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Welchen ETF soll ich wählen? Hier erhältst Du alle Informationen zum Trade Republic ETF Sparplan Angebot. In der Ansicht der stellen meine private und persönliche Meinung dar. Werde jetzt Teil der Community und tritt dem Telegram Channel bei oder diskutiere mit uns in der Finanz-Allianz Facebook-Gruppe. Bei Trade Republic kannst du deinen Sparplan auf eine Aktie oder einen ETF anlegen. TAP, TAP, SAVE. Zukunft oder totes Geschäft? Änderungen und Löschungen von Sparplänen keine große Herausforderung. Neben Scalabale Capital und der Consorsbank ist ebenfalls Trade Republic ein spannender Anbieter von Sparplänen. Egal ob Aktien oder ETFs - Sparpläne sind total im Trend. Junior-Depot möglich? Einzahlung und Auszahlung beim Scalable Capital Depot? Ja ein weiter Weg und ein weiteres Projekt welches ich nun gestartet habe. Welche Tabak Aktien kaufen? Trade Republic Aktien-Sparplan: Ab sofort über 1000 Sparpläne kostenlos. Bitpanda ist ein weiterer, bekannter Handelsplatz für Kryptowährungen, welcher ebenfalls einen Sparplan im Angebot hat. Trade Republic. Eine Desktop Version ist derzeit nicht verfügbar. <<, >> Smartbroker Testbericht 2021 Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Daten trotz aller Bemühungen nicht garantiert werden kann. Dann nutze unsere ETF Suche. Der Preis von Produkten verändert sich Im Gegenteil, häufig bekommst du sogar noch tolle Bonus Geschenke. Trade Republic: Der ETF-Sparplan ist bei uns kein Lockangebot Die Trade Republic * Bank hat das Angebot erweitert und bietet ab sofort kostenlose ETF-Sparpläne an. Mai Dividendenkalender - welche Aktien zahlen im Mai eine Dividende? Select Dividend UCITS ETF (DE), iShares MSCI AC Far East ex-Japan UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares USD Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares Euro Dividend UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares EUR Inflation Linked Govt Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares MSCI Eastern Europe Capped UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares Euro Total Market Value Large UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF (Dist), iShares European Property Yield UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares Euro Total Market Growth Large UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares Dow Jones Eurozone Sustainability Screened UCITS ETF (DE), iShares Dow Jones China Offshore 50 UCITS ETF (DE), iShares Dow Jones Asia Pacific Select Dividend 50 UCITS ETF (DE), Lyxor Dow Jones Industrial Average UCITS ETF – Dist, iShares Euro Government Bond Capped 1.5-10.5yr UCITS ETF (DE), Lyxor Japan (TOPIX) (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist EUR, iShares USD Treasury Bond 1-3yr UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares EUR Govt Bond 1-3yr UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares MSCI North America UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares MSCI Europe ex-UK UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), Lyxor MSCI EMU Growth (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist, iShares eb.rexx Government Germany 1.5-2.5yr UCITS ETF (DE), iShares eb.rexx Government Germany 5.5-10.5yr UCITS ETF (DE), iShares eb.rexx Government Germany 2.5-5.5yr UCITS ETF (DE), iShares EURO STOXX Small UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares EURO STOXX Mid UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares STOXX Europe Small 200 UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe Mid 200 UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe Large 200 UCITS ETF (DE), iShares EURO STOXX Select Dividend 30 UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe Select Dividend 30 UCITS ETF (DE), Lyxor MSCI EMU Small Cap (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor MSCI EMU Value (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist, iShares STOXX Europe 50 UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares Core EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares Core EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF (DE), iShares EURO STOXX Banks 30-15 UCITS ETF (DE), iShares Dow Jones Global Titans 50 UCITS ETF (DE), iShares Dow Jones Industrial Average UCITS ETF (DE), Lyxor EURO STOXX 50 (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist, iShares eb.rexx Government Germany UCITS ETF (DE), iShares EUR Corp Bond Large Cap UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), 7.626 Aktien, 1.493 ETFs & 40.000 Derivate, Über 1.492 ETFs dauerhaft kostenlos besparbar. Mit einem * markierte Links sind Affiliate-Werbe-Links. Trade Republic bietet zum Start eine Auswahl von 1.000 Aktien an, so viele wie sonst niemand in Deutschland. Hinweis auf die Rabatt-Aktion beim Aktien.Guide |Promo Code / Link? entsprechenden Aktie findest du dann einen schwarzen "Sparplan erstellen" Button. Trade Republic ETF Sparplan: Nicht steuereinfacher ETF Sparplan, über 300 iShares ETFs um 0 € Ausführungskosten, ab 10 € monatlicher Sparrate vom internen Konto (nur Dauerauftrag möglich) In der ETF Liste finden sich auch ETFs, die Dividenden zahlen. Heute gucken wir uns an wie du Sparpläne bei Trade Republic einrichtest und worauf du achten möchtest. Du bist auf der Suche nach ETFs? Für die Depoteröffnung bei der Trade Republic musst Du folgende Kriterien erfüllen: Du besitzt ein Smartphone mit Betriebssystem iOS oder Android. Einen Trade Republic ETF Sparplan Test haben wir dich weiter unten verlinkt. Wenn du diese Handeln möchtest, fallt dafür lediglich eine Fremdkostenpauschale in Höhe von 1 Euro an. Hierbei solltest du nur darauf achten, dass die Änderung noch wirksam vor der Ausführung ist. Nichts einfacher als das, wäre da nicht die große Frage, für welchen ETF oder welche ETFs du dich denn entscheiden sollst. Trade Republic weitet das Angebot an sparplanfähigen Wertpapieren deutlich aus. Sparpläne sind auf … Robinhood, traderepublic, Bitcoin - Dirk Müller sieht Blase platzen | Nachricht | Eine Übersicht über alle Bonus-Links erhältst du hier. Kennst du schon den Finanz-illuminati Instagram Immer sehr hilfsbereit. Es handelt sich nirgendwo um einen Aufruf zum Kauf oder Verkauf von Wertpapieren. Das … Trade Republic Testbericht. deutcher Depotanbieter, So richtetst du bei Trade Republic einen Sparplan ein. Die Sparpläne für dein Depot werden nämlich direkt von deinem Verrechnungskonto abgebucht. Wie du deinen Sparplan bei Trade Republic anlegen kannst, das siehst du hier per Video und Anleitung. Im letzten Schritt wählst du noch die Höhe deines