aircraft recycling europe

About us. With an estimated 12,000 aircraft retiring in the next 2 decades, aircraft recycling offers a broad range of opportunities for expanding your aerospace business. Logistics. Located near Tarbes airport in southwest France, TARMAC’s state-of-the-art plant has a capacity to dismantle up to 30 large aircraft per year. Plastics Recyclers Europe (The Nestwork) Avenue de Broqueville 12. A joint venture of Airbus and waste specialist SITA France, this new business became operational in 2009. The aerospace and defence industry is contributing to a circular economy through increased sustainability awareness, technical innovations and responsible disposal and recycling of aircraft (parts). Extensive background experience in the scrap metal business lead ensures our local partners trust that is shown through their delivery of aircraft to our recycling ecosystem. For comparison, from 2014 to 2019, the plant dismantled 33 aircraft. TARMAC AEROSAVE, the Biggest Aircraft Storage Company in Europe, is an EASA and FAA Part. Our main competitive advantage is that we work around you. During this stage, which was generally not part of existing aircraft scrapping operations, the demonstration aircraft, a first generation Airbus A300, was also thoroughly assessed, with parts listed and equipment identified as being salvageable or not. Although aircraft are made of materials that can be recycled or reused in a number of ways, prior to PAMELA there were no standardised procedures. Market. As the international aerospace community continues to focus on environmental issues and landfill regulations mount, asset owners are looking for efficient, revenue-building and environmentally-sound methods for aircraft disposal. ECO-INNOVATIONat the heart of European policies. Membership since 2011. Marc Keske, CEO, established MoreAero GmbH after successfully selling his former family run company Keske Entsorgung GmbH which was founded in 1947 in order to fully focus on his prime interest: Tel: +32 2 315 24 60 The organization developed the Best Management Practices (BMP) guide with a view to enforcing certain minimum standards for the disposal of aircraft. the administrative work at airports, Pax oxygen generators (oxygen, explosive), Airbrakes, brackets, drain tubes (asbestos), Control collumn ballast weights (radioactive). To help our members achieve this goal, Chemical Recycling Europe (ChemRecEurope) was established in 2019 to promote and implement the innovative solutions that the chemical recycling of plastic waste offers to benefit our economy and society. Photo: Getty Images . VIRTUSTRADE works towards building up an aviation recycling ecosystem with the management of mid- to late-life aircraft. In March 1947, General Joseph T. McNarney, Commanding General, U.S. On a national and international level we combine expert knowledge and practical experience in the end-of-life management of aircrafts. The report “Global Commercial Aircraft Disassembly, Dismantling & Recycling Market to 2027” provides two years historical data and the forecast until 2027. ChemRecEurope represents the interest of the European chemical recycling industry towards the public and European institutions. Cotswold Airport in the U.K. Air Salvage International (ASI) is one of Europe’s leading airliner storage and maintenance facilities. © 2020 moreaero aircraft recycling & During the disassembly stage, PAMELA removed the reusable parts from the aircraft, such as the engines and landing gear. eCube Solutions, a business driven by years of aviation industry knowledge, was formed in 2011 and has rapidly gained the reputation for being the number 1 choice for aircraft recycling services in the industry. We entered the business of aircraft recycling both because of our experience in recycling and metal compound treatment on the one hand and the huge market potential with over 600 civil aircrafts taken out of duty every year until 2035 as well as a recycling rate of up to 60% (excluding components). The success of the project, which was co-financed by the EU’s LIFE- Environment programme, led the establishment of a commercial recycling business for aircraft that offers high quality materials for reuse in aircraft manufacture. The Process for Advanced Management of End of Life of Aircraft (PAMELA) project, set out to demonstrate that an aircraft’s components could be safely dismantled and recycled for reuse in the aviation or other sectors. With experience of over 800+ projects worldwide over the last 24 years, our disassembly services have been at the forefront and have contributed to developing AFRA (Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association) Best Management Practices (BMPs) used across the industry. The remaining aircraft recycled were A340s, A330s, and A320s. Aircraft normally have a working life of 20 to 30 years. Beneficiation engineer for material recycling, ICAO experience for the management and TARMAC is also an important source of information and feedback for Airbus concerning aircraft ageing and changes in dismantling techniques. Marc has more than 20 years experience in the waste management industry with various national and international projects in dismantling, logistics and the subsequent disposal. Traceability of removed parts. The arrival of an A300-B2 at Tarbes airport in southwest France marked an important milestone in the Airbus-led PAMELA recycling project. Headquartered in Slovenia, the company News Plane Reclaimers lands on TV. We have ICAO experience for management and administrative work