more. Drive 'em hence, away, away Autumn: Chorus: Soft as her Sighs and sweet as pearly dew, And catching Flames will on thy Torch appear. The Fairy-Queen (1692; Purcell catalogue number Z.629) is a semi-opera by Henry Purcell; a "Restoration spectacular". Run new Division, and such Measures keep, They profane it, who reveal it. We must play at Blind Man's Buff. No noise disturb her sleeping sence. For Labour and Trade, Hymen: And since the errors of this Night are past, The libretto is an anonymous adaptation of William Shakespeare's comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream. To Entertain the Hours; From all that anxious Care and Strife, I'll catch whom I may. tard, aquest text servia de base per a The Fairy Queen, del també anglès Henry Purcell. Then Mopsa no more Henry Purcell: The Fairy Queen, edited by Bruce Wood and Andrew Pinnock (Purcell Society Edition Vol. Gives more delight, Be ever Banish'd hence, Sleep: Repeat each Note, And every time the Sun shall display his Rising Light, The fairy queen Purcell Henry Text (Libretto) Verlag Bornmann Musikbücher Text/Libretto None but the Harmless and the Good. I'll catch whom I may. Juno: Henry Purcell (1659–1695), der als der erste englische Opernkomponist gilt, prägte diese Form entscheidend, vor allem mit seinem Werk The Fairy Queen, in dem er die originalen Shakespeare-Dialoge mit festlichen barocken Musiknummern erweiterte. We must play at Blind Man's Buff. Repeat each Note, Hold you damn'd tormenting Punk, Henry Purcell war der Sohn eines Mitglieds der um 1660 errichteten Chapel Royal, der Sängerkapelle König Karls II.Er erhielt seine Ausbildung als Chorknabe derselben Kapelle durch deren Vorsteher Henry Cooke († 1672) und dessen Nachfolger Pelham Humfrey (1647–1674). Har how all things with one Sound rejoyce, Where Crouds and Noise were never known, May the God of Wit inspire, The full score of The Fairy Queen is available to purchase from Stainer & Bell. Light and Comfort of the Earth; Beauty may captivate the Sense, But no ill Vapours rise or fall, I'll have the Pleasure, let him have the Pain. Song and Chorus: Great Parent of us all, The Fairy-Queen, Z. Good dear Devil, let me go; 629 GS 2702. What Heaven as freely bestows. One charming Night And take, and take, my fill of your Bliss. Mai 1692 im Queen's Theatre, Dorset Garden in London. By 1692 the British masque or semi-opera had become the British answer to foreign operatic composition. MVB 46-ST3-4. We nover cloy, In Innocence secure, The fairy queen - ST 3 4. Then let not your Disdain unbind The libretto is an anonymous adaptation of William Shakespeare's wedding comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream. I press her Hand gently, look Languishing down, A thousand, thousand several ways. The fairy queen Purcell Henry Text (Libretto) Verlag Bornmann Musikbücher Text/Libretto Drunken Poet: Even Love who rules all things in Earth, Air, and Sea; "The Fairy Queen" Suite: Prelude Songtext von Henry Purcell mit Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf Songtexte.com Winter: Ye Gentle Spirits of the Air, appear; And the Blessed Heavenly Quire, Das Orchester besteht aus zwei Flöten, zwei Oboen, zwei Trompeten, Pauken, Streichern und einem Cembalo. O let me weep, for ever weep, Two Others: But oh! 'Tis holy, and we must conceal it, See, even Night her self is here, They profane it, who reveal it. The libretto is an anonymous adaptation of William Shakespeare's wedding comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream. 'Tis what I look for, and shan't be defeated, The round his Altar, Sing and Play. Opera Arias Home > Purcell > The Fairy-Queen > Hush, no more Hush, no more Opera details: Opera title: The Fairy-Queen: Composer: Henry Purcell: Language: English: Synopsis: The Fairy-Queen Synopsis: Libretto: The Fairy-Queen Libretto: Translation(s): Not entered yet. Yes, Daphne, in your Looks I find They shall be as happy as they're fair; Would languish, and fade, and to nothing would fall, 629 is a 1692 masque (semi-opera) by Henry Purcell, to an anonymous libreto based on Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. And murmuring Streams, All the Fruit that Autumn yields, Poet: Art.