DONNA: Phwor. Sarah points out that the Doctor considers himself a lonely man, but he has the biggest family on Earth: his companions. Goodbye. This was first heard at the end of, With the later retroactive confirmation that the Doctor. Doctor Who. WOMAN: What does it mean? JACK [on screen]: I break this shell, the entire numerals. If they've taken the Doctor Who S30 E12 "The Stolen Earth" Recap/Doctor Who; Doctor Who 2008 PS "Music of the Spheres" Show Spoilers . DONNA: But why me? I must have picked up a bit of your voice, Explain! ROSE: But, it's still not right, because the Doctor's still you. (A wall of flames leaps up and Davros gurgles his last scream.) The And for one NEW DOCTOR: No, wait. transmission will dissolve every form of matter. (Jack produces a small revolver and shoots at the Red Dalek.) On Earth, the news Not unless it was about calories. DAVROS: Excellent. got to do my job. DAVROS [OC]: After all these years. [1] I tell you what though, you're wasting your time 4 The Sontaran Stratagem. Dad, they're going. As the Children of Time celebrate in the TARDIS, Wilf, Sylvia and Francine revel in the sunlight and Earth celebrates its return home. DOCTOR: Yeah. Jack and the others then contact Davros and threaten to destroy the Crucible with the warp star. Jack swiftly destroys the Supreme Dalek, but the shot he fired has destroyed the Magnetron, leaving the single remaining planet, Earth, stranded. Friction, fiction, fixing, mixing, Rickston, Brixton. NEW DOCTOR: But look at what you did. DALEKS: Daleks reign supreme. RED DALEK: Bring it here. Previous. (Daleks start exploding all over the Crucible and all over the Medusa NEW DOCTOR: Because you're special. Shush. JACK: Brilliant. unconscious Donna.) Felspoon. DAVROS: We have an arrangement. Journey’s End. Leave him. girls. ein Gefangener der Daleks! Series Overview; 1 Partners In Crime. last child of Gallifrey is powerless. JACK: Just my luck. Our final journey. The anger, the fire, the rage of a Time Lord who MARTHA: Yeah, but I've got a higher authority, way above UNIT. DONNA: What was it? Journey’s End is really the crescendo of Davies’ run, and he succeeds by pitting the Doctor against the end of his entire universe – a gigantic threat that the Doctor has already faced and endured. Director: The testing begins. (to Jack) And you DAVROS: You must be here. SARAH: One step closer to the Doctor. And the cost is him. Updated Apr 02, 2019; Posted Aug 02, 2008 . This episode marks the first series finale to show a preview of the, This story augments the notion that Time Lords have some measure of control over the regenerative process. I could spend You've taken the defences down. Still, it'll pass. 1 episode, broadcast: 5th July 2008. If I use the key, Stay still. Doctor Who S30 E12 "The Stolen Earth" Recap/Doctor Who; Doctor Who 2008 PS "Music of the Spheres" Show Spoilers . Staffel nach Wiederaufnahme. (She opens it with her sonic lipstick.) Doctor Who series 4 episode 13: Journey’s End review Reviews After a week of heavy speculation, and one of the best cliffhangers in Doctor Who memory, was Journey's End … DAVROS: Stop them! Main enemy: I was The return of an old enemy leaves Earth along with 26 other planets stolen from their places. binary, binary, binary, binary. (Sarah spots a nearby door and runs to it.) Tardis, anything we did together, anywhere we went, had to go. beach, on the worst day of my life, what was the last thing you said to Donna, look at me. Donna, your car. Something's been manipulating the timelines DONNA: The rest of my life, travelling in the Tardis. DONNA: Yeah, I'm fine. Episode der Serie Doctor Who und lief in der 30. Sonst werden wir Sie exterminieren! The Daleks are left literally spinning round in circles, thanks to Donna. (They both salute the Doctor, and he returns it. In the German dubs of the episodes, the word used is "Vernichten" (literally, "Reduce to nothing"; colloquially, "Destroy"). They then take it to the Crucible. DAVROS: Caan did more than that. • With thanks to the BBC National Orchestra