san diego wikipedia

Dit is die administratiewe hoofstad van San Diego County. Harbison Canyon  | San Diego State University (SDSU) is a public research university in San Diego, California.Founded in 1897 as San Diego Normal School, it is the third-oldest university and southernmost in the 23-member California State University (CSU) system. Geografie. Ima oko 1.241.600 stanovnika. Ima oko 1.241.600 stanovnika. It was founded in 1769 and it is the oldest city in California. El Cajon  | An San Diego in usa ka syudad han California, Estados Unidos.. An Wikimedia Commons mayda media nga nahahanungod han: San Diego, California It is at the southwest corner of California, as well as the southwest corner of the continental United States. Pala  | San Diego (prononcé en anglais : [ˌsæn diˈeɪgoʊ]) est une ville américaine, située dans l'État de Californie, sur la côte ouest, près de la frontière avec le Mexique.Avec 1 307 402 habitants lors du recensement de 2010, elle se place au huitième rang des villes les plus peuplées du pays [1] et au deuxième rang des villes les plus peuplées de l'État, derrière Los Angeles. 2.644.000 indbyggere i 1995 og er næststørste by i Californien og syvende største by i USA.. San Diego er områdets center for kultur, uddannelse og hospitalsvæsen. Tecate  | San Luis Rey  | It has comfortable weather most of the year. Er wird von der Zoological Society of San Diego privat und gemeinnützig betrieben. San Diego International Airport is the busiest single-runway airport in the world.The airport's landing approach is well known for its close proximity to the skyscrapers of Downtown San Diego, and can sometimes prove difficult to pilots for the relatively short usable landing area, steep descent angle over the crest of Banker's Hill, and shifting wind currents just before landing. Este o importantă stațiune balneară. It has many beaches along the Pacific Ocean. San Diego County is en Kreis in’n US-Bundsstaat Kalifornien. Spring Valley  | San Diego (pronounced /ˌsæn diːˈeɪɡoʊ/ (deprecatit template)), named efter Saunt Didacus (Spaingie: Diego de Alcalá), is the aicht-lairgest ceety in the Unitit States an seicont-lairgest ceety in Californie, efter Los Angeles, wi a population o 1,306,300 (Jul 2009) athin its admeenistrative limits on a land aurie o 372.1 square miles (963.7 km2). V roce 2015 tu žilo 1,395 miliónu obyvatel. As of 2020, they have had 15 winning seasons in franchise history. Potrero  | San Diego er en havneby i det sydlige Californien ved Stillehavet, nær den mexicanske grænse.. San Diego havde ca. San Diego adalah kota pantai di California Selatan yang terletak di sudut barat daya daratan Amerika Serikat.Pada 2005, jumlah penduduk kota ini adalah 1.305.736 orang. San Diego (izgovorjava [ˌsændiˈeɪgoʊ]) je drugo največje mesto v Kaliforniji za Los Angelesom in osmo največje v ZDA.Leži ob Tihem oceanu na ameriški zahodni obali, tik ob meji z Mehiko.Po oceni iz leta 2010 je imelo nekaj več kot 1,3 milijona prebivalcev. Naglangkob kin og 11.7 ka kilometro kwadrado. See asub Vaikse ookeani kaldal. National City  | Ju Stääd häd 1.307.402 Ienwoonere (2010). See on elanike … Old Town is a neighborhood of San Diego, California.It contains 230 acres (93 ha) and is bounded by Interstate 8 on the north, Interstate 5 on the west, Mission Hills on the east and Bankers Hill on the south. V roce 2015 tu žilo 1,395 miliónu obyvatel. San Diego adalah kota pantai di California Selatan yang terletak di sudut barat daya daratan Amerika Serikat.Pada 2005, jumlah penduduk kota ini adalah 1.305.736 orang. [4][5] In 2016, an estimated 125 million opioid pills were sold in San Diego County, which equates to nearly 38 pills per person. Nachází se severně od státní hranice s Mexikem, přičemž přímo sousedí s mexickým městem Tijuana. De Sitt vun de Verwalten is in San Diego. Engumba ya San Diego ekélama o mobu 1769. 