-Nr. Secresie: If a bitter, oh tell me, whence comes my content? The Fairy Queen Oper von Henry Purcell Chaos im Zauberwald. As when you lull the God of Love asleep. Wird oft zusammen gekauft mit. Adorn'd with all the Flowers of May, Nothing offend our Fairy Queen. A Glory round about it hurl'd; Henry Purcell - Z 629 The Fairy Queen, III, 1 "If love's a sweet passion". No, no: no Kissing at all; Im Wechsel von lyrischen Arien, humorvollen Ensemblenummern und farbenreichen Orchesterstücken schuf Purcell eine luftig-leichte Musik, die dem Wesen der Shakespeare’schen Komödie glänzend entspricht. Chorus We have sacrific'd. Let nothing stay to give offence. No Life so Blest as ours. Mopsa: His Nonsense, and his Dogrel Rhymes. My torch has long been out, I hate Then were all Minds as pure, Bring pleasing Dreams; The fairy queen Purcell Henry Text Libretto Verlag Bornmann Musikbücher They shall be as happy as they’re fair; Love shall fill all the places of care. Purcell did not set Shakespeare’s text; he provided music for the additional scenes interpolated into each act of the play. Chinese Woman: Adorn'd with all the Flowers of May, Good dear Devil, let me go; Chinese Man: About Us; Chandos Records is one of the world's premier classical music record companies, best known for its ground breaking search for neglected musical gems. Bestellnummer. Should I give you aninch, you'd soon take an Ell. Jan 16 Inszenierung: Calixto Bieito, musikalische Leitung: Christian Curnyn Bühne: Susanne … Benumb'd with hard Forsts, and with Snow covere'd o'ver, Enter Titania, leading the Indian Boy, Fairies attending. Chinese Man: But let us merrily Play, About him go, so, so, so, No cause for Pride, Ambition wanted aim. Let soft Repose, The Fairy Queen, first performed in London in 1692, was a great success. Since I suffer with pleasure, why should I Making Spring for the Plants, every Flower, and each Tree. Search | And the World seems to have one voice. The fact that this was necessary is illustrated by the following quotation (written as part of a eulogy to the composer just after his death), which shows the low regard in which Shakespeare's plays were held, and how essential a musical adapt… The Fairy-Queen Libretto Act I. No 56, Song & Chorus: They shall be as happy as they're fair (1st Woman/2nd Woman/Hymen/chorus) [2'10] Mhairi Lawson (soprano), Anna Dennis (soprano), Roderick Williams (baritone), Gabrieli Consort. A Thousand Thousand ways we'll find Mopsa: And murmuring Streams, 'Tis holy, and we must conceal it, Make the pleasure longer last, Why, how now, Sir Clown, what makes you so bold? For I'll be as false and inconstant as he. And the Arch of high Heav'n the Clangor resound. I dart forth my Beams, to give all things a Birth, Coridon: 1st Fairy, Chorus: Bring pleasing Dreams; But Kindness only gains the Heart. Now joyn your Warbling Voices all. Soft as her Sighs and sweet as pearly dew, Preludi 2. hornpipe segona música 3. aire 4. Does her yearly Tribute bring; Chorus: See, even Night her self is here, 2nd> Woman: The fairy queen ST 1 2 Purcell Henry ST 1 2. Cath, and repeat the Trembling Sounds anew, Both: JOHN DRYDEN / HENRY PURCELL: OperaGlass: King Arthur or The British Worthy. The Fairy Queen, Act II: "Come all ye songsters" song lyrics by Henry Purcell official. Stretch his Invetion, and artfully feign; False Flames, Love's Meteors, yield my Torch no Light. FIRST ACT Bass Woden, first to thee A milk-white steed, in battle won, We have sacrific'd. See my many Colour'd Fields Bestellnummer. Signum: SIGCD615. First performed in 1692, The Fairy-Queen was composed three years before Purcell's death at the age of 35. 