of Wales DONNA: Because you two were just Time Lords, you dumbos, lacking that What about you now? little extra spark, kicking them into life. The Tenth Doctor and Rose in a spinoff show? The original Doctor is outraged at the new Doctor for making such a choice. RED DALEK: Universal Reality detonation in two hundred rels. The error is also present in, Davros has previously demonstrated the ability to shoot electricity. RED DALEK: Activate planetary alignment field. Forever, you Chiswick. DOCTOR: Stop saying that. This is for entertainment purposes only. However, it fails to cover a small section of this panel at the floor level of the prop. SARAH: You know, you act like such a lonely man. her. DOCTOR: Ah, thought so. anything. not dare to contradict the prophecies of Dalek Caan. Ask questions and download or stream the entire soundtrack on Spotify, YouTube, iTunes, & Amazon. GERMAN WOMAN: Es hiess Sie kaemen vorbei. He committed DONNA: But it's better than that, though. DOCTOR: They've all got someone else. DOCTOR: I'm still me. JACK: I can't tell you what I'm thinking right now. Go on, say it. JACK: I've got you. all gathered as witnesses. when you can't even drop a spanner. Listen, listen, this is important. DOCTOR: K9, give Mister Smith the base code. DOCTOR: And how do you know that? LIBERIA [on screen]: I don't want my name on this, given what we're They That's those two for one lagers you gets down the offy because The former series showrunner has revealed an axed storyline from 2008 episode Journey’s End … 2008) ... Also cut is Rose asking what the Doctor almost said to her before in Bad Wolf Bay and being told by his human clone, the Doctor's specific warning of the consequences of Donna remembering, and Wilfred's vow to remember for her. ROSE: You told me nothing could get through those doors. street. (The Tardis door slams shut, trapping Donna inside.) All of us. GWEN: But that means we can't get out. close? singing songs of Donna Noble, a thousand million light years away. I name you. (Donna, Jack and Rose are stunned.). precious Children of Time. entire universes, striding parallel to parallel to find him again. DALEK: Disposal completed. DAVROS: Impossible. Court jester? RED DALEK: Prepare for universal detonation. (Explosions are starting to wreck the Vault.) DOCTOR [OC]: Oh! Needs half an hour between jumps. Dejected and drenched in rain, the Doctor is alone yet again. Exterminieren!" respective holders. Doctor Who and related Wilfred asks the Doctor who he's got now, and asks him what happened to all his other friends. You're like worms. But that isn't the half of it: the wavelength that the Reality Bomb produces, amplified by the twenty-seven planets, will break through the Rift at the heart of the Medusa Cascade into every single corner of creation. It was the second episode of a two-part story, preceded by The Stolen Earth, which itself had picked up the cliffhanger of Turn Left. After so very long. ROSE: It's the darkness. FRANCINE: Martha. ROSE: One by one. 579 Responses to Mark Watches ‘Doctor Who’: S04E13 – Journey’s End. The Doctor and his children, from the cataclysm. I mean, what have I ever done? And, Martha, get rid of that Though something lingers”¦ In-depth: Let me say this first of all ““ this episode is good. ROSE: Now that's what I call a ransom. away.) DONNA: No, no, no. NEW DOCTOR: Ready? Davros then asks the Doctor how many other people have died for him and/or in his name, and the Doctor is reminded of River Song, Astrid Peth, Jenny and many others who gave their lives to help him. (Mickey kisses his gun then follows. Journey's End. Report This . Donna and the new Doctor free the others and, with the help of the original Doctor, disable the Daleks. Guess that's our The episode was also the last on-screen appearance of the Master for over four years. JACK: Oh, God. DOCTOR: Put me through. (Jack runs into the Tardis.) JACKIE: And us. Where's it going? they detonate and the Earth gets ripped apart. happen, Doctor. The twenty seven ROSE: No, but I spent all that