After taking a moment - and a swig of red wine - she comes across her notebook, and her clothing removal and bath continue. Absolutely: fighting crime, bedding unknown women, and mixing pills with wine sounds like tiring, sweaty business. It’s an interesting detail, since it shows that Lex doesn’t actually have anything personal against Superman (or so he claims) but what he represents, or what his victory would represent to Lex’s entrenched rationalization of the world (a world he’s forced to make sense, something he would have in common with Bruce Wayne). No one is different, No one is neutral.". It's a private contractor under Lex Luthor, supplying the men and ammunition to the region to, we might deduce, draw Lois Lane to the region... with her boyfriend close behind. Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. He urges the guards holding him that he can’t be put into general population, since it’s a death sentence. Not only did the new cut feature additional footage, it also changed the rating of the movie to an “R” from “PG-13” as several more brutal story beats were brought to light. The Ultimate Edition is not going to make converts out of viewers who thought the "Martha" … We don’t really need to know what happens next, but we don’t have to wait long to find out, either. He’s not exactly intimate, but considering Bruce Wayne’s personality in the film, stripping nude is probably the most vulnerable he’s been in years. Along the way, she’s contacted by Jenet Klyburn, informing Lois that the wheelchair Keefe took into the hearing wasn’t just made from the same metal as the bullets (apparently Lex is really into this new, supposedly untraceable metal), but was lined with lead. - We see Gotham and Metropolis’ two football teams square off while two cops follow the game from their squad car, which helps to show just how bad at their jobs the Gotham PD are. Eyeing Superman up and down, and laughing off the Man of Steel’s statement that Lex “will learn,” he claims that he doesn’t hate the sinner, only the sin. Now, we arrive at the next bit of creative editing... or rather, creative editing that Snyder had to turn to for the theatrical cut. It’s bittersweet, since Stewart’s time at the show has since ended, but the juxtaposition of the golden, champagne-drinking elite with the everyday people serving them plays well into the ‘who matters, and who doesn’t” themes of the movie. In the Ultimate, Lois is actually shown being grabbed by the looming man coming down the escalator behind her, snapping a hand over her mouth, and carrying her out a nearby door into a waiting van. The violence is by no means excessive, simply a bit more realistic - with censors feeling blood was better left off-screen. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (englisch für Batman gegen Superman: Beginn der Gerechtigkeit) ist ein US-amerikanischer Actionfilm und eine Comicverfilmung.Der Film ist die Fortsetzung von Man of Steel aus dem Jahr 2013 und der zweite Teil aus dem DC Extended Universe.Nach zahlreichen Zeichentrickadaptionen ist Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice der erste … In the Ultimate Cut, when the audience has more information on the war between the General's rebels and the elected government, her story is more substantial. The line is actually delivered as a button to the scene between the two men, when Bruce reveals that the origins of the Wayne family were as “hunters” (before setting off to hunt a Kryptonian, himself). The extended version also offers a shot or two of the men and women traveling inside the retrofitted school bus now resembling something out of Mad Max (the female soldier seen here looks to be the same one Bruce tries pulling to safety during his long fight sequence). Any nudity is obscured by the water. As a graduate of the University of Manitoba with a degree in English Literature, Andrew has grown to appreciate the story and writing behind everything from blockbuster comic book movies to schlocky B-movie action. In the Ultimate Cut, the next scene is actually the introduction of the Batman - beginning with the scene pictured above. When Clark is informed of Cesar Santos' death in prison (the photos sent by Lex), he heads to Gotham to, once again, uncover details about the situation only to find the police less than cooperative. In the Ultimate Cut, you actually see the first round fired by Knyazev, splattering the wall with blood behind the man. It's not a report on Batman, but an interview with Kahina Ziri (Wunmi Mosaku) - the other major character restored to importance in the Ultimate Cut. The same "spare any second" thinking obviously shows as America turns against Superman in the fallout of the Capitol bombing. - Clark is shown walking up the mountain which leads to a meeting with his dead father (which is still not explained, so that’s weird). Meanwhile at the Kent farm, other Man of Steel faces return to pay their respects to Clark: there's Pete Ross, current manager of the Smallville IHOP (who also informs us that the entire funeral was paid for by an anonymous donor), and the priest leading the proceedings is the same one Clark sought out for advice before surrendering. And just like Wallace Keefe, it's all part of Lex's plan to get Superman to the Senate, the nation suspecting he may not be the perfect god so many assume him to be. Aside from witnessing the testimony of Ziri, as we mentioned earlier, Superman is shown traveling to Gotham City directly to get a better understanding of what the people there think of Batman. The scene between Lex and Senator Finch is fairly enigmatic in every form, but