1. Regional trades were also promoted. Delhi Sultans had complete control over the hinterland of the cities, and so the samanta aristocrats were forced to accept their authority. Imam: The spiritual leader of the Muslims. Using Goyal Brothers Prakashan Class 7 solutions The Delhi Sultanate exercise by students are an easy way to prepare for the exams, as they involve solutions arranged chapter-wise also page wise. Delhi Sultanate played the most vital role in the transformation of Delhi into a capital which controlled vast areas of the subcontinent. The Delhi Sultans. The transformation of Delhi into a capital that controlled a vast area of the subcontinent started with the foundation of the Delhi Sultanate at the beginning of the 13th century. It aimed at consolidating the hinterlands of the garrison towns. Minhaj-i Siraj thought that the queen’s rule went against the ideal social order created by God, in which women were supposed to be subordinate to men. Gender distinctions: Social and biological differences between men and women. 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Delhi Sultans Extra Questions Short Answer Questions. External frontier was the next phase of expansion which started with Alauddin Khilji in southern India. By then Jaunpur, Bengal, Malwa, Gujarat, Rajasthan and entire South India had Independent rulers who had established flourishing states and prosperous capitals. 3. Available here are Chapter 4 - The Turkish invasion and the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate Exercises Questions with Solutions and detail explanation for your practice before the examination They were called bandagan in Persian. Write briefly about the attack by Mongols. The Khiljis and Tughluqs continued to use Bandage and also raised people of humble birth, who were their clients, to high positions like governors and generals. Chapter 3 - The Delhi Sultans the seats of power and prestige Lesson by Learnapt Team NCERT 4.0. 13. 3. The Delhi Sultans | Class 7 history chapter 3 - YouTube. Many rich Jaina merchants … These territories were called iqta and their holders were called iqtadar or muqti. These chieftains cannot be subdued except by powerful armies who enter the forests by cutting the bamboos with special instruments. Download Class 7 SST History Chapter 3 MCQ in PDF format from the below access links and start practicing on a regular basis for … They also paid the soldiers from the revenue they collected. This forced the two rulers to mobilize a large standing army in Delhi. Why was Raziya, daughter of Sultan Iltutmish removed from the throne of Delhi? The transformation of Delhi into a capital that controlled a vast area of the subcontinent started with the foundation of the Delhi Sultanate at the beginning of the 13th century. 4. To have reliable governors the early Delhi Sultans, especially Iltutmish’ favoured their special slaves purchased for military service called ‘Bandage’ in Persian. Accountants were appointed by the state to check the amount of revenue collected by muqtis who were not allowed to collect revenue more than that prescribed by the state nor were they allowed to keep soldiers more than the number prescribed by the state. If you have any query regarding The Delhi Sultans Class 7 History Chapter 3 Notes, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest. She was removed from the throne in 1240. As a result, the accession of a new monarch often saw conflict between the old and the new nobility. The role of the muqti was to lead military campaigns and to maintain peace and order in their Iqtas. How did the Delhi Sultanate face the Mongols onslaught? The Quwat-al-Islam is located in__________. Studyrankers is a free educational platform for cbse k-12 students. This forced the two rulers to mobilise a large standing army in Delhi as a defensive measure. Iqta: The territories under the military commanders were known as iqta. Class 7 history chapter 3 UPSC CSE 2020/2021/2022 Hindi | IASMannu ka Gyan Channel is purely education-based, helpful for Students of … Using Oxford University Press Class 7 solutions Expansion of the Delhi Sultanate : The Khilji and the Tughiaq Dynasties exercise by students are an easy way to prepare for the exams, as they involve solutions arranged chapter-wise also page wise. [5] [6] Five dynasties ruled over the Delhi Sultanate sequentially: the Mamluk dynasty (1206–1290), the Khalji dynasty (1290–1320), the Tughlaq dynasty (1320–1414), [7] the Sayyid dynasty (1414–1451), and the Lodi dynasty (1451–1526). Here we have given The Delhi Sultans Class 7 History Chapter 3 Notes. After Tughluqs the Sayyid and Lodi dynasties ruled from Delhi and Agra until 1526. The second expansion occurred along the ‘external frontier’ of the Sultanate. Apart from being the largest Class 7 community, EduRev has the largest solved Question bank for Class 7. Delhi’s authority was challenged by Mongols and by governors who rebelled at any sign of the Sultan’s weakness. Further valuable sources are ‘histories’, Tarikh (singular)/tawarikh (plural), written in Persian, the language of administration under the Delhi Sultans. He was right upto this. Overview; Content; Dashboard; About the lesson. Loading lessson... Next . 12. This course covers everything given in the NCERT textbook, regarding The Delhi Sultanate along with some more informations from the Older version of the book. As a result, the rights of the local chieftains to levy taxes were cancelled and they were also forced to pay taxes. 