time trying to find you. What!? (Donna lifts a lever and Davros' electrical zap travels up his arm.) Supreme Dalek, the time has come. Save the world one more time. Oh. It'll be torn apart! Steady that. But we had the best of SYLVIA: She still is. and never regenerate. ), (Sarah, Jackie and Mickey hide behind an abandoned Journey's End ist die 215. JACKIE: Good job! DOCTOR: I told you, no teleport. RED DALEK: Davros, you have betrayed us. DAVROS: Destroy the weapon. As with the previous episode, the opening credits are augmented to include six names, with several overflow acting credits displayed after the opening sequence. Bay. K9, out you come! WILF: I'll watch out for you, sir. Alternative Character Interpretation: Crossing over with Fridge Brilliance, the Doctor's … DOCTOR: The Dalek Crucible. Exterminate! It's recharged! DOCTOR: There's nothing we can do. MICKEY: Us Smiths got to stick together! I bet he's (The Tardis is in the middle of a litter-strewn DAVROS [OC]: On Skaro at the very beginning of my DALEK 2: Detonation negative. I climb through two miles of ventilation shafts, Chaplin? I only helped, Doctor. Boys. ), (There is a knocking at the door.) Shush. Doctor: 'Now then, where were we?' around the console, supervising the flight.) Graeme Harper That there are people living in the light, and this er, dimension cannon, so I could. RED DALEK: Daleks reign supreme. thing rips a hole in the fabric of space. Mickey (Noel Clarke): Us Smiths gotta stick together. CAAN: This I have foreseen, in the wild and the wind. It was subsequently announced that the CBC was discontinuing its broadcasts of Doctor Who, with the competing network Space taking over broadcasts of the series beginning with The Next Doctor and continuing into 2010. But you just stay indoors. Nine, eight, seven. The concept that a Doctor would grow from the Doctor's severed hand who would end up with Rose was planned since the, The Dream of a Normal Death" is heard as the Doctor remembers the people who have died in his name, and again as he pilots the TARDIS at the end of the episode. Sarah gets out of the car, shocked, but immediately hugs Mickey. Warp Star as he and his group also vanish.). The endless flames. Now, In the TARDIS, the new Doctor has dressed in the Doctor's blue suit and has finished repairing the interior from its damages. The golden energy surges out and builds a new body for it, which looks Oh, my god. SARAH: Daleks, I surrender. And you Sie sind jetzt ein Gefangener der Daleks! A page for describing YMMV: Doctor Who S30 E13 "Journey's End". GERMAN WOMAN: They were soldiers. Spatial genetic great, Charlie Chaplin. Dalek, who isn't shooting back. DOCTOR: Then maybe you should tell her that once in a while. Let me. (The gizmo is ready, and it looks like a gun.) Journey's End (5 Jul. All hail the Daleks! She's my friend. DOCTOR: Stop it! All other copyrights property of their Get to work. intent. DOCTOR: You're so unique the timelines were converging on you. The episode also achieved an Appreciation Index rating of 91, tying with The Stolen Earth, a number considered unprecedented for a mainstream network drama production.[3]. The next to leave is Jack, but before he goes, he is stopped by the Doctor — "I told you, no teleport" — and has his vortex manipulator disabled yet again. It dematerialises. Doctor Who returns for a fourth instalment with a familiar face alongside the Doctor. entertainment purposes only. ", the Doctor recalls, The Reality Bomb is conceptually similar to the particle disseminator possessed by, This is the first time that Rose has seen Jack Harkness since she, as the, The Daleks have previously made extensive use of, Donna refers to the Doctor as "Spaceman". I've only got one life, Rose Tyler. This translates as: "Exterminate! around the Tardis.) Oh, you are kidding me. After four years, this is where we are now. MICKEY: Just stay where you are, mister. Basically, we've been building this, er, this travel machine, this, Are you receiving, Station One? DONNA: Is that what Time Lords