Sparplans aus. Du hast eine europäische Handynummer und ein SEPA-Bankkonto. Alle Inhalte Unten findest du die Trade Republic ETF Übersicht, die wir für dich erstellt haben. Trade Republic für Kinder? Lyxor MSCI Europe ESG Leaders (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, iShares Edge MSCI Europe Minimum Volatility UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares MSCI Japan USD Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc), iShares MSCI World GBP Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc), iShares MSCI Target UK Real Estate UCITS ETF, iShares MSCI AC Far East ex-Japan Small Cap UCITS ETF, iShares Euro Government Bond 1-3yr UCITS ETF (Acc), iShares Core GBP Corporate Bond UCITS ETF, iShares J.P. Morgan ESG USD EM Bond UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares USD Treasury Bond 1-3yr UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc), iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF USD (Acc), Xtrackers S&P 500 UCITS ETF 2C GBP hedged, Amundi ETF FTSE EPRA NAREIT Global UCITS ETF DR, iShares Developed Markets Property Yield UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Core Euro Corporate Bond UCITS ETF (Acc), Lyxor DJ Global Titans 50 UCITS ETF – Dist, iShares MSCI Europe Consumer Staples Sector UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares MSCI Europe Health Care Sector UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares MSCI Europe Consumer Discretionary Sector UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares MSCI Europe Financials Sector UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares MSCI Europe Information Technology Sector UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares MSCI Europe Energy Sector UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), Xtrackers ESG USD Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 2C – EUR hedged, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Travel & Leisure UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor Euro Government Bond 15+Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor Euro Government Bond Inflation Linked (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist, Amundi MSCI Emerging ESG Universal Select UCITS ETF DR (C), iShares EUR Govt Bond Climate UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares EUR Govt Bond Climate UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist), Amundi Prime Euro Gov Bonds 0-1Y UCITS ETF DR (C), Amundi Index MSCI Japan SRI UCITS ETF DR (C), Amundi MSCI USA ESG Leaders Select UCITS ETF DR – hedged EUR (C), Xtrackers MSCI World ESG UCITS ETF 2C – Dist EUR hedged, Lyxor Euro Government Bond 1-3Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor Euro Government Bond 3-5Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor Euro Government Bond 5-7Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor Euro Government Bond 7-10Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor Euro Government Bond 10-15Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor Core MSCI Japan (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor Core MSCI Japan (DR) UCITS ETF – Daily Hedged to EUR – Dist, Lyxor S&P Europe Paris-Aligned Climate (EU PAB) (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor S&P Global Developed Paris-Aligned Climate (EU PAB) (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Banks UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Construction & Materials UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Financial Services UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Retail UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Telecommunications UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor MSCI Pacific Ex Japan UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor S&P 500 UCITS ETF – Daily Hedged to EUR – Dist, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts UCITS ETF, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Food & Beverage UCITS ETF, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Industrial Goods & Services UCITS ETF, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Insurance UCITS ETF, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Personal & Household Goods UCITS ETF, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Technology UCITS ETF, Lyxor Core EURO STOXX 50 (DR) – UCITS ETF, Xtrackers ESG USD Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers US Treasuries Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers USD Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1C, Amundi Prime US Treasury Bond 0-1 Y UCITS ETF DR – USD (C), Lyxor S&P Eurozone Paris-Aligned Climate (EU PAB) (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor S&P 500 Paris-Aligned Climate (EU-PAB) (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Xtrackers II ESG EUR Corporate Bond Short Duration UCITS ETF 1C, Amundi Prime US Treasury Bond 0-1 Y UCITS ETF DR – Hedged EUR (C), iShares J.P. Morgan USD EM Bond UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Edge MSCI World Minimum Volatility UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares USD Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc), iShares USD High Yield Corp Bond ESG UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc), Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Healthcare UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Chemicals UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Oil & Gas UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Utilities UCITS ETF – Dist, WisdomTree Enhanced Commodity UCITS ETF – USD, WisdomTree Enhanced Commodity UCITS ETF – EUR Hedged Acc, BlackRock ESG Multi-Asset Conservative Portfolio UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), BlackRock ESG Multi-Asset Moderate Portfolio UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), BlackRock ESG Multi-Asset Growth Portfolio UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), Lyxor Smart Overnight Return – UCITS ETF D-EUR, Amundi Prime US Corporates UCITS ETF DR – USD (D), iShares USD Treasury Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Xtrackers MSCI Pacific ex Japan UCITS ETF 1C, iShares STOXX Europe 600 Real Estate UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Chemicals UCITS ETF (DE), Lyxor FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Global Developed UCITS ETF – Dist (EUR), Amundi MSCI EMU ESG Universal Select UCITS ETF DR (A), Amundi MSCI World ESG Leaders Select UCITS ETF DR (A), Amundi MSCI USA ESG Leaders Select UCITS ETF DR (A), Amundi MSCI Europe