most expensive diamonds

Pure red diamonds almost don’t exist. By clicking “I accept all cookies” you are agreeing to this. Their research pointed out that this particular diamond was 4 times larger than the average gem of its kind. The Moussaieff diamond is the largest known red diamond weighing 5.11 carats. Red diamonds are among the rarest and most sought after diamonds in the world. The highly controversial recut in 2010 triggered backlash among the gemology community but did improve the color and the clarity to fancy deep blue and internally flawless. Originally the diamond was 132.00 carats. An unmatched private collection made by Alan Bronstein compiled of 240 colored diamonds - almost as the number of. The Koh-I-Noor Diamond . There are guidelines for pricing. People will spend a small fortune of jewelry. Check out the most expensive diamonds in the world! Weighing in at a massive 105.6ct, the most expensive diamond in the world is oval shaped. The Sun-Drop diamond is the world’s largest pear-shaped yellow diamond, and the most expensive of its kind as of 2011. Koh-i-Noor means a mountain of light (Persian translation). Consignment – While consignment can be a good option, the two main drawbacks are how long it can take for your diamond to sell and the fees charged by the jeweler if it does sell. Especially for celebrities. If so, most girls do not have friends like the diamonds on this list. 48,500,000. Bio: Written by one of our diamond, designer jewelry or luxury watch experts. While many people do spend a lot on jewelry, there are 10 special diamonds which are far more expensive than anything else on the This fancy deep blue , internally flawless diamond has belonged to both Spanish and German royalty since it arrived in Europe in the 1600s. Well-cut diamonds sell at a premium and poorly cut diamonds sell at … It seems like everybody, from kings and queens down to business people and collectors, wants to own the biggest and most expensive diamonds. The Wittelsbach Diamond — $23.4 million. This is a popular shape because it will work with nearly any setting, allowing you to choose from a wide selection, and it gives a beautiful royal look. The high carat weight, D grade flawless diamonds are very rare hence very expensive. Koh-I-Noor : (Unestimated, Priceless) 2. It is most famous for its outstanding pedigree in both origin and ownership. The original owner of The Heart of Eternity was the Steinmetz Group, but De Beers later bought it in 2000. One might thing that such a list doesn't change that often but the fact is that in recent years due to the constant increase in prices of natural colored diamonds, records are broken quite often and naturally the "new" most expensive diamond immediately becomes also one of the most famous ones. The most expensive blue diamond ever sold was a 14.2 carat fancy vivid blue diamond, which sold at $3.9 million per carat for a price of $57.5 million. Below you'll find a list that we constantly update with these special and rare beauties. We buy your diamonds directly and give our customers the option of selling online or via appointment. Online Diamond Buyer – As a leading online diamond buyer, you are sure to sell your item quickly and safely when working with WP Diamonds. Wittelsbach Graff - 67.4 million euros The Blue Moon Diamond in his new name The Blue Moon of Josephine is the proud owner to the title Most Expensive Diamond in The World! Simply fill out the online form below to receive a price quote for your diamond. From Jackie Kennedy’s 40.42-carat diamond to Kim Kardashian’s stolen ring, take a ... We guarantee the safety, security, and privacy of your valuables. The diamond weighs 76 carats and was sold at the Christie’s Geneva Magnificent Jewels auction for $21.5 million. Most Expensive Diamonds. The Winston Blue was the top lot of the sale, which reaped in a total of $154.1 million and broke another four world records. The diamond industry works in mysterious ways. The Most Expensive Diamond Cut: The Round Brilliant The best loved diamond shape for engagement rings is the round brilliant . Rumour has it that in 2012 boxer Floyd Mayweather purchased the diamond for then-fiancée, Shantel Jackson. The diamond is called Cullinan, according to the owner of the mine Sir Thomas Cullinan. The name was given after Mr. Richard Burton has given it as an engagement ring to his wife to be Elizabeth Taylor. Red colored diamonds are very rare. The Koh-I-Noor diamond is the most expensive diamond in the world and is part of the British Crown Jewels. This Fancy Intense Pink is a 14.23 ct emerald cut diamond. Originally called the Fancy Vivid Blue Diamond, this stone was