571829. Shew the utmost of their Art. If a Bitter, oh tell me whence comes my content? And from the Power Divine I'll not Kiss, till I Kiss you for good and all. Light and Comfort of the Earth; Terms | The full score of The Fairy Queen is available to purchase from Stainer & Bell. Kind to her as she to you, Which Fools on each other impose. Envy and Spight, That when Men promise most they most deceive, The Fairy Queen von Henry Purcell Semi-Oper nach William Shakespeares "Ein Sommernachtstraum" gesprochen auf Deutsch, gesungen auf Englisch Stuttgarter Fassung unter Verwendung der deutschen Übersetzung von Jürgen Gosch, Angela Schanelec und Wolfgang Wiens Premiere im Schauspielhaus: 31. As those Ethereal Streams; The Fairy-Queen (Z.629) is a masque or semi-opera by Henry Purcell, a "Restoration spectacular". And every time the Sun shall display his Rising Light, That when Men promise most they most deceive, Yet so pleasing the Pain, so soft is the Dart, Thus wildly we live, Arias | And loaded Trees my Will obey; When in striving to hide, she reveals all her Flame, Fill up the Bowl, then, &c. 1st Fairy, Chorus : Chorus: "Now Joyn Your Warbling Voices All" – Song And Chorus: "Sing While We Trip It Upon The Green" – Dance For Faierys. Be to one another true, My Torch, indeed, will from such Brightness shine: With Looks so soft, and with Language so kind, Summer: And from the Power Divine About him go, so, so, so, We'll rouse him with a Charm, Hymen appear! 629. Should he employ all his wit in deceiving, TITANIA. henry purcell the fairy queen lyrics Year of production 2006. Phoebus: The Lordlike you Rule, She that in Love makes least Defence, Not will I admit of another Reply. 12) Purcell Society Edition Volume 12 contains the music and complete text of the dramatic opera The Fairy Queen, Z. And laugh as the Fool, Poet: 1676 … Pinch the Wretch, from Top to Toe; Pinch till he confess his Crimes. Pinch him, pinch him for his Crimes, Henry Purcell The Fairy Queen Libretto von Thomas Betterton und Elkanah Settle Uraufführung: 02.05.1692, Dorset Garden Theatre, London Act I Scene: A Palace. Stream now on IDAGIO And gave it Birth in light. The fairy queen Purcell Henry Text Libretto Verlag Bornmann Musikbücher And what they Swore, resolv'd ne're to believe. In pleasant Shades upon the Grass At Night our selves we'll lay; Our Days in harmless Sport shall pass, Thus Time shall slide away. And as I hope to wear the Bays, Poet: For I'll be as false and inconstant as he. Der Text wird von 16 Solisten und einem vierstimmigen Chor gesungen, der meistens den musikalischen Inhalt der Arien wiederholt. Pinch him, pinch him for his Crimes, Gewicht: 30 g. Artikelnummern. MVB 46-TEXT. Jahrhundert seinem Maskenspiel „The Fairy Queen“ den „Sommernachtstraum“ zugrunde. Act 6 Duet Come, come, come, let us leave the town And in some lonely place, Where crouds and noise were never known, Resolve to spend our days. See, see, I obey. Both Women: An unknown librettist adapted Shakespeare’s play and provided the new … No cause for Pride, Ambition wanted aim. Purcell himself would probably not recognise it as his own work! And the World seems to have one voice. Listen to Purcell: The Fairy Queen by The Scholars Baroque Ensemble on Apple Music. Buy 2 CDs or download online. The Charms by which my Heart's betray'd; Softly, softly, steal from hence. Spring: Here's the Summer, Sprightly, Gay, Please contact Stainer & Bell. Should you give me a score, Publisher: Stainer & Bell Publication date: 2010. There was no Room then for empty Fame, Which made it bright, 1st Woman: First performed in 1692, The Fairy-Queen was composed three years before Purcell's death at the age of 35. Come, come, come, let us leave the Town My Eyes no more shall welcome Sleep; All the Fruit that Autumn yields, At first began to shine, You must not, you cannot, you shall not deny, Wird oft zusammen gekauft mit. Komponist: Purcell Henry. The World to its Chaos would return, but for me. Which made it bright, I confess, I'm verypoor. Enter Titania, leading the Indian Boy, Fairies attending. The I thought none of them worthy of my gaining; (The Fiends delight) Duets | Nach dem Tod des Komponisten geriet das Werk in Vergessenheit. Purcell Society Edition Volume 12 contains the music and complete text of the dramatic opera The Fairy Queen, Z. Purcell: The Fairy Queen, 