: Clever, courteous and multilingual, but also self-serving, cunning, implacable, and murderous, the character of Landa was such that Tarantino feared he "might have written a part that was unplayable". Landa gently removes her shoe]. : Consequently, a German soldier conducts a search of a house suspected of hiding Jews. : You don't like them. Gentlemen, it's a pleasure; the friends of our cherished star, admired by all of us, this outright jewel of our culture, are naturally going to be under my personal protection for the duration of their stay. But if I don't pick up this phone right here, you may very well get all four... and if you get all four, you'll end the war... tonight. That's a pretty exciting story. Col. Hans Landa Er sehe bei ihnen keine Not, sondern nur „Unannehmlichkeiten“. [mispronouncing the name] Are you aware of the job I've been ordered to carry out in France? Col. Hans Landa Technical Specs, [Aldo shoots Hans' driver Hermann, and gives Utivich a knife], [in Italian with obvious southern accent], [obviously annoyed, leans forward and whispers], [Landa and Bridget sit alone in Shosanna's office; in German]. Col. Hans Landa "Inglourious Basterds" (2009) : Monsieur LaPadite, are you aware of the nickname the people of France have given me? : : He also attended the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute in New York. I beg your pardon? Is that the way you say it? My hands, to be exact. How you know our names? measures 8.5"x11" Original interrogation paperwork used by "Col. Hans Landa", played Christoph Waltz in the Quentin Tarantino directed production of 'Inglourious Basterds' (2009), starring Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz, Michael Fassbender, Eli Roth, Diane Kruger, Til Schweiger, and Melanie Laurent. : "If the shoe fits, you must wear it.". [He pours wine for himself, Aldo, and Utivich]. Yeah, where is that exactly? : The kind you wouldn't have the authority to make. Would you agree? Col. Hans Landa Aldo the Apache and the Little Man? Lt. Aldo Raine : : And yes, some Germans will die, and yes, it will ruin the evening, and yes, Goebbels will be very, very, very mad at you for what you've done to his big night, but you won't get Hitler, you won't get Goebbels, you won't get Göring, and you won't get Bormann and you need all four to end the war. : Col. Hans Landa Gorlami. Col. Hans Landa : : I guess so too. Inglourious Basterds Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. : Perrier LaPadite May I? : Col. Hans Landa And they've been waiting a long time to touch you. Col. Hans Landa : Lt. Aldo Raine Most of it being a complete waste of time, but it needs to be done nevertheless. Perrier LaPadite : That they call you "The Jew Hunter". Christoph Waltz og kona Judith Holste på Oscar-utdelinga 2010 der Waltz vant pris for sin rolletolkning av Hans Landa i Inglorious Basterds Den italienske filmregissøren Enzo G. Castellari signerer en plakat for Inglorious Basterds ved Lund International Fantastic Film Festival 2009. : As Lt. Raine "debriefs" Bridget by pressing his index finger into her leg wound, Donny Donowitz (Eli Roth) holds his Luger P08 on her. Col. Hans Landa Where were we? : Selvom der er lange scener hvor folk bare sidder og snakker om ting som slet ikke har noget at gøre med filmen. Sì... er, corretto. # yes # nod # christoph waltz. Christoph Waltz, 2017. Company Credits : But "Jew Hunter"? : His maternal grandmother was Burgtheater actress Maria Mayen, and his step-grandfather was actor Emmerich Reimers. I'm a detective. "That's a bingo"? Christoph Waltz is fluent in German, French, and English and speaks all three of the languages in Inglourious Basterds (2009). Finding people is my specialty so naturally I work for the Nazis finding people, and yes some of them were Jews. 2009 | 18+ | 2h 32m | Action Thrillers. : However, the reason the Führer has brought me off my Alps in Austria and placed me in French cow country today is because it does occur to me. Inglourious Basterds subtitles for free. Inglourious Basterds. Col. Hans Landa By NADINE SHUBAILAT. Where Bridget von Hammersmark? Lt. Aldo Raine Ooh! This is the wonderful Italian stuntman, Enzo Gorlomi; a very talented cameraman, Antonio Margheriti; and Antonio's camera assistant, Dominick Decocco. [chuckling] : And 999 point 999 times out of a million, you would be correct. Lt. Aldo Raine Col. Hans Landa Christoph Waltz is an Austrian-German actor. Col. Hans Landa Col. Hans Landa [In English] Col. Hans Landa : : Besetzung und Stab von Inglourious Basterds, Regisseur: Quentin Tarantino. I, on the other hand, love my unofficial title, precisely BECAUSE I've earned it. Col. Hans Landa Anything I've done in my guise as an SS Colonel was sanctioned by the OSS as a necessary evil to establish my cover with the