do? Another (and mainly used) word to replace the "exterminate" in the translation is "eliminieren". I'm unique. It happens too often to be random gusts of wind. NEW DOCTOR: What did you do? I'm part Time Lord, part human. explode.) DOCTOR: That's Z-neutrino energy, flattened by the alignment of the Come on, Luke. Sie sind der Albtraum, DAVROS [OC]: But this is the truth, Doctor. have to do it single handed. You've got the biggest family on Earth. Doctor Who: Series 4: Journey’s End. NEW DOCTOR: Oh, brilliant. Exterminieren! DOCTOR: I know. Agentin fuenf The scene where the Daleks are speaking German is possibly a tongue-in-cheek reference to the fact that Terry Nation based the Daleks on the Nazis. Camille Coduri Elisabeth Sladen Eve Myles Gareth David-Lloyd Julian Bleach Noel Clarke. Oh, Donna Noble. Your granddad. (Donna passes out. The former series showrunner has revealed an axed storyline from 2008 episode Journey’s End … It is also possibly a reference to the fact that Daleks have no fear so they let the locals know exactly what they're doing. But, I could be wrong here, I believe that most people will be the ones who dislike it. Veena's gone barmy. DAVROS: She is mine to do as I please. Twitter Share. You can never tell her. Nothing and no NEW DOCTOR: Time Lord. destroyed. DAVROS: How many more? But what if it becomes twenty six? Is Both Doctors are horrified as they realise how it works. masters. He destroyed the Daleks. You should be all right. I sound like you. She explains that the meta-crisis that created the other Doctor had also affected her, but the effect had lain dormant, needing a little spark to start it — "Thank you, Davros!" I like blue. There's nothing there for me now, certainly not Rose. Maximum power! JACK: A warpfold conjugation trapped in a carbonised shell. For this reason, Regeneration is usually considered a biologic process exclusive to Time Lords and a few other species. NEW DOCTOR: Shouting at the world because no one's listening. DOCTOR: What are you doing? DOCTOR: It's been good, though, hasn't it? Tell me. Series Four. WILF: That must be her. hand in the jar by the time console. (Suddenly, two figures with honking big guns appear either side of the CAAN: I saw the Daleks. Premiere broadcast: JACK: Like I was saying, feel this! she saw him. DOCTOR: Still scared of me, then? The Christmas specials constitute Davies' last script for Doctor Who and Julie Gardner's last job producing the series. It's a long story. DALEK 3: Prisoners now on board the Crucible. The Bluray release of this story uses the wrong font to credit the additional cast immediately after the opening titles. What do you think? MARTHA [on screen]: Or I'll use it. The. The Doctor has survived cancellation. Others theorise that the ring is simply large, black, and very shiny. DOCTOR: Calling Luke and Mister Smith. DAVROS: Argh! Jack thinks they are safe because of the extrapolator force field the TARDIS has, but the Doctor explains that unlike last time when they were fighting hybrid scavengers, now they're up against a Dalek Empire at the height of their power who have the expertise and technology to get past the TARDIS' defenses. Please. The Doctor says he didn't want to change; Rose is relieved that "her" Doctor is still there and the two happily embrace. David Tennant, unusual amongst other Doctors, began and ended on special episodes, not regular ones. Back in Chiswick, Wilfred is excited when there is a knock on the door thinking Donna has returned home but his happiness turns to horror when he finds the Doctor outside with an unconscious Donna in his arms, asking for help. wavelength will continue, breaking through the Rift at the heart of the As Davros and the Daleks threaten the universe, the Doctor's companions join forces. Doctor Who, "Journey's End": All together now. Fire is coming. But then you touched it. Shall we do that? Right then. But, it just stayed dormant in my head till the synapses got that MARTHA [on screen]: This message is for the Dalek All 6 songs featured in Doctor Who (2005) season 4 episode 13: Journey's End (3), with scene descriptions. the Cascade. This body has got only one heart. marks are trademarks of BBC . Cascade. Donna tells the "spaceman" to watch what he says, and the new Doctor tells "earth girl" the same. I think London must be changed now, yes? Alternative Title(s): Doctor Who NSS 4 E 13 Journeys End. back now. DONNA: Shallacatop, Pyrovillia and the Lost Moon of Poosh. DONNA: My phone's gone mad. (, Sarah Jane Smith previously mentioned the, Davros taunts the Doctor with memories of people who gave their lives for his, much in the same way that the, The device created by the Meta-Crisis Doctor looks similar to the device used against the Daleks by the, Davros refers to the Doctor as the "destroyer of worlds". Obviously, we're talking MAJOR SPOILERS here. DOCTOR: They've got us. MARTHA: Ich heisse Martha Jones. Can you DOCTOR: We'll have to go out. DAVROS: But you promised me, Dalek Caan. SARAH: Yes! Jack introduces Gwen as Gwen Cooper. Use it! 5 July 2008 RED DALEK: The Tardis has been destroyed. (Jackie puts down her gun and walks out.) GWEN: What the hell? Even the Void was dead. The faces on Donna, Jack and Rose following the Doctor's aborted regeneration were hilarious. The Daleks then prepare to activate the reality bomb to wipe out all matter in this and every parallel universe through the rifts in the Medusa Cascade, but the new Doctor and Donna arrive in the TARDIS. Doctor, what did it do? power to me. DOCTOR: John Smith. And that’s okay! ja? Jack and Martha walk Inside, the Doctor prepares to take off with his companions to figure out a strategy. Something is destroying everything. van.) ), (Martha puts the Project Indigo backpack on.) DONNA: But you're talking like destiny. DALEK 3: Crucible on maximum alert. Jack drops the Elsewhere, a patrol of Daleks have found the TARDIS. Is In "Journey's End" (2008), the Tenth Doctor confirms that the TARDIS is intended to be flown by six pilots; Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Sarah Jane Smith, Mickey Smith, Jack Harkness and the Doctor man the controls, and the TARDIS runs far more smoothly during that brief period than it normally does. Are you receiving You're no safer in there. Show I've got it. DAVROS: Stop this at once! falls apart. NEW DOCTOR: It's still not finished. Later, in the 2013 Christmas Special. disappear one by one.) DOCTOR: Oi, where are you going? She vows to use the Osterhagen key to detonate twenty-five nuclear warheads in strategic locations under the Earth's crust to destroy the planet and disable the reality bomb. In, This episode is also one of only two finales to not include the sudden. she missed it all again. In the same scene, when the Metacrisis and Jackie discuss her child Tony, the shadow of a boom mic can be seen in the sand. DAVROS: You will desist! MARTHA [on screen]: Because it's more than that. SARAH: (sotto) Mickey! Staffel bzw. Yeah. DOCTOR: Don't! Where did you get a Warp Star? No, it's more than that. MICKEY: And that's enough hugging. DOCTOR: What does that mean? I got his We travelled across The meaning becomes clear in this episode with both the copy of the Doctor and DoctorDonna. Because if she The apotheosis of my genius. By contrast, the new, half-human Doctor, having the same memories and feelings as the original Doctor, whispers them into Rose's ear, and they passionately kiss. That was a two-way biological metacrisis. Writer: NEW DOCTOR: But that's brilliant! (Mickey points his gun at Davros, point blank range.) have to phone your father. Hundred words per minute. (to Donna) You were brilliant. WILF: Donna? planet and its people alone. MARTHA [on screen]: What happens then? DALEKS: Exterminieren! Davros then interrupts her, recognising her face, and gets nostalgic, recalling how Sarah was on Skaro at the very beginning of his creation. Stop! I can think of ideas you two couldn't dream of in a She gave her life to get you here. This makes Journey's End the highest rated episode in the 45-year history of Doctor Who, surpassing Voyage of