at airports and knowledge of the legal basis and environmental regulations in various countries. Skilled employees are trained as beneficial engineer for material recycling, waste management adviser, safety engineer, radiation, explosive and fire prevention advisers. European aviation has also been at the forefront of developing capabilities and processes for end-of-life aircraft dismantling and recycling of parts. We provide disassembly, part-out, teardown and recycling services for end-of-life aircraft, … We also handle logistic and customs. eCube Solutions has been accredited by the Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association (AFRA) since 2013 and was also one of the first companies in the UK to receive a permit from the Environmental Agency for recycling aircraft. Secure hardling process of cutted parts. Aircraft scrapping could also be a poorly-controlled process, with insufficient attention paid to the handling of potentially hazardous wastes, and secondhand parts re-entering the supply chain without proper monitoring. Researchers then investigated ways in which the entire process can be improved. Wire-saw cutting process avoiding hot points and mixing of materials. ROTH International as a member of that organization has committed to observing the prescribed set of rules. YR-5296, based Romania, offered by Aprodex. Vacancies. Aircraftrecycling 50 Experten diskutierten beim zweiten europäischen Aircraft Recycling Symposium in Stuttgart über die Recycling-Möglichkeiten von Flugzeugen. The weight of the demonstration aircraft was reduced by a further 13,500 kg during this stage. In September 2015, AIR was accredited by AFRA (Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association), which is considered to be the leading international association representing the aircraft recycling industry. On a national and international level we combine expert knowledge and practical experience in the end-of-life management of aircrafts. This success also presented an interesting commercial opportunity, which subsequently led to the establishment of a new business venture, TARMAC Aerosave, the first company dedicated to dismantling end-of-life aircraft in an environmentally-friendly way. AIR has been accredited for Demolition, Disassembly and Recycling, being the first company in Europe to get the three certificates. The launch of the Airbus A300 in the early 1970s revolutionised aircraft manufacturing, demonstrating cost and time savings from producing aircraft components separately, rather than building an entire aircraft at one site. It also aimed to limit the environmental impact of dismantling end-of-life planes. These aircraft can be brought back into service if demand increases, or they may be broken down and the parts reused. Furthermore, we comply with environmental regulations and fulfill international standards. 145 MRO company dedicated to Aircraft Storage, Aircraft Maintenance, Aircraft Recycling and CFM56 Engine Recycling in an entirely environmentally friendly manner. These materials represent a much greater proportion of aircraft currently in production, so our aim is to develop recycling processes for manufacturing waste, within a 3 to 5 year horizon, which can subsequently be applied to the aircraft when they reach their end-of-life 20 years from now.”,,,, End-of-life aircraft recycling offers high grade materials. At the end of this stage, the weight of the plane had been reduced by around 18 000 kg, largely due to the removal of liquids such as fuel and water, which are not considered in the recycling ratio. (Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association) This will of course increase to overall value creation of all parties involved. AFRA Additionally, a cutter and grab to precut the aircraft at every place in the world are contained in the mobile unit placed in standard shipping containers. Valorization rate: Our knowledge in metal and non-metal compound treatment helps us to get the most out of the used materials such as aluminum, steel, titanium, copper and other compounds. Environmental responsibility across the entire lifecycle. D-IDCA, based Germany, offered by Aeromeccanica SA. We’ve undertaken projects across the globe, including Togo, New Zealand, Dubai, Sudan, Ecuador, USA, Libya, Maldives and Cairo. Accreditation to ISO14001 (Environmental Management) or equivalent is … OM-RTC, based Poland, offered by Plane4You Aircraft Sales Center. Process fully compliant with strict European legislation. It targets the 6,000 aircraft due to retire over the next 15 years. By volume, aluminium made up the largest portion of the material recovered, which also included titanium alloys, steel, copper, plastics, foam and textiles. We also handle customs and logistic. But a decision to move to the final dismantling stage is irrevocable, as at this point the aircraft officially becomes waste. PAMELA carefully sorted these waste streams, even separating the aluminium into alloys of different types. dachten dritten europäischen Aircraft Recycling Symposium im Frühjahr 2016 wieder treffen, um weitere innovative und kooperative Geschäftsmodelle zum Fliegen zu bringen. The EU Circular Economy strategy aims at establishing an ambitious and credible long-term path for waste management and recycling. Malavallon sees the Tarbes site as the first in a network, all of which will apply the lessons learned from PAMELA. An aircraft has an average lifespan of approximately 30 years before retiring from service. If you love airplanes this channel will either be your guilty