eq insurance authorised workshop

Providing our utmost trusted and experience in this motoring industrial: Personal Accident Benefit up to S$50,000. Our approved workshops come standard with all DirectAsia motorcycle insurance policies. We offer you 20 years experience combined with the most scientifically validated, and workplace relevant EQ assessment tool to provide you with the best EQ training and coaching available. AIG Singapore. 1-35 Weedons Road, Nerang Qld 4211 E: admin@nerangshs.eq.edu.au P: 5503 7888 W: www.nerangshs.eq.edu.au Activity Risks & Insurance: Please note that the Department of Education and Training does not have personal accident insurance cover for students. I have fully paid up the loan on my vehicle. Last Updated: 6 January 2021. EQ Motor Proposal Form – Private – Feb17. We carefully choose the garages we partner with, ensuring both the quality and timeliness of their work. E.Q. 10% premium payable. Authorised Workshop Plan means that you have to send your vehicle to a designated list of insurer’s preferred workshops for repair in an event of claiming against your own policy. Protects your family and loved ones' financial needs in the aftermath of an unexpected accident. If there is an injury to any person, please call the police immediately. Menu. With EQ Insurance’s windscreen coverage you can have it replaced by simply visiting an authorized workshop. Eurokars Services Pte. Yes. If you require motor accident and breakdown service, please contact EQI Claims hotline:(65) 6311 3211. ltd. 6389 6116 / 6111 (mon to fri, 8.45am – 5.30pm) direct asia insurance (singapore) pte ltd 6532 1818 ecics limited 24-hour hotlines: 1800-324 2753 (local) +65 63089534 (overseas) eq insurance company ltd 6333 2222 ergo insurance pte. Authorized Workshops and/or Approved Reporting Centres of GIA members are reminded to pursue Third Party claims directly with the Third Party Insurer. Car … We provide daily reimbursement of $50-70 per day (depending on plan type) up to 7 days should there be a loss of use of your Vehicle. The General Insurance Terms and Conditions apply. Either use the Budget Direct Insurance authorised workshops or choose ‘any workshop’ which allows you to go back to your own dealer’s workshop. Liberty Insurance Singapore. Our Authorised Workshops / Accident Reporting Centres remain open at this time. EQ Personal Accident. The expertise of manufacturer trained mechanics. Call our EQI Claims Hotline ANYTIME at +65 6311 3211 when you are ANYWHERE in Singapore. Enjoy comprehensive protection on the road with ECICS Private Car Insurance. Authorised Workshops. I consent and agree for Etiqa Insurance to collect, use and disclose the personal data above for the purpose of validation and sending, via telephone calls and text message. OWN VEHICLE Take pictures of the damages to all other vehicles involved in the accident capturing licence plates. Remain calm. Ltd. (Allianz). The use of only the best repair materials available. Motor Insurance. EQ Insurance Company Limited . Authorised Insurance Workshops, Repair & Servicing, Spray Painting QBE , India International , EQ Insurance , ERGO , Etiqa , ERGO , Lonpac , ECICS ( show more ) Specialists Motor Pte Ltd Authorised Insurance Workshops, Windscreen Repair, Accident Repair & Claims, , (show more) Etiqa , Tokio Marine , MSIG , China TaiPing , ECICS » View 14 items for sale ETIQA INSURANCE BERHAD SINGAPORE REPORTING CENTRES / AUTHORISED WORKSHOPS NORTH & CENTRAL NO WORKSHOP ADDRESS CONTACT NO CONTACT PERSON 1 Ah Lim Motor Company 10 Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2A Tel: 6483 1244 Simon #01-09 AMK Autopoint (S) 568047 Towing No: 6483 1244 176 Sin Ming Drive #05-12 Sin Ming Tel: 6456 3637 Mui Hong Budget Direct Insurance. When having repairs done at a Mercedes-Benz Authorised Workshop, you will benefit from: A higher residual value when selling your vehicle. Log in to Policy Manager. of these Workshop locations East (Main Branch) West 52 Ubi Ave 3 #04-42 Frontier E Park@Ubi Singapore 408867 Tel: 6278 0887 1 Bukit Batok Crescent #08-11 Wcega Plaza Singapore 658064 Tel: 6570 3906 Revised: 10-04-2015 EQ Insurance Company Limited, 5 Maxwell Road, #17-00 Tower Block, MND Complex Singapore 069110 • Tel: 6223 9433 • Fax: 6224 3903 QBE Singapore