LG 55UN71006LB LCD TV (Flat, 55 Zoll / 139 cm, UHD 4K, SMART TV, Energieeffizienzklasse F, Dynamische Bild - und Farbwiedergabe Genießen Sie Ihre Lieblingsinhalte in feinster 4K - Qualität. Click on Apple TV from the drop down. Incredible picture quality framed as a work of art, Measuring in at an awe-inspiring 88 inches, Power Clean Big Loads in Under 30 Minutes, Get it done in no time with TurboWash™ 360°. In the case you are using a Mac device to share your information, AirPlay will only allow you to stream to a Mac device, however, LG supports AirPlay 2 in its 2019 models. LG AI TVs can be easily added to the Home app, from which users can access basic TV functions such as power, volume and source. Mit dem Update auf iOS 11.4 hatte Apple im Mai 2018 sein lang erwartetes Airplay 2 veröffentlicht. webOS 5.0 Users can also play Apple Podcasts, Apple Music and music from their library or other streaming services through their LG AI TV and other AirPlay 2-compatible speakers in their home at the same time – all in sync. New LG TVs will receive an upgrade mid-year to support Apple AirPlay 2 and Apple HomeKit for easy streaming of video and audio content and connectivity to Apple’s smart home products. The Apple AirPlay 2 and HomeKit features will be available through a firmware update for 2019 LG OLED TVs, NanoCell TVs and UHD TVs with ThinQ AI capability. “With Apple AirPlay 2 and HomeKit support, we are demonstrating our commitment to offering consumer benefits that go beyond just best-in-class picture quality.”. Year LG liefert AirPlay 2 und HomeKit für 2018er-TV-Geräte aus. Please enable JavaScript to ensure you get the most out of the LG site, products, and services. HomeKit is Apple’s home automation app/framework that lets you control connected accessories from your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, HomePod and Siri. I show you how to turn AirPlay 2 (screen mirror) on and off on the LG Smart TV and connect it to an MacBook, iMac, Apple PC. Das hochauflösende IPS - LCD - Panel des LG UHD TVs liefert eine … EMAIL. To properly experience our LG.com website, you will need to use an alternate browser or upgrade to a newer version of internet Explorer (IE10 or greater). Sehen Sie alles auf der großen Leinwand. Möchten Sie AirPlay unter WebOS auf Ihrem LG TV nutzen, ist das mit einigen Einschränkungen möglich. Pin code input is needed when initially connecting from mobile to the TV set (Airplay/Homekit; Please refer to the Appendix for detailed info), The information was not relevant to my product or situation, Discover LG’s Dual Inverter Compressor™ Technology, http://www.lgnewsroom.com/2019/07/lg-rolls-out-apple-airplay-2-on-2019-thinq-ai-tvs-first-global-tv-manufacturer-to-support-homekit/. 4K OLED evo TV für perfektes Schwarz, satte Farben und mehr Brillanz sowie Flächenhelligkeit; α9 Gen4 4K AI-Prozessor mit AI Sound Pro, AI Picture Pro und AI Brightness Control ... Smart TV (webOS 4.5) mit Google Assistant sowie Alexa und AirPlay 2* (*per SW Update) Mehr erfahren. LG-TV mit Airplay: Das ist zu beachten. Mit der kostenlosen App LG TV Plus von LG können Sie Fotos, Videos und Musik von Ihrem iPhone, iPad oder iPod touch auf den Fernseher übertragen. That said, folks with a 2018 TV set like LG’s SK and UK models, as well as the B8 through Z8 OLED models, will be getting support for AirPlay 2 and HomeKit late this year after all. August 2019 – LG Electronics (LG) gab bekannt, dass Apple AirPlay 2 auf allen 2019er TV-Modellen mit künstlicher Intelligenz (KI bzw.AI für Artificial Intelligence) und Alpha-Prozessoren der zweiten Generation integriert sowie gleichzeitig HomeKit auf diesen Geräten unterstützt wird. “LG remains at the forefront of TV technological innovation because of our never-ending quest to deliver the best home viewing experience,” said Richard White, Vice President Strategy and Marketing at LG Electronics Canada. Click on the AirPlay icon on the right side of your Mac's menu bar. Diverse 2019er-TV-Modellreihen von LG unterstützen bald AirPlay 2 und HomeKit (Bild: LG) Via AirPlay 2 können Sie Inhalte wie Serien-Streams, Musik und Fotos vom iPhone, iPad oder Mac auf den Fernsehern wiedergeben, wobei Dolby Vision ausdrücklich unterstützt wird. LG rolling out AirPlay 2 and HomeKit support for its 2018 Smart TVs. Get your questions answered about product setup, use and care, repair and maintenance issues. Spätestens Anfang August sollen alle kompatiblen Geräte das Update erhalten haben. Model series, 2020 to OLED: C8 / E8 / W8. 