renamed “The Winston Blue” after Harry Winston purchased it in 2014. The blue diamond that really takes the cake is the Hope Diamond currently housed at the Smithsonian, weighing in … Weather due to possessing a rare unmatched color, size or being sold for unprecedented price. The following are the 11 most expensive diamonds in the world, the majority of the diamonds are either owned by private collectors or exhibited at the museum. Surrounding it with hundreds of colored diamonds and centuries of royal history make it irreplaceable. With an A+ BBB rating and hundreds of online reviews, you can sell your diamond to the experts at no risk. The controversy behind the stone lies in claims that Britain stole the stone from India and that it rightfully belongs to India. It was set in the royal crown of Luis the 14th. A Heritage in Bloom. A triangular brilliant-cut, it is sometimes cited as a trilliant cut, weighing 5.11 carats. It took a total of 154 days for their highly-skilled team to finish the re-cutting process. Round shape diamonds have the highest prices for all carat sizes. Weighing in at 13.22ct, it is the largest diamond of its kind said to be graded by the GIA. In 2010, Christie’s sold The Perfect Pink to an unknown bidder. White diamonds are more available in the mines but the high ranking diamonds in all the 4Cs are very rare. 2020 © Naturally Colored. In 1830 a blue diamond was bought by a diamond dealer named Henri Thomas Hope. The global demand for diamonds reign supreme over other gemstones. It is referred to as the largest Internally Flawless, Fancy Vivid Pink diamond ever … In addition, the auction house will charge a percentage of the final sale price. Offering wide variety of Loose Colored Diamonds at wholesale prices. The previous record holder for the most expensive diamond was the 24.78-carat Graff Pink, sold by Sotheby's for $46.2 million in 2010. Blue diamonds represent only 1% of all mined fancy colored diamonds. A great example would be the latest "official" most expensive diamond the Blue Moon Diamond that was sold only November 16th 2015 for the astounding amount of $48.5 Million! The Blue Moon Diamond in his new name The Blue Moon of Josephine is the proud owner to the title Most Expensive Diamond in The World! The Pink Star Image Source: Cosmopolitan Italia Price: $71 million Date Sold: April 2017 at Sotheby’s Auction Carat... 2. At an estimated 80 million US dollars, Wittelsbach Diamond is one of the most expensive diamond in the world. Without a doubt one of the most famous diamonds in the world. Currently, it is estimated to be worth 60.7 million euros. Pure red diamonds almost don’t exist. The Moussaieff Red Diamond was displayed as part of the eight most incredible diamonds in the world, thus, magnifying its prominence in the diamond industry. This particular stone was discovered at the Kollur Mine in Andhra Pradesh, India. There is also a legend one might say that a curse was placed on the stone and brings bad luck to anyone that owns it. Diamonds showcase some of the most fascinating natural creations in the world today. Weighing in at a massive 105.6ct, the most expensive diamond in the world is oval shaped. They come only in a fancy intensity and the colour modifiers for them are purplish (purplish-red diamonds) and brownish. Below we list some of the most popular way to sell a diamond: Auction House – Auctions are a good choice for extremely rare diamonds. eBay/Craigslist – This is a popular option however with no diamond experts to advise you on the value of your diamond, many people unfortunately undersell when they take this route. Diamonds have become one of the most sought after jewels of the rich and influential. Red Diamond - $1,000,000 per carat Red Diamonds ( Above we featured the diamond as one of the most expensive gemstones, and coming in … The Sancy Diamond : (Unestimated, Priceless) The Sancy diamond is 55.23 carat (11.05 grams) of pale yellow diamond... 3. By the Gemological Institute of America, the color of the Allnatt diamond is recognized as fancy vivid Yellow. The discovery of large diamonds is front-page-worthy news that captivates buyers and the public alike. The Heart of Eternity, a fancy vivid blue, was mined in the South African Premier Diamond Mine. There to remind you that this is indeed a watch–and one of the world’s most expensive watches at that–is a beautifully succinct, skeletonised dial. Divorce can be complex, long, emotionally, but most of all financially draining. Naturally Colored by Peled Diamonds, registered diamond dealer and manufacturer, specializing in Natural Fancy Color Diamonds - Member of the IDI. The purse was handcrafted