FAAAS, Inc. 2010. Their conversations have to be generally one-sided. The Cassandra phenomenon depicts a state of confusion, self-doubt, and inner turmoil that is all too familiar among neurotypical people who, when describing their experiences with an adult on the spectrum, are doubted, discounted, ignored, even rejected by friends, family members, and sometimes professionals who disbelieve their account. The Cassandra Phenomenon. They often don’t come up while sitting in an office speaking to a professional and because the person is not aware of their presence it’s unlikely that person would volunteer how hard it is to understand them. – I will accept myself for who I am. It can be exciting to consider how one’s life can change for the better knowing what one is dealing with. Still intent on gaining credibility for the theory that her husband exhibits Asperger-type behaviours, she then seeks the support of people in her and her husband’s social network. Clear evidence that these characteristics are not caused by low intelligence or broad, across-the-board delays in overall development. Completing one or more of these questionnaires can identify abilities, inclinations and behavior that could be indicative of Asperger’s syndrome. There is a similar difference with respect to impulsivity. – I am not defective. The first meeting covers general facts about the person, particular those relating to his or her present life. Instead, they blame victims of their aggression, irresponsibility and exploitation. Their lives seem directionless and they appear to drift along in life. The Cassandra metaphor (variously labeled the Cassandra " syndrome ", " complex ", " phenomenon ", " predicament ", " dilemma ", " curse ") relates to a person whose valid warnings or concerns are disbelieved by others. Some people receive a diagnosis of Asperger’s with discouragement and disapproval, believing they necessarily will be severely limited in how they can lead their lives. It very well might be that some other condition is the real problem or, more likely, two or more conditions are overlapping. There has to be reduced sharing of interests and a lack of emotional give-and-take. Little or too much detail is included in conversation, and there is difficulty in recognizing when the listener is interested or bored. Do you have Asperger’s Syndrome or know someone who does? In the early 2000’s, the term Cassandra Phenomenon, sometimes referred to as the Cassandra syndrome, was coined to describe a group of symptoms that often occur in individuals who live with or know adults with Asperger’s. They are consistently and extremely irresponsible financially, in their employment, and with regard to their own safety and the safety of others. 2) The condition of being able to predict the future, be it the outcome of a particular event, or the reactions of others to the same event, and having no one believe your prophecy until it transpires. Others have expressed concerns that identifying such a syndrome are unnecessary because families/spouses can take care of their own problems with tolerance, acceptance, patience and inclusiveness. In many cases, the patient perceives their experiences as being a victim of bullying. Social Anxiety Disorder, also called social phobia, occurs when a person has a fear of social situations that is excessive and unreasonable. SAD is caused by sunlight deprivation; this can cause a neurochemical imbalance in the brain. A diagnosis is most assured when the signs of Asperger’s are present in the person all the time, they have an obvious effect on the person’s ability to be successful in life, and don’t vary much. She could foresee disasters, but could not convince anyone to forestall them. Families can deal cooperatively with the issues they encounter, utilizing outside help if need be, without blaming and stigmatizing the neurologically different individual. All Rights Reserved. A formal designation will provide recognition for professionals, allowing them to grasp the group nature of the patient’s concerns, rather than dismiss them to fend for themselves, returning them to the source of their distress. Pages 54-55. How can you find out if you have Asperger’s? The Cassandra Syndrome describes a mismatch of needs and expectations arising from interlocking misunderstandings that are typical for Neurodiverse Couples. Just as often other people, in researching Asperger’s symptoms, believe the person coming to see me has those very characteristics and therefore must have Asperger’s. have suggested that traumatic stress diagnoses are illogical leaps: “Labeling situation-based emotions and upsetting thoughts as ‘symptoms’ is akin to saying that someone’s cough in a smoky tavern is a symptom of respiratory disease.” (Rosen GM et al. : Masking in Men with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The dominate fear associated with social situations is of being closely watched, judged and criticized by others. We also agree that there is no need to blame or stigmatize any individuals for having neurological differences. The person may be able to identify basic emotions, such as intense anger, sadness or happiness yet lack an understanding of more subtle expressions of emotions such as confusion, jealousy or worry. The inability to have a satisfying emotional connection leaves neurotypical partners believing something is wrong with them. They confuse behaviors that may be appropriate in one setting from those that are appropriate in another, so that they often act in appropriate for the situation they are in. Diagnosing Asperger’s is a fairly easy process in principle. It sucks too. Why go through with it if there is no good reason to assume there might be some likelihood of finding the behaviors and signs of Asperger’s? Individuals with Asperger’s are rarely deceitful, in fact, they are often considered excessively, even naively honest, quite unlike those with APD who