pleasure or your worst nighymare. In principle, after these first two stages, an aircraft could still be put back into service, subject to acquiring the relevant flight certification. The comprehensive WP1 report summarises all aircraft recycling actors in Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific, as well as regulations and guidelines concerning the recycling industry. The US$6.58 billion commercial aircraft disassembly, dismantling & recycling market is expected to flourish in the next few years because renewal of fleet initiatives amongst many of the world’s leading operators are also expected to drive aircraft retirement and scrapping as the current generation of aircraft is withdrawn from service. REPORT: Recycling airplanes has become a real promising business. The EU-funded AIMERE (Aircraft metal recycling) project aimed to make aircraft recycling more efficient and profitable. TARMAC Aerosave is exploiting an innovative system for the smart dismantling and recycling of end-of-life aircraft. We take care : Our mission is to take care of your aircraft at every stage of its life cycle offering storage, maintenance and recycling solutions. Jörg Woidasky begrüßte Once they reach their end-of-life, passenger aircraft are generally either converted for use in freight transport, or stockpiled in aircraft ‘boneyards’ or at airports, often with little consideration for safety. In recycling the carcass of the aircraft, it is suitable to separate and classify different aluminum grades into their main alloys family before sending them to recycling center. These were then checked and certified so they could be used as spare parts for aircraft in service. Our trained staff has experience in international tasks. Marketing Manager; We are always on the look out for experienced and talented personnel send us a cv and cover letter. Boeing supports efforts to develop commercially feasible and environmentally sound guidance and best practices for aircraft recycling. We invented the worldwide first mobile unit named More Aero. Our business target is to offer you the confidence that all necessary environmental and legal requirements have been met. This was a real breakthrough, as previously it was not thought that aluminium extracted from old aircraft could be used for such a purpose. AIMERE first assessed legislation, potential environmental problems, and current methods for dismantling and recycling aeroplanes. The aluminium was then sent for ‘re-fusion’, using a process that generated aluminium of a high enough quality for reuse in aircraft manufacture. This A300, which reached the end of its operational life, will be used to validate environmentally-responsible techniques for the decommissioning and recycling of aircraft. Eight of the aircraft scrapped were from the Boeing 747 family. The Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association, or AFRA, is dedicated to the environmentally friendly disassembly of aircraft. The first stage involved cleaning and decontamination of the aircraft, with the removal of hazardous substances, and flammable or explosive materials. Thanks to a thorough and selective sorting process, the project demonstrated that 85% or more of all recovered materials could be sold through regulated recovery channels, with up to 70% going back to industry, including the aerospace industry, creating its first “cradle to cradle” closed loop. Through a documentation of the spare parts disposal we ensure that the components are destroyed and professionally disposed of and will not reappear as „bogusparts“ on the world market. Forces, European Theatre, told the War Department all he needed was "an Air Force of about 7,500 [men] to provide air transport and communications." N reg, based Germany, offered by Holger Braun. The unit consists of tank containers and the equipment comprising hazardous materials. Dedicated waterproof recycling areas in Tarbes and Teruel with water collection and treatment system. TARMAC AEROSAVE, a jointly owned company of Airbus, Safran and Suez, has recycled over 135 aircraft since it was established in 2007. However, before PAMELA, this was generally a haphazard scrap metal operation resulting in some 45% of the weight of an aircraft going to landfill. The company aims to recycle or re-use up to 85% of the parts and materials from the aircraft it processes, with the full dismantling process taking from one to three months. Here, the entire aircraft shell was systematically dismantled. We handle … Life after death. Aircraft recycling. We ensure all aspects of end-of-life management including the final drainage of systems, deconstruction of the aircraft, removal and categorization of materials which then will be shipped to secondary raw material treatment facilities. aircraft will be retired from active service in the next 20 years and all should be available for recycling (Fig. We entered the business of aircraft recycling both because of our experience in recycling and metal compound treatment on the one hand and the huge market potential with over 600 civil aircrafts taken out of duty every year until 2035 as well as a recycling rate of up to 60% (excluding components). We cover the broad spectrum of flight patterns such as passenger planes, private and military aircrafts as well as air freighter. Tarmac Aerosave / Transition Expert. The company currently employes 37 workers, meaning that the facility could handle scrapping up to 30 aircraft each year. A wide-spread global infrastructure would make recycling more efficient and would, over time, ensure viable quantities of materials such as composites, which cannot currently be recycled. Recycling To do this, AIMERE collected information on aircraft … We come to your site with a mobile unit which is built into sea containers to ensure on-site cutting, demolition and dismantling. “This is considerably longer than non-selective dismantling, but our aim is to recycle materials for higher value purposes,” explains Mr Malavallon. Professor Dr.