the Ultimate Cut adds one subtle note that should please those looking to see the villain humanized a bit more than in the theatrical cut. He stumbles upon the same returned disability payments that Wallace Keefe (actually, Lex Luthor) returned with angry messages scrawled across them. Taking a few shots at Supes’ uniform as inherently American, it’s then revealed that the show is being watch by a member of an the serving staff working the museum event where Diana (Gal Gadot) and Bruce Wayne have their first scene together. The string of children walk past, hand in hand, with a young teacher trying to keep them focused on getting to safety, calmly. When Senator Finch (Holly Hunter) and Senator Barrows (Dennis North) arrive, they refer to Lex as "the man on the marquee," assuming that the company - as it usually is in the comics - is named after himself. This is done in a particularly clever scene where the older tenant scratches out the bat symbol on a lottery card, which was a neat reveal. - Jon Stewart makes an appearance! Ever wonder why Clark Kent ended up at a charity ball hosting some of Gotham and Metropolis' upper crust? Much was made of the football game filmed for Batman V Superman (before the film actually had an official title), with comic book fans speculating that the game could feature the first appearance of Vic Stone a.k.a. The egg time dings, Superman arrives, and the expected phone call isn’t a confirmation of Martha Kent’s murder, but a brief word from Batman. change in the comments below. One cop claiming that the information isn't public knowledge could be understood, but the cartoon tapes to the desk shows the truth: a joke image of a masked criminal about to be struck by a police officer carrying a gigantic baseball bat (with the Batman logo on its end), and the caption 'BAT'er up!' We see Kahina Ziri returning home to the apartment that, as we learned when Clark paid a visit, she hasn't frequented in some time. It’s a disturbing idea, but ultimately one that sends Lois in further search of the manufacturer – now established as one sick puppy who’s also keen on testing new (alien?) Aside from covering their tracks, this scene teases the return of said flamethrower later in the film. He first appeared in Action Comics #1 in June 1938. After getting an eyeful of Keefe’s… eclectic design sense, she realizes the fresh fruit and fridge full of food mean the bomber had no idea he was going to die, and sets out to find an answer. The drone sights its target, and fires... with a blu/red blur appearing to smash both the missile and the drone into pieces in a fiery explosion. I told you months ago that I believed Batman v Superman's reputation would … Different comic book movie fans will be picking up the Blu-ray (on July 19, 2016) or streaming the movie digitally (starting June 28, 2016) for a few different reasons. This change is a little unclear as to whether its removal was due to running time, or actually showing content the censors would prefer left implied. It's a great moment of fan service, since it's the kind of terrifying attack that fans usually hold their breath in anticipation of, but apparently Snyder needed every second he could spare, and cut it for theaters. But it may be the wealth of casseroles placed on the Kent family dinner table that most drives home the point that while Superman was a citizen of the world, Clark Kent was raised a Kansas farmboy, and died as the same. The introduction of Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) appears mainly the same, with a basketball game turning to government introductions, followed by a crash course in Kryptonite. The numerous added scenes thrown in for Clark Kent helped to paint the picture of his life in the film better, giving viewers more insight into his state of mind throughout. As Knyazev's men make a speedy exit - knowing that Superman will be on his way soon, since Lois Lane is in harm's way - the troops being led to the location on horseback wind up late to the party, watching as the drone catches up, and passes them (with their leader, 'Python,' flipping it and the operators back home his middle finger). It’s a look that has an effect on him, since he clearly feels something towards her (if literally anyone in the world), and the moment is an interesting one. Knowing now that Cesar Santos – the Bat-branded criminal who knew basically nothing about the larger ‘White Portuguese’ mystery – is incarcerated in a Metropolis prison, Knyazev is shown speaking with another inmate during a visit, making sure that he’ll “take care of it.”. For starters, the convoy seen traveling across the dried-up and Omega-emblazoned harbor between Gotham and Metropolis is shown entering the compound it ultimately winds up inside. 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But the biggest addition for the sake of the plot - since this encounter will be misunderstood by the international community - is that the bodies are piled together in the base, and Knyazev lights up his flamethrower, torching them beyond recognition. Despite calling the vast nothingness of the Canadian prairies home (or perhaps because of it) film and television have been a passion since birth. While there are some additional minutes thrown in for good measure that were cut for time, and rightfully so considering the overall runtime of the feature, the extended edition is worthwhile if you loved the original theatrical cut but wanted a bit more meat added to the bones. Finally, the easter eggs. HBO Max has swapped out the theatrical cut of Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice for the