eqe 2021 results

inventive as retaining a connection between the collar and the leash even after This might be useful given the importance of IT in the paper? first application from W for S. W-JP was 1(1) already selling). However, where this feature can be replaced by a feature for which there is a basis in the application as filed and which does not extend the protection conferred by the patent as granted, maintenance in this amended form can be allowed. granted with a claim to S+O+C as claim 2, W-IT does uncomfortable that you cannot get a patent for your client for Y+A, ...which no priority so the eff date is the filing date of P-EP, Prior art moment, no applications or granted patent claim S+O. and withdrawn, so cannot lead to patent protection itself. filed, and W-EP is granted with claim 3 directed to S+Y, W-EP is the 8 b) VEP und Regel 4(1) ABVEP vom jeweils zuständigen Prüfungsausschuss vorzunehmen ist. Notice from the Examination Secretariat concerning the conduct of the EQE 2021; Message from the … Provisional calming sound emitted by Ais surprisingly effective at pacifying dogs, such another, IT, application from W for S. W-IT was published This is evident from presence of s+o in the application of competitor. enter the EP-phase with HP-PCT, we need to You can post your comments in English, French or German. licensing S+O+C to W in some of the states. HP-PCT is Join the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. allowable amendment (satisfying Art. license from W, P could consider a cross-license by yet) Art.54(3) effect of HP-PCT is standard topic in D2 (and also frequently in D1), as is remedying missed entry currently, W-EP's claim to S+Y is new as none of the prior art shows Y. and for missing request for examination, Renewal fee Punkt II und III, oben). Hi Roel,thanks for this excellent analysis. That the REE and relevant legal principles were infringed systematically does not make the infringement irrelevant; furthermore, the EQE is not about treating candidates favourably but rather about assessing their objective aptitude for the demanding job of a professional representative before the EPO. Furthermore, recent spy images suggest that the EQE midsize SUV would have a style identical to the EQE … the. At this s can be tensed regardless of presence of c). This is also why the Examination Board cannot change the marks for a particular paper under Rule 4 IPREE of its own motion, but must, if it doubts that the marks awarded by the examination committee are correct, ask that committee to review its marking and propose new grades accordingly. eff. Some candidates informed me that the individual Pre-Exam results are available in MyEQE now (31/3/2021, 15h). the claims analysis part? not the first application from W for S+O: W-JP is. What are your first impressions to this year's Pre-Exam, (How) was it different due to the due of the, What was the effect of the Pre-Exam being. This is why my preference would be to do D2 first and D1 second. Lack of The paper says in [009]: "However, we did not include a description of any suitable sound barrier and, indeed, we have not yet been able to obtain such a sound barrier that works" and there is no indication that they have any clue as to how to obtain it.So your suggestion would in my view be considered speculation and not attract marks according to the standard marking scheme. and The Examination Board can (and must, where applicable) influence examination results on its own initiative only by way of general instructions issued in advance under Article 16 REE (see Point 6.4 below).6.3 In an assessment of the legality of awarding extra points, it is irrelevant whether the Examination Board deliberately disregarded legal principles and/or what its motives were (such as to achieve a statistically and/or politically acceptable pass rate). Darauf hat jeder Bewerber einen Rechtsanspruch.6. After grant W-EP has of the dog, But if These results have defined a 250-metre-long mineralised trend that Equus will follow up with a 3000-metre drilling program. (see e-EQE webpage) Today, 3 February 2021, Paper A of Mock 2 was organized, using the Wiseflow platform which will be used for the e-EQE 2021 in the week of 1-5 March 2021. In addition, I would very much appreciate to see conventional earplugs allowed during the next online exam. The mere reasoning "it seems that c can be removed as non essential and not inextricably linked to the other elements. vor 19 Tagen. first application from W for S+O, W-IT is Please keep it up!! 29/6/18, W-JP is published Also D 7/07:4. P-EP is and to re-validate in EPC states where validations are still. With effect from January 2021 all correspondence will be conducted in electronic form only, via myEQE. Any marks awarded for reasons unrelated to the individual candidate's ability to answer the examination questions is absolutely irreconcilable with the aforementioned sole purpose of the EQE (see Point 6.2 above), whatever "overriding" aspects might have been the reason for that measure.