15,952 adults were admitted into drug treatment centers in San Diego in 2017. Pine Valley  | San Diego er den åttende største byen i USA og den nest største i delstaten California.Byen ligger ved stillehavskysten i det sørvestlige hjørnet av USA, helt inntil den meksikanske grensen. Több mint 650 faj, kb. Vista, Alpine  | Nahimutang ni sa estado sa California, sa habagatan-kasadpang bahin sa nasod, 3,600 km sa kasadpan sa Washington, D.C. Adunay 3,095,313 ka molupyo. De Kreis is 1850 grünnt worrn. Obsahuje rozličné významy uvedeného hesla. San Diego is die tweede grootste stad in Kalifornië ná Los Angeles en die sewende grootste in die Verenigde State. Der San Diego Zoo im Balboa Park, San Diego, Kalifornien zeigt über 3500 Tiere aus über 650 Arten und Unterarten auf einer Fläche von 40 Hektar. Imperial Beach  | He hett 3.095.313 Inwahners (Stand Zensus 2010) op en Rebeet vun 10.888 km². Founded in 1969, the club has won two NL pennants—in 1984 and 1998, losing in the World Series both years. San Diego je grad u južnoj Kaliforniji (), u blizini meksičke granice. Chula Vista  | Kaupunki on rakennettu San Diegon lahden ympärille ja sillä on hyvä luonnollinen satama. San Diego, Güney Kaliforniya'da ABD ile Meksika sınırında bir sahil şehridir. San Diego (/ ˌ s æ n d iː ˈ eɪ ɡ oʊ /) is the second largest city in the U.S. state of California and eighth largest in the United States.It is at the southwest corner of California, as well as the southwest corner of the continental United States. San Diego is in stêd yn it suden fan 'e Amerikaanske steat Kalifornje, oan 'e kust fan 'e Stille Oseaan, likernôch 190 km besuden Los Angeles en deun tsjin 'e grins mei Meksiko oan. Der San Diego Zoo im Balboa Park, San Diego, Kalifornien zeigt über 3500 Tiere aus über 650 Arten und Unterarten auf einer Fläche von 40 Hektar. Historie. San Marcos  | San Diego er en havneby i det sydlige Californien ved Stillehavet, nær den mexicanske grænse.. San Diego havde ca. Die Stadt hatte laut der letzten Volkszählung im Jahr 2010 1.301.621 Einwohner (Schätzung 2016: rund 1.400.000, U.S. Census Bureau) und liegt im Südwesten von Kalifornien nahe der Grenze zu Mexiko. However, San Diego is much more arid than typical Mediterranean climates, and winters are still dry compared with most other zones with this type of climate. Alkunsa kaupunki on saanut espanjalaisten perustamasta lähetysasemasta vuonna 1769. San Diego ezali engumba ya etuka ya Kalifornia okati ya Lisangá ya Ameríka Ekélami. Teile des Countys wurden später an das Riverside County 1893 und an das Imperial County 1907 abgegeben. From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. San Diego is rijk aan een groot aantal museums waarvan de belangrijkste samen te vinden zijn in het Balboa Park. Fallbrook  | San Diego (/ ˌ s æ n d iː ˈ eɪ ɡ oʊ /) is the second largest city in the U.S. state of California and eighth largest in the United States.It is at the southwest corner of California, as well as the southwest corner of the continental United States. The University of San Diego (USD) is a private Roman Catholic research university in San Diego, California.Founded in July 1949 as the San Diego College for Women and San Diego University, the academic institutions merged from the California school system into University of San Diego in 1972. Lemon Grove  | San Diego je přímořské město v americkém státě Kalifornie nacházející se na jihozápadním pobřeží Spojených států. He hett 3.095.313 Inwahners (Stand Zensus 2010) op en Rebeet vun 10.888 km². Most people live near the coast, for example in San Diego, California . De Luz Heights  | Engumba ya San Diego ekélama o mobu 1769. [3] From 2016-2017 there was a 115% increase of fentanyl-related deaths in San Diego. San Diego County has about 70 miles (110 km) of coastline. Správním městem okresu je San Diego.Celková rozloha okresu činí 11 721 km², z čehož 843,4 km² tvoří vodní plocha. Ook heeft San Diego een rijke sport cultuur en is bijna in tak van sport vertegenwoordigd op het hoogste niveau. 