is part of the QBE Insurance Group, one of the world's top 20 general insurance and reinsurance companies. Also, with authorised workshops located conveniently island-wide 2, you can be assured of repair service quality and ease of accident reporting. How can I reinstate my NCD? Call us. If you are unable to resolve disputes on liability with the Third Party Insurers, please submit the case for adjudication under GIA’s Dispute Resolution Mechanism. Yes, this protector can be purchased provided you have a No Claim Discount of 50%. IMPORTANT NOTICE [Dated: 16.12.2020] For travel insurance with COVID-19 coverage, please click here to find out more! Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte Ltd. Tokio Marine Insurance Singapore. China Taiping Insurance Claim Procedures / List of Authorised Workshops (pdf) EQ Insurance Claim Procedures / List of Authorised Workshops (pdf) Lonpac Insurance Bhd Claim Procedures / List of Authorised Workshops. EQ Private Motor Car Insurance Policy Wordings. Visit our website to learn more. : In The Event Of An Accident In Singapore: If you choose not to report to our field officer at the scene of the accident, please note that you will still need to report all accidents to any of the EQ Insurance Authorised workshops (refer to link/form below). EQ Authorised Workshop b) repair was carried out at an EQ Authorised Workshop together with EQI-MARS officer was called and dispatched to the accident site to provide you with road-side assistance c) Condition (a) & (b) are fulfilled and the video footage from your in-car camera on the accident was submitted to EQ Insurance Reduce By 50% APPROVED WORKSHOPS. We reimburse expenses for repairs done at our panel of quality workshops. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © 2015-2016. You need to renew with us to enjoy this benefit. Relocation from GEG. The motor workshops below are on our panel of approved workshops. If you have been successful in your counter claim for uninsured losses such as excess and the loss of use, EQ Insurance will reinstate your NCD subject to no late reporting of accident. Servicing Packages … EQ Insurance. Accident Damage Repair Skilled and experience staff Read More. If your child is injured as a result of an accident or incident while Please call our EQI Claims Hotline at (65) 6311 3211. The MCF is fully supported by all insurers in Singapore and allows motorists to make motor claims in a simple, hassle-free and speedy manner, as well as bringing the added benefits of a greater pool of certified motor repair workshops and related services. It protects your NCD following an accident. Maintenance & Repair. “A workshop that gives you tremendous insights into how you interact in business and in your personal life AND a plan to use the EQ tools to improve.” “A one-day event packed full of insights about your own emotional intelligence strengths and opportunities and application of tools to help you improve your EQ.” If this unnamed driver is young, elderly or inexperienced driver, an additional excess of $3,000 will be applied. Injury to any partiesB. Genuine Mercedes-Benz replacement parts. EQI Claims Hotline +65 6311 3211. The 3rd party’s damaged vehicle can be sent to a workshop of their choice for repair. Yes. Step 1. File A Claim. For enquiries, please call us at 6223 9433 or visit us at 5 Maxwell Road #17-00 Tower Block MND Complex Singapore 069110. © 2021 EQ INSURANCE . We provide useful claim advice, assistance in filing of the accident report, and assessing the damages to your vehicle at the accident scene through our EQI field Officers. We carefully choose the garages we partner with, ensuring both the quality and timeliness of their work. of claims made or arisen during the Period of Insurance: NCD at the inception date of this policy: 30%: 40%: 50%: 0: 40%: 50%: 50%: 1: 30%: 40%: 50%: 2: 0%: 10%: 20%: 3 or more: 0%: 0%: 0%: Important notes of the NCD Protector benefit: Not transferable to another insurer. ECICS Insurance Limited. ERGO Insurance Pte Ltd. HL Assurance Singapore Aviva Authorised Workshops . Insurance Services is a highly reputable insurance broker driven to provide earthquake coverage for homeowners across California and Washington.

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