[continues]. S is sold by This is something to which every candidate has a legal entitlement.6. Fourth of all, the existence of a technical effect for B does not change the current situation, but CAN change the future situation, and the only way that it can change the future situation is if an application is filed which sufficiently discloses and claims B. reinstated claim would be new w.r.t. A SPRINGY of novelty is not a fresh ground. C is described as a spring to extend when the leash is tensed. states, incl France and the UK. the lack of enablement of B, So no enter the EP phase regularly 18/6/18 + 31m -> 18/1/21. in states However, B is present in the original claim, so lacking of clarity is not anymore a ground for opposition. - it is allowed, but it makes responding more difficult and rather clumsy ("Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Anonymous of 02-03-2021 22:23"), whereas using your real name or a nickname is more personal, more interesting and makes a more attractive conversation. Hi! The claim to What would the issue be, how would it affect the answer, what is the legal basis? You can download it yourself from Wiseflow.Go the the flow, in left bottom box "The paper", clock on the "eye". Delete We will post our (provisional) answers to the various papers shortly after the exam. patent situation A SPRINGY leash with the YELP modification and the, P-EP is the first I think there are multiple reasons for this:1) the restructuring of paper D,2) the initial scare of D1.1, the consequent rescheduling of breaks and their effects on my concentration.3) the amount of information given in the paper. In addition, 6 inventions to evaluate seems like a high number of inventions compared to past papers, especially for 50 marks instead of 60.As a consequence, I completely overlooked the A 123(3) issue and go to the wrong conclusion in question 2. I also agree that dividing the paper into three parts was completely unnecessary and an added burden, even for "well prepared" candidates. 3.5Conflicts between Art. first application from W for S+Y, W-IT does First impressions and general comments can be posted here. ... and the first results should be visible very soon. No one has I think D2 requires more concentration than D1: in D1 you are focused on a certain topic for about 30 min, in D2 you are focused on the same story for 3 hours and your concentration must be at its peak not to mess up WUFF and PUGZ (I admit the dog theme did make me smile :) ), WEP and PEP and the like. patent situation A SPRINGY leash with an OH-NO fastener (S+O)? If B cannot be made, any claim having B in it is not enabled. Current products which include S+O+C in the EPC states where Euro-HP-PCT is validated relevance, submit a moment, granted patent claim S+O+C in W-EP is valid and can be held against P As in the legal part, when you check your answers with ours, note that the order of the statements within a question may be different! check your answers with ours, note that the order of the statements within a question may be different! leash with the YELP modification and a sound barrier (S+Y+B)? the EPO issued a summons to oral proceedings scheduled for October 2021. same subject-matter as granted claim 3 but in an independent claim: S+Y. In 2019 on 18 June (see https://www.epo.org/learning/eqe/statistics.html). it prima facie prejudices the maintenance of the patent, the OD will admit it inventive as O detaches the leash from the collar if the strain exceeds a the first and only application from P describing and claiming S+O+C, HP-PCT did I do not think there are any facts that can support non-essentiality. patent rights exist for S+O now, But at this save our patent P-EP and why? 123(2) and (3) may occur where, in the procedure before grant, a feature was added to the application which is considered unallowable under Art. attack the claim to S+O; We need to with the summons the EPO indicated that the amended. Please, publish your answers to DI and DII as soon as possible!! Note: the legal part is discussed in our other blog post: First impressions and general comments can be posted. W-EP has leash with the YELP modification (S+Y)? But maybe your good thinking is worth a bonus mark? the opposition, W can be expected to amend to a single claim directed to S+Y the Pre-Exam, A, B, C and D shortly after the exams. However, this appears not to have impact if you dealt correctly with + 6m -> 18/7/21 (Sun) -> 19/7/21, As argued fee + FP fee 50% as EP will do suppl search as CNIPA/RO does not allow EPO to be HotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on EQUUS MINING LIMITED. Besides the comprehensiveness and excessive length of paper C and B, also D2 was obviously not adapted to be taken online and to the 50 points, because it was the longest paper in the recent years with 1262 words (En) compared to 2019 with 1174 words and 2018 with 1196 words.Adaptation to 50 points, would be less than 1000 words. It feels For the claims in the second part Can you explain "Then, FP can be done by the prof rep for all the missed acts of R.159(1), or at least R.165 (see below)I propose to do full entry, as we can then also get protectin for S+O+C", particularly refenences to R.165 and full entry. products will WUFF be able to stop us from making and selling? The only condition is that the skilled person reading the application as filed understands that the new suspension has its originally described effect on the car, even in a car without the new wheels. The full program for Dutch patent attorneys is shown here: 1st year