-Ing. Hackathon delivers clever ideas for cleaner air, European Eco-Innovation Forum examines the financing needs of pioneering SMEs. Besides our knowledge and man power we also bring our machinery to your site no matter where you are located in the USA, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, Africa or Asia. Founded and headquartered in Hong Kong in 2014, Aircraft Recycling International Limited ("ARI") is a multi-strategy aviation company which provides asset management services and comprehensive solutions for dealing with second lease and mid-to-end-of-life aircraft. Optimized sorting out of all materials. PAMELA’s objective was to demonstrate that an aircraft’s afterlife need not follow this pattern and that an aircraft could be safely dismantled and reused or recycled as secondary raw materials. We cover all aspects of aircraft recycling. Chemical recycling … 2). Today, 92% of the total weight of an aircraft is recycled. - Tarmac Aerosave. After aircraft delivery, we continue to take into account the environment by optimising aircraft operations and recycling end-of-life aircraft. “Composite materials such as carbon fibre cannot be recycled at present – the quantities being recovered are too low and the technical performance of the recovered materials needs to be improved. PAMELA followed a systematic approach, dividing the aircraft’s end-of-life process into three stages: decommissioning, disassembly, and smart and selective dismantling. SP-GPW, based Poland, offered by Plane4You Aircraft Sales Center. PAMELA successfully demonstrated that the environmental impact of aircraft dismantling can be significantly reduced. Recycling, rather than land-filling, is better for both business and the environment. We ensure all aspects of end-of-life management including the final drainage of systems, deconstruction of the aircraft, removal and categorization of materials which then will be shipped to secondary raw material treatment facilities. 1150 Woluwe Saint-Pierre, Brussels. The development was granted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. We regularly supply colleges and training organisations with expertly cut sections (wide and narrow bodied), tailored to meet individual demand by our own in-house fabrication team. TarmacAerosave is an EASA and FAA Part 145 MRO company dedicated to aircraft storage, aircraft maintenance, recycling and CFM56 engine recycling in an entirely environmentally friendly manner.... about airliner storage at Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyreness Airport . All Rights Reserved. In addition, the report contains a detailed analysis of the current recycling practices and the various issues faced by the waste industry. Once they reach their end-of-life, passenger aircraft are generally either converted for use in freight transport, or stockpiled in aircraft … Up to approximately 90% of the parts of a decommissioned aircraft can be either re-used as spare parts for other aircraft or recycled if best practices are applied. Although PAMELA applied a more systematic and thorough approach to decommissioning and disassembly than had existed previously, the real innovation emerged in the third stage. Breeze Technologies, a most promising start-up! In the first two years of activity, it has already processed a dozen aircraft of all types, including the Airbus A300, A310, A300-600, A320, A340, DC9, Boeing 737 and Boeing 777. click here for more images. This iconic aircraft was again at the centre of a major revolution in the aviation sector when, in March 2006, Airbus launched an innovative experiment in the dismantling and recycling of end-of- life aircraft. EC-JRS, based Spain, offered by MarcsAero. “What is important is what you do with the material and, in particular, how you treat it.”. In total, during the dismantling stage, PAMELA extracted 61,000 kg of reusable material from the aircraft. Our customers are the Federal army, Federal police, Insurances, national and international airlines with helicopters, passenger, cargo, former reconnaissance and private airplanes. This data is fed to engineers working at the beginning of the aircraft lifecycle, helping them to improve the design of both existing and future aircraft. Furthermore, our profound knowhow in smart dismantling in the area of industrial dismantling, experience of waste collection, transportation, treatment and utilization, shredding, sweeping and handling of hazardous materials makes us an expert in our field with German quality standards. Our extensive network of contacts within the UK and Europe for the the sale of aircraft sections will ensure that the maximum value of your asset is achieved. Other former Luftwaffe aircraft were collected and simply sent to blast furnaces for metal recycling. Contact Us Now. This meant that at the end of the three stages, only 13% of the original weight of the aircraft had to be classified as non-recoverable waste and sent to landfill. “An aircraft is not a unique form of waste material,” explains Olivier Malavallon, PAMELA – Life Project Director.

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