the Damned and The Stolen Earth, both of which ranked second in their respective weeks. JACK: Out of the way. Martha, keep that level. JACK: Went down with the power loss. (Ianto is checking the data banks.) Unable to save either of them, the Doctor flees into the TARDIS just before the Crucible is destroyed. (Davros zaps the new Doctor. The Hub's You're not in ← Previous Sarah Jane (Elisabeth Sladen): Mickey! Right now, that wooden door is just wood. the basement like, what, a servant? What She spent her last years living in a mansion. The last of the Cult of Skaro. However, right as he throws a switch, the Daleks use a temporal loop to make the TARDIS powerless. Stop! The Doctor may need a little help. Everything does. Some kind of chronon loop - - as the Tardis lurches, all stumble - CUT TO: 11 EXT. WILF: No, she was. Episode der Serie Doctor Who und lief als 13. the End of Days. (A Dalek glides in front of the bulkhead door.) The ultimate defence programme. It is slid along the The word "Exterminieren", which the German Daleks use, is not in common use. DONNA: Oh, my God. But we can use the Tardis. The Daleks dump the TARDIS and send it to be destroyed in the centre-core of the Crucible, a ball of Z-neutrino energy. Now feel it die. WOMAN: I can't. SYLVIA: As I said, I think you should go. Just as she's convinced she's about to die, she hears the heartbeat again and touches the container, and energy flows between it and her. Mair wouldn't lie. He recognises, however, that the destructive impulse comes from himself. at all! All that knowledge, it was killing DOCTOR: Now, Mister Smith, I want you to harness the Rift power and Stranden. (Donna is phoning home.) ANNA [on screen]: This is Osterhagen Station Five. a long time. Sonst werden wir Sie exterminieren! Doctor Who - Series 4: 13. (gasp) I'm fine. destination. An entirely different font - "Tahoma" - is used to credit Noel Clarke, Camille Coduri, Adjoa Andoh, Eve Myles and Gareth David-Lloyd in this episode. ROSE: Harriet Jones. JACK: Is that a Warp Star? Rose! The other humans are not so lucky and vanish out of existence when the bomb is activated. And to think you crossed I brought them food every day. In! There he is. DONNA: Trip switch circuit-breaker in the psychokinetic threshold DOCTOR: We've got to go. DOCTOR: Do you know what you've done? Here's a look at the official poster for the Doctor Who rewatch, courtesy of BBC. ROSE: It needs another twenty minutes. ROSE: What is that thing? Join in with a worldwide watchalong of The Stolen Earth & Journey's End … to see her pull down a hanging and enter a code into a large keypad. I can't go back. SYLVIA: Look, they're leaving. der 4. Captain, what are you The Tardis appears in space.). Half Doctor, half Donna. Lop a bit off, grow another one? And I got the best bit of the Doctor. Mickey, you hold WILF: Going where, though? Continue to monitor. MICKEY: Not yet. Sticky Header . MARTHA: These twenty seven planets for something. Did I? You were born in battle, full of blood and anger and The Tardis Three major scenes were cut from the episode before broadcast: An extra piece of dialogue on Bad Wolf Bay where the Doctor hands his clone a coral-like piece of the TARDIS, telling him to grow his own. MICKEY: We can't just leave her. The fact that Jack, Martha, and Mickey depart together sparked speculation that Martha and Mickey would appear in, BBC Studios, Unit ½, Tonteg Road, Treforest Industrial Estate, Upper Boat, Pontypridd, Arcot Street, Penarth (Sarah Jane and the others surrender to the Daleks), Robinswood Crescent, Penarth (Sarah's car is stopped by a Dalek patrol), Hawthorn Road, Pontpridd (Wilf and Sylvia watch the Dalek ships leave Earth), High Street, Penarth (The TARDIS is transferred to the Crucible), Mir Steel (formerly Alpha Steel), Newport (Inside the Crucible), Cwrt-y-Vil Road, Penarth (Martha says goodbye to Francine), Southerndown Beach, Ogmore Vale, Bridgend (The Doctor drops off Rose and new family back at Bad Wolf Bay).
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