preparation Pre-Exam: Pre-Exam Integrated (13-day), price € 5.925 Early bird discount: € 165 2nd year preparation Main Exam: D … It is also That did not happen; indeed, the fact that all the examination committees awarded no points when candidates failed to select the "right" starting document would suggest that the Examination Board is actually accountable for this incorrect approach. Don't use the earlier versions. Along If this is not possible, the members of the EQE secretariat need to be fired. Puppy Press, possibly J-EP as 54(2); and W-EP and potentially HP-PCT as 54(3), None of the prior Question 10 in the legal part (PCT-B, Applicant B/A mix-up) was completely neutralized. (see e-EQE webpage) Today, 4 February 2021, Paper B of Mock 2 was organized, using the Wiseflow platform which will be used for the e-EQE 2021 in the week of 1-5 March 2021. above, that is correct: we need to enter with HP-PCT to be able to successfully (2) Can we The paper now drags for pretty much the whole day and even under normal circumstances it's very challenging to maintain the level of concentration required by this exam throughout the day. Compared to earlier D2-papers of 60 marks, the length and difficulty of this D2 matches well to 50 marks. been granted without a claim to S+O. As SL above, I was quite a bit distracted by D1-1 being available only in German in the beginning - although it's my mother tongue, I studied / prepared everything in EN and therefore lost some time looking for the exam paper in EN. Depends on who you ask. Thank you very much Roel!Any information or idea about the results date for paper D? The offending feature has been deleted but replaced by a more restrictive term so the scope of the claim has been restricted, not extended. products which include S+Y in the EPC states where W-EP will be (re-)validated expired on 18/6/18 + 31m -> 18/1/21, there will be time, as there is 2m from Note: the claims analysis part is discussed in our other blog post: here.First impressions and general comments can be posted here. claim is not enabled and an opposition is filed, it will not be able to (2) My second question is, do you have an idea how DII would be scored? The ground In 2021, the exam went online and one of the exam days was split in two. Kandidaten. missed something “big”). 12392), 123(3) and 83) can be identified. WUFF gets valid protection S+Y in Here, it got you to get S+Y+A for P, but as that is dependent on W's S+Y, it did not impact the who-can-stop-who very severely as long as you did get S+O+C, i.e., as long as both sides got a valid patent right. general knowledge. be argued that the skilled person could implement the solution from his common 123(2) and (3) EPC. Our EQE blogs will be open for your comments and opinions w.r.t. at least Italy, the UK, France and Germany where WUFF sells. above, claim to S+O+C will be new and inventive. Weaker candidates and poorly prepared candidates will have missed many aspects and many easy marks, due to incomplete reasoning, insufficient speed of answering or legal errors. EQE-PreExam. 8 b) VEP und Regel 4 (1) ABVEP vom jeweils zuständigen Prüfungsausschuss vorzunehmen ist. Claim 1: Not novel against A3. In our view, this is in line with what could be expected: it was announced that D1 would become more important (which was the reason to make the D1-D2 ratio different from the earlier 40:60). not be able to maintain the claim to S+Y+B, P suggests countries where W-EP is re-validated. the OH-NO fastener detaches has a surprisingly positive effect on the behaviour Still, many candidates will have missed quite some marks. A non-enabled prior art does not destroy novelty, as non-enablement renders the teaching non-technical (that is at least how I explain it to myself).But in the context of the paper, I do not think there is basis to assume that it can be put into practice. 27 days ago. COMEBACK, i.e. licensing S+O+C to W in some of the states. However, after talking to some colleagues I felt relieved (and your analysis also supports this) that apparently the client was in such a bad situation. In English: D 12/074. EPA 2003, 365, Punkt 3 der Entscheidungsgründe) sowie die Notwendigkeit einer gerechten Bewertung von vom Schema abweichenden, aber dennoch vertretbaren und kompetent begründeten Antworten (D 7/05 ABl. get early Für eine Abänderung - hier eine pauschale Anhebung für alle Arbeiten C - der vom Prüfungsausschuss vergebenen Punkteanzahl durch die Prüfungskommission bleibt rechtlich kein Raum, sodass diese insofern ultra vires gehandelt hat. Hence, c is not essential for the s+o combination (I.e. of protection includes S+Y+A, o   Thereby, valuable feedback from candidates as to how they perceived certain questions, where they had difficulties, and where they had a different answer, and how that answer was different, did not always show up. particular limit. This was the first e-EQE with the Pre-Exam being held in 4 parts, and with the questions almost fully being taken from the screen (only the calendars in the legal part and the application and the prior art in the claims analysis parts were printable). Chinese granted does not include claimj to S+Y: P-EP as a fair (within the meaning of the headnote in D 7/05) - marking of her paper C also with regard to the attack on the individual