ESG Leaders Select UCITS ETF DR (A), Amundi Index MSCI EMU SRI UCITS ETF DR (A), iShares J.P. Morgan USD EM Corp Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc), iShares EUR Ultrashort Bond ESG UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares USD Corp Bond ESG UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Global Inflation Linked Govt Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc), Lyxor MSCI Smart Cities ESG Filtered (DR) UCITS ETF, iShares USD Corp Bond ESG UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist), Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond UCITS ETF 2C – USD hedged, Xtrackers II USD Emerging Markets Bond UCITS ETF 2C, Amundi MSCI World ESG Universal Select UCITS ETF DR (A), Amundi MSCI USA ESG Universal Select UCITS ETF DR (A), Amundi MSCI Europe ESG Universal Select UCITS ETF DR (A), iShares USD Corp Bond ESG UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Amundi MSCI Emerging ESG Leaders UCITS ETF DR (C), Lyxor MSCI Disruptive Technologies ESG Filtered (DR) UCITS ETF, Lyxor MSCI Future Mobility ESG Filtered (DR) UCITS ETF, Lyxor MSCI Millennials ESG Filtered (DR) UCITS ETF, Lyxor MSCI Digital Economy ESG Filtered (DR) UCITS ETF, iShares Edge MSCI Europe Minimum Volatility ESG UCITS ETF, iShares Edge MSCI USA Minimum Volatility ESG UCITS ETF, iShares Edge MSCI World Minimum Volatility ESG UCITS ETF, iShares Global Timber & Forestry UCITS ETF, iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Xtrackers S&P 500 UCITS ETF 1D EUR Hedged, Lyxor STOXX Europe Select Dividend 30 UCITS ETF – Dist, iShares USD Treasury Bond 3-7yr UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist), iShares USD Treasury Bond 3-7yr UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares USD Treasury Bond 7-10yr UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist), Lyxor JPX-Nikkei 400 (DR) UCITS ETF – Daily Hedged to EUR – Dist, Amundi Index Breakeven Inflation USD 10Y UCITS ETF DR – USD (C), iShares European Property Yield UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), Amundi Floating Rate USD Corporate UCITS ETF – Hedged EUR (C), Amundi FTSE EPRA Europe Real Estate UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Real Estate UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor Hwabao WP MSCI China A (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Amundi Index MSCI Emerging Markets SRI UCITS ETF DR (C), Amundi S&P 500 ESG UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares MSCI EM IMI ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares MSCI Japan SRI UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist), iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist), iShares Diversified Commodity Swap UCITS ETF, Amundi JPX-Nikkei 400 UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi JPX-Nikkei 400 UCITS ETF – Daily Hedged EUR (C), Amundi S&P 500 UCITS ETF – Daily Hedged EUR (C), Xtrackers Harvest FTSE China A-H 50 UCITS ETF 1D, iShares MSCI Japan SRI EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc), Xtrackers II US Treasuries UCITS ETF 2D EUR Hedged, Lyxor Core STOXX Europe 600 (DR) – UCITS ETF Monthly Hedged to EUR – Dist, Lyxor Core EURO STOXX 300 (DR) – UCITS ETF Acc, Xtrackers S&P 500 UCITS ETF 1C EUR Hedged, Xtrackers JPX-Nikkei 400 UCITS ETF 3C EUR Hedged, iShares MSCI EMU USD Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc), iShares MSCI Japan EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc), iShares S&P 500 EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc), Xtrackers II Global Government Bond UCITS ETF 1D EUR Hedged, Xtrackers MSCI Japan UCITS ETF 4C EUR Hedged, iShares Global Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares Global Corp Bond EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Dist), Xtrackers II Global Government Bond UCITS ETF 5C, Xtrackers MSCI World Swap UCITS ETF 4C EUR Hedged, Xtrackers II Global Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF 1D EUR Hedged, iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares China Large Cap UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares Asia Pacific Dividend UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Xtrackers II Global Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF 1C EUR Hedged, iShares Diversified Commodity Swap UCITS ETF (DE), Xtrackers II Global Government Bond UCITS ETF 1C EUR Hedged, iShares Global Govt Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Amundi ETF Govt Bond EuroMTS Broad Investment Grade 7-10 UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), Amundi ETF Govt Bond EuroMTS Broad Investment Grade 1-3 UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), Amundi ETF Govt Bond EuroMTS Broad Investment Grade 10-15 UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi ETF Govt Bond EuroMTS Broad Investment Grade 5-7 UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), Xtrackers FTSE Developed Europe Real Estate UCITS ETF 1C, WisdomTree Physical Gold Individual Securities, WisdomTree Physical Silver Individual Securities, WisdomTree Physical Swiss Gold Individual Securities, WisdomTree Physical Gold – EUR Daily Hedged, Amundi Prime Eurozone UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), Lyxor Fed Funds US Dollar Cash UCITS ETF-Dist, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Media UCITS ETF-Dist, Amundi Prime Euro Corporates UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), Amundi Prime Euro Govies UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), Amundi Prime Europe UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), Amundi Prime Global Govies UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), Amundi Prime Global UCITS ETF DR – USD (C), Amundi Prime Japan UCITS ETF DR – JPY (C), Amundi Prime US Corporates UCITS ETF DR – USD (C), Amundi Prime US Treasury UCITS ETF DR – USD (C), WisdomTree Physical Precious Metals Basket Securities, WisdomTree Physical Platinum Individual Securities, WisdomTree Physical Palladium Individual Securities, Lyxor Portfolio Strategy Defensive UCITS ETF, Lyxor Portfolio Strategy Offensive UCITS ETF, iShares J.P. Morgan ESG USD EM Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc), Amundi Index Euro Corporate SRI 0-3 Y UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), Lyxor Green Bond ESG Screened (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets ESG UCITS ETF, iShares MSCI World Consumer Discretionary Sector UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares MSCI World Consumer Staples Sector UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares MSCI World Health Care Sector UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares MSCI World Information Technology Sector UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares MSCI World Energy Sector UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares MSCI EM ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares China CNY Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Lyxor MSCI Emerging Markets Ex China UCITS ETF – Acc, iShares EUR Govt Bond 20yr Target Duration UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares MSCI EMU ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares MSCI Europe ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares MSCI Japan ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares MSCI USA ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares MSCI World ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares Global Corp Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist), Lyxor Global Gender Equality (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, iShares Global High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist), Amundi Index US CORP SRI UCITS ETF DR – USD (C), iShares J.P. Morgan USD EM Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc), iShares J.P. Morgan ESG USD EM Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Lyxor MSCI Eastern Europe ex Russia UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor MSCI EM Latin America UCITS ETF – Acc, iShares MSCI EMU ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares MSCI Europe ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares MSCI Japan ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares MSCI Saudi Arabia Capped UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares MSCI Saudi Arabia Capped UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares MSCI USA ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares MSCI World ESG Enhanced UCITS ETF USD (Acc), Amundi Prime Euro Corporates UCITS ETF DR – EUR (D), Amundi Prime Euro Govies UCITS ETF DR – EUR (D), Amundi Prime Global Govies UCITS ETF DR – EUR (D), Amundi Prime Global UCITS ETF DR – USD (D), Amundi Prime US Treasury UCITS ETF DR – USD (D), iShares USD Corp Bond 0-3yr ESG UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares MSCI Europe SRI UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Amundi Prime Europe UCITS ETF DR – EUR (D), Amundi Prime Eurozone UCITS ETF DR – EUR (D), Amundi Prime Japan UCITS ETF DR – JPY (D), iShares USD Treasury Bond 0-1yr UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Xtrackers Artificial Intelligence & Big Data UCITS ETF 1C, Lyxor China Enterprise (HSCEI) UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor Commodities Thomson Reuters/CoreCommodity CRB EX-Energy TR UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor Commodities Thomson Reuters/CoreCommodity CRB TR UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor MSCI AC Asia Ex Japan UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor MSCI AC Asia Pacific Ex Japan UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Banks UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Chemicals UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Construction & Materials UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Financial Services UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Food & Beverage UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Healthcare UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Industrial Goods & Services UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Insurance UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Media UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Oil & Gas UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Personal & Household Goods UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Retail UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Technology UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Telecommunications UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Travel & Leisure UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Utilities UCITS ETF – Acc, iShares USD Corp Bond 0-3yr ESG UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc), iShares Asia Property Yield UCITS ETF USD (Acc), Lyxor Core US Treasury 7-10Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist, iShares Digital Security UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares Edge MSCI EM Value Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc), Lyxor EURO STOXX Banks (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor EuroMTS Highest Rated Macro-Weighted Govt Bond 1-3Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor EuroMTS Highest Rated Macro-Weighted Govt Bond 3-5Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor EuroMTS Highest Rated Macro-Weighted Govt Bond 5-7Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor FTSE EPRA/NAREIT United States UCITS ETF – Dist (EUR), Xtrackers iBoxx USD Corporate Bond Yield Plus UCITS ETF 2C EUR Hedged, Lyxor Core US Treasury 10+Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist, Amundi Index MSCI Europe SRI UCITS ETF DR (C), Amundi Index MSCI USA SRI UCITS ETF DR (C), Amundi Index MSCI World SRI UCITS ETF DR (C), Lyxor MSCI All Country World UCITS ETF – Acc (EUR), Xtrackers Nikkei 225 UCITS ETF 2D EUR Hedged, Amundi STOXX Global Artificial Intelligence UCITS ETF (C), Lyxor Barclays Floating Rate Euro 0-7Y UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor BofAML EUR High Yield Ex-Financial Bond UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor Euro Corporate Bond Ex Financials UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor Euro Corporate Bond UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor EuroMTS Covered Bond Aggregate UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor iBoxx USD Liquid Emerging Markets Sovereign UCITS ETF – Dist, iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares MSCI Europe ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares MSCI Europe ESG Screened UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares MSCI Japan ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares MSCI USA ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares MSCI World ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares MSCI World ESG Screened UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares EUR Corp Bond ESG UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares EUR Floating Rate Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), Amundi