1-1. DOWNLOAD IM APP STORE. Das Update wird allerdings erst im Herbst kommen. Designed with you in mind, LG products offer innovative solutions to make life good. In the case you are using a Mac device to share your information, AirPlay will only allow you to stream to a Mac device, however LG supports AirPlay 2 in its 2019 models. You can share screen directly from an iPhone to an Apple TV using Airplay. Click on Mirror Built-In Display to mirror your Mac's native resolution on your TV. LG: Doch kein AirPlay 2 und HomeKit für TV-Geräte von vor 2019 von caschy Sep 3, 2020 | 13 Kommentare Das sind vermutlich keine so guten Nachrichten für Besitzer eines LG TV von vor 2019. The AirPlay app will work between Apple devices. Share on Twitter Share on Facebook. Spätestens Anfang August sollen alle kompatiblen Geräte das Update erhalten haben. Hier erfahren Sie, was das bringt und welche Hersteller folgen! LG TV - Firmware Update (webOS 2.0) [Narrator] Updating the firmware on your TV is an important way to keep it working its best. Pinterest Update vom 25.07.2019: Wie LG in einer Pressemitteilung verkündet, erscheint das Firmware-Update für die Fernseher heute. Label 1. LG is the latest TV maker to integrate Apple’s AirPlay 2 and HomeKit technologies with its latest premium smart TVs. AirPlay 2 / HomeKit Update für LG Smart TVs kommt Mitte 2019. LG erklärt im Support-Bereich, dass die UK- und SK-Serie sowie die OLED-Modelle der B8- bis Z8-Reihe mit AirPlay 2 und HomeKit ausgestattet werden. Übertragen Sie Ihr iPhone & iPad auf einen LG Fernseher . LG OLED65G19LA. Nur LG, Samsung und Sony haben die Schnittstelle bisher integriert. Apple AirPlay 2 wiederum erlaubt es Audio- und Video direkt von einem iPhone, iPad oder auch Mac an kompatible Fernsehgeräte von LG zu streamen – ohne einen Apple TV zu benötigen. (GMT -05:00, United States of America local time) To turn off AirPlay, click on the AirPlay icon on the right side of your Mac's menu bar and select Turn AirPlay Off. (GMT -05:00, United States of America local time) How can we improve the information? LG.com utilizes responsive design to provide a convenient experience that conforms to your devices screen size. If you want to connect to LG Corp., or other LG affiliates, please click. Copyright © 2009-2021 LG Electronics. (Please refer to instructions down below). Immer mehr TV-Hersteller bieten eine Unterstützung für Apples AirPlay 2 sowie HomeKit für ihre Geräte an. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie die Inhalte vom iPhone auf Ihren Fernseher übertragen. I have no code displayed. OLED: BX / CX / GX / WX /ZX / RX, UHD: UN series, NANO80 / 85 /90 / 95 / 97 / 99, 2019 [ORIGINAL PRESS RELEASE] Skip to Sitemap, Legal information and Accessibility, This is LG Electronics' official homepage. LG 49SM8500PLA. 2019 LG WEBOS 4.5 TELEVISIONS & 2020 WEBOS 5.0 MODELS FEATURING APPLE AIRPLAY 2 & HOMEKIT. TV SW model required: webOS 4.5 -TV SW version (3.5.XX or higher is required), Check customer’s iOS SW version. Check that TV and mobile phone are connected to the same network AP. JavaScript appears to be disabled in your browser. As mentioned above, LG said the update to support both AirPlay 2 and HomeKit would arrive for select 2018 smart TVs at some point in the future. Airplay 2 will be pushed to the 2019 OLED & NanoCell models starting 7/29/2019. LG hat damit begonnen Apple AirPlay 2 sowie HomeKit über eine neue Firmware (Version 05.30.02) für TV-Geräte aus dem Jahr 2018 zu verteilen. Tap the name of the device you want to stream content to. Steam, refresh and sanitize with TurboSteam™, Find helpful information about your LG product, Copyright © 2009-2021 LG Electronics. The LG TV app works great for music and videos, but if you want to just quickly use Airplay 2 to show someone something - it stutters with any motion/sound. Airplay 2 functionality is the same as year model LG TV 2019 & 2020. JavaScript appears to be disabled in your browser. Die App funktioniert ohne Apple TV oder AirPlay. However when I try to connect I get a windows asking for an airplay code that is supposed to be displayed on the screen. We apologize for this inconvenience. . 