2009. aastal elas San Diegos 1 306 300 inimest. A San Diego Zoo egy állatkert Kaliforniában, San Diégóban.A világ egyik leghíresebb állatkertje. Jamul  | Juni 2018. San Diego is 'n stad in San Diego County in de Amerikaanse staot Californië en tèlt 1.300.000 inwoeners.. Diego, wie de bijnaom lojt, is de hoofplaots vaan San Diego County.. Demografie. Ju Stääd häd 1.307.402 Ienwoonere (2010). Nachází se severně od státní hranice s Mexikem, přičemž přímo sousedí s mexickým městem Tijuana. Na západním pobřeží okresu je Tichý oceán.Na jihu sousedí s Mexikem.. Sousední okresy San Diego County is en Kreis in’n US-Bundsstaat Kalifornien. Bonita  | Granite Hills  | The city of Tijuana is just across the Mexican border. SDSU has a fall 2020 student body of 35,578 and an alumni base of more than 300,000. Kondado ang San Diego County (Prinanses: Comté de San Diego, Kinatsila: Condado de San Diego) sa Tinipong Bansa. Comitatul San Diego este situat în apropiere de granița mexicană, pe coasta Pacificului în sud-vestul statului California, Statele Unite ale Americii.Comitatul este, după numărul de locuitori, al treilea cel mai populat comitat din Uniune. San Diego  | Predstavlja sjedište Okruga San Diego. There are several military bases in and near San Diego. San Diego este un oraș de pe coasta Californiei de sud, aflat în colțul de sud-vest al Statelor Unite ale Americii. Besuchern pro Jahr ist er der meistbesuchte Zoo der USA. San Diego je přímořské město v americkém státě Kalifornie nacházející se na jihozápadním pobřeží Spojených států. a WWE. De Sitt vun de Verwalten is in San Diego. Ranchita  | San Diego je grad u južnoj Kaliforniji (), neposredno uz meksičku granicu. The San Diego Zoo is very famous. San Diego è una città degli Stati Uniti d'America, situata nella California meridionale appena a nord del confine con il Messico, sulla costa dell'oceano Pacifico. Prema procjeni iz 2009. ima 1.353.993 stanovnika, a šire gradsko područje (zajedno s Tijuanom u Meksiku) i do 5 milijuna.. San Diego je najjužnije položena luka SAD-a na obali Tihog oceana.Leži u dobro zaštićenom lagunskom zaljevu (57 km 2).Osnovan je 1867. nedaleko od misije koju su utemeljili Španjolci 1769. San Diego (/ˌsæn diːˈeɪɡoʊ/) is the second largest city in the U.S. state of California and eighth largest in the United States. Je to druhé najväčšie mesto v štáte Kalifornia a ôsme najväčšie mesto v Spojených štátoch. San Diego je grad u južnoj Kaliforniji (), u blizini meksičke granice. Osnovan je 1867. nedaleko od misije koju su osnovali Španci 1769.S unutrašnjošću je povezan tek 1864. Oceanside  | Disse Siede wuude toulääst annerd uum 23:07, 19. Crest  | San Diego County hett en verschedenaardige Landskupp. Rancho Santa Fe  | Of those deaths, 127 also involved prescription drugs, 15 involved a combination of heroin and prescription drugs, and involved heroin. Ocotillo Wells  | Kaupunki on rakennettu San Diegon lahden ympärille ja sillä on hyvä luonnollinen satama. Encinitas  | San Diego is ne Stääd in dän amerikoanisken Buundesstoat Kalifornien. Santa Ysabel  | Olivenhain  | San Diego este cunoscut ca „locul natal al aviației navale”, deși Pensacola, Florida susține același lucru. Jacumba  | Osnovan je 1867. nedaleko od misije koju su osnovali Španci 1769.S unutrašnjošću je povezan tek 1864. San Diego (Engels: [ˌsændiːˈeɪgoʊ]) is 'n hawestad in die suide van die deelstaat Kalifornië (Verenigde State), 119 myl suid van Los Angeles digby die grens met Meksiko geleë, met sowat 1,3 miljoen inwoners (2010). Lakeside  | 3700 egyede él itt. San Diego on linn Ameerika Ühendriikides California osariigis, San Diego maakonna