are predictably deceitful and unremorseful, and unlike people with Asperger’s they are incapable of feeling genuine love. First, it is logically obvious that a given psychological trauma, when ongoing, warrants at least equal recognition to that of trauma that has subsided. Poor nonverbal communication, which translates into poor eye contact, unusual body language, inappropriate gestures and facial expressions. Excerpt from “Counselling for Asperger Couples”, Barrie Thompson, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, UK, 2008. They may interrupt and say things without regard for whatever else is going on but it is because they don’t understand how conversations are carried out rather than not being able to restrain themselves. Children in dange and violated. If a stress overwhelms a patient’s psychological capacity at the time, then the stress is injurious; the patient is injured, not “abnormal.” Enormous and growing numbers of “normal” individuals are diagnosed with hypertension and hyperlipidemia, to the point that the majority of the population is considered affected, yet no one has proposed the diagnoses should be abandoned due to “expansion.”. The core features of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are frequent and persistent thoughts, impulses or images that are experienced as unwelcomed and uninvited. It can eliminate the worry that a person is severely mentally ill. Watch later. Adults with ADHD tend to process sensory input in a typical manner. Since AS is a lifelong disorder, then it would follow that 2% of men have AS. Geschichte Die Anfangszeit (1983–1987) Der in … Other professionals may take different steps but I have a clear-cut procedure that I go through when asked to assess Asperger’s. Some spokespersons representing individuals with AS have raised concerns that inclusion of OTRS/CP in the DSM would somehow marginalize individuals with AS. We are isolated, no one validates us, we lose friends and family, and we feel like ‘hostages’ in our own homes. Dr. Kenneth Roberson is an Asperger’s psychologist in San Francisco with over 30 years of experience. Join our newsletter for the latest articles, news, videos & resource updates. Research has shown growing evidence for a connection between Asperger’s and ADHD. Are you looking for a reference guide about Asperger’s in adults? They show little remorse for the consequence of their actions and tend to be indifferent to the hurt they have caused others. Indications that these characteristics are causing significant problems in relationships, work or other important areas of the person’s life. But in practice it is complicated and necessities a professional who understands thoroughly not just the characteristics of Asperger’s but how they are played out in real life. Maxine Aston. The Cassandra Complex are an electronic rock group originally formed by Rodney Orpheus, Paul Dillon, and Andy Booth in 1980 in Leeds, England. The second meeting focuses on the person’s background, particularly information about the person’s early family life; previous school experiences; past friendships, employment and intimate relationships; childhood emotional development and functioning, and significant interests throughout the person’s life. Someone with Asperger’s is socially awkward, cannot read or use body language or facial expressions well, have difficulty making eye contact, cannot understand sarcasm and jokes, tend to take things literally, may display socially inappropriate behavior without realizing it, have obsessive interests and may have problems with sensory issues. People with ADHD will do things without considering the outcome of their actions. A typical type of response in these circumstances from the NT spouse’s friend might then be, ‘I think he’s a little different to other men, but I think that’s kind of cute. After promising to be his lover in return, Cassandra later went back on her promise, and the enraged Apollo cast a curse on her that while she could see the future accurately no one would believe her prophecies. Final Analysis: Keep It Simple, Stupid A selection of new entries slated for inclusion in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Asperger's Syndrome can be seen in adults and in children if you know what to look for. They act immediately and have trouble waiting. To do that, an experienced professional needs investigate two things: the person’s medical, developmental, social, family and academic history; and how the person responds to a face-to-face assessment of social reasoning, communication of emotions, language abilities, focused interests, and non-verbal social interaction. It is known that loneliness, anxiety and depression can result when they try to tell people about their AS situation, but they are not listened to or are thought of as being melodramatic or even paranoid. At one point, they will have extreme energy, be unusually happy, energetic, talkative, feel wonderful about themselves and “on top of the world, have little need for sleep, be drawn to unimportant or irrelevant activities, and generally act unlike themselves. – I will find a career interest that is well suited to my abilities and interests. The term ‘Cassandra complex’ has entered the lexicon in 1949 when a French philosopher discussed the potential for someone to predict future events . A few years later, it was pointed out by a leader in the autism community in California, that we should change the name Mirror Syndrome because of too many ‘syndrome’ references. The pulmonologist would recognize it as bronchitis due to smoke exposure. FAAAS, Inc. 2010. It is often the case that a person seeking an evaluation does not have any documentation, formal or informal, that is relevant to the assessment process. If professionals fail to recognize damage produced by chronic, intimate exposure of a neurotypical individual to a family member with an autism spectrum disorder, the