2019, Play Content Directly from Apple Devices and Effortlessly, Control TV and Connected Smart Devices with Voice. How to Use Apple Airplay on a LG TVThis video will show you how to mirror your iPhone, iPad, or iMac on your n LG TV. LG hatte ursprünglich die HomeKit- und AirPlay-Integration nur für TV-Modelle ab Baujahr 2019 angekündigt. Share your thoughts about the experience. AirPlay is Apple’s own system for wirelessly streaming both audio and video from Apple devices to speakers and displays. LG in April 2020 reiterated its earlier assurance to bring software support for AirPlay 2 and HomeKit to its select TVs manufactured in 2018. Apple AirPlay 2 and HomeKit will begin rolling out to owners of LG OLED and NanoCell TVs in more than 140 countries, including Canada, starting this week, with the update continuing over the weeks to follow. If you’re looking to pick up a new LG TV, these models start from about $800. LG TVs with AirPlay 2, HomeKit hit shelves next month. IHREN BILDSCHIRM ÜBERTRAGEN. As for when the homekit/airplay2 update will come to the US, as I said, in the next couple weeks (which I got from their recent press release). We apologize for this inconvenience. Users can stream their favourite movies and television shows from the Apple TV app and other video apps as well as view photos directly on their LG AI TVs. LG has confirmed that AirPlay 2 and HomeKit support will be coming to some of its 2018 TV models. AirPlay 2 was developed to incorporate more devices to the fold from other manufacturers. You'll see icons of a TV screen or speaker next to each device so you know what type of content you can stream. televisions. In the case you don't have a 2019 LG TV, an alternative to screen share is using Plex Media Server. Zürich, 5. It was originally known as AirTunes. Software update for some 2018 models began rolling out while more models will keep adding shortly. 28 Dec 2020 0 Source: LG. Unter andrem gehört LG zu den Herstellern, die AirPlay 2- und HomeKit-Support für Smart TVs angekündigt haben. "LG’s 2018 TVs will add support for Apple AirPlay 2 … Please enable JavaScript to ensure you get the most out of the LG site, products, and services. 1 Person found this comment helpful. The company has announced that it will begin rolling out a firmware update … All Rights Reserved, Privacy Portal - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Note: AirPlay is only supported from Mac device to Mac device. — LG Electronics today announced that Apple AirPlay 2 and HomeKit are available starting July 25 on its 2019 AI TV lineup, making LG the first global TV manufacturer to support HomeKit. Es stellte sich jedoch die Frage, was denn mit den Modellen von 2018 ist? In einem Support-Dokument bestätigt LG AirPlay 2 und HomeKit für Smart-TVs aus 2018. New LG TVs will receive an upgrade mid-year to support Apple AirPlay 2 and Apple HomeKit for easy streaming of video and audio content and connectivity to Apple’s smart home products. ft., you can do more laundry in fewer loads. If you're using Internet Explorer 9 or earlier, you will need to use an alternate browser such as Firefox or Chrome or upgrade to a newer version of internet Explorer (IE10 or greater). With AirPlay 2, iPhone and iPad owners can stream songs, videos, and more directly to an LG TV without an Apple TV. Übertragen Sie Ihr … webOS version LG has confirmed that AirPlay 2 and HomeKit support will be coming to some of its 2018 TV models. Also casting from Youtube is terribly unstable. Note: LG Models created before 2019, currently will not support AirPlay 2. to When you use AirPlay Mirroring, your TV uses the orientation and aspect ratio of your device. Die Kugel kommt ins Rollen: Nachdem das Apple-Ecosystem bereits bei Samsung und Vizio einzog, öffnet mit LG nun ein weiterer TV-Hersteller sein webOS-Betriebssystem für AirPlay 2 und HomeKit. With AirPlay 2, iPhone and iPad owners can stream songs, videos, and more directly to an LG TV without an Apple TV. Checking iOS SW version (Setting App-General-About-Software version). webOS 4.0 Das hochauflösende IPS - LCD - Panel des LG UHD TVs liefert eine … Nutzer erhalten damit AirPlay 2 und HomeKit. "LG’s 2018 TVs will add support for Apple AirPlay 2 … Der Elektronikhersteller LG baut die Unterstützung für Apple-Dienste auf Fernsehern aus: Die Protokolle AirPlay 2 sowie HomeKit werden doch noch auf TV … cst-sms-popup-message-result-successfully. LG Australia has announced it will be coming there next week. Ein Firmware-Update bringt Apple