2. Answer: The north-eastern part of Iran, Transoxiana was invaded by the Mongols in the year 1219. Delhi became the capital of a kingdom under the Tomara Rajputs. Name any two Inscriptions to reconstruct the age of the Delhi Sultanate. They were appointed as generals and governors. Dhaliwal: The place where coins were minted. Birthright: It refers to the privileges claimed on account of the birth. They were defeated by the chauhans or the Chamanas in the twelfth century who were from Ajmer. He even challenged the Mughal emperor Humayun and captured Delhi. Q34. By that time Jaunpur, Bengal, Malwa, Gujarat, Rajasthan and entire south India had independent rulers who established flourishing states and prosperous capitals. Moth Ki Masjid was constructed during the time of ________. Sultan muhammed Tughluq appointed Aziz Khummar, a wine distiller, Firuj Hajjam, a barber, Manka tabbakh, a cook and two garderners Ladhs and Pira to high administrative posts.Ziyauddin barani , a fourteenth century chronicler reported the appointments as a sign of the sultan's loss of judgement and his incapacity to rule. In 1236, Razia, the daughter of Sultan Iltutmish, became the Sultan of Delhi. What Minhaj-i Siraj thought about this ruler? The Mongols led by Genghis Khan invaded Transoxiana in north-east Iran in 1219. Forests were cleared in the Ganga-Yamuna doab and hunter-gatherers and pastoralists expelled from their habitats and these lands were given to the peasants in order to promote agriculture. Under Alauddin Khalji the state brought the assessment and collection of land revenue under its own control. Discuss briefly the types of taxes in Delhi Sultanate. Muqtis were responsible for leading their military campaigns and maintaining their iqtas. 9. They usually lived in cities and often wrote their histories for Sultans in the hope of rich rewards. Khilji Dynasty: 1290-1320 The duty of Iqtadar or Muqti was to maintain law and order in their iqtas. In whose reign did the Sultanate reach its farthest extent? They also advised rulers on the need to preserve an ideal social order based on birthright and gender distinctions. In 1236, Sultan iltutmish's daughter Raziya became the Sultan. Sher Shah Sur (1540—1545) was the most powerful of them all. What did the Iqtadar or Muqtis do with the revenue they collected from the region? The Delhi Sultan brought the hinterland of the cities under their control and forced the landed chieftains and rich landlords to accept their authority. The Delhi Sultanate was an Islamic empire based in Delhi that stretched over large parts of the Indian subcontinent for 320 years (1206–1526). It was during this period that some new ruling groups like the Afghans and the Rajputs emerged. Under the Tomaras and Chauhans, Delhi became an important commercial centre. Revision Notes Class 7 Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans Delhi first became the capital of a kingdom under the Tomara Rajputs, who were defeated by Chauhan (also called Chahamanas) of Ajmer. In the early thirteenth century, there was no significant expansion of Delhi beyond heavily fortified town occupied by garrisons, it was only during the reigns of Ghiyasuddin Balban, Alauddin Khalji and Muhammad Tughluq that Delhi saw expansion for the first time. In exchange for their military services, the muqtis collected the revenues of their assignments as salary. Chauhans: 1165-1192 Prithviraj Chauhan: 1175-1192 Their ideals were not shared by everybody. Fullscreen Play Fullscreen Open Play Pause Choose {{current_item.currentQuestion.optionsRemainingToBeSelected}} more options option. Learners 422. Muhammad Tughluq also succeeded in defeating the Mongol army. Q2: Mughal emperor Humayun, was defeated by_____. The Delhi Sultans Class 7 Notes Social Science History Chapter 3 Delhi first became the capital of a kingdom under the Tomara Rajputs, who were defeated by Chauhan (also called Chahamanas) of Ajmer. Take a look at Table 1 again and identify the five dynasties that together made the Delhi Sultanate. Answer: The Tomara Rajputs were the first rulers who established their capital at Delhi. The transformation of Delhi into a capital that controlled a vast area of the subcontinent started with the foundation of the Delhi Sultanate at the beginning of the 13th century. The local chieftains established their rule in these regions. The armies of Delhi Sultanate had marched across a large part of the subcontinent till the reign of Muhammad Tughluq. In exchange of their services, they collected revenues of their assignments as salary. 6. Who made the plan to capture Monghol territory? Sayyid Dynasty: 1414-1451 (It was the only Shia dynasty), The Sultanate in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. But he made a. mistake by ordering the common people as well as his court and officials to shift from Delhi to Daulatabad. The Delhi Sultans - Chapter Wise CBSE Solved Question and Answer Based On NCERT. The Sultanate collected taxes from the peasantry. What happened to the landed chieftains and rich landlords under Alauddin Khalji? The Delhi Sultans Class 7 Notes Social Science History Chapter 3 CBSE Class 7 History Chapter 3 Notes Understanding The . INTRODUCTION The Delhi sultanate is a noble example for the glory of medieval India. Early twelfth century – 1165: Reign of Tomara Rajputs. The early Delhi Sultans favoured the appointment of their slaves purchased for military service as governors to control the administration of the vast empire. 