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“The advice I’d give to somebody that’s silently struggling is: You don’t have to live that way. Nov 19, 2015 - 10,807 points • 73 comments - Sometimes, as a psychiatric nurse. 21 Powerful Healing Prayers for Cancer Patients. Best Mental Health Quotes. 2,270 talking about this. ... 100 Nursing Memes That Will Definitely Make You Laugh. Building a community for psych healthcare providers through memes 18+ Support page for exhausted psych workers and sympathizers who get it. As a nursing student, I was exposed to a wide gamut of psychiatric illnesses such as depression, anxiety, mood disorders, and schizophrenia, but I never truly understood the subtle complexities that psychiatric-mental health nurses endure behind the scenes. Since we started in 2010, Nurseslabs has become one of the most trusted nursing sites helping thousands of aspiring nurses achieve their goals. @nursinglol points out funny and comical moments in nursing. Best Nursing Schools And Programs In Connecticut ... 13 Amazing 2021 Nurse Week Freebies You Shouldn’t Miss. In just a few short words and a funny picture, they can often perfectly describe what life with mental illness is really like.While there’s nothing funny about struggling with your mental health, sometimes a little dark humor can go a long way in … This account has over 22,000 followers with inspirational and funny posts for nurses. Just a place to dump random thoughts about the things that make nursing a challenging place to work. 1. It's World Mental Health Day, which means we're bringing you some memes that'll resonate with those who suffer from any form of mental illness. Enjoy. Memes. @nursesofinstagram. Don't be an ass. is an education and nursing lifestyle website geared towards helping student nurses and registered nurses with knowledge for the progression and empowerment of their nursing careers. With over 13,000 followers, this account is full of lol worthy nursing memes that nurses and nursing students can relate to. Obviously, looking at memes isn't a solution to your problems, but being able to laugh about them can certainly be a form of therapy.. And of course, we gotta remind you to reach out to someone if you're really struggling - it can and does get better! Prior to working as a psychiatric-mental health nurse, I received my BSN degree from West Coast University. 2. 111 talking about this. In just a few short words and a funny picture, they can often perfectly describe what life with mental illness is really like.There’s nothing funny about struggling with your mental health, but sometimes a little dark humor can bring comfort in times of deep emotional pain. Its therapeutic. Health Care Workers Face Increasing Mental Health Challenges. May 4, 2021 ... March 13, 2020. July 6, 2020. Psych Nursing 101. Nursing Career. Nursing: when you're not sure whether it's Saturday or Tuesday. March 1, 2021. :) You don’t have to struggle in silence. 40 talking about this. Memes.

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