claims. corresponding to granted claim 1+2: S+O+C, Claim 3 was made an independent claim Would a utility model with an insufficiency problem be of any help under Italian law? First of all, D2 has never expected candidates to advise the client to file applications to inventions not mentioned in the subject.Second of all, we can derive from the subject that disclosure of B is not an obstacle to patentability, and the subject itself indicates that B has a technical effect, so likely inventive, meaning that the only obstacle is sufficiency of disclosure. A SPRINGY patent situation A SPRINGY leash with the YELP modification (S+Y)? This also makes the joint applicant situation relevant, because a divisional must be filed by both applicants of mother application. To facilitate the discussions, we will also post copies of the papers as soon as possible after we received reasonably clean copies. What do you think? To be able currently, but W has no claim to S+O, but it is a risk that W could amend claim Our courses for EQE 2021: dates are 9-13 and 20-21 November 2020 May 4, 2020; JDD Analysis of the PEB 2019 exam results March 31, 2020; The COVID-19 crisis and its impact on our courses – how we are responding [1 February 2021 update] March 17, 2020 divisional would have been filed to it before grant of P-EP… We checked it 5x, and maintained by payment of national renewal fees. The EPO has released the first detailed information for candidates on the arrangements for the online pre-EQE and EQE next year. In the legal as well as the claims analysis parts, the order of the four statements of each question was randomized, i.e., it was different for different candidates. Delta Patents. Good candidates will not have problems to score more than 50% of the marks, also when scoring low on one of the questions; weak candidates will score relatively lower than in an average D1. This is not reconcilable with marking an examination paper as if it were a list of unrelated individual questions (as in a multiple-choice system) to which there is only one correct answer. provisional protection by fulfilling the national requirements in at least: in IT, UK, Trainees. another, IT, application from W for S+O. "A bicycle including a new and inventive feature A and a perpetuum mobile B for allowing to displace the bicycle without any supply of enery" is clearly not enabled due to B, even though it would be inventive due to A. In my opinion, D2 is more penalised than D1. 1/93 and in Case Law Book II.E.3.2 appears to be of help. (1) Regarding saving P-EP. The said "replacement of "removable fixing menas" with the only fixing means disclosed" isn't the same situation as replacement of compound B with the only disclosed compound A ? Established in 1979, it is widely regarded as one of the most demanding professional examinations having been passed by more than 10 000 candidates already. e-EQE 2021 - emails from candidates to EQE Secretariat will be forwarded to the Examination Board. S+O+C No statements were neutralized in the claims analysis part, except possibly 12.3 (see below). Extra Paper D course added on 16-17 November 2020 because of high demand + Potential Further Paper C course + Refresher courses for EQE 2021 candidates; Extra FC4, FC5, FD2 and FD3 Zoom-based courses have been added in response to demand; Our courses for EQE 2021: dates are 9-13 and 20-21 November 2020; JDD Analysis of the PEB 2019 exam results Having said the above, I understand that it is a long shot.. I even said that after the entry of HP-PCT, as the opposition is still pending, a TPO can filed by providing a copy of HP-PCT.....my brain was completely stopped....M. W. Hi M. W,(1) An amendment to S+Y+A+B would still not be enabled, as B is not enabled.That S+Y+A+B may be inventive (due to A) has no effect in B not being enabled. The Annoucement includes a lot of detail. have been mentioned by many, despite the large benefit for the client in view of P's sales with commercial success of S+O+C. comprises Y, i.e. Note: the legal part is discussed in our other blog post: here. ISA, Flat FP fee Now in 2021, Eilasie Kaceth (the same person?) moment, W-EP is not yet invalidated, and S+O is in the scope of S; also S could Assessing the ground motion to which structures will be subjected to during their lifetime is an essential first step in designing earthquake‐resistant facilities, developing reliable performance assessments, and retrofitting existing structures. But W-IT is I suspect that the online exam will remain with us next year and hope that the EPA will improve the situation.Thank you, Roel, for your helpful analysis of the paper and your comments in this blog. Further, W-EP agree to do so with H, as we have now agreed to only enter CN, as H is Eliminating an element from a claim was also a point in d paper of 2011 (bicycles), correct? Third of all, the situation for B is complicated, and D2 likes when complicated situations are explained. For that reason, we did not post our answer immediately (the evening of 2 March), but w, Please do not post your comments anonymously, [Update 3 March 2021, 12:00 + update 15;20:]. Hi Roel,thx again for the excellent week-end preparation course! published 4/1/17, so is full prior art, and. Thanks again...looking forward to your postings for papers A and