To view Prima Vista Solusi’s complete executive team members history, request access ». Hierfür liegen dem Insolvenzverwalter bereits mehrere Angebote vor. Lihat juga info lowongan dari PT Primavista Solusi (Wirecard Asia Pacific) dengan total 0 lowongan. Jl Gatot Subroto Kav 9-11 44 Terbaik Tidak ada perubahan 0. Prima Vista Solusi, Wirecard’s wholly-owned subsidiary has been supporting Indonesian banks & financial institution for over 12 years. Advising PT PRIMA VISTA SOLUSI, an Indonesian company providing electronic payment systems, in relation to its full shares disposal to Wirecard A.G., a German listed IT company. Peringkat Keseluruhan. Hierfür liegen dem Insolvenzverwalter bereits mehrere indikative Angebote vor. Prima Vista Solusi dapat mengisi data diri dan melampirkan CV terbaru anda melalui link berikut Für das kontaktlose Bezahlen unterstützen Banking Wirecard and Verifone partner to bring payment services. Prima Vista Solusi is one of the leading payment technology in Indonesia, supporting major financial institutions and retailers in Asia Pacific. External Salary Tooltip Html. © 2021 PitchBook Data. Gaji PT Primavista Solusi (Wirecard Asia Pacific) Gaji rata-rata External Salary Title. All rights reserved. Bekerjasama dengan berbagai Bank Umum membutuhkan karyawan Technical Support, Segera: Requirements: Pria Usia Maks. TRINET PRIMA SOLUSI (TRINET) was founded in 2002 in Jakarta. Company. By creating an account you are able to follow friends and experts you trust and see the places they’ve recommended. Prima Vista Solusi General Information Description. Provider of end-to-end payment services. Peringkat Perusahaan. 21-83709520. Prima Vista Solusi Jabodetabek , Indonesia 9 koneksi. 27 Tahun Background Pendidikan Minimal SMU, D3, S1. Es gebe bereits mehrere indikative Angebote für die PT Wirecard Technologies Indonesia, die PT Prima Vista Solusi in Jakarta und Indonesien sowie Wirecard Vietnam. 21-83709520. Apply for Data Scientist (3453751) at PT. PT Prima Vista Solusi provides electronic payment systems. PT. Er nennt dabei die PT Prima Vista Solusi, die PT Wirecard Technologies Indonesia (beide Jakarta, Indonesien) und die Wirecard (Vietnam) Company Limited. Statistik gaji rata-rata diperbaharui 14 Februari 2021. Die PT Prima Vista Solusi mit Hauptsitz . Photos 2. TRINET is a system integrator with competence in hardware infrastructure, network security and data center. PT Prima Vista Solusi provides electronic payment systems. Menara Mulia level 26. Tag : Prima Vista Solusi. Minimum 3,00 Maksimum 11,00. The company provides point-of-sale services and allows its users to make purchases over the internet or mobile phone. Website lowongan kerja terbesar di Indonesia. Verkaufsprozesse für weitere asiatische Tochtergesellschaften der WDSI werden in Kürze beginnen. 27 Tahun Background Pendidikan Minimal SMU, D3, S1. About See All. - Prima Vista Solusi Mei 2016 - Agu 2017 1 tahun 4 bulan. Company. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, call ahead to verify hours, and remember to practice social distancing. The core business is containing the theme “End to end solution”. Unsere leistungsfähige POS-Plattform bietet höchsten Komfort in der Bedienung, beispielsweise durch Ratenzahlung, Loyalty- und Issuing-Kampagnen“, sagt Rudy Khowara, Geschäftsführer von PT Prima Vista Solusi. PT. Am 16. Melalui anak perusahaan Wirecard di Indonesia, PT Prima Vista Solusi, Wirecard dan Verifone akan berkolaborasi di Indonesia untuk mendukung institusi keuangan, perusahaan ritel, dan berbagai segmen industri guna mendapatkan manfaat optimal dari solusi pembayaran. 44 Terbaik Tidak ada perubahan 0. See what your friends are saying about PT. Statistik gaji rata-rata diperbaharui 14 Februari 2021. Prima Vista Solusi PT. Apply for Data Scientist (3453751) at PT. Pengalaman. Am 16. PitchBook is a financial technology company that provides data on the capital markets. Prima Vista Solusi General Information Description. Especially, for the PT Prima Vista Solusi, PT Wirecard Technologies Indonesia (both Jakarta, Indonesia) and Wirecard (Vietnam) Company Limited are in advanced auction processes”, insolvency administrator Dr. jur. Primavista Solusi. Prima Vista Solusi - Wirecard Asia Pasific. Gabung untuk Terhubung. The five-year agreement combines Wirecard software and Verifone devices, with Indonesia as the first target market. Verkaufsprozesse für weitere asiatische Tochtergesellschaften der WDSI werden in Kürze beginnen. Primavista Solusi. Through their respective subsidiaries in Asia, PT Prima Vista Solusi and VeriFone Systems International, the two companies will collaborate to deliver a complete suite of payment commerce Services. 