7. She was removed from the throne in 1240. Reading NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans familiarizes you with the kind of questions appearing in the board exams. Inscriptions, coins and architecture provide a lot of information. 8. Who were the bandagans and what was their role in the Delhi Sultanate? The expansion of Delhi Sultanate took place under the reign of Balban, Alauddin Khilji and Muhammad- Bin-Tughlaq. Question 2. The Bandagans were special slaves purchased for military service by the early sultans especially Illtutmish. 2. The expansion was initiated with the internal frontier. The transformation of Delhi into a capital that controlled vast areas of the subcontinent started with the foundation of the Delhi Sultanate in the beginning of the thirteenth century. Under the Tomaras and Chauhans Delhi became an … Delhi first became a capital kingdom under the Tomara Rajputs. As Delhi Sultans brought the hinterland of the cities under their control, they forced the samants and the rich landlords to accept their authority. According to the 'Circle of Justice' why was it important for military commanders to keep the interests of the peasantry in mind? We prepared these questions as per the latest NCERT book and CBSE syllabus. 9. Answer: Qutub-ud-din Aibak laid the foundation of the Delhi Sultanate. Slave Dynasty: 1206-1290 What was the language of administration under the Delhi Sultans? Garrison town: It refers to a town which is fortified with soldiers. This video discuss about the different dynasties and the rulers of the Delhi Sultanate in reference to ncert 7 syllabus. Start. Category History. Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans Class 7 History Extra Questions with answers is available on this page that will help you in knowing about important points given inside the chapter. Answer: It was Persian. In a very short period of fifteen years (1540-1555), he introduced many reforms and a lot of welfare works. THE DELHI SULTANATE 2. Why do you think Barani critisised Sultan Muhammed Tughluq? View Answer. However, that also introduced an element of political instability. These land were called the Iqta and the landholders were called Iqtadars or the muqti. Get free Oxford University Press Solutions for Class 7 The Trail History and Civics for ICSE Middle School Chapter 4 The Turkish invasion and the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate solved by experts. 14. Who founded the City of Delhi called the "Sanctuary of the World"? Answer: The […] The first set of campaigns occurred along the internal frontier of the Sultanate. Which language was the administrative language of the Delhi Sultanates? NCERT Solutions For Class 7 History Social Science Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans. He captured Delhi and established his own dynasty. Delhi became an important city only in the 12 th Century. Mughal emperor Humayun, was defeated by_______. They lived in these forests, which serve them as ramparts, inside which was their cattle and the crop, and water was available for them, this is usually rain water. By practicing Class 7 History Chapter 3 MCQ with Answers, you can score well in the exam. These lands were called iqta and their holder was called muqti or iqtadar. Bandagan: The early Delhi Sultans especially lltutmish favoured their slaves purchased for military service. A type of coin minted at Delhi is known as the __________. 2. The Delhi Sultans Class 7 Questions and Answers Provided helps you to answer complex Questions too easily. 3. The rights of the local chieftains to levy taxes were cancelled and they were also forced to pay taxes. Online History NCERT Summary- Class 7- Part2- The Delhi Sultans | Unacademy Inscriptions, coins and architecture provide a lot of information but especially significant are “histories”, Tarikh (singular)/tawarikh (plural), written in Persian, the language of administration under Delhi Sultan. Some small but powerful and extremely well-administered states also emerged. Delhi became an important city only in the 12 th Century. Hinterland: It refers to the land adjacent to a city or port that supply it with goods and services. Slaves were loyal to their masters and patrons, but not to their heirs. 3. • These muqtis were assigned to lead military campaigns and maintain law and order in their iqtas. check the amount of revenue collected by the muqtis. Apr 09, 2021 - Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: The Delhi Sultanate, SST, Class 7 | EduRev Notes is made by best teachers of Class 7. New Sultans had their own servants. Alauddin was able to repulse the Mongol attacks by dint of this army. View Answer. They were written for the Sultans with anticipation of rich rewards. During whose reign Sultanate faced maximum Mongol invasion? This Social Science textbook for Class 7 is designed by NCERT and is very useful for students. In return, muqtis collected the revenues of their assignments as salary. The early Delhi Sultans favoured their special slaves, purchased for military service. View Answer. Why did the Delhi Sultans use to give high political positions to their slaves? These muqti's were assigned iqtas for a short period of time to maintain control. They also advised rulers on governance, emphasizing the importance of just rule based on birthright and gender distinctions, not