HomeKit und AirPlay 2 auf aktuelle LG-Fernseher. Twitter Share Im running 03.10.60 of the LG webOS software is that helps and on 14.2.1 on my iPhone 12 Pro Max Could it be that my TV is faulty? All Rights Reserved, 2019 LG WEBOS 4.5 TELEVISIONS & 2020 WEBOS 5.0 MODELS FEATURING APPLE AIRPLAY 2 & HOMEK, Herewith following is an Overview, Press Release and tips on connecting and using both Apple AirPlay 2 and HomeKit on featured model LG ThinQ A.I. It will first roll out the update to the 2019 model LG … Because life waits for no one, at LG USA we create consumer electronics, appliances and mobile devices that are designed to help you connect with those who matter most. Get ready to AirPlay and control your smart home with your 2018 LG TV. Airplay is the official screen sharing technology from Apple. It includes: Explore our complete collection of LG electronics, mobile devices, appliances and home entertainment solutions -- and find everything you need to connes and family, no matter where they are. LG OLED TVs released this year will be among the first to support AirPlay 2 and HomeKit. Find helpful information about your LG product, Facebook Share Click on the AirPlay icon on the right side of your Mac's menu bar. LG.com utilizes responsive design to provide a convenient experience that conforms to your devices screen size. LG notes that more 2019 models will add support for HomeKit and AirPlay 2 later this fall, but didn’t share specifics. AirPlay 2: Das sind die Vorteile. The Apple TV app provide access to iTunes movies and Apple TV+ content in up to 4K Dolby Vision (Atmos coming via a later update) while AirPlay 2 lets you push video, music and photos from an iOS or macOS device wirelessly onto the TV. It will mark LG as “the first global TV manufacturer to support HomeKit,” the company said. OTHER 2018 MODELS TO FOLLOW WITH IMMINENT SOFTWARE UPDATE: Herewith following is an Overview, Press Release and tips on connecting and using both Apple AirPlay 2 and HomeKit on featured model LG ThinQ A.I. And if your LG Smart TV is connected to the Internet, the entire process should take just a few minutes. LG will begin deploying a software update for its smart TVs to support Apple AirPlay 2 and HomeKit on them, the company has announced. Das Software-Update wird dem Dokument zufolge bis Oktober 2020 ausgerollt. Our new AI powered chat bot service is here to help 24/7 365 days a year. (. Whether that means cooking a nutritious, delicious meal for your family, staying connected on-the-go, sharing your favorite photos, watching a movie with your kids or creating a clean, comfortable place to celebrate the moments that matter, we'll be there for you every step of the way. The support is limited to “select LG … Im Rahmen der CES haben die TV-Hersteller Samsung, LG und Sony angekündigt, auf ihren Fernsehern in Zukunft die Apple-Funktion AirPlay 2 zu unterstützten. With intuitive, responsive controls, sleek, stylish designs, and eco-friendly features, our collection gives you the power to do more at home and on the go. To properly experience our LG.com website, you will need to use an alternate browser or upgrade to a newer version of internet Explorer (IE10 or greater). The wait for LG… Toronto, July 23, 2019 July 24. The update for the UHD TVs will happen in October. In order to get the best possible experience from our website, please follow below instructions. HomeKit enables users to conveniently control their smart home with the Home app or via Siri on their Apple devices. There are multiple ways to connect and they all depend on your network connectivity and the type of device you wish to share. Ab sofort sind auf Samsung-Fernsehern die Apple-TV-App und Airplay 2 verfügbar. Find a full list of Airplay 2 supported devices, Airplay doesn't offer multi-room audio; AirPlay 2 does, AirPlay lets you stream from any Apple device to your speakers or TV, AirPlay 2 lets you play from speakers over Wi-Fi, and it'll stay in sync, AirPlay 2 lets play different songs in different rooms with multiple HomePods, AirPlay works on all older iPhones, iPads, Macs, and Apple TVs, AirPlay 2 is compatible with recent iPhones, iPads, and Mac computers, AirPlay also works with Apple iPod Touch 2015 and the new HomePod. If you want the image from your device to fill your TV screen, you might need to to adjust your TV's aspect ratio or zoom settings. Get your questions answered