MSCI USA Minimum Volatility Factor UCITS ETF – USD (C), iShares Nasdaq 100 UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc), iShares S&P 500 Communication Sector UCITS ETF USD (Acc), Xtrackers STOXX Europe 600 UCITS ETF 2C EUR Hedged, iShares Thomson Reuters Inclusion and Diversity UCITS ETF, iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist), Xtrackers II USD Emerging Markets Bond UCITS ETF 2D, Amundi Japan TOPIX UCITS ETF – Daily Hedged EUR (C), Amundi MSCI Eastern Europe Ex Russia UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Lyxor MSCI EMU ESG Trend Leaders (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Amundi MSCI Europe Minimum Volatility Factor UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Lyxor MSCI USA ESG Trend Leaders (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Xtrackers MSCI USA UCITS ETF 2C EUR Hedged, Lyxor MSCI World ESG Trend Leaders (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Amundi MSCI World Ex Europe UCITS ETF – EUR (C), iShares MSCI World Small Cap UCITS ETF USD (Acc), Amundi Nasdaq-100 UCITS ETF – Daily Hedged EUR (C), iShares S&P U.S. Banks UCITS ETF USD (Acc), Amundi STOXX Europe 600 UCITS ETF – EUR (C), iShares Core MSCI EM IMI UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Amundi Europe Equity Multi Smart Allocation Scientific Beta UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi Euro Corporates UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi Euro High Yield Liquid Bond iBoxx UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi Floating Rate Euro Corporate 1-3 UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi Floating Rate USD Corporate UCITS ETF – USD (C), Amundi Govt Bond EuroMTS Broad Investment Grade UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi Govt Bond Lowest Rated EuroMTS Investment Grade 1-3 UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi Govt Bond Lowest Rated EuroMTS Investment Grade UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Lyxor MSCI Emerging Markets Asia UCITS ETF – Acc, Xtrackers MSCI World High Dividend Yield UCITS ETF 1D, iShares USD High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist), iShares USD TIPS UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc), Lyxor Core Morningstar UK NT (DR) UCITS ETF, Lyxor Core Morningstar US Equity (DR) UCITS ETF, Amundi MSCI EM Latin America UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi MSCI Switzerland UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Xtrackers iBoxx USD Corporate Bond Yield Plus UCITS ETF 1D, Lyxor MSCI EM ESG Trend Leaders UCITS ETF – Acc, iShares Edge MSCI EMU Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), Amundi BBB Euro Corporate Investment Grade UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi Euro Corporate Financials iBoxx UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi Govt Bond Highest Rated EuroMTS Investment Grade UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), Amundi EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF DR – EUR (D), Amundi Index Equity Global Multi Smart Allocation Scientific Beta UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), Amundi Index MSCI Japan UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), Amundi Index MSCI Pacific ex Japan SRI UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), iShares Core Global Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares Core Global Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc), Amundi ETF iSTOXX Europe Multi-Factor Market Neutral UCITS ETF – EUR (C/D), Lyxor Green Bond (DR) UCITS ETF – Monthly Hedged to EUR – Acc, Amundi Index Barclays Global AGG 500M UCITS ETF DR – EUR (D), Amundi Index MSCI Global Climate Change UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), Amundi Index Euro AGG Corporate SRI UCITS ETF DR – EUR (D), Amundi Index FTSE EPRA NAREIT Global UCITS ETF DR – EUR (D), Amundi Index J.P. Morgan EMU Govies IG UCITS ETF DR – EUR (D), Amundi Index J.P. Morgan GBI Global Govies UCITS ETF DR – EUR (D), Amundi Index MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF DR – EUR (D), Amundi MSCI EMU ESG Leaders Select UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), Amundi Index MSCI Europe UCITS ETF DR – EUR (D), Amundi Index MSCI North America UCITS ETF DR – EUR (D), Amundi Index MSCI World UCITS ETF DR – EUR (D), Amundi MSCI Europe High Dividend Factor UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi MSCI World Energy UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi MSCI World Financials UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi S&P 500 Buyback UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Amundi S&P Global Luxury UCITS ETF – EUR (C), Xtrackers USD High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D, iShares Nasdaq US Biotechnology UCITS ETF, Lyxor Euro Government Bond 3-5Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor Euro Government Bond 10-15Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor Euro Government Inflation Linked Bond (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor Euro Government Bond (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor Euro Government Bond 1-3Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, iShares USD Floating Rate Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Dist), Xtrackers MSCI USA Consumer Staples UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers MSCI USA Consumer Discretionary UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers MSCI USA Information Technology UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers MSCI USA Health Care UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers MSCI USA Financials UCITS ETF 1D, Lyxor Core EURO STOXX 50 (DR) UCITS ETF Acc, Lyxor Core STOXX Europe 600 (DR) – UCITS ETF Acc, Xtrackers II EUR High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1C, iShares S&P 500 Industrials Sector UCITS ETF, iShares S&P 500 Materials Sector UCITS ETF, iShares S&P 500 Consumer Staples Sector UCITS ETF, iShares S&P 500 Utilities Sector UCITS ETF, iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc), iShares Edge MSCI World Minimum Volatility UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc), iShares USD Intermediate Credit Bond UCITS ETF, Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF 1C, iShares Edge S&P 500 Minimum Volatility UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc), iShares MSCI Europe Quality Dividend UCITS ETF, iShares MSCI World Quality Dividend UCITS ETF, iShares USD Floating