1692. Love without me cannot last. Chorus: Envy and Spight, Was mit der Ehe beginnt, entwickelt sich zu einem Auf und Ab zwischen der Lust des Augenblicks und der Einsamkeit der späten Stunde. Shakespeare's play was almost 100 years old by that time and therefore the librettist refashioned the original text considerably in order that it might suit a modern palate. The Sacred Nine to bear a part; I'll hide me from the sight of Day, Carolyn Sampson (soprano), Anna Dennis (soprano), Mhairi Lawson (soprano), Ashley Riches (bass-baritone), Roderick Williams (baritone), Gabrieli, Paul McCreesh Then Mopsa no more Should I give you aninch, you'd soon take an Ell. | zzgl. He's gone, he's gone, his loss deplore; If Love's a Sweet Passion, why does it torment? Erst im 20. Sing while we trip it on the Green; Poet: Come all ye Songsters of the Sky, But when so humbly he made his Addresses, That at once it both wounds me, and tickles my Heart. And all her Peaceful Train is near, He may deceive himself, but never me; 'Tis I who give Life, Warmth, and Vigour to all, Hush, no more, be silent all, Let nothing stay to give offence. Resolve to spend our days. And gave it Birth in light. Sweet Repose has clos'd her Eyes. The Fairy-Queen (1692; Purcell catalogue number Z.629) is a masque or semi-opera by Henry Purcell; a "Restoration spectacular". About | Hymen: Winter: Sure the dull God of Marriage does not hear; Both: Softly, softly, steal from hence. Prays the Sun to Restore him, and Sings as before. By some willing mistake to discover her Love. The Charms by which my Heart's betray'd; Purcell wrote it three years before his death at age 35, and the lost score was only rediscovered early in the 20th century. I am a scurvy Poet. MVB 46: Henry Purcell: „The Fairy Queen“ für Erzähler und Blockflöten-Quartett (AATB) Bereits von Purcell als „Semi Opera“ angelegt, also mit gesprochenen Texten und Dialogen, ist die Aufführung durch einen Erzähler und Blockflöten-Quartett dem Original gar nicht so fern. And our Eyes tell each other, what neither dares Name. The Fairy Queen, first performed in London in 1692, was a great success. Dabei vergessen nicht nur die Figuren im Stück, wer sie „normalerweise“ sind, auch die Schauspieler*innen und Sänger*innen gehen … Prays the Sun to Restore him, and Sings as before. With nature's chiefest Delights. No Two shall e're be known so kind, Purcell did not set any of Shakespeare's original text… We'll rouse him with a Charm, Hymen appear! For ever, ever free, Night: The Fairy Queen is an Opera, which is an anonymous libretto from A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare. Drunken Poet: Fill up the Bowl, then, &c. 1st Fairy, Chorus : Poet: Contact 629) (Ft. Lautten Compagney Berlin & Wolfgang Katschner) Lyrics About “Henry Purcell: Love Songs” “Henry Purcell: Love Songs” Q&A Buy sheet music books Purcell, Henry. And in some lonely place, Poet: Run new Division, and such Measures keep, I tell you again, From that tormenting Devil, Jealousie. Nach Humfreys Tod setzte er seine Ausbildung bei John Blow und Matthew Locke (1621/22–1677) fort. Must be hid from Vulgar Eyes. She that in Love makes least Defence, I thought it Sin to refuse his Caresses; Love ne'er had yet such Altars, so divine. He's Love shall fill all the Places of Care: Deze ontstonden na de restauratie van het koningschap in 1660 en waren door het vele kunst- en vliegwerk zeer populair aan het eind van de 17e eeuw in Engeland. The Fairy-Queen, Z. Thus the ever Grateful Spring, Performing material (full score, play text and vocal and instrumental material) is available for rental. For Labour and Trade, Love shall fill all the Places of Care: I am come to lock all fast, And all around pleas'd Cupids clap their Wings. Not Subject to Extreams. Mopsa: Turn me round, and stand away, I'll not trust you so far, I know you too well; But no ill Vapours rise or fall, And loaded Trees my Will obey; No noise disturb her sleeping sence. Drunken Poet: 'Tis I who give Life, Warmth, and Vigour to all, Thus the ever Grateful Spring, 'Twould not lessen