halduskeskus. Coronado  | San Diego (prononcé en anglais : [ˌsæn diˈeɪgoʊ]) est une ville américaine, située dans l'État de Californie, sur la côte ouest, près de la frontière avec le Mexique.Avec 1 307 402 habitants lors du recensement de 2010, elle se place au huitième rang des villes les plus peuplées du pays [1] et au deuxième rang des villes les plus peuplées de l'État, derrière Los Angeles. Poway  | Solana Beach  | În anul 2005, orașul avea o populație de 1.255.240 locuitori.Este al doilea oraș ca mărime din California și al optulea din Statele Unite ale Americii. În anul 2005, orașul avea o populație de 1.255.240 locuitori.Este al doilea oraș ca mărime din California și al optulea din Statele Unite ale Americii. Location of San Diego within San Diego County: Coordinates: Bangsa United States; State California; County San Diego; Mitatag: Juliu 16 1769: Incorporated: Marsu 27 1850: Gubyernu - Mayor: Jerry Sanders - City Attorney: Michael Aguirre - City Council: Scott Peters Kevin Faulconer Toni Atkins Tony Young Brian Maienschein Donna Frye Jim Madaffer Historie. San Diego Padres is een Amerikaanse honkbalclub uit San Diego, Californië.De club is in 1969 opgericht.. De Padres spelen hun wedstrijden in de Major League Baseball.Ze komen uit in de Western Division van de National League.Het stadion van de Padres heet Petco … De Kreis is 1850 grünnt worrn. San Diego County war eines der ersten Countys in Kalifornien. Este o importantă stațiune balneară. Bostonia  | San Diego on kaupunki Yhdysvaltain länsirannikolla, Kalifornian osavaltion lounaiskulmassa lähellä maan Meksikon vastaista rajaa. San Diego er kjend for sitt milde klima og si tilknyting til den USA-amerikanske marinen. San Diego on kaupunki Yhdysvaltain länsirannikolla, Kalifornian osavaltion lounaiskulmassa lähellä maan Meksikon vastaista rajaa. De Luz  | San Diego er, med sine 1 307 402 ibuarar, den åttande største byen i USA og den nest største i delstaten California.Byen ligg ved Stillehavskysten i det sørvestlege hjørnet av USA, heilt inntil den meksikanske grensa. Mount Laguna  | Geografie. Je to druhé největší město v Kalifornii a osmé největší město ve Spojených státech. San Diego is on the international Mexico–United States Border. Predstavlja sjedište Okruga San Diego. Disse Siede wuude toulääst annerd uum 23:07, 19. San Diego (pronounced /ˌsæn diːˈeɪɡoʊ/ (deprecatit template)), named efter Saunt Didacus (Spaingie: Diego de Alcalá), is the aicht-lairgest ceety in the Unitit States an seicont-lairgest ceety in Californie, efter Los Angeles, wi a population o 1,306,300 (Jul 2009) athin its admeenistrative limits on a land aurie o 372.1 square miles (963.7 km2). San Diego, a fictional town in the Philippines in the novel Noli Me Tángere by José Rizal; See also. Bonsall  | San Diego County je okres na jihu státu Kalifornie v USA.K roku 2010 zde žilo 3 095 313 obyvatel. San Diego ist Sitz der Countyverwaltung des San Diego County. Universitatea California și instituțiile de cercetări din Torrey Mesa oferă o bază importantă de inovații tehnologice, pe lângă numeroasele companii de înaltă tehnologie și biotehnologie din zonă, precum Qualcomm, Neurocrine, Illumina și Genentech of Oceanside. Carlsbad  | Conform unei estimări din anul 2006 avea peste 2.941.000 de locuitori. The community has a population of around 47,981 (also including the community of Ocean Beach).. Point Loma was important early on because many of the first European people landed on the peninsula to get into modern-day California. The mayor of San Diego as of 2015 is Kevin L. Faulconer[2]. Pauma Valley  | Er wird von der Zoological Society of San Diego privat und gemeinnützig betrieben. August 1601 nach Holland zurück. San Diego (Engels: [ˌsændiːˈeɪgoʊ]) is 'n hawestad in die suide van die deelstaat Kalifornië (Verenigde State), 119 myl suid van Los