by artisans who took a total of 8,800 hours to complete the unique handbag. The rarest diamonds are those exceptionally large in size, or with remarkable color and clarity. The centerpiece is a 60 carats pink diamond which on its own is a contender to the crown as one of the most important pink diamonds out there. What makes this gemstone so rare is both its size and intensity of pink. What are the most expensive celebrity divorces to date? An exceptionally rare diamond thanks to its lack of gray or black undertones, this stunning heart shaped stone was originally cut from a 777ct rough diamond. Create your own rings & diamond engagement rings at half the price. This is probably why many inquire about the most famous diamonds in the world as well as the most expensive diamonds in the world. The Noor-ul-Ain Diamond Tiara was given to Empress Farah Diba when she married Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, the last shah of Iran. Topping our list of the most expensive diamonds in the world is the legendary Koh-I-Noor. There are people that believe that this diamond is part of the hope diamond. Biggest Diamond in the World - The Cullinan Diamond. The Pink Star is currently the most expensive diamond ring to have sold on the planet. It was stolen during The French revolution. With billions of dollars spent in this market annually, you may be considering making your ... Celebrities’ engagement rings have long been some of the most valuable, sensational pieces of jewelry in the public eye. The Moussaieff Red Diamond — Up to $8 million, 7. Don't buy cheap diamonds, be a smart buyer. Once the biggest yellow diamond in the world, the dazzling Tiffany Yellow Diamond was cut from 287.42 carats into a magnificent 128.54 carat yellow diamond. Click, The Moussaieff Red Diamond — Up to $8 million, The highly controversial recut in 2010 triggered. Take a look below at some of the world’s most expensive diamonds. They come only in a Fancy intensity and the color modifiers for them are purplish (purplish red diamonds) and brownish. The Incomparable is a colored diamond weighing 407.49 carats. The diamond was found in India (1642). With no further delay we present you the list of: The named diamonds each made an impact on the industry. The stone is rumored to be cursed due to the misfortune and tragedy that many of its previous owners experienced. Mined in South Africa in 1999, the Pink Star, previously known as the Steinmetz Pink, is the largest diamond to have been graded a Fancy Vivid Pink. Topping our list of the most expensive diamonds in the world is the legendary Koh-I-Noor. The singer’s most expensive piece of jewellery (to date) is the Lorraine Schwartz, 400-carat diamond necklace that she wore with several of the designer’s rings to the 2017 Grammy Awards. Top 10 Most Expensive Celebrity Engagement Rings 2020, Studio 212/213B, The Big Peg 120 Vyse Street, This site uses cookies to analyze our traffic, personalize content and serve targeted ads. Proof that orange is … The Most Expensive Diamonds Ever Sold at Auction 1. One of the most famous blue diamonds of all time is the Hope Diamond, with an estimated value of around $300 million. It has diamond cut size of 101.29 carat (20.258 g) with a cushion cut. This has not however been confirmed by De Beers. The sale of the diamond set a world record for the sale of a colorless diamond. The story behind this diamond goes back to the year 1302. Formed at 500km below the Earth’s crust, often over 3 billion years old, diamonds are created when carbon is subjected to both huge pressure and heat. It had 82 facets that were arranged in a pattern. It is a white diamond weighing 108.93 carats. You won't believe how much money the rare and valuable jewelry stones on this top list are worth! A Heritage in Bloom – $200 Million. Its color is of a Brownish Yellow Diamond and was found in the beginning of the 1980’s. Feel free to sort and filter based on there unique attributes. Starting our list of the top most expensive diamonds in the world is the Moussaieff Red. The size of the diamond is said to be 40mm in diameter with VS 2 clarity and 8.29 mm depth. The diamond was sold at Christie's Geneva Magnificent Jewels sale in May 2014 for about $23.8 million, breaking the world record for the world's most expensive blue diamond. These are impressive. However, there is no guarantee that your item will sell and the process can be very time-consuming. This graph shows another interesting feature of diamond pricing: the bump in price for rounds at the 1.0-ct mark. As a rough diamond, the Centenary Diamond weighed over 500ct.

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