your store, When a Cruel long Winter has frozen the Earth, A Chinese Man: Nature o'ercame, and I soon chang'd my Mind. Rondó ACTE I … I'd have ye to know I'm not made of that mold. With Looks so soft, and with Language so kind, Listen to Purcell: The Fairy Queen, 1692 by Anna Dennis, Mhairi Lawson, Rowan Pierce, Carolyn Sampson, Jeremy Budd, Charles Daniels, James Way, Roderick Williams, Ashley Riches, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Henry Purcell. Wake, and Assemble in this Wood; When I have often heard young Maids complaining, Henry Purcell. Maids must never Kiss no Men. I'll write a Sonnet in thy Praise. Enough, enough, I confess, I'm verypoor. A Thousand Thousand ways we'll find Poet: Hold you damn'd tormenting Punk, No, no, &c. Coridon: In Calixto Bieitos Inszenierung von Henry Purcells Semi-Oper The Fairy Queen werden wir zu Zeug*innen einer phantastischen Hochzeitsnacht. In Calixto Bieitos Inszenierung von Henry Purcells Semi-Oper The Fairy Queen werden wir zu Zeug*innen einer phantastischen Hochzeitsnacht. The fairy queen ST 3 4 Purcell Henry ST 3 4. Nay, what do you mean? Primera música 1. Jordi Savall feat. Purcell wrote it three years before his death at age 35, and the lost score was only rediscovered early in the 20th century. There was no Room then for empty Fame, Be ever Banish'd hence, Shew the utmost of their Art. Phoebus: Composers | See, even Night herself is here, Act II - (The Fairy Queen, Z. Sure the dull God of Marriage does not hear; Both: Hush, no more, be silent all, The Night, whose Shades are round us hurl'd, Die Uraufführung des Werks erfolgte am 2. The fairy queen - Text (Libretto) 3,64 € inkl 5% MwSt. Doubt and Despair, But let us merrily Play, Henry Purcell - The Fairy Queen - Act III - Prelude (Love`s A Sweet Passion) Lyrics. Thus the gloomy World O let me weep, for ever weep! Hail! The fairy queen Purcell Henry Text (Libretto) Verlag Bornmann Musikbücher Text/Libretto Now the Maids and the Men are making of Hay, Enough, enough, Privacy | Two Others: Thus Happy and Free, To Entertain the Hours; When I have often heard young Maids complaining, DJ: Of course Shakespeare would never have heard Purcell’s 1692 composition, The Fairy Queen, which was the music composed for the Restoration version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. That attends a married Life; 629. And I shall never see him more. About Chandos. Using Shakespeare’s play A Midsummer Night’s Dream as the backdrop, The Fairy Queen by Henry Purcell (1658/9-1695) expounds on love and marriage, with allusions to co-regnants William and Mary, even as it references London’s ever-expanding world-view. I offer to the God od Day. On loose dissembled Vows to wait, Following his death, the score was lost and only rediscovered early in the twentieth century. Mystery: O fie, fie, fie! 2nd Woman: Besetzung: Text (Libretto) Verlag: Verlag Bornmann. Our singers, like Purcell’s, would naturally grace their lines with rhythmic alterations and melodic extemporisation. Purcell: The Fairy Queen, Z. The bid me chearfully, chearfully Kiss, It shall be to them a new Wedding-Day; One charming Night Both: Sovint considerat el compositor anglès més important d’abans del segle XIX –a banda de Haendel, nascut a Alemanya, però naturalitzat com a anglès– Purcell va néixer a Westminster el 1659 i es formà al cor de la Capella Reial i a la Westminster School. The Prisoner that your Eyes have made. Was mit der Ehe beginnt, entwickelt sich zu einem Auf und Ab zwischen der Lust des Augenblicks und der Einsamkeit der späten Stunde. Mopsa: I find such Charms, such true Joy in believing, See, see, I obey. An unknown librettist adapted Shakespeare’s play and provided the new scenarios and texts. Henry Purcell - The Fairy Queen, Act II: "Come all ye songsters" lyrics. I find such Charms, such true Joy in believing, But renew our Joy, The Fairy-Queen (1692) is a ‘semi-opera’, designed as musical accompaniment to the play. I'm Blest when so kind she does prove, Doubt and Despair,

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