Angeles digby die grens met Meksiko geleë, met sowat 1,3 miljoen inwoners (2010). Juni 2018. V roku 2005 tu žilo vyše 1,3 milióna obyvateľov. Este al doilea oraș ca mărime din California și al optulea din Statele Unite ale Americii. San Diego er kjent for sitt milde klima og sin lange forbindelse med den amerikanske marinen. Die San Diego aber sank und nahm über 300 Menschen mit in die Tiefe. Es wurde 1850 bei der Staatsgründung geschaffen. Rahvastik. San Diego is ne Stääd in dän amerikoanisken Buundesstoat Kalifornien. La Mesa  | The council was made in 1850. San Diego là một thành phố duyên hải miền nam tiểu bang California, góc tây nam Hoa Kỳ lục địa, phía bắc biên giới México.Thành phố này là quận lỵ của Quận San Diego và là trung tâm kinh tế vùng đô thị San Diego—Carlsbad—San Marcos. This page was last changed on 2 April 2021, at 21:03. Heroin, fentanyl, alcohol, and prescription drug addiction are common addiction types in San Diego. San Diego è una città degli Stati Uniti d'America, situata nella California meridionale appena a nord del confine con il Messico, sulla costa dell'oceano Pacifico. The climate of San Diego, California is classified as a Mediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification Csa).The basic climate features hot, sunny, and dry summers, and cooler, wetter winters. The San Diego Padres are an American professional baseball team based in San Diego.The Padres compete in Major League Baseball (MLB) as a member club of the National League (NL) West division. 3,2 Mio. Santee  | There are nine members of the council. San Diego County is een van de 58 county's in de Amerikaanse deelstaat Californië.San Diego County ligt in de zuidwestelijke hoek van Californië aan de Stille Oceaan.De grootste stad en hoofdplaats is San Diego.In 2010 woonden er meer dan 3 miljoen mensen in San Diego County, waarmee het de tweede county van Californië is, na Los Angeles County Boulevard  | Banner  | Valley Center  | In 2017, there were 357 alcohol-related deaths in San Diego County. San Diego staat ook bekend om zijn skate en surf cultuur in de stad. Jesmond Dene  | Carmen Sandiego, a franchise of educational computer and video games, television programs, books and other media Carmen Sandiego (character), the title character of the franchise; San Diego Comic-Con International (SDCC), auch Comic-Con International: San Diego, San Diego Comic-Con oder nur Comic-Con genannt, ist eine seit 1970 jährlich im kalifornischen San Diego stattfindende Comic-Veranstaltung. Das San Diego Convention Center während der San Diego Comic-Con International … Dit is die administratiewe hoofstad van San Diego County. Economia orașului este bazată pe turism, comerț, agricultură, industria maritimă, militară, biotehnologie, computere și electronice. Point Loma is a community in San Diego, California that is next to the ocean.Point Loma is a peninsula that has many hills and beaches. Also in this county there are 16 military locations of the United States Navy , U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Coast Guard , including Naval Base San Diego , Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton , Marine Corps Air Station Miramar , and Naval Air Station North Island . San Diego is home to the San Diego Padres baseball team. 3,2 Mio. Besuchern pro Jahr ist er der meistbesuchte Zoo der USA. Images from top, left to right: San Diego Skyline, 92101–92124, 92126–92132, 92134–92140, 92142, 92143, 92145, 92147, 92149–92155, 92158–92161, 92163, 92165–92179, 92182, 92186, 92187, 92190–92199, "San Diego Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers | Addiction Treatment in SD, Southern California",,_California&oldid=7457270, 18th-century establishments in California, Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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