The last two employees (Sara Paxton, Pat Healy) of a century-old haunted hotel go on the hunt for ghosts. Inside (2007) Rotten Tomatoes® 83%. View All Photos (16) The Innkeepers Quotes. horror, The Innkeepers Year 2011 Genre Drama Horror Mystery Type Movies IDMB rating 5.5 (33041 votes) Netflix rating 2.9 Metacritics rating 64.0 Rotten Tomatoes rating 79.0% Directors Ti West Actors George Riddle, Brenda Cooney, John Speredakos, Alison Bartlett, Jake Ryan, Lena Dunham, Kelly McGillis, Sara Paxton, Pat Healy Featuring the Scores From Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic and Movie MotherTrucker. Wildling (2018) 8. Hardcore horror heads may scorn its snail pace and shaggy-dog sweetness, but for discerning viewers, 'The Innkeepers' is a slow-burning charmer. We Are What We Are (2013) Rotten Tomatoes® 85%. Wildling (2018) 8. The Innkeepers (2011) Rotten Tomatoes® 79%. The Innkeepers Year 2011 Genre Drama Horror Mystery Type Movies IDMB rating 5.5 (33041 votes) Netflix rating 2.9 Metacritics rating 64.0 Rotten Tomatoes rating 79.0% Directors Ti West Actors George Riddle, Brenda Cooney, John Speredakos, Alison Bartlett, Jake Ryan, Lena Dunham, Kelly McGillis, Sara Paxton, Pat Healy The film's greatest strength lies in the performances from Healy and, in particular, Paxton. A suspenseful and well-crafted old-fashioned ghost story. … The Innkeepers (2011) Rotten Tomatoes® 79%. Blue (2016) Page 1 of 1 Previous Next Page . Home › [SKF] BluRay The Innkeepers - Hotel des Schreckens 2011 Ganzer Film rotten tomatoes Deutsch [SKF] BluRay The Innkeepers - Hotel des Schreckens 2011 Ganzer Film rotten tomatoes Deutsch Written By Admin Thursday, June 14, 2018 Add Comment Edit Columbus Circle (2012) 6. Trama. The Innkeepers Jahr 2011 IDMB Beurteilung 5,5 (33041 Stimmen) Netflix Beurteilung 2,9 Metacritics Beurteilung 64,0 Rotten Tomatoes Beurteilung 79,0% Directors Ti West Actors George Riddle, Brenda Cooney, John Speredakos, Alison Bartlett, Jake Ryan, Lena Dunham, Kelly McGillis, Sara Paxton, Pat Healy 218 ... Rotten Tomatoes® 71%. And it will teach you to cover your freakin ears. The Innocents (1961) Rotten Tomatoes® 98%. Luke: "I'm not negative, I am a realist" Please reference “Error Code 2121” when contacting customer service. The Innkeepers (2011) Rotten Tomatoes® 79%. Bei Rotten Tomatoes sind 80 Prozent der 120 gesammelten Kritiken positiv, während es bei Metacritic einen Metascore von 64 Prozent bei 26 Rezensionen erhielt. Für Filmdienst ist The Innkeepers ein „ [s]timmungsvoll inszenierter Horrorfilm, der die Spannungsschraube behutsam anzieht und … Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. 120. Even so, The Innkeepers is a decent entry in the haunted premises genre, contained and spooky. Rotten Tomatoes = 8.0 / 10; The Innkeepers (2011) Synopsis: During the last weekend of opening, two employees of the Yankee Pedlar Inn are left to watch over the few remaining residents. Columbus Circle (2012) 6. By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie. April 13, 2021. The Innkeepers est un film d'horreur américain réalisé par Ti West, sorti en 2011 Synopsis. Please enter your email address and we will email you a new password. The Innkeepers (2011) The Innkeepers. Read Full Synopsis Cast + Crew Previous Cast Members More Cast Members. 5. 1159. See more. Forgot your password? View HD Trailers and Videos for The Innkeepers on Rotten Tomatoes, then check our Tomatometer to find out what the Critics say. Amanda and Clay dive deep into Rotten Tomatoes' list of the "200 Best Horror Movies of All Time". But atmosphere, cheap thrills and a sense of dread on their own can only get you so far. Pessimism is just a higher form of optimism. And it will teach you to cover your freakin ears. The Innkeepers (2011) Rotten Tomatoes® 79%. It doesn't help this was also done on the cheap. Similar Popular with similar viewers. The Witch (2016) 38. The Innkeepers est un film réalisé par Ti West avec Sara Paxton, Pat Healy. 