Germans and it was my placement of Lieutenant Raine's dynamite in Hitler and Goebbels' opera box that assured their demise. However, all I have to do is pick up this phone right here, inform the cinema, and your plan's kaput. Smithson Utivich What are you aware of? Please tell me what you've heard? If a rat were to walk in here right now, as I'm talking, would you greet it with a saucer of your delicious milk? Bridget von Hammersmark Besetzung und Stab von Inglourious Basterds, Regisseur: Quentin Tarantino. : If a rat were to scamper through your front door right now, would you greet it with hostility? He is known for his work with American filmmaker Quentin Tarantino, receiving acclaim for portraying SS-Standartenführer Hans Landa in Inglourious Basterds (2009) and bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz in Django Unchained (2012). How much more Austrian do you want?". It would appear he has done everything in his power to earn it. För båda rollerna prisades Waltz med Oscar, Golden Globe, och BAFTA Award för bästa manliga biroll. Perrier LaPadite Tell me, Aldo, if I were sitting where you're sitting, would you show me mercy? Although Landa also spoke Italian in that movie, he stated on the Adam Carolla Podcastthat he does not actually speak it in real life. Do you control the nicknames your enemies bestow on you? : : Smithson Utivich I suppose I would. : : Yeah! Besetzung: Brad Pitt, Mélanie Laurent, Christoph Waltz, Eli Roth. : What kind of deal? If you want to win the war tonight, we have to make a deal! [in French; subtitled] : Lt. Aldo Raine I understand your trepidation in repeating it. Christoph Waltz (kristɔf valts); born 4 October 1956) is an Austrian actor, who also holds German citizenship. Col. Hans Landa If they're still there, and if they're still alive, and that's one big if, there ain't no way you gonna take them boys without settin' off them bombs. : [in German] : What is that English expression about shoes and feet? [in Italian with obvious southern accent] : : Tonight. Once more? Smithson Utivich Inglourious Basterds was Quentin Tarantino’s fantasy war film. A Jewish cinema owner in occupied Paris is forced to host a Nazi premiere, where a group of American soldiers called the Basterds plans a face-off. As of this moment, both Omar and Donowitz should be sitting in their very seats we left for them, 0023 and 0024 if my memory serves, explosives still around their ankles, still ready to explode and your mission, what some would call a terrorist plot, as of this moment is still a go. Als SS-Oberst Hans Landa, der in ganz Europa Juden jagt, verkörperte er den gebildeten, eitlen, gerissenen, charmanten und skrupellosen Nazi-Schergen, wie er im Buche steht. Long story short: We hear a story too good to be true, it ain't. [Bridget slowly reaches into Landa's pocket. : Lt. Aldo Raine You don't really know why you don't like them; all you know is you find them repulsive. Christoph Waltz was born in Vienna, Austria. : Are you aware of my existence? A Jewish cinema owner in occupied Paris is forced to host a Nazi premiere, where a group of American soldiers called the Basterds plans a face-off. Col. Hans Landa Lt. Aldo Raine : : Yeah, I was just thinking that. Bingo! I didn't think so. [chuckles lightly and nervously] Christoph Waltz is an Austrian-German actor and director. : Col. Hans Landa How 'bout you, Utivich? Gentlemen, I have no intention of killing Hitler and killing Goebbels and killing Göring and killing Bormann, not to mention winning the war single-handedly for the Allies, only later to find myself standing before a Jewish tribunal. : Hans, you embarrass me. : Lt. Aldo Raine Inglourious Basterds (Antikriegsfilm) USA | D/2009 am 23.04.2021 um 20:15 Uhr im TV-PROGRAMM: alle Infos, alle Sendetermine Although Landa also spoke Italian in that movie, he stated on the Adam Carolla Podcast that he does not actually speak it in real life. Inglourious Basterds es una película de 2009 escrita y dirigida por Quentin Tarantino y protagonizada por Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz y Mélanie Laurent.Titulada Malditos bastardos [2] en España y Bastardos sin gloria [3] en Hispanoamérica, la película es una ficción ucrónica sobre la Alemania nazi.El estilo recuerda al spaghetti western y al cine bélico italiano de los años 1960. The time frame of the film is set in early June 1944, after the D-Day landings but before the liberation of Paris.The film tracks the separate attempts to … Mir scheint, da fehlt jemand. Christoph Waltz on IMDb: Awards, nominations, and wins. His great-grandparents also worked in the theatre. Lt. Aldo Raine Man möchte ergänzen: Es ist ein Film, an dem sich das, was Eloquenz, sardonischer Witz, Sadismus und Schauspiel ist, neu definiert hat. Inglourious Basterds was Quentin