Rate Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Xtrackers USD Emerging Markets Bond Quality Weighted UCITS ETF 2D EUR Hedged, Lyxor USD 10Y Inflation Expectations UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor Euro Government Bond 15+Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor EuroMTS Highest Rated Macro-Weighted Govt Bond (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor Euro Government Bond 5-7Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, Xtrackers II USD Asia ex Japan Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D, iShares Healthcare Innovation UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Digitalisation UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Ageing Population UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Core FTSE 100 UCITS ETF GBP (Dist), iShares Edge MSCI USA Size Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Edge MSCI USA Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Edge MSCI USA Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc), Xtrackers MSCI EMU Minimum Volatility UCITS ETF 1D, Lyxor EUR 2-10Y Inflation Expectations UCITS ETF – Acc, Xtrackers USD Emerging Markets Bond Quality Weighted UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers II US Treasuries 1-3 UCITS ETF 1D, iShares US Mortgage Backed Securities UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Xtrackers iBoxx EUR Corporate Bond Yield Plus UCITS ETF 1D, iShares Fallen Angels High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF, Lyxor Euro Government Bond 7-10Y (DR) UCITS ETF – Acc, iShares S&P 500 Energy Sector UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares S&P 500 Financials Sector UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares S&P 500 Health Care Sector UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares S&P 500 Consumer Discretionary Sector UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares S&P 500 Information Technology Sector UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares EUR Corp Bond 0-3yr ESG UCITS ETF, Xtrackers USD Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 2D EUR Hedged, Xtrackers MSCI World Financials UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers MSCI World Health Care UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers MSCI World Communication Services UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers MSCI World Industrials UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers MSCI World Information Technology UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers MSCI World Consumer Staples UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers MSCI World Consumer Discretionary UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers MSCI World Utilities UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers MSCI World Materials UCITS ETF 1C, Lyxor Bloomberg Equal-weight Commodity ex-Agriculture EUR hedged UCITS ETF, Xtrackers II Harvest China Government Bond UCITS ETF 1D, iShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Edge MSCI USA Multifactor UCITS ETF, iShares Edge MSCI Europe Multifactor UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), Xtrackers USD Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers MSCI World Quality UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers MSCI World Minimum Volatility UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers MSCI World Momentum UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers FTSE Developed Europe ex UK Real Estate UCITS ETF 1C, iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Edge MSCI World Quality Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Edge MSCI World Value Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Edge MSCI World Size Factor UCITS ETF USD (Acc), Xtrackers II EUR High Yield Corporate Bond 1-3 Swap UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers II EUR High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D, iShares Edge MSCI Europe Momentum Factor UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares Edge MSCI Europe Quality Factor UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares Edge MSCI Europe Size Factor UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares Edge MSCI Europe Value Factor UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares USD Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares US Equity Buyback Achievers UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares EUR Corp Bond BBB-BB UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), Xtrackers MSCI GCC Select Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers II iBoxx Germany Covered Bond Swap UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers II Japan Government Bond UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers II iBoxx Eurozone Government Bond Yield Plus 1-3 UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers II Eurozone AAA Government Bond Swap UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers Germany Mittelstand & MidCap UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers MSCI North America High Dividend Yield UCITS ETF 1C, iShares EURO STOXX 50 ex-Financials UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), Xtrackers II Global Aggregate Bond Swap UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers II Global Aggregate Bond Swap UCITS ETF 5C EUR Hedged, iShares Core MSCI EM IMI UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares MSCI EM Consumer Growth UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares MSCI USA Quality Dividend UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Amundi ETF STOXX Europe 50 UCITS ETF – EUR (C/D), Amundi ETF Short MSCI USA Daily UCITS ETF – EUR (C/D), Lyxor German Mid-Cap MDAX UCITS ETF – Dist, Xtrackers S&P 500 Equal Weight UCITS ETF 1C, Lyxor Japan (TOPIX) (DR) UCITS ETF – Daily Hedged to EUR – Dist, Xtrackers II Australia Government Bond UCITS ETF 1C, iShares EUR Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), Xtrackers EUR Credit 12.5 Swap UCITS ETF 1C, iShares USD Short Duration High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares USD Ultrashort Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares USD Short Duration Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Xtrackers II iBoxx Eurozone Government Bond Yield Plus UCITS ETF 1D, iShares Edge S&P 500 Minimum Volatility UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Edge MSCI EM Minimum Volatility UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Edge MSCI World Minimum Volatility UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Edge MSCI Europe Minimum Volatility UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares Global High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares J.P. Morgan USD EM Bond EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Dist), iShares EUR Corp Bond Financials UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), Xtrackers II Global Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF 5C, Xtrackers II iBoxx Eurozone Government Bond Yield Plus 1-3 UCITS ETF 1C, iShares USD Corp Bond Interest Rate Hedged UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares MSCI EMU Large Cap UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares MSCI EMU Mid Cap UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), Xtrackers II Italy Government Bond 0-1 Swap UCITS ETF 1C, iShares EUR Corp Bond Interest Rate Hedged UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares Global AAA-AA Govt Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Lyxor SG Global Quality Income NTR UCITS ETF – Dist, Xtrackers II EUR Covered Bond Swap UCITS ETF 1C, iShares Gold Producers UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Oil & Gas Exploration & Production UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Germany Govt Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares Spain Govt Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares J.P. Morgan USD EM Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares Italy Govt Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares Emerging Asia Local Govt Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares USD High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Xtrackers MSCI Pakistan Swap UCITS ETF 1C, iShares STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Oil & Gas UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Construction & Materials UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Financial Services UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Food & Beverage UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Industrial Goods & Services UCITS ETF (DE), iShares Dow Jones Global Sustainability Screened UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares MSCI Europe SRI UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares J.P. Morgan EM Local Govt Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Xtrackers MSCI Africa Top 50 Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Lyxor MSCI Emerging Markets (LUX) UCITS ETF, Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers II Germany Government Bond UCITS ETF 1C, Amundi ETF MSCI Spain UCITS ETF – EUR (C/D), Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond 3-5 UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond 1-3 UCITS ETF 1D, iShares US Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Insurance UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Technology UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Banks UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Travel & Leisure UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Personal & Household Goods UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Health Care UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Utilities UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Media UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Telecommunications UCITS ETF (DE), iShares STOXX Europe 600 Retail UCITS ETF (DE), Xtrackers II ESG EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D, iShares EUR High Yield Corp Bond UCITS ETF, Xtrackers MSCI Indonesia Swap UCITS ETF 1C, iShares MSCI World EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc), Amundi ETF MSCI Europe Energy UCITS ETF – EUR (C/D), Lyxor ShortDAX Daily (-1x) Inverse UCITS ETF, Lyxor Australia (S&P/ASX 200) UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor Bund Daily (-2x) Inverse UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor iBoxx EUR Germany Covered Capped Overall UCITS ETF, iShares MSCI Russia ADR/GDR UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares MSCI Mexico Capped UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares MSCI South Africa UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares MSCI Australia UCITS ETF USD (Acc), Lyxor MSCI World Consumer Staples TR UCITS ETF – Acc (EUR), Lyxor MSCI World Industrials TR UCITS ETF – Acc (EUR), Lyxor MSCI World Consumer Discretionary TR UCITS ETF – Acc (EUR), Lyxor MSCI World Materials TR UCITS ETF – Acc (EUR), Lyxor MSCI World Telecommunication Services TR UCITS ETF – Acc (EUR), Lyxor MSCI World Utilities TR UCITS ETF – Acc (EUR), Lyxor MSCI World Information Technology TR UCITS ETF – Acc (EUR), Lyxor MSCI World Energy TR UCITS ETF – Acc (EUR), Lyxor MSCI World Health Care TR UCITS ETF – Acc (EUR), Lyxor MSCI World Financials TR UCITS ETF – Acc (EUR), Xtrackers II iBoxx Eurozone Government Bond Yield Plus UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers II Eurozone AAA Government Bond Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Lyxor Bund Future Daily (-1x) Inverse UCITS ETF, Amundi ETF MSCI Europe Healthcare UCITS ETF – EUR (C/D), Amundi ETF MSCI Europe Banks UCITS ETF – EUR (C/D), Amundi ETF MSCI Europe ex EMU UCITS ETF – EUR (C/D), Xtrackers S&P 500 2x Inverse Daily Swap UCITS ETF 1C, iShares EUR Corp Bond 1-5yr UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares EUR Corp Bond ex-Financials 1-5yr UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares EUR Corp Bond ex-Financials UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), Lyxor iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 3m-1 UCITS ETF, Lyxor iBoxx EUR Sovereigns Germany Capped 3m-2 UCITS ETF, Xtrackers II Germany Government Bond UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers II Germany Government Bond 1-3 UCITS ETF 1D, Amundi ETF Short EURO STOXX 50 Daily UCITS ETF – EUR (C/D), Amundi ETF Leveraged MSCI USA Daily UCITS ETF – EUR (C/D), Amundi ETF MSCI World ex EMU UCITS ETF – EUR (C/D), Xtrackers II EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1C, iShares Core FTSE 100 UCITS ETF GBP (Acc), iShares Dow Jones Industrial Average UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Core EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares Core MSCI Pacific ex-Japan UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares Core MSCI EMU UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), Amundi ETF EURO Inflation UCITS ETF DR (C), Amundi ETF Govies 0-6 Months EuroMTS Investment Grade UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), Amundi ETF Govt Bond EuroMTS Broad Investment Grade 3-5 UCITS ETF DR – EUR (C), Amundi ETF MSCI EMU High Dividend UCITS ETF – EUR (C), iShares STOXX Global Select Dividend 100 UCITS ETF (DE), iShares MSCI EM Small Cap UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares MSCI Pacific ex-Japan UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares EUR Govt Bond 5-7yr UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares Core MSCI Japan IMI UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares EUR Govt Bond 10-15yr UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares Core MSCI Europe UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares Core EUR Govt Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), Lyxor iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereigns Diversified Overall UCITS ETF, Lyxor iBoxx EUR Sovereigns Germany Capped 10+ UCITS ETF, Lyxor iBoxx EUR Sovereigns Germany Capped 1-5 UCITS ETF, Lyxor iBoxx EUR Sovereigns Germany Capped 5-10 UCITS ETF, iShares USD Treasury Bond 7-10yr UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares MSCI UK Small Cap UCITS ETF GBP (Acc), iShares MSCI USA Small Cap UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares USD Treasury Bond 3-7yr UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares MSCI EMU Small Cap UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares EUR Govt Bond 3-7yr UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), iShares EUR Govt Bond 7-10yr UCITS ETF EUR (Acc), Xtrackers DB Bloomberg Commodity Optimum Yield Swap UCITS ETF 2C EUR Hedged, iShares EUR Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares EUR Govt Bond 0-1yr UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares Core EUR Corp Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), Lyxor Bloomberg Equal-weight Commodity ex-Agriculture UCITS ETF, Lyxor DJ Switzerland Titans 30 (DR) UCITS ETF, Xtrackers MSCI AC Asia ex Japan Swap UCITS ETF 1C, iShares EUR Covered Bond UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares Global Inflation Linked Govt Bond UCITS ETF USD (Acc), iShares EM Infrastructure UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares S&P SmallCap 600 UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares MSCI Japan Small Cap UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares J.P. Morgan USD EM Bond UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Lyxor Dow Jones Industrial Average (LUX) UCITS ETF, Lyxor Core MSCI EMU (DR) UCITS ETF – Dist, Lyxor EURO STOXX 50 Daily (-2x) UCITS ETF – Acc, Lyxor EURO STOXX 50 Daily (-1x) Inverse UCITS ETF – Acc, iShares eb.rexx Government Germany 0-1yr UCITS ETF (DE), Lyxor EURO STOXX Select Dividend 30 (DR) UCITS ETF, Lyxor MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF – Acc (EUR), Lyxor EURO STOXX 50 Daily (2x) Leverage UCITS ETF – Acc, iShares Global Water UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares Core MSCI Europe UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares Global Clean Energy UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Xtrackers II GBP Overnight Rate Swap UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers II iBoxx Germany Covered Bond Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers II USD Overnight Rate Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers S&P Global Infrastructure Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers MSCI Europe Small Cap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers S&P 500 Inverse Daily Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers MSCI Europe Mid Cap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers LPX Private Equity Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers MSCI Russia Capped Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers S&P Select Frontier Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Lyxor Euro Overnight Return UCITS ETF – Acc, iShares MSCI EM Latin America UCITS ETF USD (Dist), Xtrackers II EUR Overnight Rate Swap UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers II USD Emerging Markets Bond UCITS ETF 1C EUR Hedged, Xtrackers MSCI EM Latin America Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers STOXX Europe 600 Utilities Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers DBLCI Commodity Optimum Yield Swap UCITS ETF 1C EUR Hedged, Xtrackers STOXX Europe 600 Industrial Goods Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers STOXX Europe 600 Banks Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers STOXX Europe 600 Telecommunications Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers STOXX Europe 600 Oil & Gas Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers STOXX Europe 600 Technology Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers STOXX Europe 600 Health Care Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers STOXX Europe 600 Food & Beverage Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers II iTraxx Europe Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers II iTraxx Crossover Swap UCITS ETF 1C, iShares US Property Yield UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares EUR Govt Bond 3-5yr UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares USD Treasury Bond 7-10yr UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares Asia Property Yield UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares Global Infrastructure UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares EUR Govt Bond 7-10yr UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), iShares Developed Markets Property Yield UCITS ETF USD (Dist), iShares EUR Govt Bond 15-30yr UCITS ETF EUR (Dist), Xtrackers EURO STOXX Quality Dividend UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers STOXX Global Select Dividend 100 Swap UCITS ETF 1D, Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond 3-5 UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond 25+ UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond 1-3 UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond 5-7 UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond 15-30 UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers II Eurozone Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond 7-10 UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers II EUR Overnight Rate Swap UCITS ETF 1C, Xtrackers MSCI EM Europe, Middle East & Africa Swap UCITS ETF 1C, iShares eb.rexx Government Germany 10.5+yr UCITS ETF (DE), iShares Dow Jones U.S.

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