shared by everyone. Q3: Who was the founder of the Sayyed dynasty? Middle School GK Questions & Answers for Class 7 Maths Science, General Awareness 100 Top General Knowledge Questions for Kids between 4 to 12 | Get Simple GK Quiz Questions with Answers, True or False Questions for All Age Groups. Muhammad Tughluq’s administrative measures were a failure in the following ways: • His campaign into Kashmir was a disaster. In 1236 Sultan Iltutmish’s daughter, Raziyya, became Sultan after Iltutmish. • These muqtis were kept under effective control. Nor were the nobles happy at her attempts to rule independently. Describe the main features of Alauddin Khalji's administration. Delhi first became the capital of a kingdom under the Tomara Rajputs, who were defeated in the middle of the 12 th century by the Chauhans of Ajmer. The Delhi Sultans Class 7 MCQs Questions with Answers. Queen Didda was ruler in Kashmir between 980-1003. The Khalji and the Tughlaq monarchs appointed military commanders as governers of territories. Sher Shah Suri challenged and defeated the Mughal emperor Humayun. Class 7 History Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans Extra Questions and Answers. Client: Someone who is under the protection of another, a dependent or hanger-on. 6. Who were the iqtadars or the muqti and what was their role? He also raised people of humble birth, who were often his clients, to high political positions. It was then that Delhi became a commercial centre. 12. Since they were totally dependent upon their masters, the Sultans could trust and rely upon them. Where the idea of "Three orders" was first formulated? What is meant by the 'internal' and 'external' frontiers of the Sultanate? Rudramadevi was queen of Kakatiya dynasty of Warangal. External frontier was the next phase of expansion which started with Alauddin Khalji in southern India and culminated with Muhammad Tughluq. Mosque: It is called a masjid in Arabic, and literarily means a place where a Muslim prostrates in reverence to Allah. Name a famous traveler who came from the country of Morocco in the fourteenth century. Q2: Who was the founder of the slave dynasty in India ? 14. The Khaljis and Tughluqs continued the use of bandagan and also raised people of humble birth, usually their clients, to high positions and appointed them as generals and governors. Q1: Who laid the foundation of the Delhi Sultanate? Kharaj: The tax on cultivation was known as Kharaj. • Like the earlier Sultans, Alauddin Khalji too favoured his special slaves purchased for military service. 16. Who was the emperor in charge of constructing the Moth Ki Masjid? NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. These slaves were known as bandagan in Persian. • His administrative measures created complications . Answer: Minhaj-i-Siraj recognized that she was more able and qualified than all her brothers. 1. Who was the founder of the Sayyed dynasty? 2. The Delhi Sultans - L1 | NCERT Class 7 History Chapter 3 | SST | Young Wonders | Sundar Sir - YouTube. This system was criticised by the elites and authors of tawarikh, because for them the new high class people were in fact ‘low and base-born’. CBSE Previous Year Question Paper for Class 10, CBSE Previous Year Question Paper for Class 12. The duty of muqtis was to lead military campaigns and maintain law and order in their iqtas. Chapter 3 - The Delhi Sultans. CBSE Class 7 Social Science The Delhi Sultans Worksheets – In the present education system, Worksheets are playing an important role. 1414-1421: Reign of Khizr Khan belonging to Sayyid dynasty. The questions involved in Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions are important questions that can be asked in the final exam. Please also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 7 Social Science to understand the answers of the exercise questions given at the end of this chapter THE DELHI SULTANS In … Which ruler first established his or her capital at Delhi? Name the ruler of Delhi sultanate after Iltutmish. It was the capital of a kingdom under the Tomara Rajputs who were defeated in the middle of the 12th century by the Chauhans (also referred to as Chahamanas) of Ajmer. The Delhi Sultans Class 7 Extra Questions and Answer History Chapter 3 Short Answers Type. Delhi was made capital by the rulers of__________. He then gave up his plans to invade Transoxiana and disbanded his large army. 3. Home NCERT Class 7 History COURSE Our Pasts - II 10 Lessons This lesson is part of the course. Even a.famous chronicler of the age, Minhaj-i Siraj, recognized her as more able than all her brothers but was not comfortable with her, only for her being a lady. They were kept in charge of territories of varying sizes. Solving class 7 extra questions help students to revise the Chapter most competently. Ans. External frontier culminated with Muhammad-bin-Tughluq and he introduced three projects – Shifting of capital from Delhi to Daulatabad, the introduction of token currency, raising the land tax in the Doab region to fifty per cent—all of which failed and weakened his position. 4. The delhi sultanate 1. 2. 1. The Delhi Sultans Class 7 Notes Social Science History Chapter 3 SST Pdf free download is part of Class 7 Social Science Notes for Quick Revision. Delhi first became the capital of a kingdom under the Tomara Rajputs, who were defeated by Chauhan (also called Chahamanas) of Ajmer.
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