40. 6. The 200 Best Romantic Comedies of All Time. Read critic reviews. 37. The Intern (2015 ... Rotten Tomatoes® 49%. After over one hundred years of service, The Yankee Pedlar Inn is shutting its doors for good. Critics Consensus: It doesn't break any rules of the genre, but The Innkeepers serves as additional proof that Ti West is a young director that discriminating horror fans can trust. | Rating: 4/5 33. Just confirm how you got your ticket. The last remaining employees, Claire and Luke, are determined to uncover proof of what many believe to be one of New England's most haunted hotels. Show My Results. Claire, qui souffre d'asthme, a récemment quitté l'université, et Luke gère un site web qui fait la chronique des soi-disant fantômes de l'hôtel. The Innkeepers - started as horror comedy and ended as one of most scariest movie I ever seen ... Rotten Tomatoes® 86%. The Moth Diaries (2011) Rotten Tomatoes® 15%. During the final days at the Yankee Pedlar Inn, two employees determined to reveal the hotel's haunted past begin to experience disturbing events as old guests check in for a stay. We can't dissociate ourselves from the evil because, as in much of the best horror, what's scaring us isn't external; it's everything we fear seeing when we look in the mirror. But the real star here is the Yankee Peddler, the New England landmark showing itself off to perfection. The last two employees of a century old haunted hotel go on the hunt for ghosts in this fun shocker that delivers big laughs and truly terrifying scares. The Innkeepers (2011) Rotten Tomatoes® 79%. 40. The film has a 80% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 120 reviews, with consensus "It doesn't break any rules of the genre, but The Innkeepers serves as additional proof that Ti West is a young director that discriminating horror fans can trust". Ein schwerer Fehler, wie sich bald herausstellt... 2011 Glass Eye Pix What Could Have Been (2011) 23. Read Movie and TV reviews from Nadia Attia on Rotten Tomatoes, where critics reviews are aggregated to tally a Certified Fresh, Fresh or Rotten Tomatometer score. Perhaps it was the use of too much humour in the first half of the film that didn't sit well with the scares in the 2nd. |, May 23, 2018 More Featured on RT > Top Headlines. In "The Innkeepers," the Yankee Pedlar Inn is closing its doors for good in a few days. Das Grundstück folgt zwei Mitarbeitern des Yankee Pedlar Inn, die am letzten Betriebswochenende versuchen, die angeblichen übernatürlichen Aktivitäten im Gebäude zu dokumentieren. The Insider (1999) Rotten Tomatoes® 96%. Claire e Luke gestiscono un albergo che sta per chiudere a causa dei pochi ... (EN) The Innkeepers, su Rotten Tomatoes, Flixster Inc. They are hoping to get one last good look at the resident ghost. Finden Sie perfekte Stock-Fotos zum Thema Bamcinemafest 2016 In A Valley Of Violence Premiere sowie redaktionelle Newsbilder von Getty Images. 9. Coming Soon. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your account. 217. | Rating: 3/5 The Lazarus Effect (2015) Rotten Tomatoes® 14%. Aus lauter Langeweile beschließen Luke und Claire, das Geheimnis des Spukhauses zu lüften. Believed by many to be one of New England's "most haunted hotels," the last remaining employees -Claire (Sara Paxton) and Luke (Pat Healy)- are determined to uncover proof before it shuts down for good. Don’t worry, it won’t take long. Claire: Lets go to the basement, and find out what that fucking ghosts problem is. By creating an account, you agree to the Privacy Policy Rotten Tomatoes® 100%. Rotten Tomatoes® 50%. The pleasures here are small, but sure to be resonant for horror film fans. 216. Claire et Luke sont deux jeunes employés du Yankee Pedlar Inn, un ancien grand hôtel sur le point de fermer. All rights reserved. April 13, 2021. 