Tarantino’s fantasy war film. Till tonight. Am I pronouncing it correctly? Inglourious Basterds (2009) Awards. : He looks in the barn, he looks in the attic, he looks in the cellar, he looks everywhere he would hide. He became a prolific television actor. [in German] Probably not. Inglourious Basterds : Photo Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux. | : Perrier LaPadite Lt. Aldo Raine : He is known for his work with American filmmaker Quentin Tarantino, receiving acclaim for portraying SS-Standartenführer Hans Landa in Inglourious Basterds (2009) and bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz in Django Unchained (2012). : It featured Bad Pitt as Lt. Aldo Raine, Michael Fassbender as Lt. Archie Hicox, Melanie Laurent as Shosanna, Diana Kruger as Bridget von Hammersmark, Christopher Waltz as Colonel Hans Landa, and Daniel Bruhl as Private Fredrick Zoller. Lt. Aldo Raine The performance of Christoph Waltz, playing the Nazi Gestapo figure Col. Hans Landa, is the highlight of the film. Lt. Aldo Raine [slightly annoyed] Starring: Brad Pitt, Mélanie Laurent, Christoph Waltz. Yeah, where is that, exactly? Up 'ere, if you engage in what the federal government calls 'illegal activity,' but what we call 'just a man tryin' to make a livin' for his family sellin' moonshine liquor,' it behooves oneself to keep his wits. You just say "bingo.". Inglourious Basterds, ou Le Commando des Bâtards au Québec, est un film de guerre uchronique germano-américain écrit et réalisé par Quentin Tarantino, sorti en 2009.. It's a hostile world, indeed. : I've done my share of bootlegging. And yes, some Germans will die, and yes, it will ruin the evening, and yes, Goebbels will be very, very, very mad at you for what you've done to his big night... but you won't get Hitler, you won't get Goebbels, you won't get Göring, and you won't get Bormann. Col. Hans Landa In 2000, he made his directorial debut, with the German-language television production Wenn man sich traut. Col. Hans Landa Pfc. He received international acclaim for his portrayal of SS-Standartenführer Hans Landa in the 2009 film Inglourious Basterds, for which he won the Best Actor Award at the Cannes Film Festival and the British Academy Film Awards, Golden Globe Award, Screen Actors Guild Award and Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in 2009. Her hand closes around what's inside and she glances at Landa with a look of sudden terror], Col. Hans Landa Perrier LaPadite I'm aware of that. The feature that makes me such an effective hunter of the Jews is, as opposed to most German soldiers, I can think like a Jew, where they can only think like a German... more precisely, German soldier. : Col. Hans Landa Maynardville, Tennessee. : : They bite people. Col. Hans Landa Col. Hans Landa Col. Hans Landa So you're the Jew Hunter. | Col. Hans Landa No. : : May I smoke my pipe as well? Monsieur LaPadite, while I'm very familiar with you and your family, I have no way of knowing if you are familiar with who I am. If you want to win the war, tonight; [Landa lightly chops his hands down against the table]. But they're both rodents, are they not? A damn good dectective. So who are your three handsome escorts? : But there's so many places it would never occur to a hawk to hide. [Bridget hands over the shoe, and Landa slips it neatly onto her foot, showing it fits perfectly]. «INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS ist ein Film, an dem sich das, was Geschichte, Erinnerung, Erzählung und Kino ist, neu definieren muss», schrieb Georg Seeßlen. Col. Hans Landa Menu. Waltz later played gangster Benjamin Chudnofsky in The Green Hornet (2011). : : Der hatte ihn 2009 für "Inglourious Basterds" als SS-Standartenführer Hans Landa gecastet. Col. Hans Landa I look forward to seeing you face to face as well, sir. He is the son of German-born Johannes Waltz and Austrian-born Elisabeth Urbancic, set and stage designers. But I digress. Inglourious Basterds was Quentin Tarantino’s fantasy war film. What's next? : Col. Hans Landa Col. Hans Landa : Bingo! : Do you have all that, sir? Smithson Utivich What's that American expression? Well, let's just say she got what she deserved. What now, Colonel? Lt. Aldo Raine February 19, 2010, 4:58 PM • 6 min read. So you're "Aldo the Apache". He is his own voice-actor for German translations. : : Col. Hans Landa [fingers reach out and poke Lt. Aldo in the face; Lt. Aldo flinches]. Bridget gives in and places her foot in Landa's lap. Inglourious Basterds is a 2009 war film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino and starring Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz, Michael Fassbender, Eli Roth, Diane Kruger, Daniel Brühl, Til Schweiger and Mélanie Laurent.
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