560 Terbaik Menurun 4. 20 people follow this. This information is available in the PitchBook Platform. Find more Others, Others-related job vacancies in Indonesia, Jakarta Selatan at Verkaufsprozesse für weitere asiatische Töchter beginnt in Kürze. 560 Terbaik Menurun 4. To explore Prima Vista Solusi‘s full profile, request access. 19 people like this. PT Primavista Solusi is an information technology and services company based out of Jakarta, Indonesia. All Rights Reserved. Save. 19 people like this. Prima Vista Solusi Feb 2015 - Saat ini 6 tahun 1 bulan. Surabaya. Office. Prima Vista Solusi. Prima Vista Solusi) Perusahaan bergerak di bidang pengadaan dan pemeliharaan mesin EDC Kartu Kredit. Electronic Data Capture (EDC) from VeriFone USA, EMV smart card from Sagem-Orga dan Watchdata, Network Concentrator NetAccess for secured payment network, Contactless Reader from VivoTech, USA dan GHL, Malaysia, First EMV-compliant PINPad for PIN Verification Bank Mandiri & PermataBank, First CDMA EDC in Indonesia BNI and Flexi, May 2005, First EDC with ATM features PermataBank, June 2005, First EMV-certified EDC in Indonesia BNI, July 2005, First GPRS EDC in Indonesia BNI - Indosat, March 2006, First Prepaid Fuel Payment on Mobile EDC BRI - September 2006, First Private Label Contactless Payment Lippo Karawaci - Mar 2007, First MasterCard PayPass Contactless in Indonesia BNI -Mastercard, May 2007, First Mobile EDC Payment at the Pump Shell, May 2007, Pertamina Gaz Card Contactless Payment Bank Mandiri, Agustus 2007, First VisaWave Contactless in Indonesia Bank Mandiri, January 2008, First GPRS Biometric EDC in Indonesia Bank BTPN, October 2008, Prepaid contactless solution for BNI, BRI, Bank Mega, BCA Flazz - 2009, ISO 9001:2008 and PCI-DSS certification - 2010, First Terminal Line Encryption with HSM enabled - 2011, Technology Forum in Indonesia National Debit and ATM Card Standardization Committee - 2012, PT Primavista Solusi Flash Company Profile. The transaction comprise cash payments of almost EUR 39.7 million and earn out-components of up to almost EUR 4.7 million, dependent on the operational profit of the acquired company between 2012 to 2014. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, call ahead to verify hours, and remember to practice social distancing. Prima Vista Solusi. Tips. PT Primavista Solusi is an information technology and services company based out of Jakarta, Indonesia. The company provides point-of-sale services and allows its users … Silahkan dicek sebelum ditutup. August 2012 hat die Wirecard Gruppe den Erwerb an der PT Prima Vista Solusi … Minimum 3,00 Maksimum 11,00. Auch stünden die Verkaufsprozesse für weitere Unternehmenstöchter im asiatischen Raum an. External Salary Tooltip Html. Prima Vista Solusi) Perusahaan bergerak di bidang pengadaan dan pemeliharaan mesin EDC Kartu Kredit. With over 500 technical staff strengths in over 50 cities nationwide, we are committed to work in partnership with reputable financial institutions enable the latest technology innovations boost the growth of electronic payment in Indonesia. Verkaufsprozesse für weitere asiatische Töchter beginnt in Kürze. Laut Jaffé befinde man sich "im fortgeschrittenen Verkaufsprozess". Peringkat Keseluruhan. We give solution and innovation in our products to country and regions around the world. Wirecard Indonesia PT Prima Vista Solusi, a subsidiary of Wirecard AG, recently launched the Point-of-Sales Payment Gateway that enables retailers to process card transactions through multiple acquiring banks. Melalui anak perusahaan Wirecard di Indonesia, PT Prima Vista Solusi, Wirecard dan Verifone akan berkolaborasi di Indonesia untuk mendukung institusi keuangan, perusahaan ritel, dan berbagai segmen industri guna mendapatkan manfaat optimal dari solusi pembayaran. Prima Vista Solusi. Team up with PT Primavista Solusi to support the sales of product solutions for National