about product setup, use and care,repair and maintenance issues. Software update version which includes AirPlay 2 & HomeKit for webOS 4.0 (2018 model line-up) Smart TV is: 5.30.10 (or greater) and can be downloaded from LG.com website at: https://www.lg.com/ca_en/support/software-firmware. Wer somit im Apple-Kosmos beheimatet ist, freut sich sicherlich über das Update, welches nun unverhofft mehr TVs erreicht, als zuvor angenommen. Support for Apple’s features was originally promised to arrive via a software update … Und nicht jeder Hersteller unterstützt AirPlay 2. LG said the update will begin downloading to qualifying LG 2019 AI TVs, which have been set to auto firmware updating. So just got the new firmware update. Upon rolling out the release of the Apple AirPlay 2 & HomeKit App for LG webOS 4.5 (2019 model line-up) and moving forward featuring said application, the thought of developing a software update to include the app in previous 2018 models did figure in the plans. “With AirPlay 2, LG 2019 AI TV owners can effortlessly stream content — including Dolby Vision titles – from iPhone, iPad and Mac straight to their TV sets. Scannen Sie den QR-Code mit Ihrer iPhone-Kamera. This is perhaps nowhere more apparent than it is with LG, which delivered support for AirPlay 2 and HomeKit to its 2020 lineup in January, but took another month before offering the Apple TV … As a result, it had essentially scrapped the plans to bring support at all. Anleitung: AirPlay mit WebOS nutzen. The TV now shows up in the list of devices on my network for airplay. Zwischenzeitlich wollte LG das Update ersatzlos streichen, was einen Shitstorm auslöste. … It had previously added support for the Apple TV app to its TVs from that year. Overall, how satisfied were you with the usefulness of this information? When the TV is updated to software version 5.30.10 or greater, the TV will be searched on iOS-based mobile device without the Airplay Card running. (If you have multiple Apple TV's in the vicinity, choose the one you want to use right now.) Die allerdings verbauen AirPlay 2 längst nicht in jedem TV-Modell: Während Samsung und Sony AirPlay seit den 2018er-Modellen integrieren, hat sich LG … LG versorgte die Smart TVs von 2019 letzten Sommer mit einem Update, welches Apple AirPlay 2 und HomeKit mitbrachte. Click on Apple TV from the drop down. 2020 LG TVs also come with support for the Apple TV app, AirPlay 2, and HomeKit. It is entirely possible to add these feature through a firmware update, proven by Samsung which is bringing AirPlay 2 and HomeKit support to at least their 2018 TV models via a firmware update. The phone number you add will not be used for any other purpose. We can help. LG notes that more 2019 models will add support for HomeKit and AirPlay 2 later this fall, but didn’t share specifics. (article recently updated with new support information – kindly scroll down) LG TV firmware update broke Airplay 2 subtitles positioning After latest LG update (Airplay version 25.06) all subtitle cues are aligned to the left. Share on … Reported by MacRumors, LG has begun to roll out a software update to some of its smart televisions that adds support for AirPlay 2 and HomeKit. Mit AirPlay 2 können Nutzer Videos, Musik, Podcasts und mehr direkt von einem iPhone, iPad oder Mac auf ein kompatibles LG Smart TV Gerät streamen ohne dass ein Apple TV erforderlich ist. LG AI TVs can also be added to scenes or automations along with other HomeKit accessories. LG is adding support for AirPlay 2 and HomeKit to its 2018 televisions. Die Petition hat geholfen Click on Use as Separate Display to have your Mac extend your desktop and treat your TV as an additional display. televisions. Nachdem der Tech-Konzern mit Sitz in Seoul bereits im vorigen Jahr ankündigte, seine Fernsehgeräte mit Aktualisierungen bestücken zu wollen, die die Nutzung von Airplay 2 und HomeKit ermöglichen und auch Apple grünes Licht für Drittanbieter-Geräte mit iOS 12.4 gab, stand Fans beider Marken nichts mehr im Wege. On iPad, you might need to scroll to see all of the available devices in the device list. LG TVs are equipped with innovative features that make it easy to share screen and display content between your external devices like your PC, tablet, smartphone and more. In order to get the best possible experience from our website, please follow below instructions. It worked for 2 minutes and