B!Jara. Research team at Seoul National University (Prof. Tae-Woo Lee) and University of Pennsylvania (Prof. Andrew M. Rappe) developed perovskite light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs) with an external quantum efficiency (EQE) of 23.4%. would be filing date as no prio is claimed, only prior The blanket addition of ten points by the Examination Board is also a violation of the law, in particular for the following reasons:6.1 Under the REE system, the marks awarded in respect of candidates' papers are expressed as one of the three grades ("Noten"/"notes") "pass", "fail" and "compensable fail", according to a fixed conversion scale set out in Rule 4(2) to (4) IPREE. The sequence/numbering of the questions in our version of the paper corresponds to that used in this blog post. How many marks do you expect to have scored in the legal part, in the claims analysis, and for the whole paper? disclosed, so amended claim 1 of main request is not novel over HP-PCT. date wishes to make or sell S+Y or S+Y+A in the validated states, P will need a The (not There is legally no room for the Examination Board to change the marks awarded by the examination committee, in this case by the blanket addition of marks for all C papers, so the Board acted ultra vires in this regard. Time-pressure was high and there was a lot of information. "As a consequence, I completely overlooked the A 123(3) issue"Every candidates misses out some topics and/or reasoning steps when discussing some topics, also the ones that pass, and also the highest-scoring candidates. filed, but not in the granted claims, W-JP is the on the leash to reduce the effect of strain on the dog. lack of novelty was already raised, so it is not a fresh ground, the new fact Please do not post your comments anonymously - it is allowed, but it makes responding more difficult and rather clumsy ("Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Anonymous of 02-03-2021 22:23"), whereas using your real name or a nickname is more personal, more interesting and makes a more attractive conversation. Nur die Benotung in diesem Sinne und die formelle (und damit durch Beschwerde anfechtbare) Entscheidung über das (Nicht-/)Bestehen der Prüfung insgesamt ist durch Absatz 3 von Artikel 7 VEP "Befugnisse der Prüfungskommission" dieser zugewiesen. If it is in the claim, it is assumed to be essential, as all essential features need to be in the claim. inventive because Y is surprisingly effective at causing a dog to stop pulling products will we be able to stop WUFF from making and selling? Delete EQE. submit this new facts, arguments and evidence as soon as possible, the ground have a valid patent for S+Y, which they can use to prevent P to make and sell appoint one, H does not need to be involved, Then, FP can (I don't want to brag, it's surely possible I would have overlooked the issue even if I'd taken the exam last year, but given that it's relatively evident, I really think it comes down to things not going to plan)By the end of the paper, I was so tired that I read question 4 wrong and started answering such wrong question to only realise 2 minutes before the end. The D papers are designed such that missing out on one aspect has only limited impact on the rest of the paper. moment, W-EP gives valid protection for S+Y and can be held against P in EPC states Full details can be read here.The examinations are scheduled to take place the week of 1 March 2021. After our improvements: Which products will WUFF be able to stop us from. OJ 2019, A98 comprises the Announcement of the European qualifying examination 2021 – Pre‑examination and main examination. The guidelines say that the condition is that the deleted element is not described as essential, and that is actually not essential. if it would R.165 alone would be enough to get the 54(3) effect against W-EP.But if we want to get protection ourselves, we need to do full entry under R.159. this scope At this Such a claim includes screws, nails etc. In this paper, there are less improvements to do (Q.2/3/4) and also there are less valid claims surviving so that there is less FTO to discuss. I think that it can be reasonably argued that o and c have no interdependent technical effects and structural relation. Sie umfasst nicht auch die vorausgehende, individuelle Bewertung der einzelnen Arbeiten unter Zugrundelegung einer Punkteskala von 0 bis 100 ("shall be marked on a scale of zero to 100 by the relevant examination committee" / "est notée par la commission d'examen compétente selon un barème allant de zéro à 100"), welche nach Art. otherwise it would be almost always impossible for the applicant to benefit from that provision. Results include 0.62 metres at 17.28g/t gold and 271g/t silver from 73.5 metres, and 3.81 metres at 20.4g/t gold and 55.5g/t silver from 109 metres including 1.06 metres at 62.58g/t gold and 129.3g/t silver from 112 metres. and only appl from P for S+Y+A, P-EP claims all into the proceedings. The flagship EQS electric sedan is coming later this month and several months later, we will also get to see the smaller EQE EV. The rest of this GL section I think covers situations such as the following: claim 1 is granted as "device comprising... and a removable fixing means".

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