Merchants, Referral Partners, Financial Institutions and Independent Sales Organizations. Peringkat Perusahaan. With over 500 technical staff strengths in over 50 cities nationwide, we are committed to work in partnership with reputable financial institutions enable the latest technology innovations boost the growth of electronic payment in Indonesia. We fully understand that every customer is unique, so we always position ourselves as your consultant to give the right solutions with proper investments. PT Bilna. Não há nada para realmente determinar se este é um ECN ou um Market Maker. Prima Vista Solusi serves markets worldwide. About See All. The strategic alliance will see the Indonesian subsidiary of Wirecard, PT Prima Vista Solusi, collaborating with the local operations of Verifone. 48 in Jakarta (Indonesien) ist ein führender Anbieter von Zahlungsverkehrs-, Netzbetriebs- und Technologiedienstleistungen für Banken und Handelsunternehmen in Indonesien. TRINET PRIMA SOLUSI (TRINET) was founded in 2002 in Jakarta. Company. Prima Vista Solusi. PT. Prima Vista Solusi dapat mengisi data diri dan melampirkan CV terbaru anda melalui link berikut Berbagi : Postingan Lebih Baru Postingan Lama Popular. Sign up with Facebook. Beispielhaft genannt sei hier unsere indonesische Tochterfirma PT Prima Vista Solusi, die die Zahlungsinfrastruktur sowie die Anbindung an Finanzinstitute für das Nahverkehrsnetz von Jakarta, TransJakarta Busway, übernommen hat. August 2012 hat die Wirecard Gruppe den Erwerb an der PT Prima Vista Solusi … Embora eu não conheça a história sobre a FXPro, meu ponto de vista desta empresa, eu não quero abrir com eles porque eu olho para o site é bastante vago. Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia Addressing bug reports and crafting new features on Verifone EDC for banks such as Bank Republik Indonesia, Commonwealth Bank, HSBC, etc. Hohes Interesse gebe es auch für die PT Wirecard Technologies Indonesia, die PT Prima Vista Solusi (beide Jakarta, Indonesien) und die Wirecard (Vietnam) Company Limited. PitchBook’s non-financial metrics help you gauge a company’s traction and growth using web presence and social reach. Through their respective subsidiaries in Asia, PT Prima Vista Solusi and Verifone Systems International, the two companies will collaborate to deliver a … Advising PT PRIMA VISTA SOLUSI, an Indonesian company providing electronic payment systems, in relation to its full shares disposal to Wirecard A.G., a German listed IT company. International Finance Desk June 24, 2016. by International Finance Desk June 24, 2016. Strong interest is being reported for PT Wirecard Technologies Indonesia, PT Prima Vista Solusi (both Jakarta, Indonesia), and Wirecard (Vietnam) Company … Am 16. PT Prima Vista: Das PT Prima Vista Solusi Unternehmen war einer der führenden Anbieter der innovativen Lösungen für den Zahlungsverkehr, Netzbetriebs und Technologien in Indonesien. The company provides point-of-sale services and allows its users … Through their respective subsidiaries in Asia, PT Prima Vista Solusi and Verifone Systems International, the two companies will collaborate to deliver a … Bekerjasama dengan berbagai Bank Umum membutuhkan karyawan Technical Support, Segera: Requirements: Pria Usia Maks. 131 Rt 02 Rw 01 Kel Sukabungah Kec Sukajadi, Bandung, Bandung, Jawa Barat, 40162, Indonesia. Prima Vista Solusi Head of Legal 3805471 Lowongan kerja terbaru. Wirecard telah mengakuisisi perusahaan fin-tech Indonesia yakni Prima Vista Solusi dan Aprisma (kalo ga salah dari 2006). Mungkin bagi teman-teman yang belum tahu bahwa Wirecard merupakan perusahaan multinasional yang bergerak di bidang fin-tech . Find more Others, Others-related job vacancies in Indonesia, Jakarta Selatan at Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia PVS operate several high profile services including merchant services for two of the biggest chainstores in Indonesia. PT. Gaji PT Primavista Solusi (Wirecard Asia Pacific) Gaji rata-rata External Salary Title. 5,79 Juta/Bulan. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Die Konsolidierung der im Dezember 2012 … 20 people follow this. Lowongan Kerja Admin PT Porto Indonesia Sejahtera Cabang Serang April 11, 2021 Lowongan Kerja …
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