now I cant get it working again. Source: http://www.lgnewsroom.com/2019/07/lg-rolls-out-apple-airplay-2-on-2019-thinq-ai-tvs-first-global-tv-manufacturer-to-support-homekit/. LG has apparently changed its mind as the South Korean company is now claiming that it will be enabling AirPlay 2 and HomeKit compatibility on its older TVs. — LG Electronics today announced that Apple AirPlay 2 and HomeKit are available starting July 25 on its 2019 AI TV lineup, making LG the first global TV manufacturer to support HomeKit. Sie können jede beliebige App auf Ihrem iPhone oder iPad auf Ihren Fernseher übertragen. In the case of webOS 4.0 TV, there is no Home Dashboard, so the entry point will be different as the Airplay Card will be displayed in webOS Home Launcher. No idea what was added/changed/fixed in this update, though it seems like it may have added some issues to the existing Airplay. LG do not make a dedicated Mac application that supports Smart Share. (iOS version 12.3 or higher is required). LG will im Sommer Unterstützung für die Apple-Protokolle AirPlay 2 und HomeKit auf hauseigenen Fernsehgeräten nachrüsten. However, by September LG had changed its mind, saying it could not “guarantee” a solid user experience with the apps for the older smart TVs. As mentioned above, LG said the update to support both AirPlay 2 and HomeKit would arrive for select 2018 smart TVs at some point in the future. OLED: B9 / C9 / E9 / W9 / Z9, 2018 (If you have multiple Apple TV's in the vicinity, choose the one you want to use right now.). As reported in September, LG finally made the Apple TV app available for its … LG 65UN71006LB LCD TV (Flat, 65 Zoll / 164 cm, UHD 4K, SMART TV, Energieeffizienzklasse G, Dynamische Bild - und Farbwiedergabe Genießen Sie Ihre Lieblingsinhalte in feinster 4K - Qualität. Your privacy is important. Note: AirPlay is only supported from Mac device to Mac device. Jetzt kaufen. Verify TV SW model name and SW version. LG is adding support for AirPlay 2 and HomeKit to its 2018 televisions. The models getting the update include all 2019 LG OLED TVs, NanoCell TVs and 4K UHD TVs with ThinQ AI capability, the company said. To share your screen from a Mac computer, you need to ensure computer and the TV supports AirPlay 2. 107. Damit könnt ihr nicht nur den Homepod steuern, sondern eine Vielzahl weiterer Geräte. We, owners of recent (2016, 2017 & 2018) LG webOS Premium OLED TVs, kindly request LG Electronics Inc. to bring the AirPlay 2 and HomeKit support announced for 2019 OLED TVs to our models as well. The Apple AirPlay 2 and HomeKit features will be available through a firmware update for 2019 LG OLED TVs, NanoCell TVs and UHD TVs with ThinQ AI capability. LG began rolling out a firmware update to enable HomeKit and AirPlay 2 support to select TV models in the U.S. on July 30. Alle 2018er und 2019er Samsung Smart-TV-Modelle erhalten AirPlay 2 und iTunes-Apps; LG hält sich bedeckt zur Abwärtskompatibilität. 1-1-1. LG has started rolling out Apple AirPlay 2 and HomeKit to its 2018 TVs. You can share screen directly from an iPhone to an Apple TV using Airplay. The update is coming to 2018 OLED models (B8, C8, E8, G8, W8) and 2018 LCD models (SK and UK ranges). Our new AI powered chat bot service is here to help 24/7 365 days a year. What you need to know . Connect your iOS device and Apple TV or AirPort Express to the same Wi-Fi network. The Apple AirPlay 2 and HomeKit features will be available through a firmware update for 2019 LG OLED TVs, NanoCell TVs and UHD TVs with ThinQ AI capability. webOS 4.5 With AirPlay 2, LG 2019 AI TV owners can effortlessly stream content -- including Dolby Vision titles – from iPhone, iPad and Mac straight to their TV sets. We can help. Fixing any bugs that might pop up, in addition to providing the latest features. However, by September LG had changed its mind, saying it could not “guarantee” a solid user experience with the apps for the older smart TVs. To share your screen from a Mac computer, you need to ensure computer and the TV supports AirPlay 2. If our chat bot can’t help you will be transferred to a live agent during the hours below: Customer Service1-888-542-2623(8am-9pm EST)1-888-542-2623(8am-9pm EST), B2B Support Line1-855-286-2456(8am-8pm EST)1-855-286-2456(8am-8pm EST), Business Solution1-888-824-6211(8am-5pm EST)1-888-824-6211(8am-5pm EST).
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