She has the ability to transform into a tabby cat, because she is animaugus. He offered both comfort and told Minerva some of his own family history, previously unknown to her. [58] Although she was fully willing to punish him for his misdeeds, Minerva would not hesitate to intervene in their affairs whenever necessary to keep them safe and ensured that Harry would not be punished too severely. Minerva then intervened on his behalf after he told her that Alecto wasn't responding. Thus, Isobel often secluded herself with Minerva for days at a time. Im jungen Alter von 18 Jahren verliebte sie sich Hals über Kopf in den Muggeljungen Dougal McGregor, einen hübschen, klugen und humorvollen S… McGonagall nadal była nauczycielką transmutacji w Szkole Magii i Czarodziejstwa w Hogwarcie. kiedy podarowała mu miotłę). [20], Gryffindor wins the Quidditch Cup in 1994, In the spring of 1994, though disgusted by the Slytherin Quidditch team's dirty tactics during the final Quidditch match after witnessing Draco Malfoy grab onto the end of Harry's Firebolt to stop him from catching the Golden Snitch (which infuriated her to the point where she stopped telling Lee Jordan off and actually joined him in firing furious comments at Malfoy), she witnessed the Gryffindor Quidditch team win the Quidditch Cup for the first time since Charlie Weasley had played for the team during his Hogwarts education. In addition, Minerva wouldn't accept Harry's accusations of Malfoy mailing a cursed necklace without sufficient evidence, nor condone any attacks Harry made on Malfoy such as when the former used the Sectumsempra curse (not knowing exactly what it did) on Malfoy, in 1997. [3], Towards the end of the year, McGonagall and the other teachers' protective enchantments down in the Philosopher's Stone chambers would come to test when Quirrell attempted to steal the Philosopher's Stone. After questioning their new arrivals about her whereabouts and receiving confirmation that she had indeed arrived with the rest of her peers, Professor McGonagall instructed Hagrid to set up a search party to find her, before she announced that while members of the staff searched the castle, the rest of the student body should enjoy the Welcoming Feast while they still could, as they would have to be well-rested before embarking on the new term. Jodła 9½ cala, włókno ze smoczego serca, sztywna Kiedy został osierocony, martwiła się o jego dalszy los. After he became Headmaster, Dumbledore would later on in his career also trust her enough to allow her to become Deputy Headmistress of the school and fill in for him on the occasions of his absence. Jako jedyny nauczyciel podczas wizytacji na swojej lekcji w sposób grzeczny, lecz stanowczo wyraziła swoją opinię o niestosownym zachowaniu Umbridge. During the Quidditch match against Ravenclaw, Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, and Marcus Flint posed as Dementors to sabotage Harry's performance, only to get struck down when Harry reflexively cast a Patronus Charm at them. Though these duties took up much of her time, Minerva would face even greater challenges at Hogwarts. Pozostałe informacje Similarly, she stood up to Amycus Carrow, despite the Death Eater's higher authority at the time, refusing to let him blame the students for Alecto's blunder and looked down at him with pure disgust. Nachdem Minerva Hogwarts verlassen hatte, kehrte sie für einen letzten Sommer zu ihrer Familie zurück, bevor sie ihre Stelle beim Zaubereiministeriumantreten wollte. Traktowała go tak samo jak innych uczniów, mimo że lubiła go i otaczała troską. After being released from the hospital, she required the aid of a walking stick for several days. She offers him emotional support where he would otherwise have none. Thus, when the Minister refused to believe Dumbledore and Harry Potter about the return of Voldemort, Minerva nonetheless stood in support of her superior and her student.
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