three-hour Ultimate Edition.. When the building falls, filling the street with dust and smoke that Bruce must pick his way through, it isn't just a horse or businessman who stumbles past him, but what appears to be a grade school field trip. As the police officers peel out to the scene of the crime, we get a sweeping reveal of Gotham - more specifically, the Gotham Seaport. It may be vulgar to call out the one time in a non-R-Rated movie that the filmmakers are allowed to drop the oft-searched-for ‘F bomb,’ but in this case, it’s delivered by the one man most worthy of some pent up anger. Canvas bags are then placed over their heads, and the next we see of them they have arrived at the general's base - where the next batch of differences begin. In the Ultimate Cut, Snyder continues the emphasis on the human cost of the story, as Superman helps some wounded out of the wreckage, and takes in the many wounded and dead in the wake of the attack. As tradition held, the place had been named for a great king, Gordias, whose son Midas honored by tying his father's ox-cart to a post in the palace using an impenetrable knot. Not only that, but they are more clearly characterized as rebel fighters, not warlords. leading Diana to one of his prized relics: the sword of Alexander. It's only visible for a moment, but the drawing of the Capitol building exploding an engulfed in flames is easy to make out. With the forces taken care of, the doors to the base are opened, and they make their escape on motorcycles. And, building off the earlier scene with Ma Kent, things have never been less simple for Clark. Her claim that Luthor has turned these investigations into another one of his puppets is cut short by Lex himself - just minutes before Senator Finch realizes how many Lex is willing to hurt to get his way. Because it's "perfectly in keeping with a king that is also a psychopathic killer." We briefly jump to Lois Lane in her third meeting with Secretary Swanwick (Harry Lennix), being told that it is an American supplying weapons to the Nairomi rebels - but not the governmen trying to fuel civil war. Needless to say, there will be SPOILERS ahead in our look at Batman V Superman's Ultimate Edition: Every Change & Difference. Vorweg: Ihr solltet Batman v Superman – Dawn of Justice gesehen haben um euch bei dieser Review nicht für den Film zu spoilern. One of the biggest additions to the extended cut is the additional minutes added to the “Africa” subplot. The scene shows that the Gotham police are less than dedicated to stopping crime in their city, and that the relationship between the bustling Metropolis and the down-on-its-luck Gotham extends to college football, too. Be sure to check out some of our other Batman v Superman coverage here: Also, in case you missed it, here's some of our coverage from the Justice League set visit: A lot of new features were revealed in the Resident Evil Showcase. Seen as something of a grizzled monster, an old man tells Kent to not be out after dark should he encounter the Batman and face his wrath, even though another tenant informs him that the Bat only punishes those worthy of his judgement. Do we know exactly why Zack Snyder decided it was worth seeing Ben Affleck, in the role, taking said shower? We break down the differences between the two editions. After Perry White pulls out the copy of the Daily Planet stating that Superman has died, a series of slow shots reveal Metropolis completely empty. Two Gotham cops sit in their patrol car watching the game between Metropolis State and Gotham, caring more about the game than the "screams heard from abandoned building." Before he does, he claims to the General that he has been authorized to offer "an arrangement" presumably on behalf of the U.S. government to halt his rebellion. Still, they’re memorable shots, so fans will certainly want to seek them out (and keep your eyes peeled for the very real landmarks used, as well). As Lois sits down with 'The General' (Sammi Rotibi) dialogue delivered between the two of them both on and off-screen explains the political situation that has brought her to this place to begin with. Since the movie's villain is also a brilliant leader bent on world domination, and willing to use somewhat "psychotic" methods when wit fails him, we're inclined to agree. Perhaps a little too constantly. ... Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [Ultimate Edition] [Blu-ray] [2016] SKU: 5092502. Kahina is understandably heartbroken at the loss of her family in the attack and believes that Superman is to blame, testifying to the United States’ Senate about her ordeal. Find low everyday prices and buy online for delivery or in-store pick-up. The extended, R-Rated Batman V Superman: Ultimate Edition is here, and we've broken down each and every change from the theatrical cut. Aside from stating the moral difficulties in not choosing a side or trusting absolute power - relevant later - the General's comments and suspicions actually play a significant role in Lois' entire investigation. Even if it did mean fans got a chance to see Thomas and Martha Wayne, as played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Lauren Cohan, for little more than a few seconds. Aside from the character beats that were added into the movie with the extended edition, perhaps the most shocking moment was near the end with Lex Luthor “communing” with the, now revealed, villain Steppenwolf. If it seems strange that Stewart should make an appearance in such a blockbuster comic book movie, then the context will likely explain his willingness to offer some input. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Of course not (aside from the obvious, since the actor put in considerable time to sport the physique he does). Edit . - Ben Affleck shows his butt! By now, anyone following the DCEU or Justice League series knows that the most discussed deleted scene was also the one which seemed to have the best chance of making the film even after it was cut (in the form of a post-credits teaser). A one-stop shop for all things video games. That will come in handy later on when both the battles between Batman and Superman, and Doomsday are intentionally set in this area. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. The movie follows the line, too: skipping right to Bruce Wayne at an underground fistfight, doing some hunting in his other suit. The one carries the most meaning is the beat which comes after Batman has been stabbed, returned the favor, pinning the stabber to the wall with his own blade, and smashing his partner into—sorry, through the wall. In the theatrical cut, the testimony being offered about the Africa incident (where Senator Finch is introduced) cuts immediately to Lois Lane's return home. In the case of Superman, his sin is simply existing, therefore he cannot let this hero win. [WARNING: This article contains spoilers for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and its Ultimate Edition. Lex corrects them, claiming that his father, Alexander Luthor, Sr. was "the Lex in front of the Corp.". The rest of the prologue follows as it always has, jumping forward to the Battle of Metropolis - presented here as the day "The World is Introduced to The Superman." Perry doesn't just tell Clark to cover the Gotham City football loss, but head across the harbor to Gotham and cover it in person. Schon zum Kinostart von Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice äußerte man sich dahingehend, dass es zum Heimkino-Release eine erweiterte Fassung des Films geben würde. He first appeared in Detective Comics #27 in May 1939.Superman was created by artist Joe Shuster and writer Jerry Siegel in 1932. Again, we don't know where that path will lead her, but it's a worthwhile story to be chasing. As the police follow it, dumbstruck, Martha shows some Smallville manners by giving the Dark Knight a wave of gratitude as he heads off into the fight. Not long after, Kahina's train arrives - and Lex's lead henchman makes sure she gets closer to it than she ever intended, trying up one last loose end. Lex Luthor may have been incarcerated following his mass destruction of Metropolis, Gotham, and countless other crimes, but even in jail, he's not safe from the Batman. The duo are then approached by a vehicle of armed men - soldiers of the general she is there to meet - who remove their electronics (except for the approved camera). More specifically, the sword that the man apparently actually believes cut the Gordian Knot. Also, while the theatrical cut saw the action jump from Lex's 'silver bullet' speech to Wallace Keefe's graffiti (and the response at the Daily Planet) and back to the infamous Jolly Rancher scene, the Ultimate Cut plays it out from beginning to end... since the scene which follows sends the story in a completely new direction. Labs. But they would be wrong. The footage shows a hallway in the building occupied by two patroling security guards, before the unmistakable silhouette of Batman descend rapidly from the ceiling, engulfs the guard is his cape, and flies back up out of frame. In the theatrical cut, he simply asks “who the hell are you” prompting Lex to gift him the wheelchair. It doesn't reveal too much, but plants the first seed that Lex's father wasn't exactly kind or honest towards his son - and judging by Lex's demeanor and reference to his father's "fist and abominations," it may not be the last time his son proved useful. It begins a much more clarified arc surrounding his character which was cut and replaced with updates given to Clark, stating explicitly what the brand usually causes. Directed by Zack Snyder. Looking at the item that he’s been trying to attain – with her assisting him at every step along the way – she looks at Lex with a clear gaze of excitement. The Ultimate Cut adds a brief shot of the gun being leveled at Martha's face, aware of what's about to take place. But Lois, trusting her instincts, knows that something has been missed and heads to Keefe’s apartment to find it herself. Again: not a big change, simply another case of the theatrical version cutting some corners (where nobody would mind). It's not needed to know what Bruce has deduced, but the added guilt of knowing that the bomber warned Bruce of the explosion, and blamed him for it probably helps to understand how desperate and angry he has become. Clark tries to change it through honorable, professional means, but the woman states a fact that Clark clearly keeps in his head: "words don't stop" the man who determined his fate... only "a fist." Her neighbors reveal that she's been gone for some time - and tell Clark that he should leave town before sundown too, if he knows what's good for him. ... Batman and Superman have an extremely brutal clash towards the end of the film. Im Review zu Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice mussten wir bereits feststellen, dass der neueste Zack Snyder-Film keineswegs seinen hohen Erwartungen gerecht werden konnte. While talking with citizens of an apartment complex that once was the residence of Kahina, Clark learns of the average person’s fear of Batman and how they view this “Darker Knight” through ordinary glasses.
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