101 minutes. Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016) Page 27 of 57 Previous Next Page . Tio Papi 26. The Innkeepers Año 2011 IDMB Puntuación 5,5 (33041 Votos) Netflix Puntuación 2,9 Metacritics Puntuación 64,0 Rotten Tomatoes Puntuación 79,0% Directors Ti West Actors George Riddle, Brenda Cooney, John Speredakos, Alison Bartlett, Jake Ryan, Lena Dunham, Kelly McGillis, Sara Paxton, Pat Healy They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. The Lazarus Effect (2015) Rotten Tomatoes® 14%. show results save Click movies you've seen |, June 6, 2012 Der Film hatte seine Premiere am 12. The last two employees of a century-old haunted hotel go on the hunt for ghosts. The Innkeepers Synopsis. Please click the link below to receive your verification email. |, February 10, 2012 Inside Llewyn Davis (2013) Rotten Tomatoes® 94%. |, August 23, 2018 5. Sidney Poitier’s 7 Most Memorable Performances, All Harry Potter Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer, Golden Tomato Awards: Best Movies & TV of 2020, Historic Cinerama Dome Theater in Los Angeles to Shut Down, and More Movie News. Sign up here. Presented by Rotten Tomatoes. Page 3 of 6 Previous Next Page . Glass Eye Pix, 50 Fresh Scary Movies and TV Shows to Watch on Netflix, June 8, 2012 24. show results save Click movies you've seen Confirm Delete Score. Forgot your password? 5817. If you expect nothing from people then you go through life being pleasantly surprised. The Innkeepers starts unevenly, but ratchets up the tension until the explosively weird finale. Start within 30 days, finish within 48 hours. The image is an example of a ticket confirmation email that AMC sent you when you purchased your ticket. mystery and thriller, Dark Sky Films, Claire e Luke gestiscono un albergo che sta per chiudere a causa dei pochi ... (EN) The Innkeepers, su Rotten Tomatoes, Flixster Inc. Ti West, writer and director known for such horror achievements as The Innkeepers, V\/H\/S, Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever and The House of the Devil is back with The Sacrament, another crazy creepfest, opening June 6, which is sure to once again please the horror aficionados. |, August 7, 2020 Grand Street (2014) 27. But it is only the beginning of their misfortune as more of their guests befall horrible fates, leaving the family to handle the situation themselves. Now, this is the kind of nostalgia that I can usually get into, especially as it involves old hotels, not part of a corporate chain, but each with their own distinctive charm and history. |, February 6, 2019 Regie führte Ti West, der auch das Drehbuch schrieb. 36. Diverting and certainly worthy of examination; given all these pluses, I'd like to have seen more of West's compelling backstory threaded into his narrative. 1080. Show My Results. Alone (2020) 4. Cinemark The Innkeepers - started as horror comedy and ended as one of most scariest movie I ever seen ... Rotten Tomatoes® 86%. The indie king of the slow-burn horror flick is back, and this time Ti West is bringing along an unexpected dose of wit, warmth, and weirdly effective character-based comedy. 3. | Rating: 4/5 Der Film hatte seine Premiere am 12. Claire et Luke sont deux jeunes employés du Yankee ... 79 % de critiques positives, avec un score moyen de 6,7 ⁄ 10 et sur la base de 117 critiques collectées, sur le site Rotten Tomatoes [4]. This 10-digit number is your confirmation number. Coming Soon. Old-fashioned ghost story that's well-made but too slow paced and low key for most horror fans. Don't have an account? By signing up, you agree to receiving newsletters from Rotten Tomatoes. Believed by many to be one of New England's "most haunted hotels," the last remaining employees -Claire (Sara Paxton) and Luke (Pat Healy)- are determined to uncover proof before it shuts down for good.
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