lack of validation creates extreme internal conflict, moral distress, loss of self-esteem, frustration, depression, and/or other symptoms, altogether popularly known as Cassandra Phenomenon or Cassandra Syndrome. Why would individuals who do not suffer from a diagnosis argue vehemently to block recognition of the diagnosis and its treatment? Often this gives others the impression that they lack emotion. On the other hand, in combination with other signs of Asperger’s, not noticing how people respond in conversations, could be a significant confirmation of an Asperger’s diagnosis. People with Bipolar Disorder (BD) have distinct ups and downs in their mood. The use of the prefix “post” is not necessary and excludes large numbers of individuals in need of professional help. In my case, I exhibit manic-depression combined with a Cassandra Complex. School reports might indicate past social and emotional difficulties, along with academic tendencies, that could be relevant to any indications of Asperger’s syndrome. Individuals with Asperger’s have trouble understanding how people operate but they do respect others, whereas people with APD have no regard for people. There would be no hand wringing over whether the patient is inherently “abnormal” or is having just a “normal” reaction to an ordinary stressor. I find it difficult to imagine what it would be like to be someone else. Cassandracomplex Artist is on Facebook. The bottom line is that Asperger’s is a descriptive diagnosis. Employers are more likely to understand the ability and needs of an employee should that employee make the diagnosis known. Without treatment, the damage can be permanent. For more information and support regarding the Cassandra phenomenon, visit the Families of Adults Afflicted with Asperger’s Syndrome website. Cassandra stemde toe, maar wilde daarvoor in ruil de gave om de toekomst te kunnen voorspellen. Cassandra in her youth was drawn into the service of Apollo, the God of Truth, of Music, Knowledge, Foresight, and Healing. I have had many cases where I was able to conclude with confidence whether the person had Asperger’s without seeing one single piece of written evidence about that person’s past. Shortly thereafter, in 2000, a friend in academia and medicine who understood the issue affecting NT spouses came up with the term Cassandra Phenomenon. They don’t know how to act appropriately in social situations and thus tend to avoid them. Just knowing how the person behaves, thinks and feels does not, in and of itself, tell you whether he or she has Asperger’s. Superficial social contact, niceties, passing time with others are of little interest. Asperger’s people do show and feel remorse whereas people with APD do not. Rosen et al. These questions help me assess whether the person’s attitudes towards life, conduct in relationships, and general success in achieving life goals reveal any of the characteristics that typically are found in people with Asperger’s. It also enables therapists, counselors and other professionals to provide the correct treatment options should the person seek assistance. OTRS/CP needs to be incorporated in the DSM-5, because most professionals did not receive any training with respect to AS and neurotypical relationships, given its very recent recognition. Adults with ADHD tend to express their feelings directly and fairly clearly whereas adults with Asperger’s do not show a wide range of emotions. Again, screening questionnaires are designed to identify potential cases of Asperger’s syndrome but they are not a substitute for a thorough diagnostic assessment. The difference is that people with Asperger’s do not view these behaviors are unwelcomed. They are hyper-focused rather than unfocused. We are isolated, no one validates us, we lose friends and family, and we feel like ‘hostages’ in our own homes. If your answer is Yes to any of these questions, this book is for you. In addition, people with SPD typically do not show these features until late adolescence or adulthood. Brain scans, blood tests, X-rays and other physical examinations cannot tell whether anyone has Asperger’s. This is neither likely nor relevant, in that OTRS is a no-fault diagnosis, and it is not a basis for excluding a true diagnosis. All too often, spouses and partners of adults with Asperger’s syndrome are met with puzzled looks, bewilderment, or even skepticism when describing their relationships. That's a funny one. Adult Asperger Assessment (AAA) (include link, for each test below), Friendship and Relationship Quotient (FQ), Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale (RAADS), The Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET). They may have preferences for how they handle sensory input like music, touch, sounds, and visual sensations but generally the way they handle these situations is much like other adults. Seit ihrer Gründung hat sich die Formation häufig geändert. I was particularly appreciative of the compassion that Dr. Roberson shows for the patient with this disorder.”, “This would be a good first book for someone who wants to learn more about Asperger’s Syndrome (AS). In this chapter, I will explain how the process of diagnosing someone for Asperger’s is usually carried out, both in general terms and the specific way I undertake a diagnosis. There's also the Cassandra Complex, after which I named myself, which is partly about not being taken seriously.. Human Right abuses taking place. The only way to tell is to be around someone long enough to experience what they are like, to see how they respond in situations that test the features of Asperger’s and ask the right kinds of questions to clarify whether they have those features. They are withdrawn because it makes life easier. With professional support, understanding, education, information, and validation, NT family members may be effectively treated.
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